(To See All Prices Realized in Column Mode)
1913, 2pa. on 5pa. ochre yellow, tied by cds. to small piece, fine, scarce, certificate Peters AIEP (2010)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 10p. green, lightly used, very fine, signed Holcombe with certificate (1994) and certificate Peters AIEP (2013)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 20p. rose, used, tiny corner crease, otherwise fine, signed Rommerskirchen BPP and Peters AIEP with certificate (2013)
1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 1p. blue with lightly cancelled, very fine, signed Bühler and Peters AIEP with certificate (2013)
1913, Overprint on Postage Due: 1p. black on rose tied by cds. "VLONE 7- 10 1913" to piece, very fine, signed Pirl, A. Diena und Bügler and certificate Peters AIEP (2013)
1970, Industrial plants 10-80q. tied by cds. "ELBASAN 17. 11 72" to blank cover, some imperfections as often encountered on these, scarce
1915, Handstamp "CHEMINS DE FER / SPOORWEGEN" on 5 c.-5 fr., 10 values, unused o.g., 20 c. Sunday lable separated, 25 c., 1 fr. and 2 fr. tiny thins, otherwise very fine, several signatures, certificate P. Kaiser AIEP (2023)
1915, Handstamp "CHEMINS DE FER / SPOORWEGEN" on 5 c.-5 fr., 10 values, unused o.g., 5, 20 and 50c. and 1-2f. with tiny thins, otherwise very fine, signed and certificate P. Kaiser AIEP (2023)
1909, 10fr. yellow-green/black, bloc of twelve with local overprint, position 8 with double strike, tied by cds "BOMA 16 AOUT 1909", very fine and very scarce multiple
1879, 25 c. violet/black, tied by blue Cyrillic "SOFIA 16 V 80" to letter sheet to Karnobat with rare Russian type arrival mark, very fine and scarce, certificate Penev (2022)
1879, 50 c. blue/black, tied by bold star cancel to small registered envelope from Grabovo via Sevlievo and Kazanluk to Plovdiv in Eastern Roumelia with transit and arrival marks, very fine and scarce, certificate Penev (2022)
VENETIAN MAIL: 1482, folded entire letter from CANDIA to VENICE, cord sealed with wax, also some coloured map of Crete (200x150mm), very fine and very scarce early mail
VENETIAN MAIL: 1491, commercial entire letter regarding wine, written by Giovanni Chioza, endorsed in manuscript "Candia 31.VIII 1491" and addressed to Michele Foscari in Venice, received on 6 September, also an early map from Candia; very fine and very scarce early mail, ex Schmitt
AUSTRIAN POSTAL AGENCIES: 1859, folded entire to SYROS, on front a fairly complete strike in black of the oval handstamp "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO - Canea", manuscript "20" fee, minor aging, still fine and very scarce
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO/ RETTIMO", clear blue oval handstamp on cover with original contens 1860 to Constantinople. Very fine and rare (Tschil. Fig. 548)
ENGLISH POST OFFICES: 1898 Provisional 20pa. violet, eight singles tied by Union Jack handstamp "TENEMOS" on an envelope addressed to the Rifle Brigade, reverse arrival Austrian cds. "CANDIA OESTERREICHISCHE POST 3 12 98", vertical fold affecting one adhesive, small tear at left not touching and
FRENCH POST OFFICES: 1899 Military mail, stampless envelope endorsed "Corps d´expédition francais en Crète", with superb strike of the cds. "HIERAPETRA CRETE 15 MARS 99" on front, alongside blue handstamp "HIERAPETRA commandant d´armes Crète" confirming the free frank status, sent to France, with
FRENCH POST OFFICES: 1899 Military mail, stampless envelope endorsed "Corps d´expédition francais à Madagascar", with a very fair strike of the cds. "SITIA CRETE 6 JUIN 99" on front, alongside a faint blue handstamp "MARINE FRANCAISE SERVICE A LA MER" confirming the free frank status, sent to an
OTTOMAN EMPIRE OFFICES: 1872, folded entire sent to SITIA, with a very fair strike of the bluish-black hexagonal handstamp in Old-Turkish "PESKOKEFAL", part wax seal on reverse, archival file fold and some toning, otherwise fine, a rare postmark with only a few recorded
OTTOMAN POST OFFICES: 1875 10pa. block of four, tied by four superb strikes of the bluish hexagonal "HANYA" in old-Turkish, on a large envelope with reverse arrival cds. "STAMBOUL 13 Nov. 77", one back flap missing, very fine and appealing item, ex Schmitt
OTTOMAN EMPIRE OFFICES: 1887, 20p. carmin, tied by a fair strike of the black negative seal in Old-Turkish "ISLIYE" (SITIA) to a folded letter from the elementary school of Achladi to NEAPOLIS, usual wear on the edge otherwise fine, a rare postmark
OTTOMAN EMPIRE OFFICES: 1880 (ca), official stampless envelope, with a fair strike of the black negative seal in Old-Turkish "HANYA" (Feenstra 12, Type II), complete wax seal on reverse, minor soiling an wear, still fine and a rare postmark
RUSSIAN POST OFFICES: PROOFS, 1899 Second Definitive Issue without stars, 1m., 2m. and 1gr., unused, complete set of proofs in black without control mark, the 1m. and 1gr. with usual small thins, the 2m. very fine; very scarce, signed Schmitt
1941, 25 p.-30 din., all from position 61 with left margin, hence each stamp with overprint error "missing ornament at base of the 'U' surround above the Shield", mint never hinged, a very rare set, with only 50 sets possible with only a few sets preserved, signed and certificate Croatia Philatel
1943, Katarina Zrinska 1 k., proof in issued colour on Japanese paper, ungummed block of 6
1943, Croatian Legion souvenir sheet, tied by cds. "ZAGREB 26 VIII 43" to registered envelope to Austria, reverse arrival cds. "WIEN 1 9 43", fine
3 kr. brown-carmine, size 25:30 mm, type II, unused, hardly perceptible corner bend at lower left, a fine copy of this scarce stamp, signed Mrnák, Gilbert, Karasek a.o.
Special delivery 5 h. green, type III, mint never hinged, very fine copy of this scarce stamp, signed Mrnák and Lešetický and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2016)
Overprint on Austrian airmail stamps: 1,50-4 kr., unused, few slightly shortend perfs, otherwise fine, a. o. signed Mahr BPP, Darmietzel BPP
Overprint on Austrian postage due stamps: 1908/13, 2 h. carmine, unused, a fine copy of this incredibly rare stamp, with only 75 printed, signed Lešetický Ustredna, Tribuna and Mahr BPP with certificate (1982) and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2018)
Austrian Postage Due 1908/13 30 h. red, type 3, mint never hinged, very fine, signed Mrnak and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2018)
Austrian Postage Due 1908/13 50 h. red, unused, very fine, sign. Pofis a.o.
Overprint on Austrian newspaper stamps: 10 h. lilac-red, type II, mint never hinged, very fine, only 250 issued, sign. Mrnák, Lešetický, Tribuna a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2016)
Overprint on Turul: 70 f. brown on greenish, type IV, unused, at top tiny shorter perfs, fine, only 150 issued, signed Gilbert a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2019)
Overprint on Hungarian parliament issue: 10 kr., type I, unused with the barest trace of hinge, very fine, a scarce stamp with only 235 issued, sign. Lešetický Ustredna etc., and Karasek with certificate (as mint never hinged; 1999)
Overprint on Hungarian stamps inscribed "MAGYAR POSTA": 20 f. brown, type III, unused, two slightly shortened perfs at top, still a very fine copy of this rare stamp, only 100 issued, sign. Gilbert, Mahr BPP a.o. and certificate Karasek (1999) (page)
Overprint on Hungarian Postage due stamps with black numerals: 5f., type I, unused, fine, scarce with only 200 printed, signed Mrnák a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2019)
1945, 10h. yellow-brown, corner sheet, unobstrusive paper bend away from the design, variety imperforated at right, mint never hinged, fine and very scarce
1852, Mercury essay 4rbs. by M.W. Ferslew's widdow in warm brown with greenish blue burelage,ungummed as issued, nice margins and flawless. Certificate Moeller AIEP (AFA E4Ab)
BRITISH OCCUPATION: 1940, postage stamps 20Ø.-60Ø., complete set with cancel "THORSHAVN 15 7 44" on censored airmail R-cover, 20Ø. short perf, otherwise good condition
1922, Allegory 5000r., horizontal strip of four together with Overprinted 3000r. on 100r., tied by cds. "TIFLIS 26 6 22" to registered envelope to Germany, adjacent oval transit mark "MOSCOW 7 - 7 22" and arrival "BERGEDORF 14.7.22", minor soiling otherwise fine
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRO-UNGARICO SYMI", clear strike in blue on 1867, 10 so. blue, fine printing, on entire letter 1878 to Trieste. On reverse transit mark of Smyrne and arrival mark. Very fine. The only recorded franked entire with this handstamp in blue. Certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer (2004) (page)
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO SCIO", fine strike of bluish black oval handstamp on entire letter to Athens, rated "10" lepta for inland postage, rare and fine
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Metelino", oval handstamp in black, fine strike on letter sheet 1859 to Constantinople, fine and rare
1871, Franz Josef 2 kr. yellow tied by cds. "BUDAPEST 74 DEC-20" as additional franking to Postal stationery card King Franz Josef 2kr. to Zürich with arrival mark "ZURICH 22 XII 74", very fine and attractive combination, very scarce
1871, Franz Josef 3 kr. green tied by oval handstamp to Postal stationery card King Franz Josef 2kr. to Leipzig with cds. "AUSGABE 21 XI", horizontal crease and small tear at bottom, still an attractive two-colors combination, very scarce (page)
1904, 2kr. grey-blue/black, perf. 11½, fresh colours, unused with original gum, very fine and scarce
1909, Turul and King Franz Josef, 1f. to 5kr., sixteen imperforate blocks of four with sheet margins (1913 16f. missing), 2kr. grey-blue/black light horizontal bend, 5kr. lilac-brown/black fold in the sheet margin far away from the adhesives, mint never hinged, fine to very fine
1934, Souvenir Sheet, 20ft. carmine-brown, with uncut lower sheet margin (scarce thus), horizontal fold on the margin far way from the design, unused, very fine (Mi.-Nr. BL1)
1949, 70th birthday J. Stalin 60 f. - 2 ft. imperforated each in block of 9 contiguous as horizontal large block with large margins on three sides, anmounted mint with small gum crease, otherwise fine, very rare, so far only a few copies are known
1933 Hopflug Itala 1kr.-10kr., unused, very fine and scarce, with certificate A. Diena (1974)
1780, "MITAU" Posthorn cancel clean and clear on small folded cover from Mitau via Nimmersatt to St. Quentin, good condition.
1780, "MITAU" posthorn cancel clean and clear on small folded letter from Hodiment to the known address Peter de Thier, fine
"VADUTZ 9 MAI" sauber und klar auf Franz Joseph 5 Kr. rot, Type II, tadellos
1912, Fürst Johann II. 5-25 H. auf gestrichenem Papier, im 4er-Blocks farbfrisch, 10 H. und 25 H. je zwei Werbe postfrisch, sonst ungebraucht, einwandfrei
1920, 5 H. ungezähnt im 16er-Block mit Druckfalte, ungebraucht, und 5 Kr. im 15er-Block mit stark verschobener Zähnung, postfrisch, gute Erhaltung
1918, Second Vilnius issue 20sk. and 30sk., tied by German cds. "FELDPOST -4 1 19" to a commercial envelope to Berlin, with adjacent violet circular handstamp "GRODNO POST TELEGRAPH OFFICE", adhesives toned and cover corner missing, otherwise fine
1918, Second and Third Kaunas issues 10sk.-60sk. tied by cds. "KAUNAS 28.III.19" to an envelope endorsed "Einschreiben" to Berlin, with its registration receipt, also First Kaunas issue 10sk. and 15sk., tied by violet circular handstamp "GRODNO POST TELEGRAPH OFFICE", with adjacent German cds. "D
1865/75, rouletted in colour, 12½c. rose in block of 4, unused with original gum, roulettings slightly split and strengthened by hinges, still fine and very scarce, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
1972, Albrecht Dürer 2fr. with "Albert" error, mint never hinged, very fine, certificate Calves & Jacquart (2013)
Joseph I., eigenhändige Unterschrift auf komplettem Brief 1704 an den Landeshauptmann von Troppau
Handpapier 2 Kr. schwarz und Maschinenpapier 1 Kr. orangegelb und 6 Kr. braun, alle farbfrisch und voll- bis meist breitrandig mit jeweils sauber aufgesetztem EKr. "PESTH 9/8" (1855) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Wien. Sehr schöne und einwandfreie Erhaltung (im Briefpapier vorderseitig kleine una
Handpapier 3 Kr. dunkelzinnoberrot, Type Ia auf geripptem Papier, waagerechtes Paar als vorderseitig verklebte Reco-Frankatur neben 9 Kr. blau, alle farbfrisch und voll- bis breitrandig mit sauber aufgesetztem Rahmenstempel "PESTH 7/3" (1851) auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Lonigno in Lombardei-Ven
1850, 9 Kr. hellblau, farbfrisch und allseits schön gleichmäßig breit gerandet, links mit deutlichem Randdruck, weitester Abstand 1,2mm zwischen 9 und KREUZER (Frey Pos 27), sauber mit klarem Schreibschrift-L2 "Dornbi(rn) 29 DE" entwertet, tadellos, ein besonders schönes Stück dieser seltenen Var
1850, 3 Kr. karmin auf Maschinenpapier, Type 1b (Gravurtypen), vier Einzelwerte mit L2 "EIBENSCHÜTZ 18.JUL" vorder- und rückseitig auf kpl. Reco-Faltbrief mit schwarzem L1 "RECOM:" via Brünn nach Fulnek, Faltbrief mit Knitterspuren, Marken allseits breitrandig und farbfrisch, nicht häufige Mehrfa
1867, 10 Kreuzer blau und senkrechtes Paar 15 Kreuzer braun, mit sauberem Fingerhutstempel "ALA BAHNHOF 11/8 70" auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Yokohama; rückseitig Transitstempel von Triest (12.8.) und Hongkong (19.9.) sowie blauer Ankunftsstempel des britischen Auslandspostamtes vom 27.9.. Bei d
1945, Unverausgabt Hitler 3 Pfg. im waagerechten Paar, mit kopfstehendem und verschobenen Aufdruck, postfrisch, tadellos, sign. Wallner
1945, Grazer Aufdruck Hitler 1-5 M. kpl., 2 und 3 M. mit Aufdrucktype I, 1 und 5 M. mit Aufdrucktype II, postfrisch, einwandfrei, unsigniert mit Fotoattest Soecknick BPP (2016)
1946, Renner 1-5S., je im senkrechten Paar mit Zierfeld unten, postfrisch, tadellos
1946, Antifaschistische Ausstellung 30S. im senkrechten, stark verzähnten Unterrandpaar, postfrisch, tadellos, sign. Wallner mit Fotoattest (1962)
1946, Unverausgabte Blitz und Maske 5 und 12 Gr., beide vom Unterrand, postfrisch, tadellos
1947, Luftpost 10 S. mit Ersttagsstempel "WIEN FLUGPOST 12.XI.47" auf überfrankiertem Eil-R-Luftpostbrief nach New York, tadellos
1948, Wiederaufbau 75G., Probedruck im Blockformat (ca. 92x126mm), ohne Gummi, tadellos
1961, Ehrung der Opfer für die Freiheit 1,50 S., stark verzähntes Unterrandstück, tadellos, selten
1869, Ganzsachenkarte 2 Kr. gelb mit Stempel "GMÜNDEN 2.10.69" via Wien nach Teplitz, leichte Alterungsspuren und kleiner Wasserfleck in der Beschriftung, sonst einwandfrei, seltene Karte vom 2. Verwendungstag
"MEDIAS", der Langstempel glasklar auf Handpapier 9 Kreuzer blau, farbfrisch und allseits gut gerandet, mit handschriftlich nebengesetztem Datum "20/9" auf Briefhülle nach Temesvar. Vorderseitig unauffällige Eingangsbeschriftung, sonst in tadelloser und ursprünglicher Erhaltung. Ein seltener Stem
1945, Hitler 1 Pfg. mit kopfstehendem Aufdruck, sowie 6 und 12 Pfg. je im Unterrand-Viererblock von den Feldern 83-84 und 93-94, postfrisch, tadellos, sign. Wallner mit zwei Attesten (1969)
1945, Hitler 4 Pfg. im waagerechten Viererstreifen mit linkem Bogenrand, die ersten beiden Werte mit kopfstehendem Aufdruck, dadurch mittig tête-bêche, sauber mit Stempel " über PERG 25.5.45" auf beschriftetem Umschlag, senkrecht einmal gefaltet, dadurch die linke Marke kleine Knitter, sonst tade
1945, Hitler 6 Pfg. mit Aufdruckfehler "offenes O in Oesterreich" mit Stempel "SCHEIBBS 11.6.45" auf Postkarte, oben links privater Aufkleber, sonst tadellos
PRIVAT VERAUSGABT: 5Gr. - 2,40S. "Postgebühr bar bezahlt", je im 10er-Kleinbogen, postfrisch, tadellos
1850, 15 C. zinnoberrot auf geripptem Handpapier, Type 1/2 im waagerechten Paar mit L2 "CADORE 5.DIC." auf Briefhülle nach Udine mit Ankunftsstempel, Briefhülle im Rand umgefaltet und geringer Papierfraß, Marken vollrandig und farbfrisch, gute Gesamterhaltung, Fotoattest Goller BPP (2022)
1864, Doppeladler 2 So. dottergelb und 3 So. gelblichgrün je mit EKr. "LEGNACO 21.5" auf Faltbriefhülle nach Treviso mit Ankunftsstempel, dekorative Buntfrankatur in einwandfreier Erhaltung, Fotoattest Goller BPP (2022)
"AGENZIA DELL LLOYD AUSTRIACO PIREO" Ovalstempel in blau, sauber auf kpl. Faltbrief der Agentur, datiert "Pireo 8 Marzo 1866" nach Athen. Einzig registrierte Abschlag dieses Stempels auf Brief. Signiert Todd AIEP. Provenienz: Henry Houser (1992), H. Smith (Corinphila 2013)
"AGENZIA DELL LLOYD AUSTRO-UNGARICO PIREO" Doppelovalstempel in blau, sauber auf Ganzsachenkarte 5 So., datiert "Pireo 10/1(84" nach Bregenz mit nebengesetztem Ankunftsstempel. Die Karte rechts oben Eckfehler und oben links zwei Büge, sonst gute Erhaltung. Eine große Seltenheit der österreichisch
"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / CAVALLA”, schwarzer Ovalstempel, sauber auf Briefhülle 1867 mit nebengesetztem Absenderstempel nach Triest mit Ankunftsstempel
1864, 10 So. blau und waagerechtes Paar 15 So. braun, mit EKr. "CONSTANTINOPEL 9/2" auf Briefhülle nach Marseille; vorderseitig roter "AUTRICHE-LANS LE BOURG 17 FEVR. 64", rückseitig Ankunftsstempel, die Frankatur minimale Knitterspuren, sonst einwandfrei.
"TENEDOS 3/10", EKr. In blau, klar abgeschlagen auf 1864, 15 Kr. braun mit Wz.-Teil "A", auf Briefhülle nach Triest mit Ankunftsstempel. Die Hülle in der Mitte kleine Fehlstelle, sonst gute und ursprüngliche Erhaltung. Der blaue Einkreisstempel dieses ohnehin seltenen Postortes ist als Entwerter
1866, 17 (Kr.) scharlachrot mit blauem Ovalstempel "AGENTIE D.D.S.G. WIDDIN" und übergehendem Zahlenstempel "3/10" auf kpl. Faltbrief nach Braila, Marke mit Eckfehler und etwas fleckig, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung
1867, 10 (Kr.) grün, Type I mit blauem Ovalstempel "AGENTIE GIURGEVO SALDIRT 5.OCT."(1870) auf Faltbriefhülle nach Galatz, Marke üblich gezähnt und Briefhülle mit Faltspuren, gute Gesamterhaltung, sign. Ferchenbauer VÖB mit Fotoattest (2004)
1867, 10 (Kr.) grün, Type I mit blauem EKr. "SISTOV " und schwachem Zahlenstempel "2/1" auf der Marke auf kpl. Faltbrief (datiert 8.9.68) nach Galatz mit Ankunftsstempel, Marke fehlerhaft und Faltbrief links mit kleiner Fehlstelle
1867, 10 (Kr.) grün, Type I mit blauem Ovalstempel "BRAILA 6.1." auf Briefvorderseite, Marke mit typischer Zähnung und Vorderseite mit stärkeren Faltspuren
1919, general issue, 1K, 2K and 2M, all with double impeessions, ungummed as issued, signed Petriuk PZF, fine (Fisher 80, 82, 94DpA)
1943, Government in Exile 5gr., 10gr., 80gr. and 1,50zl., single die proofs on gummed paper, the 5gr. and 1,50zl. in unissued colors, 5gr. with production ink stain; 10gr. and 80gr. with crease and horizontal tear on the upper margin, otherwise fine and scarce
1950, Groszy-Overprints: Culture souvenir sheet (reduced in size) with handstamp "GROSZY" in type 23A, unmounted mint, stamps very fine, certificate Wezranowski
Culture souvenir sheet with handstamp "GROSZY" in type 3, neatly cancelled "GLIWICE 4-2-52", very fine, signed Falkowski
1991, Phila Nippon Butterflies, uncut printing sheet of the souvenir sheets, very fine and rare.
1993, 'POLSKA 93' souvenir sheet with completely misplaced perforation, unmounted mint. Tiny corner bend, otherwise very fine.
1998, CEPT 55 gr. and 1,20 Zl. miniature sheet with missing perforation at right, unmounted mint, very fine and rare.
"PIEGZRO POLICMAISTRA LODZ" black negative seal on reverse of folded lettersheet from "LODZ 18/1", fine
KALISZ: 1919, Germania 5-60 pfg., overprint type V, used, fine and scarce, signed Bojanowicz and Jungjohann BPP
1866, thick paper 20 pa. with plate flaw 'dot in meander', a fine group with 2 copies unused , 7 used (one on piece) and one copy on cover.
Thin paper: 20 pa. on rose, good to large margins with ca. 3-4 mm sheet margin at right, tied by mute cancel to registered entire letter with adjacent "ZIMNICEA 18/5" (1867) to Turnu Magurele
1872, perforated issue 10 b. blue, tied by Bucharest cds. to letter sheet to Roman
1872, Paris printing 10 b. blue, tied to small envelope from Bucharest to Sibiu, Hungary, taxed upon arrival with adjacent "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT"
1872, Paris printing 10 b. blue, tied to letter sheet from Jassy to Itzkani, taxed upon arrival with adjacent "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT"
"DIST.DOROHOIU PL.PRUTUL D.J.15/2"(1874), clear blue double circle on postcard 1873, 5 b. blue, to Botosani with transit marks of Dorohoiu, Michaleni and arrival mark
"DIST.TELEORMAN PL.TIRGULUI 24 3", clear strike in blue on 1869, 18 b. vermilion with large margins, on letter sheet to Minister Mihail Cogalniceanu at Bucarest.The entire with some creasing, still fine and rare.
"KAHUL MOLDOVA 5 24" in black and "BOLGRAD MOLDOVA 25 5" in blue on official letter sheet
"PL.FUNDULUI/JUDET ROMAN 1/10" (1875) on Carol 10 b. blue on entire letter from Bacesti with adjacent rural postmark, to Itzkani, charged upon arrival with "6" bani with adjacent "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT".
"POSTA ISLAZU DIM:" resp. "…SERA", each in blue, very clear on 2 official covers.
1855, "per Dampfschiff", 2 strikes of black straight-line on entire letter, franked with Austria 1850, 9 kr. blue, tied by Sissek cds. 1855 to Alt-Orsova, very fine and rare
"PER DAMPFSCHIFF", clear black straight-line on entire prepaid letter 1869 with black handstamp "10" from Galatz without further postmark to Marseille with transit- and arrival marks
"PER DAMPFSCHIFF", clear black straight-line on cash paid entire letter from Braila 1869 without further postmark to Vienna with red arrival mark
1869/77, 2 unfranked covers with postage due markings "28 BANI" resp. 3 strikes "30 BANI"
"JASSY TELEGRAFE 23 1871 5", clear striking blue on Telegraph form
1857, 10k. dark brown/light blue, plate II, good to large margins all around, tied by framed two-line "VILNO MARCH 1858" (Dobin 05.1.12) to a small piece, fine, certificate Ceremuga (2002)
1858, 10k. brown/light blue tied by circular dotted "2" MOSCOW to a folded letter to Latvia, with adjacent arrival framed "POLUCHENO 14 AUG. 1858", on reverse departure two-line "MOSCOW AUG. 7" and transit cds. "MITAVA AUG. 12 1858"; one short perf., otherwise fine
1858 10k. brown/blue, tied by clear Polish concentric circles "282" KIBARTY, with adjacent cds. "KIBARTY 10-4" to a folded entire to St Petersburg, reverse arrival cds. "ST PETERSBURG 31 MARCH 1863 III" and blue cds. "GRANDE SOCIETE DES CHEMINS DE FER RUSSES"; the stamp was previously cancelled a
1899, Provisional Label, 1k., 2k., 3k., 4k, 5k. and 35k. Arms tied with cds "ROSTOV ON DON" to an international registered envelope to Germany, alongside the scarce 1899 provisional label from Rostov; attractive six colours franking and scarce label
1918, Provisional Government, 50k. imperforate, tied with cds "ELISAVETGRAD 20 08 18" to the reverse of an envelope to Novograd-Volinsk, alongside receiver handstamp 26 August, also 50k. with 7r. both imperforate and 1918 5k. Saving stamps tied with cds "BUZULUK 1 3 19" to a fragment of a money t
1919, 1 rbl. perforated proof with black instead of brown burelage, with strongly shifted frame and center, mint never hinged, fine, certificate Dr. Leupold VÖB
1918, Chain Breaker 35 k. blue, imperforated horizontal pair, unused, bend between the stamps, gum crease through left stamp and tiny tear in the margin only, fine and scarce, certificate Dr. Leupold VÖB (2017)
1918, Chain Breaker 35 k. blue, horizontal pair without chalk security pattern, mint never hinged, fine, certificate Dr. Leupold VÖB (2017)
1922, Hunger Aid 250r. on 35k. with double surcharge in yellow and carmine, mint never hinged, some blunt perfs, two perf tips tiny toned, otherwise fine, a scarce stamp with only 100 printed, certificate Dr. Leupold AIEP (2022) (Standard 27Tr)
1923, Philately for labor 5000 rbl. with copper surcharge, with overprint variety "wide distance between 1 and 923", tied by cds. to piece, fine
1923, Philately for labor 5000 rbl. with silver surcharge, with overprint variety "wide distance between 1 and 923", tied by cds. to piece, a very rare and attractive stamp, fine
1941, Red Army and Navy 5 k.-1 r., 15 and 45k. as vertical the others as horizontal gutter pairs, mint never hinged, fine, scarce
1899, Postal stationery Advertising letter 7 k. with additional franking 3 k. red cancelled with cds. "RIGA 31.III.1899" to Laibach with arrival mark, inside with illustration of an ibex, fine
1875, Coat of arms postal stationery card 4k. green with errounous inscription at bottom "?????????", used, small corner bend/crease, otherwise fine
"1028" STATION ZLOCHEV dotted postmark on 1866 10k. brown/blue on horizontally laid paper on envelope to Kalisz, on reverse framed "ST. ZLOCHEV KALI. G. 29 JANUARY 1875" and arrival cds. "30 JAN. 1875"; vertical fold on the right side and minor cover imperfections, otherwise fine and very scarce
"???.????." - "NO CHARGE" red framed cancel on postal stationery envelope, 10k. brown from "KAMENOGORODKS 9 1874" to St. Petersburg, some creasing and staining, otherwise fine, scarce cancellation
1921, 2k.-10k. complete set in pairs together with an additional single 10k., all tied by cds. "VLADIVOSTOK 10 5 22" to a registered envelope to Germany, adjacent red transit mark via London and arrival cds. "LEIPZIG VOLKMARSDORF"; slight cover imperfections at the edge otherwise very fine
1910, Kitai 1k. orange and 7k. blue tied by cds. "SHANGHAI POSTES 6 3 00" to wrapper to Wladiwostok, fine
ODESSA DISINFECTION: 1851, cds "CONSTANTINOPLE" struck on reverse of a folded entire to ODESSA, endorsed "194" alongside and very faint arrival oval postmark, typical disinfection pin holes applied against diseases at ports; very fine and scarce
1912, negative seal "Chio Poste Russe Gratuit" with matching cds. "ROPiT CHIOS 7 XII 1912" on cover adressed to Athens with arrival mark, fine
1900, 4p. on 1k. horizontal pair with inverted surcharge, used with cds. "ROPIT", fine
ORGEEV DISTRICT: 1887, 3k. carmine-red, horizontal pair with fresh colors, tied by the circular Star of David district cancel "16" to an envelope for the administration for agricultural affairs in Orgeev, intact wax seal on reverse, cover roughly opened at the bottom otherwise very fine (Schmidt
1923, Airmail 5k. deep-green wide "5", large margins all around, unused, without the usual gum creases, very fine and certainly one of the finest of the only 25 printed, signed Raybaudi with certificate and certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2011) (Standard 011II)
1924, Flood damaged 3k. on 100r. orange, with very prominent and unusual variety "large part of the printing of the basic stamp missing on the lower left", unused, very fine and attractive
1924, Flood damaged 3k. on 100r. orange, with very prominent and unusual variety "overprint split at upper left", due to paper fold while overprinting, mint never hinged, fine and attractive
1924, Flood damaged 3k. on 100r. orange, vertical pair, the bottom stamp without surcharge, mint never hinged, very fine and rare, certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2008)
1924, Flood damaged 3k. on 100r. orange, horizontal pair with inverted surcharge, mint never hinged, very fine, signed Goznak (Standard 63PPTa)
1924, Flood damaged 7k. on 200r. brown, with inverted surcharge, unused, very fine, signed Goznak, Mikulski a.o. and certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2009) (Standard 64Ta)
1924, Flood damaged 7k. on 200r. brown, with inverted surcharge, mint never hinged, very fine, signed Goznak (Standard 64Ta)
1924, Flood damaged 12k. on 500r. blue, with clear double print, mint never hinged, very fine, scarce, certificate Dobin (2000) (Standard 65Tc)
1924, Flood damaged 12k. on 500r. blue, with clear double print, unused, very fine and scarce, signed Mikulski with copy of certificate (1986) and certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2011) (Standard 65Tc)
1924, Flood damaged 12k. on 500r. blue, with inverted overprint, mint never hinged, very fine and scarce, signed and certificate Mandrovski (2008) (Standard 65Tb)
1924, Flood damaged 12k. on 500r. blue, with inverted overprint, mint never hinged, diagonal gum crease, scarce, signed and certificate Mandrovski (2005) (Standard 65Tb)
1924, Flood damaged 14k. on 500r. blue with black horizontal proof-overprint, showing full offset on reverse, unused, very fine, an extremely rare stamp with only very few known, signed Rosselevitch and Mikulski with copy of certificate and certificate Buchsbayew (2011) (Standard 265 variety, Lia
1924, Flood damaged 14k. on 300r. green, left marginal stamp on thin paper, mint never hinged, very fine and rare, certificate Mandrovski (2001) (Standard 66PP)
1924, Flood damaged 20k. on 1000r., vertical pair, the lower stamp without overprint, mint never hinged, top stamp small natural inclusion, very fine and rare, certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2008)
1924, Airmail 10k. on 5k., topsheet margin pair, the upper stamp without surcharge, mint never hinged, tiny hinged remainder in the outer upper margin only, very fine, a great and attractive rarity of Soviet Airmail stamps, signed Mikulski (a.o.) with certificate (1988)
1924, Airmail 10k. on 5k., right sheet margin pair, the right stamp without surcharge, mint never hinged, very fine, a great and attractive rarity of Soviet Airmail stamps, signed A. Brun and opinion Kondrikov
1924, Airmail 10k. on 5k. green with wide "5", fresh color from the upper right sheet margin, mint never hinged, usual gum creases, a very attractive copy, signed Goznak and certificate Sismondo (2003)
1924, Airmail 10k. on 5k. with inverted surcharge, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, a fine and attractive example of this rare stamp, signed Romeko, Kessler, A. Brun and Calves and certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2007) (Standard 61TIa)
1924, Airmail 15k. on 1rbl. with inverted surcharge, from the lower left sheet corner, fresh color and good margins all around, mint never hinged, a fine and attractive example of this rare stamp, certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2009) (Standard 61Ta)
1924, Airmail 15k. on 1rbl with inverted surcharge, fresh color and good margins all around, mint never hinged, a fine and attractive example of this rare stamp, certificate Mandrovski (2005) (Standard 61Ta)
1924, Airmail 15k. on 1rbl. with inverted surcharge, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, a fine and attractive example of this rare stamp, signed Mikulski (a.o) with certificate (1993) (Standard 61Ta)
1924, Airmail 20k. on 10rbl. with inverted surcharge, fresh color and good margins all around, unused, a fine and attractive example of this rare stamp, signed Mikulski and Dr. Jem (Standard T62a)
1926, Esperanto Congress 7-14 rbl., liner perforated 11½, fresh color and good perforation, 7k. one negligible short perf at left, mint never hinged, very fine, these perforation varieties were printed in sheetlets of ten and are among the rarest of pre-WWII Soviet Union issues, certificates Dobi
1927, Esperanto 14k., four singles with different perforations, unused and mint never hinged, fine, one signed Buchsbayew
1927, Esperanto 14k., without watermark, line perforated 10, unused, very fine, certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2011) (Standard 184B)
1927, Esperanto 14k., without watermark, line perforated 10:10½, unused, very fine, certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2011) (Standard 184A)
1929, Industrialisation 20 k. green, line perforated 10¾, mint never hinged, very fine and rare, certificate Mandrovski (2006) (Standard 247A)
1932, International Polar Year 50k. carmine rose, line perforation 10½, fresh color and usual perforation, unused, a very fine example of this major rarity, certificate Buchsbayew AIEP (2002) (Standard 297A)
1935, Moscow-San Francisco flight 1r., block of four (positions 2-3,7-8), the bottom stamps with lower case letter "?" in "San Francisco", upper right stamp (position 3) short "p" of "Francisco", upper stamps with raised dot after "Ceb", never hinged, very attractive and a major rarity, signed Go
1970, 10K. Beethoven, artist signed die poof in black on laid paper without gum, mint hinged, with creases and stain in the right lower corner, small tear on the top, otherwise fine, additionally artist signed postal stationary letter, mint hinged
5k. and 15k. on 1k., 25k. on 7k. 50k. on 1r. and 1r. on 3k. perf 12½, all with inverted surcharge, unused, 5k. on 1k. tiny toned spots, otherwise fine, each with certificate Dr. Leupold (2017)
1924, 3k. and 5k. tied by cds. "MOCKBA 22 10 24" to reverse of underpaid cover, franked on front with Definitive 6k. tied with cds "LENINGRAD 21 10 24", oval DOPLATIT "8k" handstamp struck alongside; very fine and scarce franking
1925, 14k. applied on arrival and tied with "MOCKBA 18.10.25" to reverse of a domestic envelope sent unfranked, on front oval handstamp "Moscow North Station Railway 17 10 25", 7 kopek rate plus 7 kopek penalty, unusual usage; very fine
Post office at Smyrna: Commercially used corner cover (B. Diogenis, Smyrne) with large blue "SAMIKON IGEMONIKON TACHYDROMEION EN SMYRNI" (Kosmidis type A1), sent to Carlovassi, Samos. An extremely rare items, just 3 entires recorded. Illustrated in Manos Anagnostou "Samos" (p. 119)
Smyrna: 1881 (ca.), commercial unpaid cover with clear blue "SAMIKON IGEMONIKON TACHYDROMEION EN SMYRNI" (Kosmidis type A2, 11 recorded) and blue "T" to Carlovassi, Samos. Very fine and rare.
Post office at Smyrna: 1882, Commercially used corner cover with blue "SAMIKON IGEMONIKON TACHYDROMEION EN SMYRNI" (Kosmidis type A2), prepaid, with boxed "PLIROMENON" (Kosmidis type A3), sent to Carlovassi, Samos, via "SAMIKON TACHYDROMEION EN L. VATHEOS 2.21.1882" (Samian P.O. at Vathy). Very r
1907, Postal stationery cut out 10 pa., two copies , tied by "SAMIKON TACHYDROMEION EN L. VATHEOS 13.FEB." to reverse of opened out registered commercial envelope from Marathocampos to Vathy with frontside same handstamp and boxed "SYSTIMENON" with adjacent manuscript "Registered 1/2 grossi &am
1826, small entire letter from Madrid to St. Petersburg, Russia, struck on front with clear "ESPAGNE PAR BAYONNE"; very fine and rare
1850, Isabella II. 5r. red, Sperati forgery, used with blue "11" of Zaragoza, fine, signed BPA
1850, Isabella II. 6 r. blue, Sperati forgery type B, tied by red "0" to small piece, fine, signed BPA
1853, Isabella II. 2 r. brick-red, Sperati forgery, used, very fine, signed BPA
1865, Isabella II. 1r. Sperati forgery, single print in black on normal ungummed paper (40x41mm). Front with many production notes, a very interesting piece
1870, Hispania 25 m., 50 m., 100 m. and 200 m., tied to lettersheet (small part on reverse missing) with small cds. "MALAGA 21 NOV. 71" to St. Petersburg, Russia; 100 m. affected by cover crease, otherwise fine. A rare 4 coulor franking.
1874, Allegory 10r. Sperati forgery, single print in black on normal ungummed paper (31x39mm). Front with many production notes, a very interesting piece
1905, Postal stationery card King Alfonso 10c. green, used with a fair strike of cds. "CORREOS ELOBEY", alongside cds. "LIBREVILLE 28 NOV 05 GABON" and Atlantic shipmail cds. "LOANGO BORDEAUX 4 DEC 05 N°1", sent to Switzerland, very fine and scarce
1900, Revenue Stamps overprinted 5 c. on 10 c. blue tied by blue cds. "CORREOS FERNANDO POO 20.OCT.00" on cover to Santa Isabel, fine, rare, certificate Graus A.I.E.P. (1994)
1907/08, King Alfonso Handstamp Overprints 15c. on 25c., 10c. on 50c., 15c. on 75c. (2) and 15c. on 1pta. horizontal strip of three, tied by large cds. "RIO DE ORO CORREOS 15 DIC 1908" to a registered envelope to Paris, on reverse framed handstamp "CERTIFICADO LAS PALMAS" and transit "REGISTERED
1856, ½ r. blue-green on watermarked paper, two singles tied by oval grid to 1857 commercial entire to Cadiz, with manuscript endorsement "Vapor Correo Habana" alongside, reverse with arrival mark "CADIZ 6 JAN. 58"; very fine
1918, Värnamo 55-80Ø blue and black, fresh color and nicely centered, mint never hinged, very fine and rare
1863, Sitzende Helvetia 60 Rp. kupferbronze und 20 Rp. gelborange, beide farbfrisch und gut gezähnt, mit DKr. "AARAU 15 IX 64" auf Briefkuvert nach Alexandria, Ägypten. Leitvermerk "via Trieste con vapore Austriaco", rückseitig entsprechende Transitstempel von Ulm (15.9.), Wien (17.9.) und Triest
1854, Sitzende Helvetia 5Rp. - 1 Fr. und 2 R., ungebraucht, farbfrisch, teils gering tangiert und altersfleckig, sonst in guter Erhaltung
1865, 1 ghr. lilac-grey tied by blue boxed "BEYRUT” to entire letter, tiny spots, otherwise fine, certificate BPA (1966)
1880, 1 pia. black/blue gray, tied by Aksaray arabic cancel, to reverse of cover to Lofca,Bulgaria, additionally franked for the (new) foreign destination with 1876/77, ¼ pia., tied by blue Istanbul cds.; adjacent blue Cyrillic "RUSCUK 7 5 80". A very rare and interesting cover. Certificate TOPS
1914, Views of Constantinople booklet with complete panes, two panes 10pa green and 20pa. red each and one pane 1p. blue, mint never hinged, covers some stains and small wrinkles, scarce |
1915, Star and Crescent 25 pia. green, overprint type I, unused, fine, certificate Engler (1997) and Nakri AIEP (2020) (Mi. 2.400,-)
UNISSUED: 1915, Star and Crescent 5 pa., overprint type II on issue 1908 instead issue 1910, unused, fine, rare, certificate Nakri AIEP (2020) (Isfila 549FF03)
1864, 1 pia.on red brown, nice margins, tied by fine dotted 'battal' to entire letter from Kotel to Rustschuk, very fine, opinion Todd AIEP
1 pia.and 2 pia, on red brown, ample to wide margins, tied at arrival by fine dotted "RUSTSCHUK" to entire letter, very fine, opinion Todd AIEP
"AN CANIB-I POSTA-I VIDIN 256", arabic negative seal, clear strike on cover to Constantinople, rated 3 pia. 20pa.. Very fine and scarce, opinion Todd AIEP
"HEZARGRAD IGNE BEKCI ISTASYONU", all arabic single circle, clear strike on Duloz postage due 1869, 20 pa. brown, on small piece, fine and rare
"ISLIMYE", greenish-black triple framed arabic handstamp, clear strike on Duloz 1868/70, 1 pia. yellow and 20 pa. green, on entire letter to Filibe, very fine, certificate Nakri (2017)
"RUSCUK", dotted handstamp, clear strike tying Tughra postage due, 1 pia. with clear to wide margins, to entire letter from Kotel to Ruscuk. A very fine and scarce letter. Certificate Nakri (2017) and Holcombe (1994)
"NISSYROS 4-8-908", fine strike in blue on pair 1908, 20 pa. rose on small envelope to Athens with transit- and arrival marks. One stamp tiny rounded corner, cover with light bends, otherwise very fine. A very rare cancellation. Illustration copy of ISFILA-handbook.
"PESKOKEFAL" black hexagonal handstamp on entire letter letter from the Monastery of Piskokephalo, dated 1872. A very rare postmark, just 6 stampless entires recorded.
"RETMO ", arabic octagonal marking, 2 clear strikes on 1876, 1 pia. in vertical pair, on small registered envelope to Istanbul, additionally franked on reverse with 1 pia. local stamp for distribution in Istanbul (damaged when cover was opened). A fine and scarce entire.
VOLOS: "GOLOS TELEGRAF VE POSTAHANESI 1314", very fine strike in blue on 1892, 1 pia. on commercial cover to Constantinople. A very fine and extremely rare entire.
1918, 3,5 rbl. tied by cds. "KIEV 4 3 19" to money order, folded in the middle, fine
1924, Georve V. 5£ black on yellow, fresh colour, good perforation, unused, very fine copy of this key stamp, certificate RPSL (1968)
1916, Shipwreck of St. Paul before Malta 10 sh. black, fresh color and good perforation, unused with the barest trace of hinging, very fine copy of this key stamp, signed
1864, Rivadavia 10 c. green, good to large margins, lightly cancelled in blue, vf
1919, First Issue, 40k. multicolored, unobstrusive lower right corner wear, tied by cds. "ALZHIKABUL BAK. 17 10 19" to a postcard addressed to the head of the German consulate in Baku, arrival cds. "BAKU 19 10 19" alongside, correct 40 kopek postcard rate. Fine and very early usage of any Azerbai
1921, Famine Relief 1000r. dark brown/olive brown, horizontal pair, tied with cds. "BAKU", very scarce thus; very fine
1922, 50000r. on 3000r. blue/brown, vertical tete-beche pair, natural paper crease and upper stamp cut into the design, used with cds. "GEOKCHAJ BAKIN", still fine and scarce, with certificate Stefan Berger (2022)
1922, 50000r. on 3000r. blue/brown, horizontal tete-beche pair, unobstrusive tiny thin, used with cds. "KAZAHR ELISAV.", fine and scarce
1922, 50000r. on 3000r. blue/brown, vertical tete-beche pair, used, very fine and scarce, with certificate Stefan Berger (2022)
1922, 50000r. on 3000r. blue/brown, block of four with lower pair tete-beche, used with cds. "ELISAVETPOL 16 9 22", very fine and scarce, with certificate Stefan Berger (2022)
1922, 500,000 on 2000r., horizontal strip of three tied by cds. "BAKU 28 11 22" to a registered envelope to Copenhagen, with adjacent arrival mark "KJOBENHAVN 15.12.22", fine
1922, 500,000r. on 66,000r on 2,000r. blue/slate, rubber handstamp overprint, horizontal pair, good to large margins, used with cds. "AGDASH ELISAV.", very fine and rare, with certificate Stefan Berger (2022) (Mi. 1000,-)
1922, 500,000r. on 66,000r on 2,000r. blue/slate, machine overprint, horizontal block of eight with sheet margin, one stamp with faults, used with cds. "AGDASH ELISAV.", very fine and rare, with certificate Stefan Berger (2022) (Mi. 4000,-)
1923, 5000r. and 5002r on 2000r. blue/slate, horizontal pair, used with cds. "ZAKATALY 24 2 23", overprinted "5002" by mistake, later corrected by the clerk with an additional "5000" metal handstamp strike, very fine and most unusual, with certificate Stefan Berger (2022)
1923, 5000r. and 5001r on 2000r. blue/slate, horizontal pair, used, metal handstamp "5001" applied by mistake and se-tenant with normal, very fine and most unusual
1923, 5000r. on 2000r. blue/slate, horizontal block of eight, one adhesive creased, used with cds. "ZAKATALY 24 2 23", two stamps at the left overprinted "5001" and "5002" by mistake, later corrected by the clerk with two "5000" metal handstamp strikes alongside, very fine and most unusual, with
1878, Dom Pedro 10r. vermilion, 50r. blue and 200r. black (2), very fresh colours, tied by mute cancels to a registered envelope to Chemnitz, red cds. "RIO DE JANEIRO 78" and oval "REGISTRADO", special label "Vom Ausland" applied on arrival, very fine and attractive three-colours franking to a fo
1871, Coat of arms 1c. yellow-brown imperforated, complete printing sheet of 200 with gutter in between, "CONTROLE T.P." handstamp in two corners, three stamps with faults, the outer sheet margins with tears and wrinkles, otherwise fine and scarce
1881, Quetzal 5c. with inverted center, used with light cancel, pulled perforation at bottom and few nibbed perfs, small corner crease, an attractive example of this rare stamps with just 20 examples recorded
1908, 1c. on 10c. orange/blue, two blocks of four with double surcharge, mint never hinged except for one stamp, very fine
1925, overprint AEREO CORREO 5c. and 20 c. with overprint inverted, unused with large part original gum, fine and rare, just 12 resp. 36 copies printed (Scott C2a, C6a)
1930, airmail, Herrera 5c. on 10c. , surcharge in yellow, horizontal pair, one with '1903' instead '1930', unused o.g., very fine and rare, just 50 copies printed, the variety being unique (Scott C21 var.)
1930, airmail, Herrera 5c. on 20c. , surcharge in blue, reading downwards, horizontal pair, one with '1903' instead '1930', unused o.g., very fine and rare (Scott C22 var.)
1930, air mail 10 c. on 20 c. with surcharge in violett, unused o.g., tiny corner crease, still fine and scarce, only 50 printed. (Scott C24)
1894, Allegory 5c. rose/black rouletted (3), tied by cds. "BASSA LIBERIA MAY 21 1894" to a 10c. postal stationery envelope for registration sent to USA, reverse transit marks "DEUTSCH-AMERIK. SEEPOST HAMBURG NEW YORK 26 6 95" and "NEW YORK 7 - 4 1895", arrival cds. Clintonville, fine and scarce
1867, Wove paper, Medio real on white, horizontal block of 20, full to mostly large margins, unused without gum. Some light toning, one vertical and one horizontal crease not affecting the stamps, otherwise very fine. Even unused single copies of this stamp are very rare; this is by far the large
1867, Wove paper, Medio real on white, large margins, lightly cancelled with oval"FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA", very fine. Certificate MEPSI (1995)
Un real on grey blue, overprinted 'C.GUZMAN', and 2 reales on white without overprint, used with 'infinity cancel' on letter sheet, docketed 'March 18, 1867', to Guadalajara. Faint filing crease affecting the stamps, otherwise fine. Just 10 covers have been recorded with the "C.GUZMAN" overprint;
Un real on dark blue, two single copies, lightly tied to letter sheet to Omeca. Some Light water staining and little fragile, still fine and extremely rare. Just 4 entires with this stamp have been recorded, this being the only multiple franking. Certificate MEPSI (2006) Provenance: Jo
Un real on grey blue and two copies 4 reales on rose, tied by oval "COREOS GUADALAJARA APRIL 9, 1867" to lettersheet (not quite complete on reverse) to Colima, correctly paid for a weight less than 2 ounces. The 1r. applied with light paper wrinkle. A fine and very rare entire; the highest recor
1867, Wove paper, 2 reales on green, large margins and fresh deep colour, unused with part original gum. Very fine. Extremely rare in this condition
2 reales on green, cut to shape, tied by double line "FRANCO EN AHUALULCO" to lettersheet, docketed March 24, 1867, to Guadalajara. Some minor staining. A fine and rare letter, just one further recorded from this city with the Guadalajara provisional. Certificate MEPSI (1996)
2 reales on green, tied by straight line "COCULA" to letter sheet to Guadalajara. The entire somewhat damaged on reverse, still fine and very rare. The only recorded letter with this cancellation. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
2 reales on green with good margins, tied by Infinity handstamp to entire letter from Ciudad Guzman 3.2.1867 to Guadalajara very fine. Certificate MEPSI (2021)
2 reales on green, overprinted "C.GUZMAN", fresh colour and large margins, tied by 'Infinity handstamp' to letter sheet to Guadalajara. Outer margin of the stamp affected by light cover crease, still fine and most attractive. An extremely rare entire. Certificate MEPSI (2021)
1867, Wove paper, 4 reales on rose, good margins, lightly cancelled with oval "FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA", very fine. Certificate MEPSI (2018)
4 reales on rose, tied by oval "CORREOS GUADALAJARA JUN 11" to entire letter with frontside sender's cachet from Colima to Zamora, forwarded by "G.H. SATTLER GUADALAJARA" with cachets of June 10th and 12th, 1867, on reverse. A fine and rare forwarded letter with a very scarce single franking. Cer
4 reales on white, good margins, tied by wreath cancel with adjacent "CORREOS GUADALAJARA ENERO 24" (1867) to letter sheet with frontside sender's cachet from Colima to Mexico City, forwarded by "THEODORO KUNHARDT/GUADALAJARA" and "KUNHARDT Y ESQUEDA/LEON" (not listed at Rowe). A very fine and ex
4 reales on white and 2 reales on green, quadrillé paper, each bisected horizontally and arranged to a complete design, tied by double circle "FRANCO EN C.GUZMAN" to letter sheet to Guadalajara, paying the correct 3 reales rate. Bisects of the 4 reales on white are extremely rare, in this combina
2nd printing: Quadrille paper, 2 reales on green, vivid colour and large to enormous margins, used with scarce fancy "FRANCO AUTLAN", an outstanding copy, certificate MEPSI (1996)
2nd printing: Quadrille paper serrated, 2 reales on green, lightly cancelled, very fine, certificate MEPSI (2018)
2nd printing: Laid paper, 2 reales on green with variety '1 in 1867 missing', unused with original gum, very fine and scarce, certificate MEPSI (2021)
Third printing, wove paper, 2 reales on rose, fresh colour and large to enormous margins, tied by "FRANQUEADO GUADALAJARA" two cover front with one backflap to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Very rare and attractive item; just one further entire with Guadalajara stamps to a destination abroad has been repor
Third printing, wove paper, 4 reales on blue, good margins and fresh colour, unused with original gum. Very fine and rare, just 3 further unused copies recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
4. reales on blue, tied by Infinity handstamp to double rate entire letter to Colima, dated 12. April 1868. Very fine and extremely rare, just 4 used copies of this stamp have been recorded, including 3 on entires. Certificate MEPSI (2009) Provenance: John Bash, Omar Rodriguez
Thin quadrille paper, 2 reales on rose, cut to shape, tied by boxed "AMECA" to undated lettersheet (small faults) to Guadalajara. A fine and very rare letter, just one further recorded from this city franked with Guadalajara provisionals. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
Laid batonne paper, Un real on green, large margins, tied by oval "HOSTOTIPAQUILLO" to entire letter 22.8.1867 to Magdalena. A fine and very rare letter, just one further recorded from this city franked with Guadalajara provisionals. Certificate MEPSI (2011)
Laid batonné paper, '4 reales' on 'Un peso' lilac, nice fresh colour and good to large margins, unused with fresh original gum. The most outstanding rarity of the provisional issues of Guadalajara; no further copy of this stamp has been recorded and no further copy of any double denomination of t
Serrated: 4. reales on blue, lightly cancelled by infinity cancel, very fine. A very rare stamp, of which just 3 further used, but no unused examples have been recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2003) Provenance: Omar Rodriguez
Serrated: 4. reales on white, lightly cancelled by small part of oval "COREOS GUADALAJARA", very fine. The only existing example of this stamp; no unused copies or covers have been recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2007)
Oblong quadillle paper serrated: Un real on blue, vivid colour, very lightly cancelled, very fine. A very rare stamp with just 5 copies off cover recorded. Certificate MEPSI (2008)
Oblong quadillle paper serrated: Un real on blue and 2nd printing 2 reales serrated, tied by infinity cancel two entire letter from Guadalajara July 22, 1867 to Mexico City, very fine. A very attractive and – on entire - unique combination; just 8 used copies of the 'Un real' have been recorded,
4th printing, wove paper, 2 reales on lilac, nice colour and good to large margins, tied by clear negative seal "CORREOS TEPIC" to lettersheet with adjacent "FRANQUEADO TEPIC" with manuscript date "Oct. 17/68" to Guadalajara. Very fine and scarce.
4th printing, wove paper, serrated, 2 reales on lilac, nice colour, small perforations faults, otherwise very fine and fresh, unused without gum. The only recorded unused example of this stamp (Scott not listed as unused). Certificate MEPSI (2018)
Laid batonne paper, un real on green, block of for, the lower right stamp with minor doubling, unused with original gum. A very fine and scarce multiple. Certificate MEPSI (2003)
4th printing: un real on laid batonne paper and on laid paper, used together on lettersheet to Guadalajara, tied by oval "FRANCO AMECA". A fine and rare entire, just 2 covers recorded with this cancellation on Guadalajara provisionals. Certificate MEPSI (1998)
4th printing: Laid batonne paper, 2 reales on lilac with variety "2 missing" and "1863", large margins, unused with original gum, very fine and fresh. A very rare variety. Certificate MEPSI (2021)
Laid paper: Un real, vertical pair, both copies with variety "nu instead of un", tied by wreath cancel to entire letter from Guadalajara 22 July 1868 to Colima. A fine and rare entire, just 2 covers recorded with this franking. Certificate MEPSI (2002)
Engalred photographic proof of the complete set of four accompanied with an original detailed double sided letter headlined "PRESS RELEASE / NOT TO BE PUBLISHED BEFORE JUNE 10, 1948" which talks, among other things "The Muslim nation which has now regained its independence...." and describing in
1961, Dammam Port souvenir sheets, 3p., 6p. and 8p., the 6p. small gum defect, otherwise very fine
1926, ¼p.-5p., complete set in blocks of four imperforate, sheet or corner margins, a few with tiny paper adhesion, minor gum toning or small cissor cut in margin only, imperforate, fine and rare (SG-Nr. 261/266)
1923, Definitives 150,000r. (2) and 500,000r., neatly tied by cds. "TIFLIS 1 - 10 23" to registered envelope to Rostov on Don, with adjacent arrival mark "ROSTOV DON -7 10.23", signed Mikulski, slight water stain otherwise fine
MARABOE CRASH: 1935 Siam, King Prajadhipok 10 s. and 25 s. tied by cds. "BANGKOKG 13. 7. 35" to an airmail envelope to Sweden via the Batavia-Amsterdam air route, crashed on 17th July in transit on the take-off runway in Bushire, where only 23 kg of the badly damaged mail could be recovered and
1912, Flugpost Rhein/Main 30 Pfg. mit zweimal Germania 5 Pfg. (1 Wert fehlerhaft) je mit Stempel "MAINZ 20.6.12" auf Fotokarte und 2. Karte mit Flugpost 20 Pfg. und Germania 10 Pfg. mit Stempel "MAINZ 20.6.12", beide adressiert an Heinrich Köhler in Paris
Gelber Hund 1 M und Germania 5 Pfg. je mit Sonderstempel "Frankfurt 11.6.12" auf Sonderkarte an die Königliche Hoheit Prinz Heinrich von Preußen in Hemmalmark mit Nachsendung nach Kiel und rückseitigem Text: "...erlauben sich durch die Euler Maschine die ergebensten sportlichen Grüße zu senden" m
1930, Südamerikafahrt, Spanische Post, Brief nach Rio mit schöner Frankatur
1930, Südamerikafahrt, Rundfahrt-Karte mit Auflieferung "BERLIN 19.5.30" mit Sondermarke 2 M. via Friedrichshafen und "RECIFE 28.MAI.30" mit Sondermarke 5000 R. USA und rückseitig "LAKEHURST JUN.1.1930" mit Sondermarke 65 C. sowie vorderseitig mit kleinem Stempel "THIS ARTICLE MADE THE COMPLETE R
1932, 7. Südamerikafahrt, sogen. Karlsruhe-Provisorium, Brief mit deutscher Frankatur mit Stempel "MSP Nr. 28 29.9.32" und brasil. Bestätigungsstempel sowie Flugpostempel "RECIVE 28.SET.32" nach Höchst, leichte Beförderungsspuren, einwandfrei, dekorativer und seltener Beleg (Mi.-Nr. 281b)
CYRENAICA: 1933, 1. SAF, R-Karte nach Recife
Liechtenstein: 1929, Weltrundfahrt, Rundfahrt mit Maschinenankunftsstempel vom 4.9., Brief mit vorder- und rückseitiger Frankatur mit u.a. Viererblock Mi.-Nr. 71 von "BALZERS 13.8.", adressiert nach Zürich, rückseitige Frankatur nur zum Teil vom Maschinenstempel entwertet, einwandfrei, sehr selte
1933, 1. Südamerikafahrt, Auflieferung Friedrichshafen, R-Brief mit Randstück Zeppelin 1 M. und Reichspräsidenten 80 Pfg. je mit POL-Lochung von "GELSENKIRCHEN 4.5.33" nach Curitiba mit vorderseitigem Ankunftsstempel, Umschlag mit senkrechter Faltung links und links oben mit Reste eines Leitzette
1896, Olympics 1 l.-10 dr., complete set, fresh colors, unused with original gum, some light paper bends, 10 dr. unobstrusive corner perf. crease, otherwise fine
1896, 1 l.-10 dr., complete set, fresh colors, used, a few typical imperfections, 10 dr. unobstrusive corner perf. crease, otherwise fine
1896, 2 l. block of twelve with two gutter pairs, the last two adhesives on the upper row at right with hinge remnant otherwise unmounted mint, three stamps minor soiling, one pin hole, otherwise fine, and 20 l. block of six with three gutter pairs, unmounted mint, very fine, scarce
1906, 1 l. - 5 dr., complete set, fresh colours, unused, 3 dr. and 5 dr. very fine, both signed Bühler, and a complete set used, a few adhesives with minor faults, 2 dr. - 5 dr. very fine
1906, Olympics 5 l. (2) tied by cds. "ATHEN 1906" to a picture postcard to Sweden, written by Swedish athlete and Gold medalist Hjalmar Melander, also an unused illustrated postcard depicting Melander holding his prize, very fine
1908, Världsmästare af Torsten Schönberg by Schonberg, 20 sketches from the London Olympic Games, fine
1912, complete set of 16 official vignettes in different languages designed by the artist Hjortzberg, fresh colors, also a black vignette "ÖSTERREICH IN STOCKHOLM 1912" and a vignette on the reverse of a registered cover, very fine, scarce assembly
1912, pin produced for the Olympic Games by the Danish Olympic organisation committee (ca. 21 mm Ø), inscribed "Olympiske Lege", also some pins produced for the Barcelona 1994, Beijing 2008 and Melbourne Candidate Games, very fine, scarce
1912, pin produced for the Olympic Games by the Danish Olympic organisation committee (ca. 21 mm Ø), inscribed "Olympiske Lege", also a pin produced for the 1956 Melbourne Games, very fine, scarce
1912, Den Femte Olympiaden by Peterson, complete set of 24 covering all aspects of the games, in Swedish, 384 pages with illustrations, hardbound in green colour, very fine
1912, Den Femte Olympdiaden by Peterson, complete set of 24 covering all aspects of the games, in Swedish, 384 pages with illustrations, hardbound in blue colour, very fine
1912, Olympiska Spelen Stockholm by Gustaf Uggla, an historical background of the Olympic Games, in Swedish, 726 pages with illustrations, hardbound, some usual traces of wear otherwise fine
1912, Den Femte Olympiaden, 22 single issues of the Olympic magazine, in Swedish, profusely illustrated, poor to very fine condition, and a porcelain plate produced by Rörstrand, depicting the entrance of the Olympic stadium
1912, Olympiska Spelen Stockholm, official games report by the organising committee, in Swedish, 1068 pages with illustrations, hardbound, very fine, scarce
1912, Official program for the 15th July, 48 pages booklet (ca. 140 : 220 mm), light soiling otherwise fine
1912, Official presentation booklet in English, nicely illustrated with a poster design on front and inside maps, 52 pages (ca. 135 : 229 mm), fine
"OLYMPISKA SPELEN I STOCKHOLM 15 7 12" machine roller cancellation on a King Gustav postal stationery card 5 ö. sent underfranked to Karlsbad, Austria, taxed upon arrival with Austrian postage dues 30 h. and 4 h. (2) tied by cds. "KARLSBAD 17.III.12", very fine, most unusual
"STOCKHOLM STADION / LBR 2 7 1912" superb strike tying a 4 ö. adhesive to a very fresh illustrated Granbergs postcard depicting a cyclist, sent locally, a further strike tying an adjacent large and colorfull vignette "OLYMPIC GAMES STOCKHOLM 1912" ; extremely fine, rare combination
"STOCKHOLM STADION / 22 7 1912" tying a 5 ö. adhesive to a domestic picture postcard sent the last day of the Games, very fine, scarce
"STOCKHOLM STADION / LBR 4 7 1912" very fair strike tying a 5 ö. adhesive to a picture postcard of the stadium to Stugaund, very fine, scarce postmark
"STOCKHOLM STADION / LBR 16 7 1912" tying a 5 ö. adhesive to an illustrated postcard depicting the outside of the stadium, sent to Wermeland, very fine, scarce postmark
1920, Olympiska Spelen Antwerpen by Bergvall, with an ad libris vignette on the inside cover, in Swedish, 160 pages with illustrations, hardbound, fine, scarce
1920, 5 c.-15 c., complete set, neatly tied by the Olympic cds. "ANTWERPEN-ANVERS 6 IX. 1920 VIIe OLYMPIADE" to an envelope to Stockholm, with adjacent large violet official label for the event, fine, an attractive and scarce combination, also three unused and used sets and one cover, very fine
1924, Olympics 10 c.- 50 c., complete set, fresh colours, neatly tied by cds. "COLOMBES 5 -6 24 VILLAGE-OLYMPIQUE" to an envelope to Paris, a further strike adjacent tying two colorfull labels "JEUX OLYMPIQUES PARIS 1924", extremely fine, an attractive combination
1936, Olympia illustrated games reports in two volumes (ca. 194 pages), hardbound in German language, published by Altona-Bahrenfeld, fine to very fine
1940, Hammarsten-Jansson composite essay sheetlet in brown, with seven unissued designs, no gum as issued, a couple of tiny surface soiling spots, otherwise very fine and very scarce