(To See All Prices Realized in Column Mode)
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of many hundreds of mint George V to 1980s, including 2/6- to 10/- Seahorses, George VI non denominated essays in light rose and violet, Dues, face up to £10, etc, mostly clean and f-vf. Some earlier mixed. Inspect
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Accumulation of mint and earlier used, Victoria to 1990s including many thousands of used Machins, 1953 to 1990s complete booklets, gutter pairs, face value, plus some British Commonwealth, much on 102s, usual mixed quality, much is f-vf. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Accumulation of many thousands of mint and mostly used 1840 to 1999, with sparse and remaindered collection, plates, large quantities of used Edward ½d and 1d with shades, printings, cancels, etc, George V, and Elizabeth, usual mixed quality, great
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of mint and used 1841 to 1980s, in two collections in Scott Specialty albums, Great Britain fairly complete 1960 on, some mixed Victorian including Victoria Jubilee complete, much is f-vf. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 3/172: Old-time collection of several hundreds mostly used Victorian and Edward 1841 to 1913, (a few George V) on SG pages, wide range of shades, plate numbers, cancels, with #33 plates 71-224 (no #77), etc, somewhat remaindered but still includes
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 1/287: Collection of over 360 mostly used including Penny Blacks (3), imperf 1d, and 2d reds, Penny reds complete, 6d Embossed, 1864-79 used to 2/-, £1 Victoria green, shades, Plates, Edwards, George V and VI, cancels, etc, in SG Windsor album, app
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Property as received, with thousands of mint and used, mostly George V to 2000s, including mint George VI, 1st (220) 2nd (50) and E (25), plus over £80 in Machins, etc, earlier usual quality. Decimal Face (£605). Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of 1850s to 1980s with earlier used including Plates, George V Seahorses, mint staring with George VI, some on cover, booklets, Decimal Face Val £182 plus £78 in Machins, earlier quality mixed, much is f-vf. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: Collection of a few hundred of mint mostly Elizabethan to 2000s, plus a Penny Black, a Penny red and a 2d imperfs used, Machins, Channel Is, German Occupations including bisects on cover, blocks, etc, mostly clean and f-vf. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 1/386,etc: Collection of several hundred mostly used, 1840s to 1960s, strength in early issues incl 1d black, many later Victorian issues collected for plate numbers/shades (by SG), etc, condition quite mixed, with many more or less faulty (obvious
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 2/150: Over 230 Victoria and Edward issues, some better incl imperf 2d blue (no line), 2d with line (3), etc, useful for shades, cancels, etc, quality varies. Inspect. (2016 Scott $6185)
GREAT BRITAIN - COLLECTIONS AND LARGER LOTS: 89/2079,etc: Stock of many thousands of used, 1888 to 2002, mostly Elizabethan including Machins, Regionals, neatly sorted in stock book, duplication, better than normal condition, many cds copies, appear mostly f-vf. Inspect. (2005 Scott Cat Val $
GREAT BRITAIN- POSTAL HISTORY: 1816/1912 Twenty covers, folded letters, or cards, mostly Victorian, including stampless, 1870 ½d (Plates 8,10,13,14,20,etc), Registered envelopes, foreign destinations including Canada, France, Germany, USA, some a bit mixed, mostly f-vf. Inspect
GREAT BRITAIN - POSTAL HISTORY - CENSOR MAIL - WORLD WAR II: Over 80 covers, 1940 to 1943, 2½d to 5/- vals-, all stamps with various PERFINS, to Canada, Switzerland, and mostly USA, etc, including Registered O.H.M.S., etc, neatly mounted on pages and identified, some folded and opening
GREAT BRITIAN - POSTCARDS: 145 different with SQUARED CIRCLES from various towns and sub Post Offices, all with Edwards, mostly ½d, clean SON cancels, usual rounded corners, still fine.
GREAT BRITIAN - POSTCARDS: PHQ CARDS: Collection of over 2000, 1981 to 2015, appears complete, mostly very fine. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 3/122: Over 40 mint / unused with several better including 1d red imperf pair, plus 29 (Pl 8), 34, 42, 55, etc, some no gum / disturbed gum / regummed and several toned / faulty. Inspect. (2016 Scott $14200+)
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: Three Penny Blacks, 49 imperf Penny reds and two 1/- embossed, usual mixed quality. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 49,82,101: RECONSTUCTED PLATES, 3d rose Plate 5 (217), 2½d ultra Plate 21 (92), Plate 22 (218), and Plate 23 (201), three different values neatly plated on large pages, some perfins, small faults, various cancels, much is fine. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 22/86: Almost 50 mostly different 1855 to 1880, range of shades, Plates, watermarks, and cancels incl no letters, small letters, solid letters, white letters, etc, some faults but better than average. Inspect. (2016 Scott $4790)
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 1: Four used (BB,CJ,JJ, and KD), some toning, mostly fine
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 4: TWO PENCE BLUE, 55 different positions, AB to TI, mostly with NUMERAL cancels, appear better than usual quality. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 4,4a: TWO PENCE BLUE (DC) tied to folded accounting letter, blue NOTTINGHAM 14 MY 1849 Q, 15 MY 15 1849 receiver on back, plus PALE BLUE (EC) tied to folded cover by Numeral 45 cancel, 24 AP 1849 receiver, both to London, fine
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 5-7: EMBOSSED ISSUES, 6d to 1/-, just into to showing adjacent, fine
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 5: ONE SHILLING EMBOSSED, pale green, shallow thin, appears very fine. (SG 54 - £1000)
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 6: TEN PENCE red brown, good margins, '162' numeral cancel, fine. (SG 57 - £1500)
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 7: SIX PENCE red violet, clear margins, fine. (SG 58 - £1000)
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 58: HALF PENNY BANTAMS Study of 130 sorted by plate number. Plate 1(7), 3(4), 4(5), 5(8), 6(8), 8(1), 10(14), 11(16), 12(17), 13(11), 14(10), 15(11), 19(13), 20(6). Most appear f-vf. Inspect. (Owners Cat Val $4779)
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 81: 1880 2d lilac rose 45 used, range of shades and cancels, a few more or less faulty, mostly f-vf
GREAT BRITAIN - VICTORIA: 98-107: 1883-84 LILAC & GREEN Over 90 used including ½d (6), 1½d (17), 2d (10), 2½d (21), 3d (5), 4d (6), 5d (16), 6d (4), 9d, and 1/- (5), range of shades (many with full deep colour) and cancels incl cds, hooded, diamond grid, numerals, etc, some faults, mos
GREAT BRITAIN - EDWARD VII: 127/50: Specialized collection of almost 200 used, collected, identified and mostly annotated as to shades, and sorted by PRINTINGS, mostly identified by SG #s, incl De La Rue, Harrison and Somerset, high vals - 2/6 (6), 5/- (5), plus perf 15x14, etc, quality above
GREAT BRITAIN - EDWARD VII: 128/38: Approximately 800 used, with shades, cancels, several with cds, perf 14 incl ½d pale yellow (18), 1d (18), 1½d (90), 2d (80), 2½d (92), 3d (126), 4d green and brown (71) 4d orange (78), 5d (71), 6d (82), 7d (30), 9d (23), 10d (12) and 1/- (87), plus perf 15
GREAT BRITAIN - GEORGE V: 176: £1 green SEAHORSE, mint og, hh, couple nibbed perfs, fresh and centered
GREAT BRITAIN - GEORGE V: 179-181: 2/6- to 10/- 1919 Bradbury Wilkinson Seahorses complete, nh, f-vf
GREAT BRITAIN - GEORGE V: 209: £1 P.U.C., og, small hr, fine. (SG 438 - £750)
GREAT BRITAIN - GEORGE V: 209: £1 P.U.C., fresh, lh, fine. (SG 438 - £750)
GREAT BRITAIN - GEORGE V: 209: £1 P.U.C., usual light gum toning, small hr, fine. (SG 438 - £750)
GREAT BRITAIN - ELIZABETH II: Many hundreds of 1980s to 1990s mostly mint, souvenir sheets, singles, and booklets, including 1st (242), and 2nd (57), some FDCs, much is nh, mostly f-vf. Plus, over 400 Machins not included in total. (Face val - £955+)
GREAT BRITAIN - ELIZABETH II: A couple thousand mint non-Machins (£373 face value) and Machins (£78 face value), mostly nh, in a small box with many London 1980 souvenir sheets, some presentation packs and loose, appears f-vf. Inspect. (Face Val. £451)
GREAT BRITAIN - ELIZABETH II: Accumulation of many thousands of used to 1970s, mostly Wilding, and Machins with huge duplication, mostly neatly sorted in envelopes, a little mint and FDCs, mostly f-vf. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - MACHINS: Six different IMPERFORATE PAIRS, 7p purple-brown (X875a), 16p olive-drab (X898a), 18p deep olive-grey (X949a), and 7p bright magenta (Y1673a), 35p sepia (Y1700a), and 40p turquoise-blue (XY1711a), and one IMPERFORATE BLOCK OF FOUR, 12½p light emerald (X8
GREAT BRITAIN - MACHINS: Accumulation of hundreds of used up to £10, with many hundreds on cover, including over 200 Pre-Decimal covers, booklets, hundreds of PERFINS, 15 mint coil STARTER STRIPS, many TRAINING STAMPS, plus Castles used, etc, usual quality, much is f-vf.
GREAT BRITAIN - MACHINS: PRE-DECIMAL: MH1-MH21: Stock and collection of many hundreds of mint ½d to 10/-, with Head Types, PHOSPHER OMITTED, gum Arabic, Cylinders blocks, etc, plus many hundreds of used, duplication, mostly clean and f-vf, mint is mostly nh. Inspect.
GREAT BRITAIN - MACHINS: MH8var: 5d IMPERFORATE PAIR, vlh, very fine. (SG 735c - £350)
GREAT BRITAIN - MACHINS: MH168var: £1 Decimal Currency recess printed right margin IMPERFORATE BLOCK OF FOUR, nh, very fine. (SG 831bvar)
GREAT BRITAIN - MACHINS: MH322a: £2 deep blue green, LL corner margin showing MISSING £ (R. 81/1 Cyl D1, no dot), nh, very fine (SG Concise Y1747a - £250+)
GREAT BRITAIN - COMPLETE BOOKLETS - EDWARD VII: BK34: 1937 5/- buff, Ed. 17, nh, fine. (SG BC 4 - £275)
GREAT BRITAIN - OFFICES ABROAD: MIDDLE EAST FORCES Collection of over 375 mint and used, including some East African Forces, with singles, blocks, Dues, duplication, many nh. Inspect. (Owner's Cat Val $800)
OMNIBUS: 1935 SILVER JUBILEE: Collection of 240, missing 1r Mauritius, Great Britain, and Egypt, otherwise complete, some hrs, f-vf. (SG - £1512)
OMNIBUS: 1935 SILVER JUBILEE: 237 mint virtually complete including non common types, missing Swaziland 6d, Egypt, and Great Britain Offices in Morocco (Spain), many hrs, f-vf. (SG £1490)
OMNIBUS: 1981 ROYAL WEDDING: Hundreds of mint stamps and FDCs, still in original packaging from Stanley Gibbons Promotions. Attached invoices indicate that the owner spent well over £1200 in the early 1980s. Also included with no stamps is one Royal Wedding album and pages for at least
AUSTRALIAN STATES - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - REVENUES: PROBATE 20/48: 20 different, and SUPREME COURT FEES 1/67: 50 different including creased 5/- Court House, red IMPERFORATE PAIR with papermakers watermark, and 15 with OBSOLETE overprints up to £50 vals not included in totals, mint og, m
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS AND LARGE LOTS: A couple thousand mint (99% nh) decimal issues loose in a small box to the 1990s with a face value of AU$583 that includes some complete sets and a few souvenir sheets, most denominations are between 10-cents and 55 cents with a few higher denominations
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS AND LARGE LOTS: 472/1153: Collection of over 14000 mint in large multiples and complete sheets 1970 to 1989, including 25 Captain Cook s/s', many with gutter pairs, nh, f-vf. (Face val - A$3582)
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS AND LARGE LOTS: 1/2589: Collection of many hundreds of mostly used 1913 to 2007 in two Scott Specialty albums, with Roos to 2/-, fairly complete 1938 to 2000, appears f-vf. Inspect.
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS AND LARGE LOTS: Collection of mostly mint 1913 to 2000 many collected both mint and used, Roos, George V, mostly mint from 1950 on, including mint #s 18 nh, 37, 73a, many souvenir sheets, many with special event ovpts., some A.A.T., in 2 Stanley Gibbons albums, f-vf. H
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS AND LARGE LOTS: Thousands of mostly mint and some used 1937 to 2007, 1949-50 Arms mint nh, Australian Antarctic Territory, slight duplication, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect. (Owner's Cat Val $2557)
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS AND LARGE LOTS: Stock book filled with mint, and mostly used, 1901 to 1976, some 1990s to 2000s FDCs, plus some earlier Australia States, Roos, George V heads, mostly clean and f-vf. Inspect.
AUSTRALIA - COLLECTIONS AND LARGE LOTS: Large collection in a full large binder used from 1913 Roos to 1990s earlier a bit mixed, also a large collection of used Australian States at the back this is worth a lot by itself. Some mixed condition but much is f-vf. Inspect.
AUSTRALIA: 132: 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge, top margin, nh, very fine. (SG 143 - £425)
AUSTRALIA: 132: 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge, minute natural spec in gum, still nh, very fine. (SG 143 - £425)
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 3/6a: Thirty-six used with shades, cancels, some very fine centering, a few small or minor faults, appears mostly f-vf
CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1/134: Clean and neatly presented collection in a binder of mostly mint stamps with shades and duplicates, only missing #20 and #80, with a partial set of SPECIMENs (3d, 4d, 6d, 1s, 2s, 3s, and 10s) many nh generally f-vf. Plus used and covers not included in total
CAYMAN ISLANDS: 135/860: Extensive Elizabethan collection with duplication of some sets, singles with corner margins, gutter pairs, some blocks and strips, majority nh vf.
CAYMAN ISLANDS: 69-80: 1932 CENTENARY, ¼d to 10/- cpl, 1d, 3d, 5s and 10s lh, otherwise nh f-vf (SG 84/95 - £500)
GAMBIA: 3756-3758: 2017 Mammals, 2000d to 5000d, complete in blocks of four, nh, very fine. RARE
HONG KONG: 170,172: 5¢ and 25¢ Century of British Rule to cover tied by VICTORIA 10 SEP 41 HONG KONG, CENSORED C. 286 label, to Camden NJ USA, with purple boxed NOT OPENED BY CENSOR, no receiver and sliced open, still fine.
HONG KONG: 160,173: 25¢ George VI ultramarine pair, and three $1 Century of British Rule tied to cover by VICTORIA 27 NOV 41 HONG KONG addressed to Victoria BC Canada, CENSORED C. 292 label, address crossed out and re addressed to Kingston Ont, triangular PASSED BY CENSOR, and red H
HONG KONG: 173,etc: 50¢ George VI red violet, and three $1 Century of British Rule tied to faulty air mail cover with red airplane AIR MAIL hand stamp, by KOWLOON, SHAM SUI PO, and VICTORIA 25 JY 41 HONG KONG, addressed to Kirkland Lake Ont Canada, light blue PASSED BY CENSORED hand st
HONG KONG - REVENUES - CONTRACT NOTE: Fifty-eight different 1972 issues, including Provisionals, used f-vf. (Barefoot 322G-338G, 371/380, 383/391, 392/423 £504)
INDIA: Collection of hundreds of mostly Post independence to 1990s used, some mint on piece, covers, FDCs, plus some Victorian to Edwards including Perfins and Local overprints, etc, appears mostly f-vf. Inspect.
INDIA - REVENUES: Collection of hundreds of Victorian to George VI, including Court Fees, Foreign Bill, Insurance, Special Adhesives, Telegraph, States with Bamra, Hundi, Miraj, Eals, many on documents, etc, much is f-vf. Inspect.
INDIAN STATES - REVENUES: 195 all different mint and used, over 60 different States, usual quality, appear mostly f-vf. Inspect.
MAURITIUS: 207var: 1r 1935 Silver Jubilee, DOT BY FLAGSTAFF variety, og, very fine. (SG 248h - £425)
NEW ZEALAND: 12/139,etc: Collection of hundreds on SG pages, 1862 to 1915, incl used #s 37, AR39; mint/unused #s 77a, 82 (2), 83 (2), 97, 119, 132-39, J8-11, O29-30, etc, including SG shades and perfs, mint and used collecting, cancels, varieties, etc, somewhat remaindered and some earlier no
NIUE: 535: Christmas 1985 $7.50 Raphael Madonna di Foligno souvenir sheet, 70 copies, nh, very fine
PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 122/607,etc: Collection of over 400 mint 1952 to 1979 fairly complete including Dues, plus some later issues, nh, f-vf
RHODESIA:19: £10 brown 1892 Coats of Arms, SON cds, couple shorter perfs at top otherwise very fine. (SG 13 - £800)
RHODESIA: 101/108c: DOUBLE HEADS ½d to £1 with perf 14 ½d to 4d (2 each), 5d to 1/-, 2/6-, and perf 15 ½d (2), 1d, 2d, 5d, 6d, shades, cancels, £1 creased, appears f-vf
SAINT HELENA: 92: 7s6d grey-brown and yellow orange, LL (Plate) 1 corner margin pair, lightly toned og, couple foxing spots, still nh and attractive (SG 111 - £320)
SAINT LUCIA: 58s/63s: 1904-10 Edwards 1d, 2½d, 6d, 6d, and 5/- with SPECIMEN ovpt, fresh, f-vf. (SG 67s,69s,72s,72bas,76s)
SAINT KITTS-NEVIS: 73var: 1½d Silver Jubilee with KITE AND VERTICAL LOG variety, 10 SP 35 cds, very fine. (SG 62k £140)
SAINT VINCENT: 41-54: 1883-97 ISSUE: ½d to 5/- incl 19 used and 48 mint, including mint # 51 (3), etc, wide range of shades, printings, cancels, etc, from 1 to about a dozen each val, quality varies and some faults, most appear fine. Inspect. (2016 Scott $1490)
SOLOMON ISLANDS: 570-574: 1987 America' Cup, 100 complete sheet of 50, nh, very fine
SOUTH AFRICA - BOER WAR COVERS AND POSTAL HISTORY: Twenty-five stamps all with full strikes of South African Field Post Offices on mostly Great Britain Victorian stamps, appears fine.
TANGANYIKA: 10-28: 1922-25 Giraffes, 5¢ to £1, plus 1/- to £1 sideways wmks, cpl, some in pairs or blocks of four, many nh, f-vf. (SG 74/88a,89/92 - £2001)
TUVALU: 43/815,O1/O25A: Dealer's sheet stock of 259 different mint in complete sets up to $5 plus mini sheets including 741(438 copies) and 542(115 copies), O1-O18 in CTO sheets Cat Val $332. Good lot for Topicals with Fish, Shells, Butterflies, Ships, Boy Scouts, WWII, Airplanes, Royal Famil
TUVALU: 43/762, O1/O25A: Dealer’s sheet stock of 259 different mint in complete sets up to $5 plus mini sheets including 741 (154), 616 (115) and 646 (75), O1-O14 in CTO sheets. Good lot for Topicals with Ships, Fish, Flowers, Girl Guides, Crabs, Airplanes, Queen Mother and Stamp Exhibitions,
SAINT THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS: 1/1363,etc: Collection of over 650 mint and some used and both, 1875 to 1996, virtually complete to 1970s, including mint 1913 ovpts, souvenir sheets, Airs and Dues complete, Reprints, Forgeries, etc, earlier a bit mixed as usual, mostly f-vf. Inspect.