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1913-17 eight covers or cards, including two registered covers from Vlone to Austria and Germany, franked with the Provisional Government adhesives, WWI usages from Durazzo, Skrapak, Korytsa and Valona, all written-up on exhibit pages, fine (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5071
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1919-26 selection of 29 covers or cards used during the Second Provisional Government and Republic, variety of frankings and destinations, well described on 18 exhibit pages, with respect to rates, origins and destinations, some outstanding items include a censored cover from Elbasan to Sacramento, with 2x5c green Parcel Post Postage Dues, registered cover from Lushne to Sydney, Australia, new value surcharges on cover to USA, Romania, Money Order with 25q surcharge, 1923 Pictorials on covers, various provisional surcharges, scarce overprints, two Air Post covers, etc., fine lot (Image)
Opening US$ 700.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5072
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1928-38 collection of 36 covers or cards on 21 exhibit pages, various issues, Registered mail, souvenir sheets, Zeppelin and Flight covers, origins and destinations, unusual markings, one from the Italian steamship "Brioni", "Kingdom of Albania" overprints on covers and Parcel card, plus many others, fine and highly attractive representation. For a full video of this lot please visit
Opening US$ 900.00
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ALBANIA Austro-Hungarian Occupation Flight Covers
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5074
Symbol: e
1916 (17 Oct) 10q stationery card with additional franking, mailed from the Austro-Hungarian Army Base Post Office at Durazzo to Vienna, with red "K.u.K. Flugstutzpunkt Durz." military handstamp, additional markings, fine (Image)
Opening US$ 180.00
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ALBANIA Central Albania
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5073
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1914-15 partial and well described 14-page exhibit with 24 covers and cards, showing various historical episodes in Albanian history, with Essad Pasha government, cover bearing two strikes of the commemorative postmark honoring the establishment of the local Senate, franked with 2x20para typewritten surcharges, sent from Durres to Trieste, covers franked with the Crescent handstamp in Arabic on new issue with bilingual "Central Albania" (in French and Albanian), one from Skrapar, another from Durazzo to Valona, others from Lesh to Shkoder, with rare "Scutarie d'Albanie" Registry label, another used in combination with Serbian franking, sent from Elbasan, to Pequin. There are covers and cards from North Albania, one to New York, others to France and Egypt (rare), South Albania registered cover from Valona to Santi Quaranta in "Autonomous Epirus", postal stationery, 1914 covers from Shkoder to Lesh, franked with two blocks of 4x2q Skanderbeg, tied by gold ink cancels, registered and properly franked cover with "The Arrival of Prince William" overprints, registered cover with 5g surcharge, used from Durres to Prag, two postcards showing the arrival of Prince and Princess in Durazzo, one mailed to a sailor on board "S.M.Torpedoboot 31" at the Austrian Naval Base in Pola, fine and valuable assembly (Image)
Opening US$ 1,400.00
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ALBANIA French Occupation of Albania
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5075
Symbol: e
1917-18 French Administration of Korytsa, four covers addressed locally or abroad to France and England, one with "Commandant Militaire Censure" handstamp, two others with oval censor handstamps, mixed condition, cover to Paris with portion of address excised, scarce (Image)
Opening US$ 230.00
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ALBANIA Italian Occupation of Albania
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5076
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1914-43 The Italians on Saseno (Sazan), collection of 10 covers or cards, well described on exhibit pages, showing three stages of Italian Involvement on Saseno, from the first Military Occupation into the post-World War I period, followed by the formal annexation in 1923 and use of Italian postage on the island for the next 20 years. The collection includes censored mail, Fieldpost "Comando Distaccamento R.Marino Sasseno" markings, "Isola Saseno Comando", "Saseno/Isola", Registered cover used 12 Mar 1943 to Bazi, with a new unit cachet ("Headquarters Royal Navy Detachment Saseno"), mixed condition, unusual group (Italy occupied Saseno in 1914 and established a military post. After World War I, Albania formally ceded the island to Italy and it became administratively part of Lagosta, in the province of Zara. In those years the Italian authorities built a lighthouse and some naval fortifications, and populated the island with a few families of fishermen relocated from Apulia. The island was united with the Italian Governorate of Dalmatia in 1941 during World War II and ceded back to Albania in 1947)
Opening US$ 450.00
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ALBANIA Kosovo Region
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5078
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1942-43 selection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with registered cover from "Istok" to Palermo, POW card from Gjakove, registered cover from "Gjilan" to another Prisoner of War inmate at Stalag VIIB/I, card from "Liplanji" to a Concentration Camp in Bergamo, POW lettersheet from "Orahovac" (both extremely rare), registered "Express" covers from "Peje" to Cetinje and Ustica-Palermo, card from Prizren to Milano, flown, censored cover from Prizren "Posta Arjore" to Geneva (Diena certificate), large part of "Prizren Mandat Poste" (previously unrecorded marking) money order used to send 300francs, registered cover from "Prishtine" to Istanbul, finally a POW lettersheet from "Suva Reka", fine and uncommon assembly showing postal history of Italian Occupation of Kosovo (Image)
Opening US$ 9,000.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5079
Symbol: e
1942 (14 Mar) registered, flown cover from "DECANE", franked with Italian Occupation stamps of Albania, tied by departure cds, with corresponding Registry label, addressed to a Prisoner of War held at Stalag XVII-B (located near Krems, Austria), opened by censor, various transit and Krems arrival pmks, fine and extremely rare usage from Decane (present day "Decan" in Kosovo) (Image)
Opening US$ 900.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5080
Symbol: e
1942-43 (22 Jan) picture postcard from Ferizovic to Montalcone (Trieste), single 5q green tied by departure cds, boxed "Verificato per Censura" and arrival pmks. Also 1943 (11 June) registered cover to Ustica-Palermo, franked with 2x15q carmine, tied by "Ferizaj" departure cds, showing return address of "Stimplje-Ferizaj, Kosovo Albania", fine (the Slavic name "Ferizovic" was changed to Albanian "Ferizaj" in 1942) (Image)
Opening US$ 1,400.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5081
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1943 selection of eight registered covers from Prizren and Peje to Palermo (care of "Internata Civile de Guerra"), one to Montenegro, different franking combination, censor handstamps and labels, mixed condition, scarce group of commercially used covers from Kosovo during Italian occupation (Image)
Opening US$ 2,300.00
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ALBANIA Macedonia Region
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5082
Symbol: e
1941 (14 June) registered and censored cover to USA, franked with 15q and 2x25q (minor flaws), tied by "Tetovo" (original Slavic name of the town) departure cds, with "Tetove" Registry label below, Italian censor handstamped, opened and resealed by U.S. censor, Italian transit and arrival (Aug 20, 1941) arrival pmks on back, cover roughly opened at bottom, rare usage (after World War One, Tetovo became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1941, during Axis occupation of Yugoslavia, Tetovo once again came under Albanian rule and after WWII reverted back to Yugoslavia) (Image)
Opening US$ 700.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5083
Symbol: e
1942 (30 July) cover to Zagreb, franked with 25q dark blue, tied by "Tetove" (double circle with star at bottom departure cds, with Italian censor handstamp and "Verificato per Censura" label, additional markings on back, fine and scarce usage from Tetove to Croatia (Image)
Opening US$ 700.00
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ALBANIA Montenegro Region
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5084
Symbol: e
1942 (25 Mar) picture postcard ("Ulcin (Dulcigno)") to Torino, franked with pair of 5q green, tied by "Dulqin" cds, fine and scarce usage (during World War One, the present day town of Ulcinj was occupied by Austria, then Italy, and became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1920. From 1941-44 Ulcinj was under the Albanian administration and reverted to Yugoslavia after the war) (Image)
Opening US$ 700.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5085
Symbol: e
1943 (23 July) registered cover to Banja Luka, Croatia, franked with 2x10q,15q,30q, tied by "Rozhaj" double circle departure cds, paying proper 15q letter and 50q Registry fee, with corresponding registry label, opened and resealed by Italian censor, with Brindisi transit and Banja Luka arrival pmks on back (showing return address "Rozhoje, Kosove, Albania"). An uncommon usage from this very small Rozhaj post office (only 15 letters posted according to official report noted in Phipps handbook) (Image)
Opening US$ 700.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5086
Symbol: e
1943 (7 Feb) registered cover addressed to the Red Cross in Geneva, franked with single 65q red brown, tied by double circle "Dulqin" cds, with corresponding Registry label (showing "ULQIN"), opened and resealed by Italian censor, Shkodre and Milano transits, Geneva (15.III.43) arrival pmks, fine registered usage from present-day Ulcinj (Image)
Opening US$ 700.00
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ALBANIA Serbian Occupation of Albania
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5077
Symbol: e
1915 Serbian troops in Albania, eight covers and cards, including postcards written from Tirana to Knjazavac, covers with Serbian franking, straight line handstamps "TIRANE" and "ELBASAN", other military handstamps, registered mail. Tirana bilingual cds on Serbian postal stationery card to Praha, Tirana and Elbasan transit marks; cover to Debar, etc., fine and scarce group (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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AUSTRIA Flight Covers
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5090
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1915-18 collection of 18 covers and cards from Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation Corps on the Adriatic, with various "Fliegerstation" (Seaplane) and submarine station markings from "Grado" (Trieste), Pola, Puntisella, Cosada, Fiume, Sebenico, Curzola, Kumbor and Cattaro, with examples of mail flown by Seaplane through FPO 406 at Fiume to Pola (from there to Laibach), cachets inscribed "I & R Coastal Naval Air Station Sebenico" and others, fine and undoubtedly scarce group, all well described on partially decommissioned exhibit pages (Image)
Opening US$ 900.00
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Military Air Post
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5089
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1916-18 collection of 21 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing examples of mail service from various Flight companies on the Galician and Italian fronts, different Flight Squadron unit numbers, Air Unit cachets, Seaplane Bases, with examples of mail from Durazzo (Albania), FPO 406 (Fiume), Kumbor, Cattaro, Cosada, Zelenica, Pola, Sibenik, Puntisella, also Balloon unit markings from Pola, K.u.K.Feldpoststampt 173 and others (Image)
Opening US$ 900.00
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Military Mail
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5094
Symbol: e
1914 Registered cover from the abortive first Austrian invasion of Serbia, registered from "Loznica" to Skalice, franked with two Bosnian stamps and tied by framed "K.u.K.Militar Postampt Loznica" pmk, with Registered and "K.u.K. Militar-Telegraphen" handstamps, fine and rare registered cover from the Austrian foothold during the second invasion of Serbia (One of the bloodiest battles fought in the Balkans was the Battle of the Drina, near Loznica, Serbia. After a first failed invasion of Serbia where he lost 40,000 men, Oskar Potiorek, the Austro-Hungarian commander, launched a new offensive across the River Drina, where he faced strong Serbian defensive positions. A counterattack pushed the Austrians back to the Drina, but a small force remained at Loznica) (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Naval and Maritime Mail
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5091
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1914-18 Danube River Flotilla during World War One, collection of 33 covers or cards presented on exhibit pages, variety of "K.u.K.Donauflottillenkomando" (imperial and Royal Danube Flotilla Headquarters), FPO markings, cachets of "SMS Leitha" and "Maros", the oldest monitors in the fleet, mailed from Giurgiu (Romania) and Orsovo (Hungary), others from "Koros" and "Szamos", censored mail from "S.M.S. Bosna" sent through the Black Sea to support activities in Ukraine, written by a crew member at Kherson on the Dnieper River. Numerous other monitor cachets are included, such as red "S.M.S. Temes", "Bodrog", "Inn", "Enns", "Barsch", "Compo", "Viza", also from patrol boats, Armed Steamers, Auxiliary vessels, Shore Station cachets, numerous censor and Naval markings, mixed condition, scarce (The campaigns of the Danube Flotilla could literally be called a backwater of the Great War. During Peacetime, the flotilla was responsible for enforcing the border with Serbia, patrolling the Danube down to the Iron Gates, up the Sava to the mouth of the Drina and sometime up the Drina (water level permitting) and occasionally up other tributaries of the Danube, mostly chasing smugglers. However, the flotilla gained a place in history when its ships fired the first shots of the war) (Image)
Opening US$ 2,300.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5092
Symbol: e
1916-17 Austro-Hungarian Submarines, three cards displayed on exhibit page, one from "K.u.K.Kriegsmarine Monarch", others from "U-6" and "U-21", sent from Cattaro, Sibenik and Pola, first one showing cachet of Headquarters of the I.& R Submarine Group in Gulf of Cattaro, very scarce (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5093
Symbol: e
1917-18 Danube Flotilla River gunboats, three cards addressed to Vienna, each originating in Romania (Orsova, Turnnu-Severin and Braila), showing different cachets of Danube Flotilla Headquarters and "K.u.K.Etappenpostampt 348", "Hadtap Postahivatal 449" and "K.u.K.Feldpostampt 299" markings, fine and uncommon group displayed on exhibit page (Image)
Opening US$ 230.00
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AUSTRIA Austrian Levant Military Mail
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5097
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1916-18 Austro-Hungarian Military Mission to Turkey, collection of 40 covers and cards on exhibit pages, markings of mortar and howitzer batteries supporting Turkish defenders at Gallipoli, official mail from "Imperial and Royal Military Representative in Constantinople", registered and censored mail from Pera, Courier Post via German Military Mission in Aleppo, Transport and logistical support markings, Austrian Base at the construction railhead of the Baghdad Railway (near Konia), cachets of Base Commander in Taurus-Amanus and Branch Gasoline Depot in Bosanti, Fieldpost cover from "Bir-es-Seba" (Beersheba) and "A.O.K.4" (Jerusalem), cachets of origin from Representative of the 1st Expeditionary Corps for German and Austro-Hungarian Troops (Aleppo), Mobile Hospital (Jerusalem), Army Group "Jilderim", detachment operating the "Bekleme-Pyrgos" cable car system, "Deutsche Feldpost 663" (then located at Nazareth), "K.u.K.Feldpostampt 452" from Diyarbakir and Damascus (Image)
Opening US$ 2,300.00
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AUSTRIA Austrian Naval Presence in China
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5095
Symbol: e
1901 picture postcard to Vienna, with violet "S.M.S. K.u.K Maria Theresia" circular unit handstamp, with corresponding "Feldpost", showing Laxenburg (8.7.01) arrival pmk at bottom, fine. Also unused ppc "SMS Aspern" (Image)
Opening US$ 140.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5096
Symbol: e
1914-17 registered "Legation D'Austriche-Hongrie en Chine" cover to Zurich, with "K.u.K, Marinedetachement in Peking" (9 Apr 1914) departure cds, postcard with 5f Hungarian franking, with similar departure pmk, addressed to Hungary, also three telegraph forms, including Chinese Imperial Post Registered article receipt, handstamped "K.u.K.Etappen Commando in Tientsin", also partial "Imperial Chinese Telegraphs" form and "The Submarine Telegraph Service" receipts made out to Austrian Legation Guards (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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BELGIUM Military Mail
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5098
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1915-17 "Corps Expeditionnaire Belge en Russie" (Belgian Expeditionary Corps of Armored Cars), collection of 65+ covers or cards on pages and loose, showing variety of markings in Cyrillic and in French, incoming mail, destinations, unit cachets, some detailed information, also copies of the actual vehicles, troops in transit, research articles and variety of other collateral material, mixed condition, interesting group, excellent exhibition potential (following an agreement between King Albert and Tsar Nicholas, the entire Armored Corps of about 400 vehicles was transferred to the Russian Front, where it saw action against German and Austrian forces. In
early 1917, the ACM got caught up in the Russian Revolution. Unable to cross German territory to return to Belgium, the men traveled home via Ukraine and Siberia on a trans-Siberian train, arriving in Vladivostok on 20 April 1918. Five days later they boarded U.S. Army Transport ship "Sheridan", arriving in San Francisco on 12 May 1918 where they were greeted as heroes) For a full video of this lot please visit
Opening US$ 2,300.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5099
Symbol: e
1919 (14 July) folded mourning announcement (Freiherrn Ferdinand von Wolff-Metternich) sent from Xanten during Belgian Occupation, with 5pf franking, violet "Cantonement de Xanten Armee Belge d'Occupation" unit cachet, fine and extremely rare (Image)
Opening US$ 140.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5107
Symbol: e
1880 (1 Apr) FL from Mostar to Trieste, with K.u.K.Milit.Post 13 Mostar departure cds, with uncanceled Austrian 5kr red at bottom, franking not recognized, charged "10" in blue crayon,. With boxed "T", Zara transit and Trieste arrival pmks on back. Since first Bosnian stamps were issued on 1 July, 1879, Austrian franking was no longer valid for postage, fine (Image)
Opening US$ 230.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5108
Symbol: e
1883-1916 two exhibit pages, showing different types of "NEUM" single circle and serifed letters postmarks, one on the 5kr (1867 Franz Josef) single stamp, then picture postcard, single circle sans-serif (one of only two known, with Ferchenbauer certificate), also double circle postmarks, one on piece dated 1906, others to Wien and Budapest (sent by a soldier in a coastal defense unit during World War I) (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5109
Symbol: e
1885 (20 Apr) Money order form (sending 200 guldens) to Metkovic, paying the correct fee of 40 kreuzer for amounts of 150 to 200 gulden, postage paid by 15Kr+25Kr litho, both tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXXII/Sarajevo" cds, with arrival (24.4.85) on back, fine usage from Sarajevo to Metkovic (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5110
Symbol: e
1885-89 exhibit page, with 1889 (16 June) registered cover from Sarajevo to Pest, paying the correct postage with 15kr (Lithographed), tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXXII/Sarajevo" cds, various crayon markings, also Money Order for 150 Guldens, sent in 1885 (6 July) from Zvornik to Vienna, franked with a horizontal pair of 15kr (Litho), tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XX/Zwornik" cds, filing fold well away from the stamps, fine (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5111
Symbol: e
1886 (11 July) money order for 150 Gulden, addressed to Hungary, franked with 5n rose red, pair of 10n blue, single and strip of three of 25n violet (all Lithographed), tied by Military Administration "K.K.Milit.Post XXXVII/ F0ca" cds, repeated alongside, with "Szinyer-Varallya" (16.7.86) arrival pmk on back, filing fold causing some paper splitting, the form itself with creases and tears, still fine and colorful first issue franking, considered to be one of the outstanding postal history items of Bosnia (Image)
Opening US$ 2,900.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5112
Symbol: e
1891 (2 Apr) registered outer FL from Mostar to Liebenau, franked with a block of 10x2kr orange (Lithographed), canceled by K.und K. Milit. Post 13 Mostar departure datestamps, with Graz arrival pmk on back. Cover has been cleaned (stamps lifted and replaced), fine and remarkable franking. Large multiples of Litho printing are seldom seen on cover, this may be the largest recorded (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5113
Symbol: e
1893 (2 Feb) 5kr stationery entire envelope uprated with 2x2kr+2x3kr litho, registered from Janjici to Sarajevo, paying correct rate of 5kr+10kr registration fee, all tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXVIII/Janjici" cds with "Sarajevo 2.2" arrival datestamp on back, fine and colorful combination (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5114
Symbol: e
1894 (27 Sep) registered cover from Bosanski Brod to Italy, correctly franked on the reverse with pair of 10kr (Typo), paying 10kr postage and 10kr registry, tied by oval "K.K.Milit.Post.XXXI/Bos.Brod" departure datestamp, repeated on front, with Sospirolo arrival (29 Sep), some toning, otherwise fine (Image)
Opening US$ 140.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5115
Symbol: e
1896 (5 Aug) registered cover to Vienna, franked with single 25n violet, tied by "K K.Milit. Post. XXXII/Sarajevo" departure cds, with "R nr. 207" and "Recommandirt" by hand, paying triple-weight registry rate (3x5kr+10kr for registration), v.f., extremely scarce usage of 25n violet on commercial, non-philatelic mail, one of the most outstanding items in Bosnia's postal history (Image)
Opening US$ 3,500.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5116
Symbol: e
1897 (4 Nov) registered cover from the German Consulate in Sarajevo to Cassel, franked with 20kr olive (typographed), tied by "K.K. Milit.Post.XXXII/Sarajevo" departure pmk, with 17.11.98 arrival pmk on back, blue "Kaiserlich Deutsches Konsulat in Serajevo" embossed label, various directional crayon markings, fine and rare commercial usage of 20kr Typo issue (Image)
Opening US$ 1,800.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5117
Symbol: e
1898 (1 Apr) a wedding invitation envelope sent from Sarajevo to Sisak, correctly franked with 2kr typographed, canceled by double circle Military Administration Sarajevo cds, fine and scarce usage of single 2kr franking paying printed matter fee (Image)
Opening US$ 140.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5118
Symbol: e
1898 (22 Mar) small cover to Wiener Neustadt, franked with 2Kr+3Kr typo printing, each tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXXIX/Zupanjac" cds, v.f., with 26 March arrival, v.f. and attractive cover to Austria (Image)
Opening US$ 140.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5119
Symbol: e
1899 (15 June) registered cover to Zurich, franked with single 20n gray green, tied by "K.und K.Milit. Post. XXXII/Sarajevo" departure cds, with "R nr" and "Recommandirt" typewritten at bottom left, paying the correct rate for registered mail to a foreign destination (10kr+10kr for registration), v.f., scarce single franking usage, with 17.VI.99 arrival pmk on back (Image)
Opening US$ 700.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5120
Symbol: e
1900 (23 Feb) registered cover from Banjaluka to Sarajevo, franked with single and horizontal pair of First Issue 5kr red and single 2kr yellow, paying 17kr (equivalent of 34h), used in combination with 1900 1h Eagle, with framed Banja Luka departure datestamps and corresponding arrival (25.2.00) on back, v.f. and spectacular mixed franking of first and second issues during the transitional period (Image)
Opening US$ 900.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5121
Symbol: e
1900 (19 Feb) 2kr stationery card, used in combination with 1900 1h gray, paying the required 5 heller rate from Rudolfsthal to Vienna, fine and scarce mixed issues franking (Kreuzer and Heller Eagle issues) (Image)
Opening US$ 230.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5122
Symbol: e
1902 (12 Dec) Value declared letter, originally containing 4,000 gulden in banknotes (8,000 Kronen), sent from Sarajevo to Rudolf Friedl in Vienna. The basic postage was 1.65 Kr + 1.92kr for insurance, total of 3.57kr paid with 3x1kr dark rose, plus single 2h, 5h and 50h, all tied on back by octagonal "Sarajevo-Filiale" datestamps, repeated on front, with intact wax seals, minor backflap tears, fine and elusive high value franking (Image)
Opening US$ 280.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5123
Symbol: e
1906 (24 Oct) large part of a registered cover (bottom half of the front/address portion missing), with intact Registry and private pharmacist's labels, franked on reverse with the complete set of 16 (all values current at that time), with Third Coat of Arms (with black denominations) where appropriate and Second Issue stamps otherwise, sent from a pharmacy at "Brcka" to "Kral. Vinhorady" in Bohemia, "K.u.K. Milit.Post Brcka" departure and arrival pmks on back, philatelically inspired, nevertheless remarkable franking which includes the rare 5 krone stamp (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5124
Symbol: **
Cat No: 128-40
1918 Emperor Karl I, 2h-90h complete set of 13, n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $338 (Cat No. 128-40) (Image)
1905-07 (31 Apr) cover from Chile to Mostar, Bosnia, insufficiently franked and taxed on arrival with 50 heller Postage Due stamp, tied by Mostar cds, plus 1907 (15 June) cover from Italy to Sarajevo, insufficiently franked with 5x1c Italian stamps, taxed on arrival with 2x4h+5h+6h Postage Dues, undelivered and sent back to the sender at Palermo, both mounted and described on exhibit page (Image)
Opening US$ 450.00
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Special Delivery
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5126
Symbol: E
1916 3h violet, prepared but not issued large Die Essay on thin card, v.f., rare (Image)
Opening US$ 230.00
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BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Austrian Occupation
Sale No: 0225
Lot No: 5106
Symbol: e
Cat No: Collection
1878-87 collection of 30 covers, cards, Money orders and Telegrams, neatly written-up on 18 exhibit pages, with fieldpost markings "K.u.K. Hauptfeldpostampt d.II Armee", "Feldpost-Expositur No.1" and "18" (First Division in Sarajevo, 18th Division at Mostar), incoming mail to an Austrian engineering Sargent in Mostar, "K.u.K.Etappen-Postampt" cds from various FPOs (Kiseljak, Bihac, Livno, Gorazde, Maglaj), Registered mail with Bosnian franking, cover from FPO No.V (Zenica) to Italy, military franking not recognized and cover charged penalty rate of 50c Postage Due at "Mel", Money Order for 24 Gulden from FPO No.6 (Trebinje) to Opuzen, Dalmatia, another with Hungarian franking from Livno to Spalato, also receipts for money orders, cover and FL with Hungarian franking, canceled "K.u.K. Etappen-Postampt XI" from Banjaluka, No.VII from Kiseljak), covers used during Muslim Uprising (1882), also "K.u.K. Milit.Post XXXII Serajevo", registered FL from Banjaluka to Trieste, etc. A fine showing (in 1878, as a consequence of an international summit in Berlin, Austria-Hungary was permitted to occupy the troubled Ottoman provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. An invasion by 150,000+ troops, was followed by four decades of civil administration and eventually in 1908, annexation by the Habsburg Monarchy) (Image)