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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale: 5154


Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6099
Cat No: Collection

image Canada Mint Collection, 1859/1976, in mounts on White Ace pages, some of the 19th century issues unused with 20th century mix of mostly o.g. and NH, includes nice section of "back of the book" issues and with premium including 15 unused, 36 NH (thin), 37, 42, 50-54 (1c-2c NH), 80-82, 110-20 (few NH), 141-48 NH, complete after 1931 including the high values, C1-9, E1, E3-11, J1-5, MR1-4, etc., usual mixed condition through George VI period, generally F-VF. Shipping charges apply - weight 4 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 4 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6100
Cat No: Collection

image Canada Collection, 1859/1987, extensive collection in mounts on White Ace pages in two binders, mixed mint and used through about 1930 and primarily complete mint (and much NH) thereafter, replete with commems, regular issues and "back of the book", many premium as 18-19 used, useful selection of mostly used Large and Small Queens with some shades, 46-47 used, 57 mint, 59 used, 71 mint, 74-84 used, 88 NH, 89-95 used, 100 used, 103 mint, 123-24 used, 155-59 used, 211-27 mint, E4-8 used, etc. plus a few pages of revenues, usual mixed condition through George V period, generally F-VF. Shipping charges apply - weight 9.4 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 9.4 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $600

Opening US$ 300.00
Sold...US$ 300.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 300

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6101
Cat No: Collection

image Canada, Back-of-the-Book Collection, mostly mint sets and singles including E1-2 mint, E3-5 NH, E7-8 NH, EO1-2 NH, F1-3 unused, J1-5 mint, J11-14 mint, MR1-2 mint, MR3-3a mint, MR4 NH, MR5 mint, MR6-7 NH, O1-32 NH plus another set of O1-32 mixed NH (including O9) and o.g., O47 block of 80 NH, also some postal stationery Victorian period cut squares mint and 1910s/40s assorted documents (some with revenues affixed), generally F-VF. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.6 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $500

Opening US$ 225.00
Sold...US$ 225.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 225

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6103
Cat No: Collection

image Canada, Dealer Stock of Better Postally Used, 1857-1929, 23 "102" cards with singles and sets of better Canadian issues; includes #15, 34-39, 66-69, 71-72, 74-84, 85-86 (and a 85 unused), 123-124, 192-194, 195-201, 203-204, 208-210, 211-216, 217-227, C1-C6, E1-E9, MR1-MR7, J1-J5, J6-J10, J11-J14, F1-F2, 160-161 pairs and more; consignor catatog $900+, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $200

Opening US$ 130.00
Sold...US$ 130.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 130

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6104
Cat No: Collection

image Canada, Small Queen Cancellation Collection, 1870-1897, at least 100, mostly Scott #35 with flag, Registered mark, and town circle date stamp postmarks on 22 stock cards; also examples of #36, 37, 42, 43, and 45; classic, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

Suggested Bid $2

Opening US$ 30.00
Sold...US$ 30.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 30

Canada & Provinces

Sale No: 5154
Lot No: 6098
Cat No: Collection

image Canada & Newfoundland, Respectable Collection, 1859-1973, Minkus album with a bit more used than mint and some nice classics, such as #15, 18, 22, 24b, 30, 40, 66-72, 74-83, 89-95, 100, 158 among others. Also included is a very nice selection of mint Newfoundland on stockpages, like 11A, 17, 29, 31 (3), 49, 59 (2), 75. There is some duplication with some lacking gum, and occasional condition issues with the earlier Canada, but overall a Fine to Very Fine lot, Scans available online. Shipping charges apply - weight 5 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Suggested Bid $750

Opening US$ 400.00
Sold...US$ 400.00

Closed..Jan-30-2022, 21:00:00 EST
Sold For 400

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