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Records 1 to 50 of 1102

Stampedia Auction Japan, inc Sale: 30

1871 Dragon mon currency
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 824
Cat No: 4(4B), 3(4B), 2(4B), 1(4B

image Dragon Stamp Four Blocks of Four, 48 Mon pos.1-2/9-10, 100 Mon pos.28-29/36-37, 200 Mon pos.25-26/33-34, 500 Mon pl.1 pos.29-30/37-38 unused fresh surface (Image1)

Opening YEN 300,000.00
Sold...YEN 390,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 390000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 825
Cat No: 1

image Dragon 48 Mon pl.1 pos.1 unused stained, paper attached, torn, (Image1)

Opening YEN 5,000.00
Sold...YEN 5,400.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 5400

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 826
Cat No: 1

image Dragon 48 Mon pl.1 pos.20 unused fresh surface , pin hole, (Image1)

Opening YEN 15,000.00
Sold...YEN 15,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 15000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 827
Cat No: 1

image Dragon 48 Mon pl.1 pos.3 used fresh surface , pin hole, cancelled by fancy cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 20,000.00
Sold...YEN 20,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 20000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 828
Cat No: 1

image Dragon 48 Mon pl.1 pos.24 used peeled, paper attached, cancelled by fancy cancellation Aki/ Hiroshima (Image1)

Opening YEN 15,000.00
Sold...YEN 15,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 15000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 831
Cat No: 2

image Dragon 100 Mon pl.2 pos.9 used holed, full margin, cancelled by fancy cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 5,000.00
Sold...YEN 6,200.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 6200

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 832
Cat No: 3

image Dragon 200 Mon pl.1 pos.16 used paper attached, cancelled by framed three letters cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 15,000.00
Sold...YEN 26,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 26000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 833
Cat No: 3

image Dragon 200 Mon pl.1 pos.8 used holed, missing part, cut into face, cancelled by fancy cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 835
Cat No: 3

image Dragon 200 Mon pl.2 pos.8 used unreadable cancellation, (Image1)

Opening YEN 8,000.00
Sold...YEN 10,250.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 10250

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 836
Cat No: 3

image Dragon 200 Mon pl.2 pos.14 used (Image1)

Opening YEN 6,000.00
Sold...YEN 6,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 6000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 837
Cat No: 4

image Dragon 500 Mon pl.1 pos.11 unused stained, (Image1)

Opening YEN 8,000.00
Sold...YEN 10,500.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 10500

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 838
Cat No: 4

image Dragon 500 Mon pl.1 pos.32 used full margin, cancelled by fancy cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 15,000.00
Sold...YEN 15,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 15000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 839
Cat No: 4

image Dragon 500 Mon pl.2 pos.40 used full margin, cancelled by fancy cancellation unreadable cancellation, (Image1)

Opening YEN 40,000.00
Sold...YEN 40,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 40000

1872 Dragon Sen currency
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 840
Cat No: 5

image Dragon half Sen pl.1 pos.1 used RC, cancelled by fancy cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 6,000.00
Sold...YEN 6,208.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 6208

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 841
Cat No: 5

image Dragon half Sen pl.1 pos.28 used holed, paper attached, cancelled by (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 842
Cat No: 6

image Dragon 1 Sen pl.3 pos.12 unused paper attached, catalog value:1,500,000YEN (Image1)

Opening YEN 300,000.00
Sold...YEN 300,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 300000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 843
Cat No: 6

image Dragon 1 Sen pl.2 pos.15 used fresh surface , cancelled by fancy cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 15,000.00
Sold...YEN 15,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 15000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 846
Cat No: 7

image Dragon 2 Sen pos.34 used imcomplete perf., (Image1)

Opening YEN 7,000.00
Sold...YEN 7,800.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 7800

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 847
Cat No: 8

image Dragon 5 Sen pos.2 used fresh surface , paper attached, imcomplete perf., repaired perf., cancelled by fancy cancellation (Image1)

Opening YEN 10,000.00
Sold...YEN 12,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 12000

1872-1874 Cherry blossom Native Pap
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 857
Cat No: 15,16

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing half Sen, Government printing 1 Sen type Ⅲ pl.5 pos.15 unused no gum, (Image1)

Opening YEN 4,000.00
Sold...YEN 4,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 4000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 858
Cat No: 16(2)

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing 1 Sen (2) unused no gum, paper attached, imcomplete perf., (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,200.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3200

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 859
Cat No: 16(2)

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing 1 Sen (2) unused no gum, (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,400.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3400

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 860
Cat No: 16(2)

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing 1 Sen (2) unused stained, no gum, (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,400.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3400

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 861
Cat No: 16(2)

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing 1 Sen (2) unused no gum, (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 863
Cat No: 16(3S)

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing 1 Sen strip(3) cancelled by double ring cds 4/16Iwashiro/ 黒澤 arrival :岩代/大倉 4/ー (Image1)

Opening YEN 5,000.00
Sold...YEN 33,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 33000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 864
Cat No: 16,17

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing 1 Sen, Government printing 2 Sen red cancelled by double ring cds 1873-04-26 Tokyo arrival :不統一印 福島:発酉四月廿九日 岩代福嶋/郵便御用役所(朱印) folded paper, (Image1)

Opening YEN 5,000.00
Sold...YEN 5,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 5000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 866
Cat No: 19

image 1872-1874 Cherry Blossom Native Paper Government printing 4 Sen type Ⅰ single franking 1/1Iwashiro/ 証示印:◎KB1型 若松 arrival :◎KG型 岩代/福島 10/1 (Image1)

Opening YEN 10,000.00
Sold...YEN 10,500.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 10500

1872-1890 wrappers
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 1145
Cat No: OW1

image used double ring cds 1888-01-30 Kanda to 独逸郵便会社 arrival :横浜 1/30 (Image1)

Opening YEN 5,000.00
Sold...YEN 15,500.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 15500

1873-1874 stamped envelope and etc
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 901
Cat No: SE1

image 1873 Stamped envelope Native Envelope 2 Sen -i used paper attached, numeral cancellation Mikawa/ 豊橋:鉦示印 ◎KG型(朱印) to 駿河 嶋田 cover stained, (Image1)

Opening YEN 6,000.00
Sold...YEN 6,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 6000

1874 Cherry Blossom NImported Paper
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 867
Cat No: 26

image 1874 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper 4 Sen without kana type Ⅰ used stained, cancelled by cross road (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 5,400.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 5400

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 868
Cat No: 27

image 1874 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper 30 Sen without kana pos.23 unused no gum, imcomplete perf., catalog value:5,000,000YEN with cert 2024 全日本郵趣連合 Philatelic Federation of Japan (Image1)

Opening YEN 1,200,000.00
Sold...YEN 1,200,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 1200000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 869
Cat No: 35

image 1874 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper 30 Sen grey-black with kana -i used stained, bent, (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,083.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3083

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 870
Cat No: 29(2P)

image 1874 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper 1 Sen blue with kana -he pair 11/5Omi/ 西大路 証示印:◎KG型 to 群馬・板鼻 transit :◎N1B1型 東京 明治8 11 8、◎KB1型 高崎 11/10、 insected cover, (Image1)

Opening YEN 10,000.00
Sold...YEN 10,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 10000

1874 folded postal card
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 886
Cat No: PC4

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue 1 Sen used fancy cancellation Wakayama (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3000

1875 Bird issue
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 872
Cat No: 36

image 1875 Bird issue 12 Sen -i unused stained, hinged, (Image1)

Opening YEN 5,000.00
Sold...YEN 5,600.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 5600

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 873
Cat No: 37,38

image 1875 Bird issue 15 Sen, 45 Sen -i used stained, (Image1)

Opening YEN 5,000.00
Sold...YEN 5,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 5000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 874
Cat No: 36, 37, 40, 44

image 4 stamps affixed on a document SPECIMEN dotted in black, (Image1)

Opening YEN 8,000.00
Sold...YEN 10,500.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 10500

1875 Cherry Blossom new color
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 875
Cat No: 29(2P)

image 1874 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper 1 Sen blue with kana -chi pair stained, cancelled by double ring cds 6/12Iwashiro/ 西本 transit :岩代/高田 6/13, 岩代/若松 6/ (日付空欄) arrival :岩代/福島 6/15 (Image1)

Opening YEN 10,000.00
Sold...YEN 72,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 72000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 876
Cat No: 41(2), 42

image 1875 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper half Sen grey with kana -ro(2) cancelled by numeral cancellation 1/17Iwashiro/ 福島 証示印:◎KG型 (Image1)

Opening YEN 8,000.00
Sold...YEN 11,500.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 11500

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 877
Cat No: 42(2P)

image 1875 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper 1 Sen brown with kana -ta pair missing part, scissor cut, cancelled by double ring cds 6/24Iwashiro/ 桑折 arrival :東京 ◎N2B2型 明治9 6 26 (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 878
Cat No: 64,41(2P)

image 1876-1879 The third issue 2 Sen olive, 1875 Cherry Blossom Imported Paper half Sen grey with kana -ro attached on the back cancelled by double ring cds Iwashiro/ 本宮 (Image1)

Opening YEN 7,000.00
Sold...YEN 7,208.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 7208

1875 folded postal card
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 887
Cat No: pc5

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication half Sen -nu unused stained, (Image1)

Opening YEN 1,000.00
Sold...YEN 1,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 1000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 888
Cat No: pc5

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication half Sen -ha unused (Image1)

Opening YEN 1,000.00
Sold...YEN 1,400.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 1400

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 889
Cat No: pc5

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication half Sen -ha unused (Image1)

Opening YEN 1,000.00
Sold...YEN 1,000.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 1000

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 890
Cat No: pc5

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication half Sen -he unused (Image1)

Opening YEN 1,000.00
Sold...YEN 1,400.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 1400

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 891
Cat No: pc5

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication half Sen -chi unused (Image1)

Opening YEN 1,000.00
Sold...YEN 1,800.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 1800

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 892
Cat No: PC3, PC4

image , 2post(al) cards Internal Postalcard 1874 issue half Sen used numeral cancellation 1875-01-24 Kobe arrival :大阪 1/25 stamp dropped, (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 5,400.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 5400

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 893
Cat No: PC5(4)

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication half Sen (4) used cancelled by double ring cds numeral cancellation 東京, 和歌山, 1874-1876 (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,600.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3600

Sale No: 30
Lot No: 894
Cat No: PC6(11)

image Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication 1 Sen (11) used double ring cds numeral cancellation bad condition , vague cancellation, (Image1)

Opening YEN 3,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,800.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3800
Sale No: 30
Lot No: 895
Cat No: PC6

image , 2post(al) cards Internal Postalcard 1874 issue without vertical indication 1 Sen -nu used numeral cancellation Harima/ 龍野 証示印:不統一印 transit :Osaka arrival :京都 明治7 12 11 (Image1)

Opening YEN 2,000.00
Sold...YEN 3,200.00

Closed..Jul-12-2024, 18:00:00 EST
Sold For 3200

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