PENNY HALFPENNY: 1½d green L/L corner block of 6 (3x2) with Authority Imprint and Grossly Misplaced Perfs affecting all units ACSC 226bb, unmounted, Cat $2250+. [The ACSC records such errors from right-hand panes only]
PENNY HALFPENNY: 1½d green marginal block of 8 (4x2) from the left of the sheet unusually with only the second column affected by Double Perfs on Three Sides ACSC 226bc, unmounted, Cat $450+.
PENNY HALFPENNY: 1½d green U/L corner block of 15 (3x5) with three Aberrant Strikes of the Perforating Comb impacting seven units, unmounted. Stunning error!
PENNY HALFPENNY: 1½d green L/L corner block of 4 with No Imprint ACSC 226zi, faint bend, unmounted, Cat $1500. [The ACSC states "No Imprint is caused by ink-stripping". Evidence of that is at the distorted base of the corner unit]
TWOPENCE HALFPENNY: 2½d scarlet Imperforate Authority Imprint Block of 4 ACSC 230bzm from the right of the sheet, unmounted, Cat $7500 in a footnote. [Superior to Arthur Gray's similar block - "minor gum creases" - sold for £1813]
TWOPENCE HALFPENNY: 2½d scarlet vertical pair from the base of the sheet Imperforate at Right with part of the adjoining imperforate units at right ACSC 230ba, Cat $12,500 for a strip with one unit completely imperforate.
TWOPENCE HALFPENNY: 2½d scarlet U/L corner block of 4 with both L/H units Partly Imperforate at Top & Left ACSC 230bb caused by Pre-Perforating Paper Fold, unmounted, Cat $3250+. A stunning error!
TWOPENCE HALFPENNY: 2½d scarlet L/L corner block of 4 with Authority Imprint and Two Aberrant Strikes of the Perforating Comb at Left creating Double Perfs ACSC 230bc, very lightly mounted at the top, Cat $375++.
TWOPENCE HALFPENNY: 2½d scarlet L/L corner block of 4 with No Imprint ACSC 230zp, unmounted, Cat $1500. [The ACSC states "No Imprint is caused by ink-stripping". Close inspection reveals tiny traces of the imprint]
THREEPENCE HALFPENNY: 3½d KGVI with Wrens on Very Thin Paper ACSC 231a L/L corner block of 4 from the R/H pane with Authority Imprint, unmounted, Cat $500++.
THREEPENCE HALFPENNY: 3½d KGVI with Wrens with White Face on the King ACSC 231c gutter block of 8 from the base of the sheet with Authority Imprint, the upper units lightly mounted, the lower units unmounted, Cat $1200++.
FIVEPENCE HALFPENNY: 5½d Emu marginal block of 4 from the top of the sheet with Grossly Misplaced Perfs ACSC 232bb, minor defect at U/L caused by the sheet 'pulling', unmounted, Cat $1300+.