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Records 1 to 25 of 25

Sam Houston Philatelics, Inc. Sale: 3120

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 667
Symbol: **
Cat No: MA6v

image MA6v, Massachusetts 1979 Ruddy Turnstone decoy, signed by Governor Edward J. King (deceased). The "E" is slightly smeared in signature, with straight edge at right and bottom, this being the lower right stamp from the pane of 12. Six stamps per pane have straight edges. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 668
Symbol: **
Cat No: MA7v

MA7v, Massachusetts 1980 Old Squaw decoy, signed by Governor Edward J. King (deceased), with slight smear on "King", straight edge at top and right. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 669
Symbol: **
Cat No: MA8v

MA8v, Massachusetts 1981 Red-breasted Merganser decoy, signed by Governor Edward J. King (deceased), straight edge at bottom. Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 670
Symbol: **
Cat No: MA15v

MA15v, Massachusetts 1988 Mallard decoy, signed by Governor Michael Dukakis. Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 671
Symbol: **
Cat No: MA16v

MA16v, Massachusetts 1989 Brant decoy, signed by Governor Michael Dukakis. Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 44.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 672
Symbol: **
Cat No: MA18v

MA18v, Massachusetts 1991 Canvasback decoy, signed by Governor William F. Weld. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 24.00
Sold...US$ 24.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 24

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 674
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN1v

MN1v, Minnesota 1977 Mallard, First of State, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased) during his first term. Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH, nicely centered for this issue


Opening US$ 85.00
Sold...US$ 85.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 85

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 675
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN2v

MN2v, Minnesota 1978 Lesser Scaup, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 676
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN3v

image MN3v, Minnesota 1979 Pintails, signed by Governor Albert Quie (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH, excellent centering for this issue (Image)


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 677
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN4v

MN4v, Minnesota 1980 Canvasbacks, signed by Governor Alfred Quie (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 678
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN5v

MN5v, Minnesota 1981 Giant Canada Geese, signed by Governor Albert Quie (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 679
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN6v

MN6v, Minnesota 1982 Redheads, signed by Governor Albert Quie (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 680
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN7v

MN7v, Minnesota 1983 Blue Geese, signed by Governor Albert Quie (deceased), whom left office on Jan. 3, 1983, so this stamp was surely signed post-governorship. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 681
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN7v

MN7v, Minnesota 1983 Blue Geese, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 682
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN8v

MN8v, Minnesota 1984 Wood Duck, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 683
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN9v

MN9v, Minnesota 1985 White-fronted Geese, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 684
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN10v

MN10v, Minnesota 1986 Lesser Scaup, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased) during his second non-consecutive term. Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 685
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN11v

MN11v, Minnesota 1987 Common Goldeneye, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased) in the number tab to the right. Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 686
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN12v

MN12v, Minnesota 1988 Bufflehead, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased), signature extends into the number tab at right. Not an official Governor's Edition, F-VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 687
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN13v

image MN13v, Minnesota 1991 Wigeon, with number tab at right, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 688
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN14v

MN14v, Minnesota 1990 Hooded Merganser, signed by Governor Rudy Perpich (deceased) in the number tab at the right. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 689
Symbol: **
Cat No: MN14v

MN14v, Minnesota 1990 Hooded Merganser, signed by Governor Arne Carlson, who assumed office on Jan. 7, 1991. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 42.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 42

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 690
Symbol: **
Cat No: UT5hv

UT5hv, Utah 1990 Canvasback, with Hunter Tab, signed by Governor Mike Leavitt, who did not assume office until Jan. 4, 1993. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 48.00
Sold...US$ 48.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 48

Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 691
Symbol: **
Cat No: UT6v

UT6v, Utah 1991 Tundra Swan, sigend by Governor Mike Leavitt, who did not assume office until Jan. 4, 1993. Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 44
Sale No: 3120
Lot No: 692
Symbol: **
Cat No: UT7v

image UT7v, Utah 1992 Pintails, signed by Governor Norman Bangerter (deceased). Not an official Governor's Edition, VF NH (Image)


Opening US$ 42.00
Sold...US$ 44.00

Closed..Jan-17-2025, 14:00:00 EST
Sold For 44

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