California to Florence, Canada West, cover with "Via Panama" directive, manuscript "Due 15" and red "Forbestown, Cal/Mar ?" datestamp sent entirely unpaid, carried by American vessels to New York, then upstate to the border town of Lewiston and into Canada via Queenstown, where it received a
#2, 1851 6p Slate violet on laid paper, an especially desirable used example, four large to extra-large margins, attractive color, strong laid lines, socked-on-the-nose target cancel, extremely fine; quite rare in this highly select condition; 1990 Holcombe certificate (S.G. #3) (Unitrade C$2
#5, 1855 6p Slate gray on wove paper, four large margins, strong rich color and a sharp impression, target cancel, choice very fine; 2010 PF certificate (Unitrade C$2,000.00).
#116, 1912 10c Plum, wet printing, well centered within exceptionally large margins, wonderfully fresh, o.g., n.h., choice very fine; 2009 Greene Foundation certificate (Unitrade C$1,200.00).
#120, 1925 50c Black brown, dry printing, well centered within large margins, strong rich color, o.g., n.h., extremely fine (Unitrade C$360.00).
#122, 1923 $1.00 Orange, dry printing, gorgeous mint example that possesses intense radiant color and a vivid impression, in addition it is exceedingly well centered within large margins, flawless o.g., n.h., extremely fine (Unitrade C$450.00).
#387a, 1959 5c St. Lawrence Seaway, center inverted, an especially choice used example of this always popular invert rarity, flawlessly centered amid balanced margins, neat and unobtrusive wavy line machine cancel, extremely fine; only 212 examples are recorded by the Green foundation in priv
van Dam #FB53a, 1868 $2.00 Third Bill revenue, Center Inverted, near perfect centering which is almost impossible to find on this rarity, strikingly intense colors and impressions, small neat portion of a manuscript cancel, just a few gum soaked perf. tips mentioned for complete accuracy only
van Dam #FB53a, 1868 $2.00 Third Bill revenue, Center Inverted, fairly well centered within unusually large margins, wonderfully fresh colors and impressions on bright paper, neat small portion of a manuscript cancel, couple of shorter perforations, one of which ends in a trivial thin speck,
van Dam #FB53a, 1868 $2.00 Third Bill revenue, Center Inverted, used, cancelled solely by a desirable blue handstamp cancel (dated 1874) and one of the few existing copies to not have been cancelled in manuscript, centered a bit to top right, strong rich colors, small internal closed tear at
#1, 1p Brown violet, mint block of nine, large margins mostly all around, fresh color, full o.g., a couple small h.r.'s, very fine; an impressive and handsome multiple; cataloged simply as single stamps (Unitrade C$1,350.00+).
#1, 1p Red brown, rare mint single, with ample to large margins all around, especially fresh, with rich bright color and a well defined impression, large part original gum, very faint and barely perceptible vertical crease at the far right, otherwise very fine and quite choice; clear 1973 RPS
Canada mint and used accumulation, with an album containing some specialized Small Queens, including some mint and duplicated used showing a wide range of shades, also some earlier used and later mint, plus there is a stockbook that has some better turn of the century mint singles and blocks,
Canada mostly mint accumulation in three stockbooks, basically starts at the Jubilee issue, where there are quantities of the 1c (about 120), 2c (about 50) and 3c (about 60) values, many in blocks containing a large number of never hinged stamps, also other values in blocks, later mint single
Canada accumulation in albums and a stockbook, includes both mint and used, some early material, three used dollar value Jubilees, many medium priced items including mint early 20th Century, plus albums with extensive modern mint, early issue in mixed quality, later is mainly fine-very fine.
Canada worthwhile lot in an album and a stockbook, the album starts off with a couple dozen used Large Queens, mint and used King George V Admirals, including coils and war tax stamps, later mint and used including booklet panes and back-of-the-book, the stockbook is mainly blocks, including
Canada interesting cover lot of well over 100 items, including a few dozen stampless, with a wide range of markings, including some inbound postmarks, we note better towns, money letters, "U.States" in arc, several Small Queen usages, highlighted by a correspondence of nine letters from Yale,
Canada and BNA reference and catalogue lot, BOGGS, W.S. (The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Canada), 2 volumes, 1945, hardbound, BOGGS, W.S. (The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Canada), 1974, JARRETT, F. (Stamps of British North America), 1975, hardbound, LOWE, R. (Encyclopedia of