Sale No: 395
Lot No: 111
Cat No: Collections
Catalogue: 2024 Rennicks Stamps of Australia, 18th Edition, with issues to mid 2024 inc States, Decimal, FDC, PNC, PO Packs & PO Year albums, plus BCOF opts & AAT. 400+ pgs. Brand new. Just released. (Image1)
Estimate AU$45
Opening AU$ 35.00
Sold...AU$ 35.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 35
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 113
Cat No: Collections
1890s-1940s Collection in Lighthouse s/book with Aust States (430) for NSW (90) inc 1888 Centenary 20/- Carrington VFU with crisp 'Orange' cds. QLD (60) to 2/- Large Chalon. S. Aust (100) inc long QV to 2/6 purple, Tas (50), Victoria (100) inc 1907 QV 5/- variety 'Double' strike to 'POSTAGE' (ACSC cat $250), WA Swans (30). Aust Commonwealth to mid 1940s with 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved MNH. Kangaroos £1 grey 3rd wmk, opt SPECIMEN type C, VFM (SG 75s cat £120, ACSC 53xb cat $350) & £1 grey CofA wmk opt SPECIMEN type D (ACSC cat $80). 1913-36 KGV collection (96) with Single wmk to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II & Die III, 4d lemon & 5d brown. LM wmk set of 5, SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown & 4d olive. SM wmk perf 13½ x 12½ to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II & 4½d violet Die II. CofA wmk set of 8, all OS opts to 5d brown, plus OS/NSW perfins (10) to 4d blue. Then 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d opt OS, VFU/CTO. 1932 Lyrebird 1/- pr perf G/NSW, VFM, retail $180. 1941 KGVI 2½d/2d & 3½d/3d Ash imprint blks of 4 (3 of ea, ACSC cat $60) & 5½d/5d McCracken imprint blks (3, cat $90), 1946 BCOF opt set to 5/-, Thin paper Fine M (cat $260), plus other Pre-decimals & small selection of Qld Railway stamps. (630) (P) (Image1)
Estimate AU$600
Opening AU$ 400.00
Sold...AU$ 425.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 425
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 115
Cat No: Collections
1913-65 collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with Kangaroos 1st wmk (11) to 2/- with extra 2/- brown, plus 1/- 3rd wmk to fill the gap. 2nd wmk 9d, 2/-, 5/- (ACSC cat $1100), 3rd wmk set of 10 to 5/-. SM wmk (5) to 5/-, CofA (8) to £1, plus both OS opts. KGV (72) with single wmk to 1/4 inc 4d lemon, violet, blue. SM wmk perf 14 set of 8 to 1/4 inc 2d brown, 4 olive. Perf 13½x12½ comp to 1/4 inc 1d green Die II FU & 4½d Die II CTO. CofA wmk set of 8 & all OS opts. Then appears comp to end 1965 inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved. 1928 Kookaburra 3d blue M/Sheet VFU, 1931-32 OS opt set of 6 to 1/- inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d CTO (as is!). 1932 Bridge 5/- CTO & all the other 1930s Commem sets inc 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee to 2/-. 1938 Robes sets (2) to £1 slate. 1940 AIF set. 1946 BCOF opt set of 7 to 5/- Robes. 1949 Arms to £2, plus extra 5/- shade. QEII pre-dec comp inc 1959 Pics to Cattle 5/- white paper & 1964 Navigator set of 8 to £2. Mostly F-VFU, sl mixed condition in earlier. ACSC cat $6800. A good solid collection. (410) (P) (Image1)
Estimate AU$750
Opening AU$ 500.00
Sold...AU$ 525.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 525
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 134
Cat No: Collections
1913-65 collection in 1950s loose leaf album inc 5d brown M (cat $250) other Kangaroos to 5/-, plus 10/-, £1, £2 opt SPECIMEN (cat $320), KGV to 1/4 inc 3d blue perf OS wmk INV (cat $175) & 2d brown perf OS/NSW. 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved, 1930s Commems comp inc Kingsford Smith 2d, 3d, 6d brown opt OS, 1932 Bridge 5/- green Postally U (ACSC cat $400) & 1935 KGV SJ set to 2/- M. 1937 KGVI set to £1 Robes. 1949 Arms set to £2 green, pre-decimal QEII high val Pics to £1 Bass G-FU & 1966 Navigator set to $4 King MNH. Mostly mixed G-FU condition. ACSC cat $2000+. (Image1)
Estimate AU$350
Opening AU$ 275.00
Sold...AU$ 275.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 275
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 141
Cat No: Collections
1913-75 collection on Seven Seas illustrated pages in binder, small range of Roos to 5/- (3rd wmk), KGV to 1/4 inc 1d red Die II, 1914 6d Engraved Kookaburra, 1928 3d blue Kookaburra M/Sheet cds at Philatelic Exhibition (flts), 1931 Kingsford Smith comp inc opt OS, 1934 VIC Cent to 1/- (both perfs), 1935 Silver Jubilee & ANZAC, 1937 NSW all comp, Robes set to £1 (2 sets). 1949 Arms comp to £2, Navigators set of 8 to £2 (2 sets), 1971 Christmas se-tenant blk of 7, comp to 1975, range of Postage Dues from 1902 to 2/- & later to 5/- (3), small collection of Reg labels & pmks, blks of 6 Cinderellas, 1938 Philatelic Society (36). BCOF set used to 1/- & useful KGV to 5d M. Mainly F-VF U, some mixed condition, album with toning. Interesting collection. ACSC cat $2500+. (600 + 5 M/S) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Opening AU$ 350.00
Sold...AU$ 350.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 350
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 143
Cat No: Collections
1913-80 collection/accumulation in 3 as new Lighthouse 32 pg s/books (1 with Used, 2 with Mint). Used pre-decimal inc 1913 Kangaroo 1st wmk to 9d with 'flaw above I' (ACSC 24(2)g cat $175), 3rd wmk to 2/- inc 3d olive pr with inverted wmk (cat $350), KGV to 1/4, inc 4d lemon, 1/4 (3) then range to 10/- Navigator, Postage Due to 5/-, Mint inc 2d green SM wmk, perf 14, double perf (cat $300), 3d Harbour Bridge imprint blk of 4, range to 1965 Birds inc 2 stamp booklets, then decimal to 1970s inc 1971 Christmas blk of 25. GU-FU, M has tropicalisation throughout although some are Fine. ACSC cat $2000+. (2500 + 8 s/books) (Image1)
Estimate AU$275
Opening AU$ 200.00
Sold...AU$ 220.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 147
Cat No: Collections
1913-2005 collection in 2 quality SG album with illustrated pgs, inc 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk to 2/-, 3rd wmk to 5/- & £1 grey, SM wmk to 10/-, (10/- & £1 both telegraph punctures), CofA wmk to £1 FU, £2 GU, KGV to 1/4 virtually comp with all wmks, perforations inc all 1/4, noted 4d orange inverted wmk with variety 'PE joined (ACSC 110A(2)va), 2d red SM strip of 3 with ink clogging around bottom wmk line. Mostly comp from mid 1920s-1997 with Bridge set to 5/- CTO, Robes set to £1, Arms set to £2, Navigators to £1, Navigators to $4, Paintings to $20, 1998 to 2005 about 75% comp, range of Postage Dues to 5/-, AAT 1957-2005 mostly comp. Few mixed condition but generally F-VFU. ACSC cat $6000+. (2000+50+M/S). (P) (Image1)
Estimate AU$1,300
Opening AU$ 900.00
Sold...AU$ 1,000.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 1000
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 148
Cat No: Collections
1913-2012 Collector's accumulation sorted into eleven medium-large European s/books inc Kangaroos (95) to 5/-, KGV (180) to 1/4 inc Official Perfins, 1936 S.Aust Cent set to 1/- (4) & 1950s-60s Pre-decimal Pics to 5/-. Then many 1000s of stamps to 2012 QEII Jubilee inc high value non-letter rate Pics & Commems, 1966 Navigator set to $4 King (10), 1970s Paintings to $10, 1980s Gardens to $10, 2000 Sydney Olympic Pictorial plus good variety of International Post Issues in a separate volume. Overall quite comprehensive, G-F/VFU/CTO. (many 1000s)
Estimate AU$350
Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 151
Cat No: Collections
1914-50 pre-decimal accumulation in large white binder with 1914 Kookaburra 6d engraved (5), 1930 Sturt perf OS CTO (4 sets), 1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS CTO (4 sets), 1931 Kingsford Smith opt OS 2d (6) & 3d (3) mostly VF CTO, other Airmails with 1929 3d green (7), 6d brown (5) & 6d violet (5), 1932 Lyrebird 1/- opt OS (2). 1934 VIC Cent sets (14) to 1/- black, 1935 ANZAC 1/- (2) & KGV Silver Jubilee sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA sets to 1/- (7), 1937 Robes 5/- (10), 10/- (9) inc SPECIMEN opt & £1 (6). 1940 AIF 6d brown (12). 1949 Arms 10/- (25), £1 (15) & £2 (3), plus reasonable range of 1930s 2d & 3d Commems, scattered Kangaroos to 2/- M, KGV to 1/4 inc OS opts to 4d olive. Also 1964 Navigators 7/6 (4), 10/- (22), £1 (9) & £2 (3). Generally F-VF. ACSC cat $3850 not counting Kangaroos or KGV! (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$500
Opening AU$ 350.00
Sold...AU$ 350.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 350
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 159
Cat No: Collections
1920s-60s chaotic collection in hagner album with KGV (80) to 5d brown, G-FU with mostly Federal or State Official Perfins. 1930s high val Commems inc 1931 Kingsford Smith sets (3), 1934 VIC Cent to 1/-, 1935 ANZAC 1/-, 1930s-50s imprint blks (45) to 5/- Robes, plus 1936 Cable 2d plate number 2, 4 cnr blks of 4. Mostly F-VF M/MNH. Then Used array to mid 1960s inc 1929 Airmail 3d green (10), 1930s 3d blue Commems (30), 1931 Kingsford Smith set, 1934 VIC Cent sets (3), 1936 South Aust to 1/- (2), 1937 KGVI to 10/- Robes, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (3). 1940 AIF set to 6d (3), 1949 Arms sets to £2 (3) & 1964 Navigators to £1 Bass. Also Postage Dues useful accumulation (200) to 5/- & AAT pre-decimal Pics to 2/3 Penguins. Variable condition throughout, mixed M/MNH, G-F/VFU. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 161
Cat No: Collections
1927-65 collector's pre-decimal accumulation in 2 large Chinese s/books inc 1914 Kookaburra 6d Engraved (2), 1932 Lyrebird 1/- & Bridge 2d (4), 3d all opt OS. 1934 VIC Cent sets to 1/- (3) & Macarthur sets of 4 (3). 1935 ANZAC 1/- & KGV Silver Jubilee sets to 2/- (2). 1936 SA sets to 1/- (7). 1937 NSW Sesqui sets (3). 1938 KGVI set to £1 Robes. 1940 AIF sets to 6d (4). 1950s 2/- Commems (40) & 1963 Navigators 7/6 (2), 10/- (4) & £1 (4). Variable condition with dust/toning, mostly on the albums with G-F/VFU stamps sighted throughout (see scans). Est retail $1300+. (Many 100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$130
Opening AU$ 90.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 162
Cat No: Collections
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 167
Cat No: Collections
1928-31 semi specialised collection on loose leaves with 1928 Kookaburra 3d M/Sheet, plus single with red Exhibition pmk. 1930 Sturt 1½d plate number set of 8 blks of 4 & 3d plate 1, 2 cnr blks of 4. 1931 Kingsford Smith 2d set of 8 plate numbers cnr blks of 4, 3d plate number trio cnr blks of 4, plus 2d, 3d imprint multiples. Mostly F-VF M/MNH. ACSC cat $1200. (Image1)
Estimate AU$350
Opening AU$ 220.00
Sold...AU$ 230.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 230
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 171
Cat No: Collections
1930 Sturt 1½d & 3d. Ten sets fresh MNH. SG cat £110 as M, should be at least double, £220 MNH. ACSC cat $230. (20). (Image1)
Estimate AU$50
Opening AU$ 35.00
Sold...AU$ 35.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 35
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 172
Cat No: Collections
1930-48 KGV& KGVI Commems on 16 hagners. 1930 1½d Sturt Plate blks of 4. Nos 1-8, Ash imprint blk of 4 (2), 3d Sturt Plate blks of 4 Nos 1-2 (2), Ash imprint blk of 4, 1934 Macarthur 2d imprint blks (3 inc 1 Dark Hills), 3d imprint blk of 4, 9d imprint pr 1935 Jubilee 2d Plate blks of 4, No 1 (2), No2, No3 (2), No4, No5, No6 (2) & imprint blk of 4, 2/- Plate 1 marginal single with fold through top, 1936 SA Cent imprint blks of 4 - 2d, 3d, 1/-. 1937 1/6d Hermes Chalk paper McCracken imprint blk (2), 1948 Hermes CofA wmk McCracken imprint blk. Also 1-2 sets of ea issue 1930 Sturt set perf OS. Some faults but generally F-VF MLH/MNH. ACSC cat $4000+ (150+). (Image1)
Estimate AU$350
Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 250.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 250
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 190
Cat No: Collections
1937-52 Mint collection in Seven Seas hingeless pgs with 1937 Defs to £1 inc 3d blue (5), KGVI Robes 5/-, 10/-, £1 thick & thin papers, plus extra 10/- opt SPECIMEN. 1937 NSW Sesqui set to 9d. Zoologicals set of 17 to 1/-. 1940 AIF set. 1946 BCOF opt set of 7 to 5/-. 1949 Arms set to £2 (tiny tone spots). 1950 Defs to 2/6 Aborigine no wmk & all the other Pic, Def, Commem sets, mostly F-VF M/MLH. ACSC cat $1050. (119) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Opening AU$ 220.00
Sold...AU$ 220.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 194
Cat No: Collections
1940s-60s massive off-paper mix/accumulation (many 1000s) with Pics, Commems, Defs inc OHMS Savings For Service envelopes inc 1930s-40s 1/6 claret Airmails, 1945 Peace, 1946 Gloucester sets inc quantity 1950s-60s Pics/Commems sorted into plastic bags, plus enormous mess inc vals to £1 Arms at the bottom of the carton. Also 1914-63 unbalanced collection in 2 contemporary springback albums inc sparse Kangaroos to 2/-, KGV (120) inc ½d orange opt OS blk of 16, & 1d red (50) inc shades & varieties, 1934 VIC Cent set, 1934 Macarthur sets (3) & scattered 1940s imprints inc 2d, 3d, 6d AIF blks of 4.
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 130.00
Sold...AU$ 130.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 196
Cat No: Collections
1953 Coronation set 3½d, 7½d, 2/-. 52 sets in blks of 32 & 20. VF fresh MNH. SG 264-66 cat £260. ACSC cat $208. (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 50.00
Sold...AU$ 70.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 70
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 197
Cat No: Collections
1956 Melbourne Olympics set of 4 to 2/-, 30 sets VF MNH inc blks & multiple. ACSC cat $5 per set, total $150. (120) (Image1)
Estimate AU$50
Opening AU$ 40.00
Sold...AU$ 45.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 45
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 203
Cat No: Collections
Australia 1966-1994 in 2 Seven Seas hingeless albums with slip cases, inc blk of 25 1971 Christmas, some gutter blks of 10 with colour bars, 1966 Navigator specimen set to $4 (2) with both size opt on 75c Cook, also 1981 PO Year album, 1966-88 reasonably comp inc gutter strips & multiples later issue patchy. Mostly F-VF MNH. Some toning on pages not affecting MNH stamps. FV $500+. (800+). (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Opening AU$ 180.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 204
Cat No: Collections
1966-1998 MNH Collection in 4 Seven Seas Hingeless albums (pages VGC 1981 onwards inc some Optionals, retail $400) inc 1966 Defs to $4 King, 1970 ANPEX M/Sheet, 1971 Christmas blks of 25 cream & white papers, plus all other better early 1970s commem sets, 1974-79 Paintings to $10, 1980s Pics/commems inc SPECIMEN opts & high vals to $20 Gardens, 1990-1998 Booklets inc Koala Reprints & 1996 AFL set of 16 Teams, other extras inc 1993 Parliamentary standard & reversed panes of 25 & assorted self adhesives. Retail $600 to end 1985 with another $1040 FV to end 1998, plus $400 for the albums. Total $2040. (Image1)
Estimate AU$650
Opening AU$ 550.00
Sold...AU$ 550.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 550
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 205
Cat No: Collections
1966-2000 MNH collection in 6 hagner albums inc strips, blks, booklet panes & M/S, seems comp with a minimum of 2 copies of ea issue, noted decimal Navigators, 1971 Xmas blk of 25, Paintings to $10, AFL Centenary etc. Fresh VF MNH. Estimate FV $1000+.
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 350.00
Sold...AU$ 375.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 375
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 206
Cat No: Collections
1966-2001 M/MNH collection in Seven Seas pages (hingeless 1986-2001, retail $350+). Very near comp inc 1966 Defs to $4, 1971 Christmas 7c blks of 9 & 25, 1970s Paintings to $10, 1980s high vals to $20 Gardens & 1999-2001 International Post Pics to $20 Uluru. Retail $350 to end 1980 & FV $635 1981-2001. Also AAT collection M/MNH to 2012 Expedition M/Sheet (FV $150) inc 1963 Defs to 2/3 Penguins & 1966 Pics to $1 F-VFM, plus 1995 Singapore opt & 1996 CAPEX opt M/Sheets MNH (retail $80). Total costs/retail $1600. (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 275.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 275
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 217
Cat No: Collections
1981-end 2000 Decimal FDC collection in 9 matching maroon binders with 530 FDC in 300 1- or 2-strip hagner style pgs inc 1980s Pics to $20 Gardens & 1990s Pic/Commem sets, plus odd M/Sheet. Also Christmas Is 1990s Lunar New Year M/Sheets, plus AAT & Cocos Is. Mostly VF condition, FV $650 1991-2001, plus another $500 for the binders & pages, total $1150. Also some ephemera inc Australia Post Olympic Games Prestige stamp album. (530) (Image1)
Estimate AU$180
Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 130.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 226
Cat No: Collections
1996 AFL Centenary booklet set of 16. Fresh MNH, Pfr cat $160.
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 50.00
Sold...AU$ 55.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 55
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 233
Cat No: Collections
2000 Sydney Olympics PO album with set of 16 $450 Gold Medalist sheetlets, digital print with Possum logo at LR (Victoria). FV $72. (Image1)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 50.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 234
Cat No: Collections
2000 Sydney Olympics PO Album with set of 16 Gold Medalists digital print with Kangaroo logo set LR cnr. Fresh MNH. Still not easy to find comp. FV $72. (16)
Estimate AU$60
Opening AU$ 50.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 235
Cat No: Collections
2000 Sydney Olympics PO Album with set of 16 Gold Medalists digital print from NSW with Platypus logo at LR cnr. Fresh MNH. Still not easy to find comp. FV $72. (Image1)
Estimate AU$70
Opening AU$ 50.00
Sold...AU$ 50.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 50
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 236
Cat No: Collections
2001-2010 FDC collection in 8 maroon Aust Post FDC binders with 560 FDC in 280 hagner style pgs inc AAT, Christmas Is, Cocos Is with plenty of Pic/Commem sets inc higher vals & International Post to $20 Uluru (3). Minor duplication throughout, FV $1400, plus another $450 costs for the binders & pages, total $1850. (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Opening AU$ 200.00
Sold...AU$ 220.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 278
Cat No: Collections
Cocos Islands-Australia Feb 1994-May 2021 comp MNH collection in Seven Seas slip-case hingeless album (retail $160). All valid for use in Australia, FV $250 plus extra for the album. Modern issues hard to find. Fresh MNH. (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 282
Cat No: Collections
Covers 1929-34 First Flight covers to UK, 1929 (14 Dec) registered, 1931 (Apr) Experimental (both) (May) KLM (sl fault) & Christmas flights, plus 1934 (Dec) to & from UK, mostly fine, AAMC 146, 188, 190, 206, 222, 469, 470 cat $500. (7). (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 85.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 284
Cat No: Collections
Covers: 1933-64 First Flight covers to PNG 1933 (Feb) to Salamaua, 1934 return to New Guinea & Papua, 1938 to Papua, return to Papua (2), New Guinea (3), plus 1964 TAA flight addressed to Wewak, AAMC 296, 393, 809, 812, 1522 cat $530. Mixed condition. (10). (Image1)
Estimate AU$110
Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 90.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 90
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 285
Cat No: Collections
Covers - 1949 Northam Immigration Centre on Mil PO correspondence (25 Aug-21 Nov), 4 with return address Dept of Immigration Accommodation Centre, Northam, first two with Mil PO Northam cds (PMI type E31a) & last three Relief PO No 2 cds, neither recorded by PMI who record the Mil PO reopening 15 Aug-23 Sep 1949 but 'It is not known what cds was used'. One with Free the Baltic States label on back. (5). (Image1)
Estimate AU$110
Opening AU$ 75.00
Sold...AU$ 80.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 80
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 291
Cat No: Collections
Covers: 1970-90s collection (960) in 7 albums, plus 8th album with around 160 unsorted PSE with good variety & minimal duplication inc scattered 1960s Commem singles, 1970 Large Cook PO envelope, unaddressed. 1971 Christmas 7c blk of 17, 1974 Paintings trio to $4, 1980s Framas & 1990s high val Pic/Commem sets inc vals to $20. Then 2nd carton with more 1980s-90s FDC (550) with the usual range of Pic/Commem sets & singles inc many non letter rate vals to $20 Gardens inc 2004 Olympic Gold Medallists FDC set of 17 diff, plus another 750 20c-45c Pic/Commem PSE mixed UN/CTO. (2250) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 292
Cat No: Collections
Covers: 1970-99 FDC collection in 3 Davo albums, 40 hagners & loose in 2 boxes, strength in 1990s Pic/Commem sets inc 1994 Family & 1995 Dunlop PNC, plus AAT Base Cancels (44) inc sets of 4 Bases. All fresh & clean inc vals to $20 Gardens. Also another 30 size 2 hagners in 2 plastic packs & empty FDC album. (600).
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 40.00
Sold...AU$ 40.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 293
Cat No: Collections
Covers 1970-2023 FDC/PSE accumulation (220) inc 1979 Lindsay Creswick pmk & 1979 Red Cross with Billy Blood Drop red cachet, 1970 RV unaddressed FDC. 1967 Europa 1 Woomera Rocket Launch, plus 2013-23 mixed FDC (FV $340). Also 130 GB 1960s-80s FDC & misc items. (400). (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Opening AU$ 100.00
Sold...AU$ 110.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 110
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 297
Cat No: Collections
Covers: 1981-end 2000 FDC collection in 9 maroon Aust Post FDC binders with 500 FDC in 315 1- or 2-strip pages. Reasonably comprehensive inc AAT, Christmas Is 1990s Lunar New Year M/Sheets, Cocos Is sets, high val Commem sets, Pics to $20 Gardens M/Sheets to $10 Wetlands & Philatelic Exhibition inc 1999 World Stamp Expo & 2000 Olymphilex. Also more 2000 Olympic covers inc Opening/Closing Days, Torch Relay set of 9, Centenary of Women in Olympics set of 17 & 28 diff Pictorial pmks set of all 17 Days from 15 Sep - 1 Oct (476 diff at a cost of around $300) thematics, plus some Olympic ephemera with Sydney 2000 Official Souvenir Books, Follow the Flame (Olympic Torch Relay) & Australia Post Olympic Games Prestige stamp album. (1000) (Image1)
Estimate AU$220
Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 304
Cat No: Collections
Covers collection in 2 cartons inc Great Britain FDC & Commem covers 1960-2001 (135) Gilbert & Ellice, Tuvalu, Kiribati 1960s-80s (30+), India 1969-88 mostly FDC (145), New Zealand 1946-80s mostly FDC (250+), New Hebrides 1970-73 (35), Solomon Is c1970-90s (40), Papua New Guinea 1964-late 70s (80). F-VFU. (820)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 90.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 90
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 305
Cat No: Collections
Covers: Pre-Decimal FDC collection (340) to 1965 Churchill inc 1937 KGVI 1d, 2d Die I (7), 1946 Mitchell (registered), 1951 Federation (2 diff cachets), 1952 KGVI 1/0½d. Aborigine 2/6 on single FDC, 1953 Coronation, 1953 Tas Sesqui Cent. 1955 South Aust Cent registered St Paul's (2 diff cachets) 1959 Flowers to 3/- & 1964 Birds set. Decimals (300) to 1979 Trains with wide range of cachets inc 1970 Expo, Grasslands & RV unaddressed PO Pictorials then mostly Private cachets or PO Generic with good variety & minimal duplication. Nearly all addressed, some sl mixed condition inc minor tropicalising, generally F-VF. (640). (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 170.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 170
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 313
Cat No: Collections
Covers - Postal stationery collection/accumulation from late 1960s-2002 inc some Aerogrammes, then extensive & large range of PSEs, many UN & also FDI cancelled. Few others, plus others, mainly VFU. (c1400)
Estimate AU$40
Opening AU$ 20.00
Sold...AU$ 20.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 20
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 315
Cat No: Collections
Covers: 1968-77 extensive FDC collection/accumulation inc 1968 Soil/Medical gutter prs (2) & 1969 Christmas set. 1970 onwards mostly PO Official unaddressed inc Grasslands (3), Expo (3), Royal Visit (3) & Large Cook (4). 1971 RSPCA (7), Indigenous Art (18), 1971 Christmas blk of 7 (8), other 6c, 7c Commems with extras, 1972 Beef set (15), 1972 Christmas (10), 1973 Fam Aust (9), 1973 Nat Dev (5), 1974 Paintings (9), 1974 Animals (10) & other issues contemporary to period in similar qty. Some mostly light tropical spots in a few of the early FDC o/w clean & fresh & VFU condition. (1000+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$180
Opening AU$ 120.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 120
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 320
Cat No: Collections
Decimal 1970s to post 2000 MNH accumulation s/book & loose largely MNH sets, plus some packs. All VF. FV $1040.
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 425.00
Closed..Jan-29-2025, 15:00:00 EST
Sold For 425
Sale No: 395
Lot No: 322
Cat No: Collections