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1931-43 issues, complete sets, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f., cat. $1831 (Cat No. 1-63A)
1943 registered cover from Sebha to Algeria, franked with four different overprints and surcharges incl. Air Post, with 19 May, 1943 Mourzouk transit and 10.6.43 Alger arrival pmks, fine (Cat No. Sass.1,2,6,PA1)
1943 registered cover from Sebha to Algeria, franked with four different overprints and surcharges incl. two Air Post, with 13 June, 1943 departure, opened by censor, with arrival pmk, signed Calves (Cat No. Sass.1,7,PA1,2)
1809 (1 Aug) FL from Liverpool to Paris (addressed to a member of Imperial Library), with "Prusse Par Neuss" French entry and backstamped Sept 1 1809 on arrival, manuscript "83" and charged "18" (decimes) due. Also included an 1814 (6 Sep) FL from London to Bolzane, straight-line "Angleterre" origi
1814 (10 Dec) FL originating from Coruna, addressed to London, sent via Calais, with "Espagne Par Bayonne" routing hs, indistinct red departure pmk, "Foreign De 31, 1814" arrival at the British Post Office, Cholera disinfection slits on both sides, charged "2/2" (2sh2p) on arrival, fine usage from N
1852-64 two FLs to Portugal, first sent unpaid from Le Havre to Porto and charged "480" (reis) and another 20 Rs in oval, the other franked with 20c perforated Napoleon (YT 22), prepaying the internal French postage to the Spanish border and charged "240" (reis) in Lisbon (showing the partial prepay
1853-60 1fr carmine, canceled Paris Star "DS2", ample margins all around, good color, fine, handstamped guarantee marks, 1991 Schollmeyer certificate, cat. $2450 (Cat No. 21)
1855 (3 July) FL from Le Havre to Philadelphia, franked with 20c and 40c Empire, the former slightly cut in at left, tied by grids, with red Bureau Maritime departure cds alongside, endorsed "Pr Ericsson", New York "5Cts" Aug.5 on arrival, fine Transatlantic letter
1855 (30 Sep) outer FL from Paris to Veracruz, paying 30c (three imperf. 10c Empire, poor margins, one with a small archival punch), forwarded at Le Havre by "M.J. De Rigoyen & Fils," with "Bureau Maritime" cds in red, carried by the "Leontine" to Mexico (Cat No. 14)
1861 (Oct) outer FL from Marseilles to Alicante, franked with 40c orange, tied by "Estrangero Barcelona" hs, charged "3" due, with arrival pmk, v.f. usage in Spain (Cat No. 18)
1862 Reissues, 10c bister "Repub. Franc.", unused with full original gum, h.r., fresh and v.f., signed Brun, etc., cat. $525 (Cat No. 10b)
1862-67 two stampless letters from Calais and Le Havre to Helsingor, Denmark, with "F.34" and "F.42" accountancy marks, charged "30" and "28" respectively in red crayon, Hamburg transit and additional markings on back, fine
1863 (21 Aug) outer FL from Paris to Mexico, paying 30c (10c and 20c Empire) for commercial ships rate (in force until October 1863), sent through the Maritime Bureau at Le Havre (cds), August 21st and placed aboard the "Montevideo" to Veracruz, red "P.D." (paid to destination), fine (Cat No. 25,26)
1865 (11 Sept) FL from Paris to Estravayer, Switzerland, franked with vertical pair of 40c perforated Napoleon, tied by Paris Star grids, with red "Insufissant Affranchisement" and charged "40" rappen on arrival, with Neuchatel and Bern transit pmks on back
1866 (15 June) FL from Paris to Veracruz, paying 4fr with perforated strip of four and single 80c "Empire" (one faulty), with "Paris a Nantes 15 June" departure cds on back, via "St. Nazaire", with "P.P." (paid to port) in red, charged "6" reales on arrival, fine letter to Mexico (Cat No. 28)
1869 5fr Napoleon, imperf. sheetlet in gray, value omitted, v.f., rare
1869 5fr gray lilac, lavender, perfectly struck "20" Paris Star cancel, minute thin specks, fresh color and premium quality stamp, cat. $750 (Cat No. 37)
1869 5fr gray lilac, sheet margin at left, "5" and "F" in blue, small h.r., v.f., with 2015 Scheller certificate (YT 33b, Euro 9,500) cat. $6800 (Cat No. 37d)
1871 (30 Sep) FL from Paris to Mexico City with 8 francs postage prepaid by applying strip of 3x80c, 2x30c and single 5fr "Empire", via London (2 October) and sent per "Nile" October 20th, arriving St. Thomas October 16th, then by "Eider" October 17th via Havana (October 22 transit), arriving at Ver
1869 (30 Aug) FL from Marquise to Stockholm, franked with strip of 3x20c Laureated, tied by "2234" large numerals, with corresponding cds alongside, Calais a Lille transit pmk on reverse, fine
1913 (10 Aug) Boy Scouts picture postcard "Eclaireurs Unionistes", with special red label, used locally in Epinal, Vosges, fine and rare Boy Scout item
1922 (25 Jan) cover from Eclaireurs Unionistes de France to Mr. Baden Powell c/o Boy Scout Headquarters in London, fine, with 26 January arrival pmk, scarce Boy Scouts item
1925 Paris Exhibition souvenir sheet of four, l.h., v.f., cat. $1100 (Cat No. 226)
1944 Liberation Issues, De Gaulle design, vertical strip of four, top two blue & red, bottom two red & blue, n.h., v.f.
1947 Boy Scout Jamboree, 5fr carmine and brown, two Signed Artist (Piel) die proofs (vertical format), one with minor toning, still v.f., Maury Euro 2,500 (Cat No. 587P)
1976 Montreal Olympics (Sailing), two imperf. corner margin panes of 15 (30 stamps), n.h., v.f. (YT 1889a) cat. €2310 (Cat No. 1493var)
1870 two FLs, one "Le Franklin", 20c Ceres, tied by Paris star, with 4 Dec. 70 departure and 8 Dec. 70 Luc.s.Mer arrival pmk on back, the other 10c+20c Ceres, canceled by Paris Star pmk, flown on "Le Bayard", with 28 Dec.70 departure to Brussels, arrival cds on back, fine-v.f. pair of Ballon Monte l
1870-71 Ballon Monte, two FLs from Paris, one dated 7 November (stamp missing) to Dieppe, with 9 November arrival pmk (probably carried on "La Gironde"); the other a flimsy envelope, dated 11 January, franked with 20c Ceres (defective), probably carried on "Le Vaucanson" to Gironde, with 14 January
1927 overprints, imperf. collective deluxe sheet of two, with part of the glassine overlay, slight thins due to hinge removal, otherwise fine-v.f. (YT PA1-2) cat. €3000 (Cat No. C1-2P)
1936 Plane over Paris, complete set, l.h., fine-v.f., cat. $976 (Cat No. C8-14)
1936 50fr green, n.h., v.f., cat. $1450 (Cat No. C14)
1943 Battleship Richelieu, 1.50fr brown red, pane of 25, n.h., few minor separations, fine-v.f., signed Sanabria, cat. €6000 (Cat No. YT 3)
1939 Ministry of Posts Presentation folder of Archer card, 40+60c pink, also Scout with bow & arrow in gray, die sunken on card, signed, dated and dedicated by R. Cochet (designer), scarce Boy Scouts item
1939 Ministry of Posts Presentation folder of Archer card, 40+60c pink, also Scout with bow & arrow in gray, die sunken on card, signed, dated and dedicated by R. Cochet (designer), scarce Boy Scouts item
1939 Ministry of Posts Presentation folder of Archer card, 40+60c blue, also Scout with bow & arrow in gray, die sunken on card, signed, dated and dedicated by R. Cochet (designer), scarce Boy Scouts item
1871 80c rose, sheet margin at right, l.h., v.f., signed Brun, cat. $1100 (Cat No. 15)
1944 registered cover, "Vehi" filled in manually by pen, franked on both sides with 1p and 2x5pi "Forces Francaise Libres", sent to Lagos, Nigeria, with a multitude of transit markings incl. Maroua, Cameroun, Maiduguri, Nigeria, Poste Aux Armees, also British markings, censor and forwarding cachets,
1943 registered ppc (arrival of General De Gaulle) from Brazzaville to New York, franked with 40c, 1fr, 1fr60 and 1fr Surcharge "Libre", with New York arrival, fine
1859 (11 Nov) outer FL from Pondicherry to France. via Suez & Marseille, red "PD" and Bureau de Pondicherry departure pmk below, red "Col Fra P Suez" entry mark (13 Dec), transit and arrival pmks on back, charged "6" (decimes) on reverse, filing fold trifle reinforced, fine
1930 Natives, artist signed composite die proof in black, four impressions, two each of frame and center, value tablets blank, v.f., rare
1933 2nd SAF via Barcelona to Brazil, v.f., with appropriate markings and arrival pmk
1933 2nd SAF card flown via Barcelona to Brazil, v.f., with arrival pmk
1868 (31 Mar) FL from St. Denis to Mauritius, franked with French Colonies 10c vertical strip of three (margins just touching at left), tied by blue cancels, with matching St. Denis cds, endorsed "Par Destiny", with Mauritius arrival on reverse, fine
1943-52 selection of 25 imperf. deluxe sheets, incl. London surcharges, regular issues and Vichy Government air post, mostly fine-v.f. (Cat No. 240/95P)
1873 (22 Aug) small cover franked with 30c Napoleon, 5c Ceres and 15c small numeral Ceres, prepaying the 50c rate to France by French packet, stamps are cancelled by blue "SNG" lozenge, with "Senegal et Dep. St Louis" cds alongside and boxed "PD", both in blue, with Bordeaux entry marking, fine and
1934 3rd SAF picture postcard to Brazil, with Pernambuco arrival, v.f. (Cat No. Si.254)
1902 Warriors, six imperf. blocks of four, various colors, all "0fr", v.f.
1969 Concord, unissued 87fr value, n.h., v.f., signed Roger Calves, etc., rare, cat. €7000 (Cat No. YT PA 19A)
1966 12c Guyana Independence, imperforate block of four, n.h., few gum skips, v.f. and scarce unlisted variety (Cat No. SG 391var)
1914 10pf carmine, Narrow Setting, without watermark, used, small thin, otherwise v.f. and rare stamp, only priced in used condition, with 2016 Brandon certificate, cat. £7000 (Cat No. SG H16a)
1849-1999 collection on pages (8 Yvert & Tellier albums), used imperf. Ceres and Napoleon to 1fr, perforated issues to 5fr, mixed used and unused Type Sage, Merson, 20th Century with many better singles, including 20fr Pont du Gard, Le Havre overprint, other commemoratives and Regular Issues, Air Po
1849-2010 collection in 3 large stock books, used 19th Century, with some covers and FLs, mixed pre-WWII issues, with some better items including unused PEXIP souvenir sheet and Semi-Postals, Air Post (C15 used), etc., post WWII mostly complete, including modern issues (high face value), special boo
1945-1991 collection on stock cards and in a Lighthouse album, issues mostly complete, also additional album pages and stock books with older items, some better, used and unused, mostly fine-v.f.
1960s-2000 accumulation of 1,000+ in glassine envelopes, sets, singles, Semi-Postals, Air Post, Postage Dues, etc., n.h., v.f., owner's cat. $4,000+
1962-1998 selection of 90+ different imperf. Sheets (there are sheets of 10, 25, 30, 40 or 50 depending on the issue), with complete sets, including Space, Famous Men, Artists/Paintings, Music, Sports (Boxing, Olympics, World Cup), Poets/Writers, Stage and Screen Personalities, Stamp Day, Red Cross,
1984-92 40th Anniversary of Liberation, imperforate collective proof sheetlet of two plus label, also 1992 Composers, set of five imperf. deluxe sheetlets, v.f. (Cat No. B642-47P)
1939 "Arenes de Lutece 1ere Jullet 1939" surcharges, two different stamps, 449 and 571 of each, n.h., occasional toning, mostly fine-v.f.
1838-1948 selection of covers on pages, with stampless, Air Post (C17), FDCs from the 1940s, Saar and French Zone registered covers, Maximum cards, special events cancels, many better and interesting items
1860s-70s selection of 100 covers or FLs, Napoleon or Ceres franking, various Paris Star dispatch markings, mixed condition
1885-2010 Afars et Issas-Wallis et Futuna, collection of thousands in 9 (mostly large) stock books, 19th Century mostly used, generally unused from 1914, singles, sets, souvenir sheets, wide range of overprints, including "France Libre", with good showing of French India, French Morocco, Polynesia,
1960s-90s Afars et Issas-Wallis et Futuna, collection of 284 different Signed Artist Die Proofs from 21 different countries, including Laos (4 different), Monaco (14 different), with good showing of Space-related issues, native scenes, Air Post, UNESCO, United Nations, Explorers and more, each in a
1958-60 40fr-500fr imperforate printer's inspection proofs in sepia, four different, v.f., only 4-5 of each produced