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Records 1 to 49 of 49

Dutch Country Auctions Sale: 357

Supplies & Reference Materials
Reference Materials
Sale No: 357
Lot No: 611
Cat No: BALTIC x140

BALTIC STATES Literature: Central Lithuania Specialized Stamp Catalogue by Pacholczyk; the authoritative Eesti Handbook Catalogue by Hurt & Ojaste (1986), Eesti Filatelist 1980 No. 26; Barefoot's Forgery & Reprint Guide #9 Latvia & #10 Latvia airmails; "Postage Stamps of Lithuania" published by The Collectors Club (1978); like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$140-180 B

Opening US$ 70.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 612
Cat No: BRITISH x150

BRITISH Area Literature, incl several volumes of Stanley Gibbons Specialised (vols 1, 2, 4, 5) and their "Classic" 2006 ed; Brusden White Australia (one volume); British Postal Stationery by Huggins, B53 Obliterators of Mauritius by Baker, Collect British Postmarks by Whitney; Guide Lines to the Penny Black by Litchfield; The Lawless Caymans by Kieran; Transvaal by Drysdall; Canada specialized by Holmes; Billig's Handbook #34, some journals, pamphlets & other reference items; used to like new

Est. US$150-250 L (2)

Opening US$ 70.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 613
Cat No: CANP x300

CANADA PROVINCES Philatelic literature, The Stamps & Postal History of Vancouver Island & British Columbia by Wellburn; The Colonial Postal Systems & Postage Stamps of Vancouver Island & British Columbia 1849-1871 by Deaville (Quarterman); The Postage Stamps of New Brunswick & Nova Scotia by Argenti (Quarterman); The Nova Scotia Post by MacDonald; forgeries of NS, NB & PEI by Mitchell; The PO on PEI 1787-1990 by Murray; The Mystery of the Prince Edward "Queen" by Eckhardt; The Postage Stamps & Cancellations of PEI 1814-1873 by Lehr; 2000 Postmarks of PEI 1814-1995 by Murray; The Pence Issues of Newfoundland by Pratt; Newfoundland Specialized Stamp Catalogue 6th ed (2006) by Walsh, Butt; Newfoundland by Boggs, used (1942); Newfoundland Air Mails, 2nd ed 1984; also some journals & articles; most like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$300-400 L

Opening US$ 150.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 614
Cat No: CHINA x100

CHINA The Revenue Surcharges China 1897 published by the Directorate General of Posts, Republic of China; Vol 1 & Vol 2 (Chinese version); both like new w/ slipcovers

Est. US$100-140 B

Opening US$ 50.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 615
Cat No: CHINA x140

CHINA History of Postal Cancellation of China by Paul Ke-Shing Chang, Parts I-VII (series goes up to Part X); also by same author A Historical Survey of Postage Stamps, Postmarks & Postage Rates of Taiwan (1945-1949) Vol I; all red hard covers, gently used to like new

Est. US$140-180 L

Opening US$ 70.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 616
Cat No: Collection

CHINA Large Accum of catalogs, reference books, auction catalogs & Chinese publications; highlights incl China Stamp Society spiral catalogs (2012, 2021), Stanley Gibbons China 9th & 12th eds, Scott Catalog 2024 Vol 2A, The Philatelic History of Hong Kong part 1; The Essays of Early China, The Shanghai Postal System, some older Ma catalogs, Liberated Areas by Yang, literature on stationery, postal history, local Ovpts, older pamphlets & much more, (6) binders w/ Handbook & Check List of Chinese Stamps by Wetterling (up to Part 12 pg 1673), many published by ROC Directorate of Posts & by PRC entities; some issues of China Clipper, Ishikawa auction catalog of Hong Kong & Treaty Ports; more; used to like new

Est. US$500-600 L (3)

Opening US$ 250.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 617
Cat No: DENMARK x100

DENMARK Literature incl AFA Specialkatalog 1981-82, Danske Breve 1851-1979 2-vol, Danmark Fireblokke 1985-86 AFA. Denmark & Area postal stationery by Ringstrom; Denmark Stamp Booklets Catalogue by Boom; old catalogs incl Facit 1964 & 1990, Minkus 1981-82 and Nordens 1984 (AB); gently used to like new

Est. US$100-140 B

Opening US$ 50.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 618
Cat No: Collection

EASTERN EUROPE Accum Literature less often encountered; Barefoot revenue catalogs for Baltics and Poland; Michel Osteuropa 2003/04, (2) diff Minkus for area 1982-83; Bulgaria Bulfila catalog parts 1-4 (up to 1997); Czech Pofis 1999, Trojan 1996, Monografie Ceskoslovenskych Znamek parts 2-3; Perfs of Czech stamps by Karasek; Greece Vlastos 1971; Hungary catalog 1993; Romania Barefoot Forgery Guide 13, on revenues & on perfins, both by Eros; Poland 6 Years Underground Post 1982-88 by Kobylinski; also Croatia & USSR postal stationery; a bit worn to like new

Est. US$200-300 L

Opening US$ 100.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 619
Cat No: LIBERIA x100

LIBERIA Philip Cockrill bklt series, loose bklts #1-10 & 21-25; VF; XF to like new

Est. US$100-140 B

Opening US$ 56.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 620
Cat No: QUEEN x80

QUEENSLAND (2) Well-known hard covers by H.M. Campbell, Queensland Postal History (1990) & Queensland Cancellations & Other Postal Markings 1860-1913; both XF, jacket on 1990 book some water stain but pages not affected; ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$80-100 B

Opening US$ 40.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 621
Cat No: Collection

SCANDINAVIA Collection of FACIT catalogs, each edition contains special sections not repeated every year, so past editions are useful for specialization such as revenues, seals, pmks, locals & more; incl Facit Special 1988, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2015; Special Classic 2016; Postal History 1989, Postal VI and Postal IX; all gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$200-300 L

Opening US$ 100.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 622
Cat No: SERB x150

image SERBIA Seldom offered detailed studies: The Principality of Serbia by Kardosch no. 507/600 (1996, retails online £150-200) & The Postal History and Postage Stamps of Serbia by Rasic (1979); both hardcover, like new; also Billig's Handbook of Forgeires #30 (in German); ex-libris Sismondo (Image)

Est. US$150-200 L

Opening US$ 90.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 623
Cat No: SOUTH AFR x90

SOUTH AFRICA Literature on the Boer War: Philately of the Boer & British POW Camps by Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society, Parts A & B (1990 printings); The Censor Seals of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 by Snowden & Hepworth; The Wherewithal of Wolmaransstad by Birkhead & Groenewald; British Army Postal Cancellations of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 by Prime; also Transvaal Philately by Mathews et al., with sections on both Boer Wars; gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$90-110 L

Opening US$ 44.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 624
Cat No: Collection

SOUTH AFRICA & AREA Valuable accum literature: Triangular Stamps of the Cape by Stevenson, My Romance with the Cape by Bertolaja #239/450, Handstruck Letter Stamps & Cancellation of the COGH (Postilion), Postmarks of the COGH by Goldblatt w/ supplement, The Post Offices of the COGH 1792-1910 by Frescura; Griqualand West 1988 private treaty publication; Mashonaland A Postal History 1890-96 by Drysdall & Collis; The Postal Stationery of Natal by Dickson & Hanman, The Postal Markings of Natal by Hart et al.; Stamps of the Orange Free State Vol 1-3 by Buckley & Marriott, Orange Free State Philately Vol 1-2 by Hisey & Bartshe; Rhodesia Double Heads 1910-1913, Rhodesian Study Circle Handbook #11; Transvaal Philately by Mathews et al., The Tete-Beche Varieties of Transvaal by Drysdall & Criddle, Transvaal Postage Stamps by Curle & Basden, Transvaal Revenue & Telegraph Stamps by Drysdall; Transvaal Provisional Issues of the First British Occupation by Drysdall, The Transvaal Handbook Vol 1 (forgeries), Transvaal 1878-1880 by Robson Lowe; The Philatelic & Postal History Treasures of the National Archives of Zimbabwe; The Postmarks of Zululand by Davis & Joseph; Stamps of South Africa Handbook Catalogue (1979), SASCC 31st ed. (2012), The Stamps of the Union of South Africa 1910-1961 by Hagger, Philately of the Boer & British POW Camps Parts A&B, The Edwardian Stamps of the South African Colonies by Trotter, some articles & auctions; just a couple w/ mild humidity warping, gen gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$500-750 L (2)

Opening US$ 250.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 625
Cat No: Collection

SOUTH ATLANTIC Islands publications incl Ascension Island's Post Office in the 2nd Half of 19th Cent by Beale; St. Helena & Ascension Supplements Nos. 6 and 33-39; US Consular Mail from St. Helena by Mueller; St. Helena Postal History & Stamps by Hibbert; several copies of collections or publications on Tristan da Cunha, "Partridge" collection auction catalog; 20th & 30th Anniversary anthologies of the St. Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society; stack of journals South Atlantic Chronicle 1998-2014 most but not complete; gen like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$140-180 L

Opening US$ 70.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 626
Cat No: SPAIN1

image SPAIN Classic authoritative publication "Guia del Coleccionista de Sellos de Correos de Espana" by A. Tort Nicolau, in three volumes covering periods 1850-1854, 1855-1869 and 1870-1900; minor weakness to spines o/w in excellent condition for this, ex-libris Sismondo (Image)

Est. US$180-220 B

Opening US$ 90.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 627
Cat No: SPAIN2

image SPAIN FORGERY (3) Excellent reference books: cased hard cover Falsos Postales de Espana by Fontova & Bergua, 1977, #379/1050, bilingual, spine cover detaching but book intact and o/w XF (box of slides not present); Guia-Catalogo de Falsos Postales Espana - Cuba - Filipinas by Graus, 1986, #63/300, Spanish, spine cover gone, o/w book intact (Spanish printers of 1970s-80s must have had problems with spine production!); Manual del Experto en Sellos de Espana 1850-1900 by Blas, 1960, Spanish, XF; ex-libris Sismondo (Image)

Est. US$200-300 L

Opening US$ 100.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 628
Cat No: SPAIN3

SPAIN Philatelic literature, incl EDIFIL Specialized Catalog 1996 3-vol hard cover edition, EDIFIL Specialized Vol 1 1850-1900 (2014) and regular catalog (2015); Manual de la Filatelia Espanola by Schier; Spain Revenues by Barata; El 6 Cuartos Negro de 1850 by Guinovart; Tarifas Postales Espanolas 19th Century by Celles; postal stationery catalogs by Fontova et al (c. 1982) & Laiz (1993); several editions of Academus journal; 150 Anos de Sellos Correos y Filatelia 1850-2000 by Aranaz & Alemany, signed; College Stamps of Spain by Barata; Carlist issues by Beckton (English) and Vervisch (French); Censormarks of Spain by Heller; many titles are only in Spanish; gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$250-350 L

Opening US$ 140.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 629
Cat No: SPAIN4

SPAIN Civil War literature: Spanish Separatist Stamps by Nathan; The Republican Political Labels (1936-1939) by Gomez-Guillamon; La Guerra Civil en la Historia Postal by Aracil; El Correo Aereo en la Guerra Civil Espanola / Zona Republicana (1936-1939) by Gomez-Guillamon; LLach 1994 illustrated price list of Civil War issues; lightly used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$100-140 B

Opening US$ 48.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 630
Cat No: Collection

SWITZERLAND Selection of catalogs: Zumstein Spezialkatalog 2-vol (2000), Zumstein Schweiz Liehtenstein (2013), Zumstein Ganzsachen Schweiz (2002), SBK stamps & coins (2019), Michel Specialized (2005), Switzerland Catalogue, Amateur (2000 + 2002 supplement), Airmail Handbook (2000); gently used, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$140-180 B

Opening US$ 74.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 631
Cat No: SWITZ2

SWITZERLAND Group of literature: Philately of Switzerland by Hall, books on separate issues Rayon I, Geneva (Morand et al & Feldman auction), The Postage Stamps of Switzerland 1843-1862 by Mirabaud, Zumstein Specialized (1978), Ganzsachen (1984/1994), Studie uber die schweizerische Hotelpost by Kottelat, Swiss Letter Mail to Foreign Countries 1459-1907 by Schaefer (in German), SBK Catalogue 2009, Les timbres postaux et les cancellations postales suisses 1843-1862 by Jaeggli-Weber, incl plates (in French), Obliterations Suisses 1843-1854 by Grand, Luftpost Handbuch (1978), stack of journals incl Tell, SBZ (2000s); gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$350-450 L (2)

Opening US$ 180.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 632
Cat No: SYRIA x120

image SYRIA Literature: Philatelic History of the Arab Kingdom of Syria by Kaczmarczyk & Unwin, 1st & 2nd eds (2002 & 2014); The Postal Issues of Syria, Lebanon and the Alaouites 1919-1945 by Kaczmarczyk; Free French Censorship in Syria by Robertson, Free French Censorship in the Levant by Zimmerman; gen like new, ex-libris Sismondo (Image)

Est. US$120-160 L

Opening US$ 60.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 633
Cat No: TASM x200

TASMANIA Literature: Tasmania: The Postal History and Postal Markings by Campbell, Purves & Viney, Parts I & II original printings 1962 & 1975; Tasmania Stamps & Postal History by Tinsley (1986); Catalogue & Handbook of Tattersall's Covers by McNamee; Beating the Odds, The Story of Tattersall's Private Mail Network by McNamee; gen like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$200-300 L

Opening US$ 110.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 634
Cat No: Collection

THAILAND & SIAM Philatelic literature: catalogs incl bound photocopy of the 1920 catalog by May et al, (2) diff 1994 Thai produced catalogs; Frajola's 1980 & Ostlie's 1994 revised edition (water damage but usable); several auction catalogs incl Indhusophon & Eurtivong collections; Early Cancellations of Siam by Gmaehle; Revenue stamps by Iber (1993) and Collins (1979); A Study of Thai Mail 1836-1943 by Rattakul; The Postal Stationery of Siam 1883-1935 by Linnemann; several issues of journal "Thai Philately" ranging between 1986-2000; gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$200-300 L

Opening US$ 100.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 635
Cat No: Collection

TIBET Excellent library of reference material: The Postal History of Tibet by Waterfall; Tibet by Haverback; First Series Plating Notebook by Bibbins; Third Series 1933-1960 Plating Study by Bibbins; The Postal Markings of Tibet by Hellrigl; The "Officials" of Tibet by Singer; Handbuch und Katalog der Marken und Stempel by Dahnke; Postal History of Indian Campaigns Sikkim Tibet 1903-1908 by Virk; several bound photocopied collections of genuine stamps, postal history and forgeries; auction catalogs 1978 Harmers & 2002 Spink; a couple spiral publications w/ minor marginal water damage not affecting text, others like new, ex-libris Sismono

Est. US$250-350 L

Opening US$ 140.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 636
Cat No: TIBET2

image TIBET Comprehensive overview of Tibetan history & philately, beautiful boxed 3-vol set "Tibet and Postal History & Stamps" by Fortune Wang w/ foreword by the Dalai Lama, well illustrated & bilingual Chinese / English; published in Taiwan in 2008, offered online for $150 & up, an excellent reference; like new, ex-libris Sismondo (Image)

Est. US$150-200 L

Opening US$ 74.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 637
Cat No: TURKEY x400

TURKIYE Excellent philatelic library of Ottoman & Turkish stamps & postal history; Catalogs: Isfila 2011 Vol 1-3; Pulko 1985 & 2003; the popular Pulhan IV (1953), X (1963), XI (1968) and XII (1974); Spesyalize Turk Pullari Katalogu 2nd ed. 1991 partially bilingual; Older publications: The War Stamps of Turkey by Wood, French pamphlet on fake surcharges on Turkey in Asia by Mongeri; Notes on the Cancellations of Turkish Arabia by Tomkins, The Stamps of Turkey by Passer (1938); Reference: in Turkish Osmanli Posta Damgalari by Nuhoglu (postmarks), another on postmarks bilingual French by Brandt & Ceylan, Filistin'de Osmanli Postalari 1840-1918 Vol 1 Jerusalem, bilingual English; Billig's Handbuch #37-38 (German), The Ottoman Empire, A Study by Esmer (1996), Postal Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire by Coles & Walker Parts 1-4; w/ addendum; Anatolia by Mayo; Stamps of the Levant Post Office by Armstrong; The Administrative Division & the Post Offices in the Ottoman Empire by Peker; Revenues of Ottoman Empire & Republic of Turkey by McDonald 2nd ed., Feldman auction The Duloz Issues (2009) & several examples of journals (Opal, The Levant, Tughra Times); a few w/ minor water damage but not affecting usability, others gently used to like new; ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$400-500 L

Opening US$ 200.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 638
Cat No: TURKEY x500

image TURKIYE Incredible 10-volume work "Illustrated Ottoman-Turkish Postmarks 1840-1929" by Agaogullari & Papuccuoglu, published from 2003 to 2010, hard cover w/ jacket and guide pamphlet; detailed listings of town pmks from A to Z; valuable full set, like new cond, ex-libris Sismondo (Image)

Est. US$500-750 L

Opening US$ 300.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 639
Cat No: Collection

UKRAINE Selection of literature; Introductory Handbook of Ukrainian Philately by Kuzych (signed); Ukraine, 2011 catalog published in Donetsk covering Zemstva to modern issues (in Russian); Carpatho Ukraine Postal Markings by Page; Notes on Carpatho-Ukraine parts I & II by Rauch (in German); quality photocopy in binder of the seminal work by Bulat "Ukrainian Philately"; Provisional Postage Stamps of Ukraine 1992-1995 by Lobko 2nd ed. (English translation), Ceresa Forgery Guides #4A, 4B, 7A (Trident ovpts, some warping from past water damage but readable); ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$100-140 L

Opening US$ 50.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 640
Cat No: UN x100

UNITED NATIONS The useful United Nations Philately by Arleigh Gaines, in two original binders, pages go to 3034 covering all things UN up to 1981; authoritative & getting harder to find, like new

Est. US$100-150 L

Opening US$ 60.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 641

CANAL ZONE Literature: Canal Zone Stamps by Plass, Brewster & Salz; The Postal Markings of the Canal Zone Handbook No. 5 plus two Supplements (some water damage, still usable); Philatelic Announcement Cards by Finder; CZ Postage Stamps by the CZ Postal Service (1961); Canal Zone Postal Stationery by Gibbs, 3rd ed (2014); CZSG Check List (2015); stack of CZ Philatelist journals 1984 - 2016 (not inclusive); several articles; bonus: Panama and the Canal in Picture and Prose, hard cover book published in 1913 by Syndicate Publishing Co, by Willis J. Abbot, minor wear to cover; gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$300-350 L

Opening US$ 150.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 642

HAWAII Literature: The Stamps & Postal History of Hawaii by Meyer et al, Additions to Hawaiian Postal History Vol I-II (some humidity damage but readable), A History of the Stamps of Hawaii 1851-1900 by Hogan, signed; Adhesive Revenue Stamps of Hawaii by Burt; (2) Mystic publications on Grinnell Missionaries; The IDC of Hawaii by d'Assis; several auction catalogs incl Honolulu Advertiser boxed set, Walske, Schwenk and Craveri (1994); Descriptive Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Hawaii by Giffard (reprint of 1890s original); Plating the Hawaiian Numerals by Westerberg; 2001 Scott Specialized w/ article on Hawaiian stamps, journal articles and more; gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$300-350 L

Opening US$ 150.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 643

PUERTO RICO (3) books; The Postal History of PR by Preston & Sanborn; PR Resena - Inventario de Marcas, Sellos, Pruebas y Enteros Postales by Garcia-Lomas; EDIFIL Specialized catalog Vol VI Part II w/ listings for PR (2008); gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$100-140 B

Opening US$ 50.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 644
Cat No: US POSSx

US POSSESSIONS & AREA Literature, incl some authoritative reference works: The Allied Occupations in Italy (bilingual, Raybaudi); Canal Zone Stamps by Plass et al, Postal Stationery of CZ by Gibbs (2003); Surveys of the Confederate Postmasters' Provisionals by Crown (humidity damage but usable); Bogus CSA Adhesives by Rooke; Under Three Flags, Postal History of the Spanish-Cuban/American War by Kouri; The Local Mail Service of Havana 1860 by Prats (bilingual); Danish West Indies Mails 1754-1917 Vol 1 2nd ed. and Vol 2 1st ed.; The Stamps of the Danish West Indies by Hagemann (Postilion reprint of 1930 ed.); The Stamps & Postal History of Hawaii by Meyer et al; Plating the Hawaiian Numerals by Westerberg; The Honolulu Examiner boxed set of auction catalogs; Forged Overprints on Stamps of the American Admin. of the Philippines by Hunt; Philippine Flights by Brewster, CD-ROM; Ryukyus Handbook by Sera; Specialized Catalogue of the Postal Issues of the Ryukyu Islands Part III; several AP journal articles (Wake, Guam, Cuba, DWI) and journals (Possessions, The Cuban Philatelist); gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$500-700 L

Opening US$ 250.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 645
Cat No: US x60

The Identifier for Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries & Bogus Posts of the United States by Lyons, Vol III (1998), green hardcover, like new

Est. US$60-80 B

Opening US$ 36.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 646
Cat No: US x80

The current & sought after Springer's Handbook of North American Cinderella Stamps, 6th to 10th editions; XF to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$80-100 B

Opening US$ 40.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 647
Cat No: Collection

Selection US literature, incl The United States Two Cent Red Brown of 1883-1887 by Willard, Vol 1-2; Airlines & Air Mail by van der Linden; RFD Country! by Thornbrook; US Postage Stamps 1945-1952 by Glass; Grinnell Missionary (2) books by Mystic; Jenny! by Amick; America's Story as told in Postage Stamps by Allen; Airmail How it all Began by Glines; FDR & the Stamps of the US 1933-45 by Baur; US Postal Card Catalog (2000); more; gently used to like new

Est. US$80-120 L

Opening US$ 44.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 648
Cat No: US x250

US & General philately, one old collector's stash of literature; several pamphlets & journals; US Match & Medicine Stamps by West; Billig's Handbooks #21, 26 (Naval & fancy cancels); Linn's 1984 Yearbook; Color Guide for 2¢ Red Triangle stamps; Brazer's 1941 book on Essays and 1937-1956 Pricelists; The Prexies by Rustad; 19th Century US Fancy Cancellations by Herst-Sampson; Christie's 1993 Ishikawa auction catalog; Cancellations of the Banknote Era by Cole; Booklets Vol I by Littlefield & Frank; others on Confederate, precancels, cancels & more; Reference incl Fundamentals of Philately, Where in the World, Cinderella Stamps by Williams; Micarelli Guide; Color in Philately by White, Fakes Forgeries Experts Vol 1, more; gently used to like new

Est. US$250-350 L (2)

Opening US$ 125.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 649
Cat No: Collection

US Dealer Accum literature, many standard known titles covering FDC, stationery, inaugural covers, 19th Cent cancels, airmail, patriotics (Weiss), etc; incl Planty #1-8, 15-16 & 1940s-60s; Macon & Akron by Ullmann, Bartels Stamped Envelopes 5th ed., Sanabria North America; state postal history books (MD, NY, PA), Billig's Handbook 24 & 33, Springer's Vol 3 & 10, many others; also some volumes of Higgins & Gage WW postal stationery (more from the 2nd half of the alphabet), a few books on coins incl So-Called Dollars & an incomplete set of the GPS Manual of Forgeries (binders 1-11 but 8-10 are empty); some a bit dusty, gen VF

Est. US$250-350 L (4)

Opening US$ 110.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 650
Cat No: VENEZ x80

VENEZUELA Sought-after Collectors Club 1958 hardcover publication "The Early Stamps of Venezuela" by Wickersham, like new; also domestic catalog by Aurelio Blanco 1991/92, gently used; ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$80-100 B

Opening US$ 40.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 651
Cat No: VICTORIA x150

VICTORIA Philatelic literature: The Stamps of Victoria by Kellow; The Half-Lengths of Victoria by Barwis & Moreton incl CD, signed (2009); The Half-Length Portraits & the Twopence Queen Enthroned by Pack (1923); a few extras; like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$150-200 L

Opening US$ 75.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 652
Cat No: WEST AUS x100

WESTERN AUSTRALIA literature: WA Perkins Bacon & de la Rue Printings by Hull (1963); The 4d Lithograph 1854-1864 by Pope; WA Postal Stationery to 1914 by Pope & Thomas; Postage Stamps & Postal History of WA by Juhl Vol I & II; Barefoot's Forgery & Reprint Guide #20; Catalogue - Handbook 1829-1912 by Juhl; also a stack of Black Swan journal 1999 / 2016 probably not complete; gently used to like new, ex-libris Sismondo

Est. US$100-150 L

Opening US$ 50.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 653

Volumes from popular reference series: PF's Opinions parts 2-5; Billig's Handbooks #2 (1st ed) 18-21, 34-35; The Congress Book 1977-78, 1988, 1990-91, 1993-96, 1998-2000, 2003-06, 2010; The United States Specialist journal, hard bound volumes 1989-92, 2000, 2005; gently used to most like new

Est. US$150-200 L (2)

Opening US$ 70.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 654
Cat No: Collection

Selection older literature, most still useful; US incl The Stamp Specialist (12) of the (20) colors; Skinner/Eno and Herst/Zareski on cancellations; Waterbury Cancellations by Rohloff; Bartels Stamped Envelopes 5th ed; Classic Imperforate Stamps by Rose; Linn's Stamp Identifier (2004); Scott Color Guide (2005 spiral); 1898 Scott Catalog, several titles on 20th Cent issues incl KS-NE forgeries; WW incl Robson Lowe North America 2-vol; Forged Postmarks of Old Italian States by Vollmeier; Introductory Handbook of Ukrainian Philately; Tuva catalogs by Blekhman & Mirr; Sanabria 1959-60; AFA Denmark 2000; Buxton Encyclopedia of Watermarks; Handbook of Cuba by Jones - Roy Part I; Canada works by Holmes and Boggs; more; used to gently used, a few like new

Est. US$250-350 L (2)

Opening US$ 100.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 655
Cat No: Collection

Accum WW literature & catalogs, both recent & out-of-date but still useful for many; The Dragon Stamps of Japan by Ichida, Sellos Postales de Mexico by Celis, Greece - A Collection of Forgeries by Feenstra; Air Mail Stamps: Fakes & Forgeries by Newall; Altdeutschland by Grobe, many more; Catalogs incl Michel Germany Specialized 2003 vol 1-2, North Europe 2003/04, South & SE Asia 1998 and others, Hellas 2006 Vol 1-2, Edifil Space 2004, others; Sanabria 1957 & 1963; several vols AAMC; used to like new

Est. US$300-400 L (2)

Opening US$ 150.00

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Scott Catalogs
Sale No: 357
Lot No: 656
Cat No: 2022

Set of 2022 (12) volumes parts 1A-6B, lightly used

Est. US$180-220 L

Opening US$ 90.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 657
Cat No: 2023

2023 (10) volumes missing parts 2A/2B, very gently used

Est. US$125-170 L

Opening US$ 62.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 658

Some supplies: Scott Platinum binder w/ Part I hingeless pgs (1847-1903) like new; (4) new Supersafe stkbks, black double-sided pgs, (2) are 16-page & (2) are 8-page, black & green of ea, like new

Est. US$100-150 L

Opening US$ 50.00

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Sale No: 357
Lot No: 659
Cat No: Collection

image Group (18) albums, stkpgs, album pgs mostly empty w/ a few stamps but the stamps are not counted in value, if you need extra space for your collection, this lot is for you, F-VF (Image)

Est. US$200-300 L (2)

Opening US$ 95.00

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