Carpatho - Ukraine First issue of Uzhgorod Surcharges
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1137
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U13, Pp
1945, Coronation Church, black surcharge ''2.00'' on 80f brown olive, two stamps, one has inverted surcharge, both are type 1 (no last ''a'' in ''Zakarpats'ka'', von Steiden type IIIa), full OG, NH, VF and rare couple, only 24 and 4 stamps exist respectively, each one with Dr. Blaha's guarantee hs, C.v. CZK181,000=US$7,870, G. von Steiden #10.I, C.v. €6,250 (Image)
Opening US$ 2,000.00
Sold...US$ 2,000.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:47:22 EST
Sold For 2000
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1139
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U16
1945, Admiral Horthy, black surcharge (36 degree angle) ''10.00'' on 5p rose violet and buff, type 1 (von Steiden type IIIa), full OG, NH, VF and extremely rare, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK135,000=US$6,150,Georg von Steiden Cat. #13, €5,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,300.00
Sold...US$ 1,300.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:48:12 EST
Sold For 1300
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1142
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U19-24
1945, Postage Due stamps, black surcharges ''10''/2f - ''1.00''/40f, set of six, all are type 1 (von Steiden type IIIa, no last ''a'' in ''Zakarpats'ka''), full OG, NH, VF and rare, only 16 complete sets of type 1 possible, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK13,600, George von Steiden #P1.1/P10.1, C.v. €3,775 (Image)
Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:49:17 EST
Sold For 400
Postal Forms Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1192
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Mc9, a
Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps. 1944, two Money Order forms, 2f black, printed on rose watermarked paper, black handstamped overprint ''CSR'', first one has three (on stamp and on both emblems), another one - on stamp only, both placed on page from the Collection, fresh, unused and VF, C.v. CZK30,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:10:00 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1193
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Mc10
Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps. 1944, International Money Order form of 1930, 2f black on yellow paper without watermark, three black handstamps ''CSR'' on stamp and emblems, housed on page from the Collection, unused and VF, C.v. CZK15,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:10:27 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1194
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Mc11
Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps. 1944, Parcel Card form, 1f blue, printed on buff paper, black handstamped overprint ''CSR'', unused and VF, C.v. CZK15,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:10:54 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1195
Symbol: D
Cat No: Majer #Mc12
Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps. 1944, Customs Declaration form, 2f black, printed on green watermarked paper, black handstamp ''CSR'', minor paper folds, still VF and very rare, only 2 such items known, C.v. CZK18,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 200.00
Sold...US$ 200.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:11:19 EST
Sold For 200
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1196
Symbol: D
Cat No: Majer #Mc13-15
Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps. 1944, three Domestic Animals Trade Certificates, 50f green (sheep, goats, pigs), 1p red (horses) and 2p lilac (horses or oxen), each one with black ''CSR'' handstamp, VF and rare trio, two with Dr. Blaha's expert handstamps, C.v. CZK36,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:11:41 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1197
Symbol: D
Cat No: Majer #Mc18, a, Mc19
Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps. 1944, two Postal Money Order forms in dark green on dark buff paper and in green on buff paper; in addition form for Value Declare Letter, black text on grayish paper, each item with one or two black ''CSR'' handstamps, all are unused and VF, C.v. CZK9,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:12:03 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1198
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Mc20, Mc21a-22a
Mukachevo ''CSR'' Handstamps. 1944, stationery items for Field Post correspondences, form of parcel card and two postcard forms on rose or gray green paper, each item with one ''CSR'' handstamp in black, fresh and VF, C.v. CZK16,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:12:25 EST
Sold For 150
Second issue of Uzhgorod Surcharges
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1153
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U25Pp-30Pp
1945, Definitive issue, inverted black or red surcharges ''10'' on 1f gray, 2f orange and 3f ultra, ''40'' on 2f orange and on 5f red, surcharge types presented, full OG, NH, VF and rare unit, each one with Dr. Blaha expert's hs, C.v. CZK435,000=US$18,900 (Image)
Opening US$ 2,500.00
Sold...US$ 2,500.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:53:26 EST
Sold For 2500
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1155
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U31Pp
1945, Francis II Rakoczy, inverted black surcharge ''40'' on 8f dark green, surcharge type 2 under 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, only 8 stamps were printed, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK125,000=US $5,435 (Image)
Opening US$ 800.00
Sold...US$ 800.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:54:09 EST
Sold For 800
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1157
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U32Pp
1945, Count Hadik, inverted black surcharge ''40'' on 10f brown, surcharge type 1 under 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, only 10 stamps of all types were printed, expertized by G. von Steiden, C.v. CZK110,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 750.00
Sold...US$ 750.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:54:52 EST
Sold For 750
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1159
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U33Pp-35Pp
1945, Definitive and Great Women issues, inverted black or red surcharges ''40'' on 12f emerald, 18f gray and 20f red brown, surcharge types are identified, full OG, NH, VF and rare unit, each one expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK280,000=US$12,175 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,500.00
Sold...US$ 1,500.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:55:32 EST
Sold For 1500
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1161
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U38Pp-40Pp
1945, Definitive issue, inverted black surcharges ''60'' on 1f dark gray, 2f orange and 3f ultra, surcharge types identified, full OG, NH, VF and rare unit, each value with Dr. Blaha expert's hs, C.v. CZK305,000=US$13,260 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,800.00
Sold...US$ 1,800.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:56:26 EST
Sold For 1800
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1163
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U42Pp
1945, St. Stephen's Crown, inverted black surcharge ''60'' on 3f dark brown, surcharge type 4 under 27 degree angle, full OG with tiny spot of soiling, which is mentioned for record only, NH, VF and extremely rare, only 5 stamps were surcharged, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK175,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,200.00
Sold...US$ 1,200.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:57:16 EST
Sold For 1200
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1165
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U50
1945, Virgin Mary, black surcharge ''60'' on 18f dark gray, surcharge type 5 under 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and rare, 20 stamps were printed, expertized by Dr. Blaha and Dr. Sevke, C.v. CZK80,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:58:09 EST
Sold For 500
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1166
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U51Pp, U53Pp
1945, Virgin Mary and St. Stephen's Crown, inverted red or black surcharges ''60'' on 18f gray (type 1 - 27) and on 20f red brown (type 2 - 27), all with full OG, NH, VF and rare, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK205,000=US$8,920 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,200.00
Sold...US$ 1,200.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:58:37 EST
Sold For 1200
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1167
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U54Pp
1945, St. Stephen, inverted black surcharge ''60'' on 24f brown violet, surcharge type 2 at 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and extremely rare, only 5 stamps exist, signed by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK175,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,200.00
Sold...US$ 1,200.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:59:01 EST
Sold For 1200
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1168
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U55, Pp
1945, Virgin Mary, black surcharge ''60'' on 24f violet, two stamps with upright and inverted surcharge, both are type 4 under 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF, only 10 stamps with inverted surcharge were produced, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK112,600 (Image)
Opening US$ 750.00
Sold...US$ 750.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:59:28 EST
Sold For 750
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1169
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U56Pp
1945, St. Margaret, inverted black surcharge ''60'' on 24f deep violet, surcharge type 2 under 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and extremely rare, only 4 stamps exist, expertized by G. von Steiden, C.v. CZK200,000=US$8,700 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,500.00
Sold...US$ 1,500.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 15:59:51 EST
Sold For 1500
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1170
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U58Pp-60Pp
1945, Great Women, inverted black surcharges ''60'' on 30f henna and on 30f carmine; St. Stephen's Crown, inverted black surcharge ''60'' on 30f carmine, types are identified, full OG, NH, VF and scarce trio, each one with Dr. Blaha's guarantee hs, C.v. CZK241,000=US$10,480 (Image)
Opening US$ 1,500.00
Sold...US$ 1,500.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:00:24 EST
Sold For 1500
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1171
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U59TB
1945, St. Margaret, black surcharge ''60'' on 30f deep carmine, horizontal tete-beche pair, right stamp has inverted surcharge, types 5/4 under 36 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and one of two known pairs, expertized by Dr. Blaha, C.v. CZK350,000=US$15,900 (Image)
Opening US$ 3,000.00
Sold...US$ 3,000.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:01:59 EST
Sold For 3000
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1175
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U71-73
1945, Admiral Horthy, black surcharges ''2.00''/1p, ''4.00''/2p and ''10.00''/5p, complete set of three, all with watermark X, types 1 - 27 (2) or 5 - 36, full OG, NH, VF, expertized by Dr. Blaha and Dr. Sevke, C.v. CZK35,200 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:03:37 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1179
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U83/91
1945, War Relief Fund issue, black surcharges ''20''/1+1f - ''1.40''/70+8f, complete set of eight without error stamp of ''60''/20+2f, all are type 1 at 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF, expertized by Dr. Blaha and others, C.v. CZK60,900 (Image)
Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:04:58 EST
Sold For 600
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1184
Symbol: **
Cat No: Majer #U108
1945, Postage Due stamp, black surcharge ''30'' on 12f brown red, watermark Cross, Wreath and Crown (X), surcharge type 1 under 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, only 13 stamps of all types were produced, Dr. Blaha's expert hs, C.v. CZK98,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 600.00
Sold...US$ 600.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:06:49 EST
Sold For 600
Stationery items of Narodna Rada Berehove
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1205
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud5 I, var
Berehove. 1945, four unused and two used stationery postcards 18f green or dark green, printed on creamy or light buff paper, black overprint ''-.40'' (88 degree angle) over Chust handstamp ''CSP. 1944'', all with bar type I (17.5mm), one card has bars turned clockwise, used ones sent in Uzhgorod or from Uzhgorod to Serednje, VF, C.v. CZK80,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:15:08 EST
Sold For 500
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1206
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud9 var
Mukachevo. 1945, double (!) black surcharge ''-.40'' under 57 degree angle over ''CSP. 1944'' handstamp on stationery postcard 18f dark green, sent from Lypcha (not cancelled, but with sender's endorsement) to Soviet Field PO No.68.507-N, arrival marking is on front together with boxed censorship in rose red, some folds and repaired tear at top, still fine and probably unique card, C.v. CZK30,000 for card with a single surcharge, Est. $1,000-$1,200 (Image)
Opening US$ 500.00
Sold...US$ 500.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:15:33 EST
Sold For 500
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1207
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud14
Mukachevo. 1945 (August 18), stationery postcard 18f dark green with red surcharge ''1.-'' (54 degree angle), bar is 36x9mm, sent from Kerets'ky to Svalyava, VF and scarce, C.v. CZK30,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:15:59 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1208
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud17 I, var
Mukachevo. 1945, two unused and one used (Chust, December 13) stationery postcards 18f dark green with red surcharge ''1.-'' (54 degree angle), unused cards have horizontal bar under ''OTKRYTKA'' 36x11mm, while used one has bar size 36x16mm (not mentioned in the Cat.), VF and scarce trio, C.v. CZK54,000++ (Image)
Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:16:45 EST
Sold For 400
Surcharges on Field Post cards
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1211
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud21, a, var
Surcharges on Field Post cards. 1945, five unused fieldpost cards with black surcharge ''-.40'' printed on green or gray green paper, complete (2) or broken obliterating ornament above Hungarian emblem, including one card on gray paper (not listed in the Cat.), VF, C.v. CZK8,100++ (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:18:10 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1212
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud21a var
Surcharges on Field Post cards. 1945, unused and used (Berehove) fieldpost cards with black surcharge ''-.40'' on gray green paper, incomplete obliterating ornaments and bars, on used card in addition they are shifted to the left for 18mm, F/VF, spectacular and rare couple, Est. $300-$400 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
Sold...US$ 150.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:18:46 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1199
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud2 var
Uzhgorod. 1945 (April 18), stationery postcard 18f green with black surcharge ''40'' and obliterating bars strongly shifted to the right, sent from Syvlyush to Tekov, tied by violet circular postal markings with date endorsed, boxed receivers, archival pinholes, still VF and rare, C.v. CZK30,000++ (Image)
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:12:51 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1201
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud3
Uzhgorod. 1945 (March 5), stationery postcard 18f green with black surcharge ''40'' over Chust handstamp ''CSP. 1944'', sent from Velykyi Bereznyi to Barkasovo, violet circular postal marking with endorsed date and boxed censorship are alongside, mostly VF and rare, expertized by Dr. Blaha, priced with ''-'' in the Cat., Est. $600-$800 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:13:35 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1202
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud3a
Uzhgorod. 1945 (September 2), black surcharge ''40'' over handstamp ''CSP. 1944'' on stationery postcard 18f dark green, sent from Kerets'ky to Svalyava, cancelled by violet circular postal marking, the similar Svalyava receiver at left, manuscript date on reverse, VF and very scarce, especially with entry and arrival markings, C.v. CZK30,000++ (Image)
Opening US$ 250.00
Sold...US$ 250.00
Closed..Dec-05-2024, 16:13:56 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 102
Lot No: 1203
Symbol: C
Cat No: Majer #Ud3a
Uzhgorod. 1945, stationery postcard 18f dark green with black surcharge ''40'' over Chust handstamp, uprated by Hungarian surcharged value and sent from Kisvarda (Hungarian town in 50 miles from Uzhgorod) to Szolnok, straight line censorship is alongside, mostly VF and an interesting mixed franking item, Est. $300-$400 (Image)