Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8298
Symbol: **/C
1966-2023 New Issues direct from APost, still in original packaging, FV of stamps c$250 plus similar on FDC. Vendor has supplied a list which is unchecked by us. Great opportunity. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 360.00
Sold...AU$ 360.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 360
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8299
Symbol: 2,0,0
1957-2015 on Hagners in expensive Lighthouse binder/slipcase. Reasonably complete in range SG 1-132a both MUH and used to 2001 Centenary sheetlet (which is also present as four MUH se-tenant strips of 5 with the used as two se-tenant blocks of 10), then various duplicated to 2015. (400, 3 M/S) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 115.00
Sold...AU$ 130.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8291
Symbol: **/U
1947-89 Albums Norfolk Island completely disorganised array with strength in 1980s commemorative and definitive sets (160, 6 M/S); Papua New Guinea similarly displayed 1952-1980s (200, 1 M/S) and some Samoa and Nauru, total (380, 9 M/S). In addition, a binder with 1980s FDCs, Aerogrammes, PSEs and PO Packs plus 1960s/70s PNG FDC and 1980s Nauru PO Packs. (700+) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 65.00
Sold...AU$ 65.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 65
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8293
Symbol: C/**
1986-2023 Dog's Breakfast of AAT, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Norfolk Island designer sets, M/S (some removed from the sealed packets for CTO cancel application) and FDC plus loose in envelopes randomly presented in sheet protectors and APost bags. Most FDC appear to be in the 2000s with duplication. Also includes extraneous 1980s Pitcairn Islands, Falkland Islands, Nauru, PNG loose mint/used in envelopes plus 1970s-80s FDC Must be value at estimate - good luck. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 180.00
Sold...AU$ 220.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 220
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8295
Symbol: **
Cocos Islands and Christmas Island MUH decimal range largely in blocks with 17 Christmas Island 1995 Year of the Pig minisheets. Total FV approx $377 of which $76 is Christmas Island. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$75
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 120.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 120
CHRISTMAS ISLAND Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8316
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection
1958-85 Collection in sparsely filled 40 page stockbook incl 1977-78 Famous Visitors (5 sets), 1977 Christmas M/S (2), 1982-83 Birds (5 sets), 1982 Christmas (5 strips), 1983 Boat Club (5 sets), 1984 Fungi (5 sets), etc. Also empty 1958-86 Year Book. Retail approx $300. (Few 100) (Image1)
Estimate AU$95
Opening AU$ 48.00
Sold...AU$ 50.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 50
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8317
Symbol: **/U
1958-2015 in Padded Hagner-Type Binder/Slipcase Reasonably complete MUH to 2002 with regular duplication from 1980s onwards (missing 1990 Birdpex M/S, 1992 Shells set, KL Philatelic Exh'n M/S and a few 1990s Chinese New Year M/S) with the 1998 Marine Life present as both the set and the sheetlet of 20; the used content is more variable. The 2003-15 content is somewhat scattered with periodic useful present. (1,100+, 44 M/S) (Image1)
Estimate AU$300
Opening AU$ 150.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8318
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection
1958-2020 Collection housed in Seven Seas pages apparently complete MUH with M/Ss & sheetlets (incl 2010s era Chinese Zodiac issues). Generally very fine. Seldom offered so complete. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$400
Opening AU$ 420.00
Sold...AU$ 460.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 460
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8319
Symbol: **/C
Mostly 1990s-2000 gutter strips, sheetlets, Lunar Year M/S and FDCs plus the 2015 Lunar New Year of the Goat PO Pack. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 105.00
Sold...AU$ 130.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 130
First Day Covers
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8320
Symbol: C
Cat No: Collection
1958-90 collection QEII set Wesley with Gower labels, 1968 Fish set Wesley with Wesley rubber stamp address + Parade and Excelsior. Later include Birds set to $4, Transport set to $5 & Wildlife set to $5. Scarcer single cover cachet types include Overseas Mailers & Bergen. (38) (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8321
Symbol: B
2013 $3 Booklet SG #SB3 produced locally containing 50 Years of Stamps 60c (SG #480) strip of 5, '4JUNE2013' FDI datestamp on front cover. Less than 100 sold. (Image1)
Estimate AU$80
Opening AU$ 125.00
Sold...AU$ 150.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 150
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8322
Symbol: **/U
Cat No: Collection
1963-2016 in Hagner Binder/Slipcase reasonably complete MUH to 2010 with duplication in places (missing the 1963 2/3d definitive, 1990-91 surcharges and 1992 Crustaceans sets); the used content is very variable. The 2011-16 content is reasonably solid but more variable in depth. A good collection with considerable retail value. (850, 28 M/S & Sheetlets) (Image1)
Estimate AU$350
Opening AU$ 180.00
Sold...AU$ 180.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 180
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8323
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection
1963-2020 MUH Collection housed in Hingeless Seven Seas album, appears to be complete incl 1991 Postage Paid overprints, plus M/Ss & sheetlets; generally very fine MUH. (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Opening AU$ 280.00
Sold...AU$ 290.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 290
First Day Covers
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8325
Symbol: C
1963-93 Official PO FDCs all with complete sets, the pre-1970 with typed address, rest unaddressed includes 1963 Pictorials Hermes red, 1987 Sailing Craft se-tenant strip with marginal illustrations set of 5 covers & 1992 WWF. (67) (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 60.00
Sold...AU$ 60.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 60
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8326
Symbol: **
1916-23 Overprints on GB SG #2cb 1d carmine-red variety Double overprint, one albino, marginal example, fresh MUH, Cat £225+. Holcombe Certificate (1994) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 105.00
Sold...AU$ 125.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 125
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8327
Symbol: **/*
1916-26 Overprints on GB Seahorses SG #21-3 with De La Rue 2/6d brown, 5/- bright carmine MUH & 10/- pale blue (gum toning), MVLH, Cat £475+. (3) (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Opening AU$ 200.00
Sold...AU$ 200.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 200
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8329
Symbol: */U
Cat No: Collection
1916-48 Selection incl 1918-23 Opts on GB with Opts at Base ½d to 1/- mint or used incl 2d orange Die II mint & Die I pair used, Opts at Centre ½d to 2d (surface mark) mint, 1937-48 Freighters mint or used incl 2/6d, 5/- & 10/- used, plus some low denomination extras, a few with minor varieties; mostly fine, Cat £500+. (Image1)
Estimate AU$180
Opening AU$ 145.00
Sold...AU$ 145.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 145
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8330
Symbol: **
Cat No: Collection
1935-2119 Collection from 1935 Jubilee to Xmas 2019 housed in two hingeless Seven Seas albums, apparently complete incl M/Ss & sheetlets, fine MUH. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$150
Opening AU$ 340.00
Sold...AU$ 340.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 340
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8337
Symbol: C
Women, Simpson Harbour: with 5pf tied by Herbertshohe cds to Budapest, not in the best condition. Unusual destination. (Image1)
Estimate AU$16
Opening AU$ 13.00
Sold...AU$ 15.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 15
Mandated Territory Issues
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8339
Symbol: **
1931 Dated Birds SG #150 1d green Ash imprint block of 4, fresh MUH, Cat £16++ (Image1)
Estimate AU$16
Opening AU$ 13.00
Sold...AU$ 20.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 20
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8340
Symbol: **
1932-34 Undated Birds Air SG #200 2/- dull lake, MUH, Cat £15. (Image1)
Estimate AU$15
Opening AU$ 12.00
Sold...AU$ 15.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 15
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8341
Symbol: **
1932-34 Undated Birds Air SG #203 £1 olive-grey marginal single, MUH, Cat £85. (Image1)
1928 (Feb 27) use of 3d blue Huts ovptd 'OS' (#O25 cat £80 on cover) on OHMS cover from Rabaul to USA. (Image1)
Estimate AU$40
Opening AU$ 32.00
Sold...AU$ 40.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 40
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8344
Symbol: C
1931 (Jul 27?) use of 2d & 3d Huts with Air Mail ovpt on registered cover from Rabaul to Melbourne, central crease. (Image1)
Estimate AU$40
Opening AU$ 32.00
Sold...AU$ 36.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 36
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8345
Symbol: C
1931 (Sep 21) use of 1½d pair & 2d part imprint pair on registered cover from Madang to Adelaide (Image1)
Estimate AU$40
Opening AU$ 32.00
Sold...AU$ 48.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 48
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8346
Symbol: C
1932 (Jan 12) use of ½d & 1½d with Air Mail ovpt on cover from Rabaul to Hobart. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Opening AU$ 16.00
Sold...AU$ 18.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 18
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8348
Symbol: C
1936 (Dec 21) use of 1d & 2d imprint blocks of 4 on registered cover from Rabaul to London. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Opening AU$ 24.00
Sold...AU$ 28.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 28
'N.W./PACIFIC/ISLANDS' Overprints Collections and
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8338
Symbol: */U
GRI to 1st NWPI Ovpts with GRI New Guinea 6mm 2d on 10fp, 5mm 1d on 5pf, 2d on 20pf 1d OS on 3pf, Marshall Island 5mm 1d on 5pf & 2d on 20pf x2, NWPI KGV ½d to 5d, Roos 2d to 2/-, perf 'OS' used 3d, 1/- x3, 2/- & 2d red, mostly mint and singles, generally good condition. At least one catalogued flaw seen, plus several with hollow dots. Useful lot. (110+) (Image1)
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8335
Symbol: */**
Cat No: Collection
1947-2016 comprehensive, well-presented mint/MUH collection in two hingeless Seven Seas albums with pre-decimals mostly MLH, 1960-62 Pictorials to 10/- plus two 10/- 'SPECIMEN' overprints all MUH, early decimals MLH incl 1966 Overprints to $1 on 10/- (2, one with Offset), 1976 onwards appears to be complete MUH as per Seven Seas pages with M/Ss and sheetlets incl 2009 Funghi M/S (Beijing 2010) & 2012 Diamond Jubilee, and a number of noughties-era booklets incl 2009 Robin, 2011 Heritage * 2012 Aircraft; generally fine/very fine. (1,000s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$250
Opening AU$ 480.00
Sold...AU$ 525.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 525
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8336
Symbol: U
Cat No: Collection
1947-2018 Collection in 3 Seven Seas Hingeless albums almost complete (ex 1956 White papers and only a few more recent issues missing). Very High retail value. (100s) (Image1)
Estimate AU$600
Opening AU$ 300.00
Sold...AU$ 300.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 300
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8351
Symbol: V
1901-05 British New Guinea Wmk Horizontal SG #5 4d black & sepia, Cat £35. (Image1)
Estimate AU$30
Opening AU$ 24.00
Sold...AU$ 26.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 26
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8353
Symbol: *
1901-05 BNG Wmk Vertical Thick Paper SG #13 4d black & sepia, line perf, aged, Cat £48. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Opening AU$ 15.00
Sold...AU$ 15.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 15
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8355
Symbol: *
1911-15 Monocolours SG #84-92a ½d to 2/6d set, with extra shades of all values to 6d plus Perf 14 1d rose-pink & 1d pale scarlet (3); some of the usual gum tone, generally fine mint, Cat £225. (20) (Image1)
Estimate AU$90
Opening AU$ 70.00
Sold...AU$ 70.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 70
Collections and Miscellaneous Groupings
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8368
Symbol: *
Cat No: Collection
1907-35 Mint Collection on Imperial album pages with 1907-10 Small 'PAPUA' simplified ½d to 1/- set, 1910-11 ½d to 2/6d (Type C), Moncolours to 2/6d, 'ONE PENNY' Surcharges set, Bicolours to 5/- & 10/- (faded) incl 1932 9d & 1/3d, 1929-31 Airmail & Surcharges, Pictorials to 2/-, etc; also 1931-32 'OS' Overprints set; some stamps with edge tones, though generally fine; Cat £600+. (90) (Image1)
Estimate AU$200
Opening AU$ 250.00
Sold...AU$ 260.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 260
First Day Covers
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8369
Symbol: C
1934-39 sets tied to registered FDCs by PORT MORESBY cds comprising 1934 Protectorate to USA, 1938 Possession air mail to New Guinea and 1939 Air Mails LJ Roberts typed cachet air mail to Australia. Odd fault. A very desirable group. (3) (Image1)
Estimate AU$100
Opening AU$ 80.00
Sold...AU$ 125.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 125
Official Stamps
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8357
Symbol: U/*
Cat No: Collection
1908-12 Perforated 'OS' Selection: mostly used with 1906-10 Small Papua Wmk S/W P11 ½d (both) to 6d (ex 2d, 1d corner defect), Wmk S/W P12½ ½d (2), 1d & 1/- (toning); 1911-12 Monocolours ½d (2), 1d (3, one with 'JBC' Monogram, another in a deep shade), 2d & 2½d (2, one mint); generally fine, Cat £230+ (18) (Image1)
Estimate AU$120
Opening AU$ 95.00
Sold...AU$ 100.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 100
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8360
Symbol: F
1908-10 Small 'PAPUA' Perf 11 Wmk Upright: SG #O7 4d black & sepia, Wmk inverted, perf 'OS'. (Image1)
Estimate AU$5
Opening AU$ 18.00
Sold...AU$ 18.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 18
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8361
Symbol: F
1908-10 Small 'PAPUA' Perf 11 Wmk Sideways: SG #O19 6d black & myrtle-green, perf 'OS', Wmk inverted. (Image1)
Estimate AU$5
Opening AU$ 6.00
Sold...AU$ 6.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 6
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8362
Symbol: F
1908-10 Small 'PAPUA' Perf 11 Wmk Sideways: SG #O19 6d black & myrtle-green, perf 'OS'. (Image1)
Estimate AU$5
Opening AU$ 4.00
Sold...AU$ 6.50
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 7
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8367
Symbol: F
1910-11 Large 'PAPUA' Perf 12½: SG #O34 6d black & myrtle-green, perf 'OS'. (Image1)
Estimate AU$8
Opening AU$ 6.00
Sold...AU$ 7.50
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 8
Postal History
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8370
Symbol: C
1909 (Jun 21) use of 2d black & purple Small Papua P12½ Wmk inverted (#55) on local Samarai cover. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Opening AU$ 38.00
Sold...AU$ 38.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 38
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8372
Symbol: C
1925 (Apr 14) use of ½d myrtle & apple-green P14 and 1d grey-black & carmine P14 Vertical crack through right of left value oval on cover from Samarai to England. (Image1)
Estimate AU$20
Opening AU$ 22.00
Sold...AU$ 24.00
Closed..Jan-20-2025, 17:00:00 EST
Sold For 24
Sale No: 2184
Lot No: 8373
Symbol: C
1930 (Jan 2) use of 1½d cobalt & light brown on cover from Samarai (poor) to England, small tear on face. (Image1)