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Back to Dr. Reinhard Fischer Auktionen Sale: 199
Germany and German Colonies
   Airmail until 1945 / Luftpost bis 1945 (1) Lots 946-946
   Albania / Albanien (11) Lots 6564-6595
   Alexanderstadt / Alexanderstadt (14) Lots 2457-6882
   Allenstein / Allenstein (7) Lots 2120-2127
   Alsace / Elsaß (1) Lots 4081-4081
   Alsedziai / Litauen - Lokalausgabe Alsedziai (2) Lots 6112-6642
   Bad Gottleuba / Bad Gottleuba (1) Lots 2590-2590
   Bad Nauheim / Bad Nauheim (1) Lots 4087-4087
   Baden - Pre-stamp Mail / Baden - Vorphilatelie (1) Lots 8-8
   Baden / Baden (6) Lots 28-42
   Baden / Französische Zone - Baden (5) Lots 3020-3029
   Baden Local Cancellation / Baden Ortsstempel (2) Lots 50-57
   Bavaria - Pre-stamp Mail / Bayern Vorphilatelie (2) Lots 61-62
   Bavaria / Bayern (12) Lots 3837-73
   Bavaria Private Stationary / Bayern Privatganzsach (1) Lots 86-86
   Bavaria Telegraph Stamp / Bayern Telegraphenmarken (1) Lots 6007-6007
   Bergedorf / Bergedorf (1) Lots 3845-3845
   Berlin / Berlin (24) Lots 2915-6144
   Bizone / Bizone (13) Lots 3056-4252
   Bohemia and Moravia / Böhmen & Mähren (2) Lots 2275-4080
   Brac / Brac (1) Lots 2280-2280
   Breast Shields / Brustschilde (1) Lots 3949-3949
   Bremen / Bremen (1) Lots 3850-3850
   Brunswick / Braunschweig (8) Lots 104-99
   Cameroon - British Occupation / Kamerun Britische (1) Lots 6447-6447
   Cameroon / Kamerun (18) Lots 1710-6446
   Cameroon Cancellation / Kamerun Stempel (2) Lots 1745-1750
   Cameroun - Forerunner / Kamerun - Vorläufer (4) Lots 1692-1702
   Caroline Islands / Karolinen (7) Lots 1766-6464
   China - Cancellation / Deutsche Post in China Stem (1) Lots 1250-1250
   China / Deutsche Post in China (46) Lots 1182-6206
   Concentration Camp Mail / KZ-Post (6) Lots 2558-2586
   Control Council / Alliierte Besetzung (4) Lots 2659-4121
   Crown/Eagle / Krone/Adler (2) Lots 3950-3951
   Dänische Legion / Dänemark (3) Lots 2300-2302
   Danzig / Danzig (11) Lots 2143-4053
   DOA Usambara Railway / Deutsch-Ostafrika Usambara- (1) Lots 1584-1584
   Dunkirk / Frankreich - Dünkirchen (11) Lots 2317-6624
   Elwa / Estland - Lokalausgabe Elwa (5) Lots 6601-6606
   Empire / Kaiserreich (3) Lots 3943-3946
   Estonia Odenpäh / Estland - Lokalausgabe Odenpäh (7) Lots 6607-6613
   Eupen & Malmedy / Eupen &. Malmedy (1) Lots 4041-4041
   Federation / Bundesrepublik Deutschland (49) Lots 3144-4326
   Federation/Berlin / Bundesrepublik Deutschland / B (4) Lots 4257-4260
   Field Post Letters WW II / Feldpostbriefe im II. W (4) Lots 2496-2509
   Field Post Stamps / Feldpostmarken (15) Lots 2511-6138
   Flämische Legion / Flämische Legion (3) Lots 2281-2297
   France / Französische Legion (4) Lots 2307-6099
   Franzensbad / Franzensbad (1) Lots 2267-2267
   Fredersdorf / Fredersdorf (1) Lots 2596-2596
   GDR / DDR (22) Lots 2906-4193
   GDR Official / DDR ZKD B (1) Lots 4195-4195
   Generalgouvernement / Generalgouvernement (5) Lots 2366-6102
   German "Areas" / Deutsche Nebengebiete (8) Lots 4032-4039
   German Colonies/P.O's / Deutsche Kolonien und Ausl (8) Lots 4007-4015
   German East Africa / Deutsch-Ostafrika (50) Lots 1480-6384
   German East Africa Cancellation / Deutsch-Ostafrik (8) Lots 1553-1579
   German East Africa Mafia occupation / Deutsch-Osta (3) Lots 1550-1552
   German New Guinea / Deutsch-Neuguinea (21) Lots 1435-6318
   German New Guinea Cancellation / DNG Stempel (1) Lots 1449-1449
   German Occupation WW II / Deutsche Besetzung im II (5) Lots 4073-4078
   German Post in China - Forerunner / Deutsche Post (2) Lots 1180-1181
   German Reich / Deutsches Reich (160) Lots 257-657
   German Reich General Collections / Deutsches Reich (34) Lots 3902-3939
   German Reich Private Postal Stationary / Deutsches (1) Lots 752-752
   German Southwest Africa / Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika (23) Lots 1599-6424
   German Southwest Africa Cancellation / Deutsch-Süd (6) Lots 1637-1662
   German-East Africa - Forerunner / Deutsch-Ostafrik (1) Lots 1477-1477
   German-East Africa Stamp Booklet / Deutsch-Ostafri (1) Lots 6388-6388
   Germania / Germania (1) Lots 3952-3952
   German-Southwest Africa Forerunner / Deutsch-Südwe (1) Lots 1590-1590
   German-Southwest Africa Stamp Booklet / Deutsch-Sü (2) Lots 6425-6426
   Germany / Deutschland (39) Lots 3773-3817
   Germany after 1945 / Deutschland nach 1945 (19) Lots 4092-4119
   Ghetto Mail / Ghetto-Post Lodz / Litzmannstadt (7) Lots 2371-2377
   Hamburg / Hamburg (3) Lots 110-3852
   Hand Overprint Numeral Issue - District 20 (1) Lots 2886-2886
   Hanover / Hannover (4) Lots 114-3855
   Helgoland / Helgoland (1) Lots 3856-3856
   Inflation / Inflation (4) Lots 3953-3957
   Kiauchau / Kiautschou - Vorläufer (3) Lots 1802-1813
   Kotor / Kotor (3) Lots 2382-6105
   Lamu / Deutsch-Ostafrika Lamu (1) Lots 1469-1469
   Lithuania / Litauen - Landesausgabe (5) Lots 2400-6635
   Ljady / Ljady (2) Lots 2437-2438
   Ljubljana / Laibach (8) Lots 2386-6108
   Ljubljana Postage / Laibach Portomarken (1) Lots 6109-6109
   Local Issue Panevezys / Litauen - Lokalausgabe Pan (3) Lots 6645-6647
   Local Issue Rokiskis / Litauen - Lokalausgabe Roki (13) Lots 6653-6668
   Local Issue Zarasai / Litauen - Lokalausgabe Zaras (14) Lots 6115-6734
   Local Issues / Lokalausgaben (3) Lots 4084-4086
   Local Issues after 1918 / Lokalausgaben nach 1918 (1) Lots 6140-6140
   Local Post - Private Post Germany / Stadtpost - Pr (2) Lots 3898-3899
   Lorient Fortress / Frankreich - Festung Lorient (8) Lots 2337-6628
   Luga / Luga (1) Lots 2440-2440
   Macedonia / Mazedonien (9) Lots 2402-6776
   Marienwerder / Marienwerder (2) Lots 2131-2133
   Marshall Islands / Marshall-Inseln (11) Lots 1870-6522
   Mecklenburg / Kontrollaufdrucke Mecklenburg (1) Lots 3986-3986
   Mecklenburg-Schwerin / Mecklenburg-Schwerin (4) Lots 116-3861
   Mecklenburg-Strelitz / Mecklenburg-Strelitz (4) Lots 119-122
   Montenegro / Montenegro (1) Lots 2408-2408
   Morocco / Deutsche Post in Marokko (28) Lots 1259-6237
   Naumburg / Naumburg (1) Lots 4089-4089
   Norddeutscher Postbezirk / Norddeutscher Postbezir (3) Lots 236-3894
   North Ukraine / Nordukraine (1) Lots 2470-2470
   Ocean Shipping Company / Ozeanreederei (12) Lots 6552-6563
   Official stamp German Reich / Deutsches Reich Dien (9) Lots 3985-691
   Official Stamps Norddeutscher Postbezirk (1) Lots 238-238
   Official Stamps Saar / Saargebiet Dienstmarken (1) Lots 2263-2263
   Oldenburg / Oldenburg (6) Lots 123-3865
   Plebiscite Areas / Abstimmungsgebiete (2) Lots 4042-4043
   POL-Lochung German Reich / Deutsches Reich POL-Loc (1) Lots 700-700
   Port Gdansk / Port Gdansk (1) Lots 2187-2187
   Postage Due Stamps Danzig / Danzig Portomarken (1) Lots 2181-2181
   Postage Use Stamps Baden / Baden - Portomarken (2) Lots 45-48
   Pre-stamp Mail / Vorphilatelie (1) Lots 245-245
   Prussia Cut out of Postal ssationary / Preußen Ga (1) Lots 159-159
   Prussia Postal Stationary / Preußen Ganzsachen (1) Lots 3873-3873
   Prussia - Pre-stamp Mail / Preußen Vorphilatelie (4) Lots 128-135
   Prussia / Preußen (5) Lots 145-3871
   Prussia Numeral Obliteration / Preußen Nummernstem (5) Lots 166-177
   Raseiniai / Litauen - Lokalausgabe Raseiniai (3) Lots 6650-6652
   Rumburg / Rumburg (1) Lots 2265-2265
   Russia / Rußland (11) Lots 2420-6118
   Saar / Saargebiet (23) Lots 2212-4071
   Sarny / Sarny (25) Lots 6129-6917
   Saxony / Sachsen (1) Lots 3875-3875
   Schleswig-Holstein - Cancellation (1) Lots 3878-3878
   Schleswig-Holstein - Local Cancellation / Schleswi (1) Lots 195-195
   Schleswig-Holstein / Schleswig-Holstein (4) Lots 190-3877
   Semi-official Airmail Stamps / Halbamtliche Flugma (1) Lots 782-782
   Serbia / Serbien (27) Lots 2445-6842
   Serbia Official / Serbien Dienstmarken (2) Lots 6861-6862
   Serbia Postage / Serbien Portomarken (5) Lots 6852-6857
   Se-tenants / Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Zusammen (1) Lots 3244-3244
   Se-tenants / Deutsches Reich Zusammendrucke (16) Lots 3987-728
   Ship Post / Schiffspost (6) Lots 1956-4031
   South Ukraine / Südukraine (5) Lots 2465-6133
   South West Africa / Südwestafrika (1) Lots 4451-4451
   Soviet Sector of Germany / SBZ (41) Lots 2752-4156
   Spremberg / Spremberg (1) Lots 2635-2635
   St. Nazaire / Frankreich - St. Nazaire (2) Lots 2353-2360
   Stamp booklet / Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Marke (1) Lots 4330-4330
   Stamp Booklet / Deutsches Reich Markenheftchen (5) Lots 702-707
   T & T - Pre-stamp mail / Thurn & Taxis Vorphilatel (1) Lots 197-197
   Telsiai / Litauen - Lokalausgabe Telsiai (32) Lots 2401-6714
   Theresienstadt / Zulassungsmarken Ghetto Theresien (1) Lots 2279-2279
   Third Reich / III. Reich (7) Lots 3960-3970
   Thurn & Taxis / Thurn & Taxis (4) Lots 3879-3882
   Togo - Forerunner / Togo - Vorläufer (2) Lots 1911-1919
   Turkey / Deutsche Post in der Türkei (51) Lots 1335-6294
   Überroller Cancel / Überroller-Belege (1) Lots 2639-2639
   Ukraine / Ukraine (4) Lots 2447-2454
   Wallonische Legion / Wallonische Legion (2) Lots 2298-2299
   Weimar Republic / Weimarer Republik (1) Lots 3959-3959
   Wosnessensk / Wosnessensk (1) Lots 6919-6919
   Zanzibar / Deutsch-Ostafrika Zanzibar (1) Lots 1470-1470
   Zara / Zara (6) Lots 2477-6931
   Zeppelin Mail / Zeppelinpost nach Sieger (8) Lots 810-921
   Zeppelin Memorabilia / Zeppelin-Memorabilia (1) Lots 939-939

(To See All Prices Realized in Column Mode)

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Error Occurred While Processing Request

Element CURR_SALE is undefined in SESSION.

The error occurred in E:/InetPub/wwwroot/auctionnet/ccatalog2.cfm: line 183
181 : 		FROM (select Firm_id,Sale_No, Lot_No, htmlfile, currency, Realized as PRICE, INLINEIMG,LINKEDIMG,htmltext,row_number() over (order by dbo.Catalog_sort(Wlots.Lot_No)) as SANRowNo
182 : 		from WLOTS 
183 : 		where WLOTS.SALE_NO = '#session.CURR_SALE#' and WLOTS.FIRM_ID = '#session.FIRM_ID#' and MAJGROUP LIKE '#MAJGROUP#' ) a ORDER BY a.SANRowNo 
184 : <!---		WHERE a.SanRowNo between #session.nextrecordtoshow# and #session.lastrecordtoshow# ORDER BY a.SANRowNo 	--->
185 : 		


Browser   Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)
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Date/Time   09-Jan-25 03:57 PM
Stack Trace
at cfccatalog22ecfm732045122.runPage(E:/InetPub/wwwroot/auctionnet/ccatalog2.cfm:183)

coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedElementException: Element CURR_SALE is undefined in SESSION.
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.resolveCanonicalName(CfJspPage.java:2596)
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._resolve(CfJspPage.java:2514)
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize(CfJspPage.java:2788)
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize(CfJspPage.java:2778)
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._resolveAndAutoscalarize(CfJspPage.java:2739)
	at cfccatalog22ecfm732045122.runPage(E:\InetPub\wwwroot\auctionnet\ccatalog2.cfm:183)
	at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(CfJspPage.java:262)
	at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.handlePageInvoke(IncludeTag.java:735)
	at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(IncludeTag.java:565)
	at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(CfincludeFilter.java:65)
	at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(ApplicationFilter.java:595)
	at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke(RequestMonitorFilter.java:43)
	at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke(MonitoringFilter.java:40)
	at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(PathFilter.java:162)
	at coldfusion.filter.IpFilter.invoke(IpFilter.java:45)
	at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(ExceptionFilter.java:96)
	at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke(ClientScopePersistenceFilter.java:28)
	at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(BrowserFilter.java:38)
	at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(NoCacheFilter.java:60)
	at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(GlobalsFilter.java:38)
	at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(DatasourceFilter.java:22)
	at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke(CachingFilter.java:62)
	at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(CfmServlet.java:226)
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(BootstrapServlet.java:311)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:227)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)
	at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter(MonitoringServletFilter.java:46)
	at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(BootstrapFilter.java:47)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)
	at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:53)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)
	at jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor248.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.j2ee.filterchain.WrappedFilterChain.doFilter(WrappedFilterChain.java:134)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.j2ee.filter.FusionReactorRequestHandler.doNext(FusionReactorRequestHandler.java:698)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.j2ee.filter.FusionReactorRequestHandler.doHttpServletRequest(FusionReactorRequestHandler.java:256)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.j2ee.filter.FusionReactorRequestHandler.doFusionRequest(FusionReactorRequestHandler.java:119)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.j2ee.filter.FusionReactorRequestHandler.handle(FusionReactorRequestHandler.java:736)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.j2ee.filter.FusionReactorCoreFilter.doFilter(FusionReactorCoreFilter.java:36)
	at jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor98.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.j2ee.filterchain.WrappedFilterChain.doFilter(WrappedFilterChain.java:71)
	at jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor65.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.agent.filter.FusionReactorStaticFilter.doFilter(FusionReactorStaticFilter.java:54)
	at com.intergral.fusionreactor.agent.pointcuts.NewFilterChainPointCut$1.invoke(NewFilterChainPointCut.java:50)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:197)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:97)
	at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:541)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:135)
	at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:92)
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:78)
	at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:377)
	at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProcessor.service(AjpProcessor.java:463)
	at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:65)
	at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:889)
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1743)
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:49)
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1191)
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:659)
	at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61)
	at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)