Philately. Sc.C1-C3, Airmail 6c - 24c (Curtiss Jenny); complete favourite airmail set, c.v.. $180
Philately. Sc.C4-C6, Airmail 8c - 24c (DeHavilland Biplane); complete second airmail issue, F-VF, c.v.. $140
Philately. Sc.C15, Graf Zeppelin $2,50 on cut-square with cancel. VARICK APR.25 / 1930; fine stamp, c.v.. $550++
Philately. Sc.C18, Zeppelin 50c green, block of 6 with lower margin with plate number; superb, c.v.. $600, very fine multiple!
Philately. postal stationery cover 2c sent as Reg to Switzerland, uprated with stamp issue Columbus 2+3+6c, posting oval CDS PATERSON, supplemented with violet REGISTERED PATERSON Oct.12.1898, on reverse arrival ZURICH 23.X.93; some small tearing in margin
Philately. ZEPPELIN / letter to Germany, forwarded by Graf Zeppelin, franked with stamps 1c, 14c and 11c (i.a. 2x block of four), CDS NEW YORK 10.27.1928, flight cachet, on reverse arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN; lightly toned
Philately. ZEPPELIN / letter sent from Milwaukee to Dubrovnik, forwarded by Graf Zeppelin, franked with airmail stamps 24c (4x), 8c and 5c, red flight cachet FIRST FLIGHT AIR MAIL..., on reverse transit FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and arrival DUBROVNIK; vertical bend out of stamps, good condition, good d
Philately. SELECTION / 5 entires, from that 4x ZEPPELIN: Los Angeles - Lakehurst, Lakehurst - Friedrichshafen (2), TOO LATE mailing, then 1x ship BREMEN (Deutscher Schleuderflug); very fine
Philately. ZEPPELIN / SUDAMERIKAFAHRT; card roundflight franked with zeppelin airmail stamps Sc.C14+C15, $1.30 + $2.60, CDS VARICK N.Y. MAY 25/1930, flight cachets + confirmation cancel THIS ARTICLE MADE THE COMPLETE ROUNDTRIP / VIA GRAF ZEPPELIN, on reverse arrival FRIEDRICHSHAFEN; very fine
Philately. ZEPPELIN / letter to Czechoslovakia forwarded by LZ 127, franked with Zeppelin stamp 50C, Sc.C18, CDS CHICAGO / OCT.26.1933, violet flight cachet, on reverse transit and arrival postmark.; very fine
Philately. FDC / Reg and airmail letter with return sheetlet to England, franked with 3 str-of-3 from bklt issue of airmail stamps 6c, Sc.C25a with machine cancel. WASHINGTON D.C. Mar/18 1943, on reverse supplemented with stamp 1c, arrival postmark DR CESKOSLOVENSKA POLNI POSTA 26.Apr. 1943,
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] interesting semifinished collection on pages Schaubek in two spring folders, incl. classic, several better values, complete sets, highest values etc.., also postage-due, air-mails etc..; part various quality, higher catalogue, we advice viewings!
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / of used / mint stamps in 7 various stockbooks, incl. part of classic period, some stamps more times; various quality
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / larger accumulation of mainly used stamps in 17 stockbooks in full IKEA box, incl. some classic period, single values often more times; various quality, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 125 air-mail letters, mainly first flights, some better for example MIAMI - CANAL ZONE, flights to Europe, connecting fligts for Zeppelin etc.., incl. better frankings issue 1923, 1928, souvenir sheets 1947 etc.; overall good condition
Philately. [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / ca. 40 letters with cancel. of US NAVY, some rarer, i.a. USS HONOLULU on letter from PEARL HARBOR 27.11. 1940, many small ships - USS OXFORD, USS LANDER etc.; good condition