Sale No: 200
Lot No: 5005
Modellauto-Sammlung in 2 Kartons, dabei 22 Autos im Maßstab 1:18, überwiegend von der Firma Burago, dabei u.a. Mercedes Benz "Caracciola" 1931 OVP und 18 verschiedene Modelle im kleineren Maßstab, überwiegend sehr gute Erhaltung bzw. neuwertig. Model car collection in 2 boxes, as well 22 Cars in the measurement 1: 18, mainly from of the company Burago, including Our Lady of Ransom Benz "Caracciola" 1931 original packaging and 18 various models in the smaller measurement, mainly excellent condition respectively as good as new.
Opening EUR 150.00
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