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Great Britain and British Commonwealth Antigua to Gibraltar 1937 Coronation album.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 454
Symbol: O
Cat No: Collection
1937, small red leather Coronation album, with used stamps in place plus additional group of eight covers incl. Newfoundland long set. (Image)
Opening C$ 45.00
Sold...C$ 45.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:17:51 EST
Sold For 45
Antigua mint dealer stock, three binders,12/791.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 455
Symbol: */**
Cat No: 791
Antigua mint dealer stock in three binders, #12/791 incl. #46, 91(5), 92, 107-121, 113(7), 117(3), 120, 244A-255A, 368(5), 407(8), 408(9), 410(10), 405-422, 458a(4), 571(3), 585, 708-725, 773-777, 792-804 and more. Dealer retail $1,417. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 160.00
Sold...C$ 160.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:18:24 EST
Sold For 160
Antigua mint dealer stock, two binders, 808/3018 p
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 456
Symbol: */**
Cat No: 3018
Antigua mint dealer stock in two binders, #808/3018 incl. #808, 875, 948-955(x2), 938(2), 1040-1047(x2), 1145-1162, 1162, 1275-1282, 1650-7, 1711-7, 1421-1432, 1400(2), 1619-1632, 2693-4, 2503, 2923, 3008(4) and more. Dealer retail $1,618. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 160.00
Sold...C$ 160.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:18:59 EST
Sold For 160
Australia collection 1/277
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 457
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
Australia collection, #1/277 in springback album with hand drafted pages, largely used with highlights #4, 6-8, 39, 41, 42, 50, 52, 53, 76, 97-99, 121, 128, 142-4, 147-9, 155, 164-7, 218-221, etc. and just few mint. CV $1,250+. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 200.00
Sold...C$ 200.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:19:42 EST
Sold For 200
Australia collection, 1913-2012, plus States
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 458
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
Australia collection, 1913-2012, scattered early material but did spot group of 1d Geo V heads, mint 2d red Brown, 4d olive bistre, used #96-8, 144, 179, 218-221. Modern is mixture of mint and used but did see some booklets, die cuts, SSs etc. Also includes album of scattered Australian States. (Image)
Opening C$ 120.00
Sold...C$ 120.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:20:32 EST
Sold For 120
Australia substantial used stock binder.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 459
Symbol: O
Cat No: Collection
Australia #1/278 substantial used in black stock book, often with multiple copies. Spotted #1(20), 2(31), 3, 4, 17(7),29, 30(11), 32(2), 33(2), 34(7), 46(10), 47(8), 50(5), 61, 65(3), 72a(5), 73a(2), 76, 96(7), 97(4), 98(8), 99(3), 105(5), 107(3), 116(12), 149(2), and more. A few mint incl. #184-187 etc. CV $3,992.90 Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 240.00
Sold...C$ 240.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:21:04 EST
Sold For 240
Bahrain dealer stock, one binder, 4/587.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 460
Symbol: */O
Cat No: 587
Bahrain dealer stock in one binder, #4/587, mint and used incl. #20, 26, 49(5, NH), 64-7(3 sets), 92-95, 103(2), 138, 141-152 (NH), 153-156, 200-203, 206-209; used #6(3), 13, 49(3), 78(2), 237(9), 238(8), 239(8), 240(4), and more. Dealer retail $1,199.05. (Image)
Opening C$ 280.00
Sold...C$ 280.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:22:10 EST
Sold For 280
Barbados dealer stock in three binders.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 463
Symbol: */**
Cat No: 70
Barbados mint dealer's stock in three approval albums, #70/1143, spotted #109, 202-206(2), 216-227, 235-257(2), 245, 46, 263(2), 269-280(2), 323-343, 396-411(2), 701-705(2), 723-726, 739-742. Dealer retail $2,321.45. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 240.00
Sold...C$ 240.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:27:53 EST
Sold For 240
Barbados selection
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 462
Symbol: */O
Cat No: 60
Barbados selection #60/89 on single album page incl. mint #60, 63, 67, 68 (CV $180), 69-77, 81, 83, and used #61-2, 64-5, 79, 86, 88, 89. CV $660+ US (Image)
Opening C$ 100.00
Sold...C$ 100.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:27:15 EST
Sold For 100
Barbados used dealer stock, 6/1186, three binders
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 461
Symbol: O
Cat No: 6
Barbados dealer stock, #6/1186, used in three approval binders, spotted #6(2), 9, 15(2), 67, 202-206(2 sets), 205, 225(7), 343(2), 510(3), 511, 657A, 885(2). Dealer retail $2,818.71. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Bermuda collection on album pages, with some better values. Spotted mint #5, 9, 17, 18, 18a, 19, 21a, 25, 40-48, 48a, 49, 51 (4/-), 52 (5/-), 53 (10/- CV $225), 55-60, 67-9 (CV $142.50), 77, 93, 126b (10/- CV $200), 128a (£1, CV $300), 134, 143-162 (CV $110), and more mint modern. Used incl. #2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 24, 79 (1/- CV $65), 95b (2/6 CV $150), 96 (10/- rev cancel CV $300), 97 (12/6 rev cancel CV $425), 100-3, 127 (12/6 rev cancel), 175-191, and more. CV $3,000 US+ Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 375.00
Sold...C$ 375.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:29:04 EST
Sold For 375
Bermuda mint and used group.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 467
Symbol: */O
Cat No: 49
Bermuda #49/126a incl. mint #49, 50, 50var (variety top of crown above frameline), 51, 52, 126 (variety with stub on 3rd leaf at left), 126a; and used #50 with lovely Hamilton cds. CV $527.50 US (Image)
Opening C$ 120.00
Sold...C$ 120.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:30:14 EST
Sold For 120
Bermuda mint dealer stock, four binders.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 466
Symbol: */**
Cat No: 16
Bermuda mint dealer stock in four binders, #16/1070, spotted #19, 121(4), 160, 161, 172(3), 175-191, 238-254 (3 sets), 255-271, 363-379 (2 sets), 482-498 (3 sets), 498(2), 523A(4), 575A(3), 684(7), 685-688, 726B(3), 837-854, with much NH. Dealer retail $4,511. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 375.00
Sold...C$ 375.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:29:30 EST
Sold For 375
British Antarctic Territory dealer stock, three bi
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 469
Symbol: **
Cat No: 442
British Antarctic Territory dealer stock in three binders #96/C38 incl. mint 102-116(3 sets), 153-167, 202-213, 311(2), 325(4), 442-457, and a bit of used incl. #72-75(x2), 188-191. Dealer retail $1,049. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 210.00
Sold...C$ 210.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:31:50 EST
Sold For 210
British Antarctic Territory, 1/95
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 468
Symbol: */**
Cat No: 95
British Antarctic Territory mint dealer stock in one binder, #1/95 incl. #1-15 (NH), 5(6), 15, 16-19(x2), 18, 19, 20-23(x3), 24, 25-33(x2), 39-42(x3), 45-59(x3), 59b(6), 64-67(x3), 72-75(x3) and more. Dealer retail $1,405.15. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 220.00
Sold...C$ 220.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:31:12 EST
Sold For 220
Brunei dealer stock.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 470
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
Brunei dealer stock in approval binder #48/597, mint and used, with earlier issues in quantity and some better mint modern incl. souvenir sheet and strips. Dealer retail $608.70. (Image)
Opening C$ 75.00
Sold...C$ 75.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:32:29 EST
Sold For 75
Cape of Good Hope 178 1d Goodyear
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 471
Symbol: O
Cat No: 178
Cape of Good Hope #178 1d Sgt Goodyear tied on piece with Mafeking CGH cds (MY 3 1900). CV $450 US (Image)
Opening C$ 140.00
Sold...C$ 140.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:33:05 EST
Sold For 140
Cape of Good Hope 179 3d Baden-Powell
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 472
Symbol: O
Cat No: 179
Cape of Good Hope #179 3d Baden-Powell (crease at top) tied by Mafeking CGH cds (AP 12 1900) on piece. CV $425 (Image)
Opening C$ 160.00
Sold...C$ 160.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:34:03 EST
Sold For 160
Cayman Islands dealer stock, two binders, 31/974.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 473
Symbol: */O
Cat No: 974
Cayman Islands dealer stock in two binders, #31/974 incl. one mint binder with #31(2), 139(5), 140(5), 141(3), 144(6), 153-167, 336-391; used with #134(2), 146(3), 167, 322-7, 562(4) and more. Dealer retail $1,150. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 150.00
Sold...C$ 150.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:34:41 EST
Sold For 150
Falkland Islands 1895 registered to England.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 474
Symbol: ENV
Cat No: 9
Falkland Islands 1895 registered to England with #9, 11 14, 8, 16, 18 1/2d, 1d, 2 1/2d, 4d, 6d, 1/- tied by "F1" oval grid on cover (trimmed lightly at left) to London, England with double circle "Falkland Islands" (MR 5 1895), crown registered, and red hooded London Registered. Reverse with oval "Registered W.C. SMP" (13 AP 95). High value stamps on a six colour franking cover. (Image)
Opening C$ 700.00
Sold...C$ 700.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:35:33 EST
Sold For 700
Falkland Islands collection, 1890-1989
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 476
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
Falkland Islands collection, 1890-1989, modest collection with some scattered earlier, mid range better stamps, and some modern mint (though not the normal quantity one would see). Spotted mint #9(3), 11B, 13, 15, 33, 65-9, 84/90, 113-5, 128-137, 150-3, 260-274, 572, B1, used #12, 120 etc. Some Dependencies (#1L1-8 etc) and South Georgia (mint #16) (Image)
Opening C$ 120.00
Sold...C$ 120.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:36:50 EST
Sold For 120
Falkland Islands selection on album and stock page
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 477
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
Falkland Islands souvenir sheet dealer stock, mostly mint but spotted used #398A, 935, 1011, 1030A, C14 and mint #293B, 296, 370B, 448, 484A, 788, 820A, 923A, 997A, etc. Dealer retail $1,015.25. (Image)
Opening C$ 140.00
Sold...C$ 140.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:36:16 EST
Sold For 140
Fiji 1950 FDC with 10/- and One Pound.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 481
Symbol: ENV
Fiji 1950 FDC with SG #266a, 266b 10/-, £1 tied by Suva Fiji Registered (13 MR 50) on local cover, first day cover. (Image)
Opening C$ 55.00
Sold...C$ 55.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:39:59 EST
Sold For 55
Fiji collection, 1881-1988, 40/1594
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 480
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
Fiji collection, 1881/1988, #40/1594 in springback album, mint and used , spotted mint George VI to 5/-, mint 1948 wedding, QEI to 5/-. CV $394.80 US (Image)
Opening C$ 80.00
Sold...C$ 80.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:39:39 EST
Sold For 80
Fiji mint dealer stock in one binder, #42/212
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 478
Symbol: */**
Cat No: 212
Fiji mint dealer stock in one binder, #42/212, incl. #44, 58, 60,90(2), 117c, 119, 120, 123(2), 132-135, 139-140, 157(4), 163-175, 160(2), 162, 176-189, 198(7). Dealer retail $1,758. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 220.00
Sold...C$ 220.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:38:11 EST
Sold For 220
Fiji mint dealer stock, two binders, 211/MR2A.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 479
Symbol: */**
Cat No: MR2A
Fiji mint dealer stock in two binders, #211/MR2A incl. highlights #240-256, 260-276, 260-272, 305-320, 314A, 360A(3), 384(8), 480(14), 535(4), 523-526, 540-543, 591-594, 619-622, J7-11, J13, J14(2), J15(2), J16(2), J17, MR2A(4). Dealer retail $1,779. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 210.00
Sold...C$ 210.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:38:43 EST
Sold For 210
Gambia dealer stock in five binders, 129/2963.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 482
Symbol: */O
Cat No: 129
Gambia dealer stock in five binders, #129/2963 incl. mint 142, 143, 215-227, 702, 989-1000, 1205(7),1629(3), plus entire binder of birds, another of butterflies, birds and SSs etc,used 216-229, 246-261, etc. Dealer retail $1,406. (Image)
Opening C$ 220.00
Sold...C$ 220.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:42:02 EST
Sold For 220
Gibraltar dealer stock in 5 stock binders.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 483
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
Gibraltar dealer stock in five binders, incl four binders of mint #66/1157 incl. #96-99, 100-103, 147-160, 157, 160, 345A-353A (2 sets), 416-430 (2 sets), 508-520, 631-644, 779-793; and one used binder spotting #143, 644(4), 1243, etc. Dealer retail $1,954.75. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 350.00
Sold...C$ 350.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:42:42 EST
Sold For 350
Great Britain to India 1847 1d Red, shortpays rate to Dominica.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 497
Symbol: ENV
1847 1d red (CG) tied by oval "436" on folded cover to Hillsborough, Dominica (Caribbean), with circular "More to Pay" and ms rated "1/-" due. Reverse with Lancaster (SP 14), MC crown (15 SP 15 / 1847) and Canton. Rare destination.
Opening C$ 75.00
Sold...C$ 75.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:54:37 EST
Sold For 75
1850 Calcutta, India to Shelburne, Nova Scotia.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 520
Symbol: ENV
Cat No: 1850
India 1850 stampless cover, Calcutta boxed bs (GPO AP 1 1850) to Shelburne, Nova Scotia via Southampton, and Halifax, NS, rated "1N', uprated to 2/3 Cy collect. (Image)
Opening C$ 300.00
Sold...C$ 300.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 17:10:46 EST
Sold For 300
1860 GB pair of 4d franked covers to Canada, Nova
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 500
Symbol: ENV
Cat No: 1860
1860/1862 GB cover pair. #25 4d pair tied by Dundee duplex (JA 13 62) on cover to Whitby, Canada West. Second cover #25 4d pair tied by Glasgow duplex (MY 18 60) on folded letter to Halifax, NS via Arabia. (Image)
Opening C$ 65.00
Sold...C$ 65.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:56:52 EST
Sold For 65
GB 108 5/- Specimen
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 487
Symbol: S
Cat No: 108
GB #108 5/- with "SPECIMEN" overprint, thinned at upper left. (Image)
Opening C$ 45.00
Sold...C$ 45.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:45:37 EST
Sold For 45
GB 109 10/- squared circle.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 488
Symbol: O
Cat No: 109
GB #109, 10/- blue, few short perfs at lower right, Charing Cross squared circle (JU 20 90). CV $550 US (Image)
Opening C$ 60.00
Sold...C$ 60.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:45:59 EST
Sold For 60
GB 110 One Pound Brown Violet.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 489
Symbol: O
Cat No: 110
GB #110 £1 Brown violet, used, watermark 30, Gracechurch oval registration hs (18 FE 84). CV $3,000 US (Image)
Opening C$ 600.00
Sold...C$ 600.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:47:15 EST
Sold For 600
GB 124 1 pound, green
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 490
Symbol: O
Cat No: 124
GB #124 £1 green, heavy oval cancel with small pin hole at top left within the cancel area (difficult to see). CV $800 US (Image)
Opening C$ 110.00
Sold...C$ 110.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:48:16 EST
Sold For 110
GB 1848 1/1 Cunard First Sailing using 1/- embosse
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 498
Symbol: ENV
Cat No: 1848
GB #3, 5 1d, 1/- (full to cut into margins) tied by "466" grid on folded letter from Liverpool (JA 1 1848) to New York, address name crossed off, carried by Cunard "Cambria" via first sailing to New York, red "6" on arrival. Scarce franking. (Image)
Opening C$ 110.00
Sold...C$ 110.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:55:47 EST
Sold For 110
GB 1874 Manchester to Mexico, pair 6d plate 13.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 501
Symbol: ENV
Cat No: 1874
GB 1874 Manchester to Guanajardo, Mexico with pair #62 (SG #146) 6d grey, plate 13, tied by "498" oval grid, with red Manchester Paid (1 MY 74) and blue company oval Detling & Co, on folded letter. Scarce franking and destination. (Image)
Opening C$ 85.00
Sold...C$ 85.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:57:29 EST
Sold For 85
GB 1911 Coronation label, Contrary to Regulations.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 502
Symbol: ENV
Cat No: 1911
GB 1911 green Coronation label tied by London machine cancel and cds (JU 30 11) on postcard with boxed "Contrart to Regulations 73". Reverse is patriotic Tuck postcard. (Image)
Opening C$ 55.00
Sold...C$ 55.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:58:06 EST
Sold For 55
GB 1952-2012 collection.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 507
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
GB 1952-2012 collection in four springback and binders, high degree of completion. Enjoyable selection of early QEII chalky paper, graphite, inverted watermarks, 3d purple experimental "T" watermark, broken Jubilee line, cylinder block "70", etc and then normal issues to modern eras with extensive representation. Large quantity in four albums/binders. (Image)
Opening C$ 220.00
Sold...C$ 220.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 17:01:36 EST
Sold For 220
GB 57a 5/- Pale Rose, Plate 2
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 486
Symbol: O
Cat No: 57a
GB #57a 5/- pale rose, plate 2, used with duplex cancel. CV $1,200 (Image)
Opening C$ 120.00
Sold...C$ 120.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:45:11 EST
Sold For 120
GB 6 10d red brown embossed.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 484
Symbol: O
Cat No: 6
GB #6 10d red brown, embossed with vertical silk threads, four clear to large margins. CV $1,500 (Image)
Opening C$ 400.00
Sold...C$ 400.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:43:52 EST
Sold For 400
GB 7 6d Red Violet, embossed
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 485
Symbol: O
Cat No: 7
GB #7 6d red violet, embossed, used with four just clear to clear margins. Small toning stain visible from reverse. CV $1,000 (Image)
Opening C$ 150.00
Sold...C$ 150.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:44:34 EST
Sold For 150
GB collection, 1840-1982
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 505
Symbol: */O
Cat No: Collection
GB collection, 1840-1982, mounted in a modest album but with surprising level of completion and value. Earlier material is largely used with highlights #1(2), 4, 8,9, 1, 13, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26, 39, 40, 42, 45, 48, 49, 53, 58(3), 54, 55, 59b, 62, 64, 66, 67(2), 70, 71, 73,105-107, 109, 111-7, 122-138a, 139, 139a, 140b, 141, 118a, 119-126, 173-5, 179-181, 222-4, 268, 275, 312 and much more. Largely complete to modern era and mix of mint and used Regionals, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey to 2000. Specialized plating of #33 1d red with 151 examples with high degree of completion, spotting plates #131-2, 135-6, 139, 142, 143-4, 202-225 and more (lacking plate #77 obviously). Inspect. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 700.00
Sold...C$ 700.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 17:00:43 EST
Sold For 700
GB cover group.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 499
Symbol: ENV
Cat No: 1859
GB cover group incl. 1859 1/-, 6d registered London to St. Catharines, UC, scarce but cover cut lines around stamps but nt taken, 1867 10d registered to Canada (4d pre-ffixing fault), 1871 3d stationery with GPO Dublin Too Late duplex to Campbellford, Canada West, 1896 compound stationery 3d plus 3 half pence registered to India, 1873 1d red plate 122 strip of three to Toronto, Canada (cover rough opened), 1870 7d London to St. Catharines, Canada, 1893 2 1/2d to Cornwall, Canada. (Image)
Opening C$ 85.00
Sold...C$ 85.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:56:31 EST
Sold For 85
GB Duplex postmark collection. (769 stamps)
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 503
Symbol: O
Cat No: Collection
GB duplex postmark collection in SAFE springback stock book, with range of duplex numbers from "2" to "999", then three digit series starting with "0" (007, 019 etc), letters (A24, B33, B47, C22, D21, F57, G02, K48 etc), then barred, diamonds, sunburst and sideways spoons. Wide range of better stamps incl. 1d, 2d imperfs, bantam block of four, Victorian 2/6, 1883 6d surcharge, 1883-4 and more. 769 stamps. Inspect. Large lot. Many more images. Click here for PDF.(Image)
Opening C$ 1,200.00
Sold...C$ 1,200.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:59:02 EST
Sold For 1200
GB early collection.
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 504
Symbol: O
Cat No: Collection
GB Victorian used collection #1/104, including #1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20b(2), 21, 22, 27a, 28, 29 Pl. 12, 30 Pl.13, 32 Pl. 3, 34 Pl. 3, 37, 43 Pl. 12, 33 Pl. 4, 45 Pl. 5, 46 Pl. 4, 49 Pl. 8 pair with Malta cancel, 50 P. 6, 51a, Pl. 8, 52 Pl. 4, 59 Pl. 11, 60 Pl. 12, 61 Pl. 16, 62 Pl. 17, 64a Pl. 8, 65, 67 Pl. 3, 68 Pl. 20, 69 Pl. 15, 78, 79, 80, 81, 92 Pl. 22, 83 Pl. 21, 84, 85, 86 Pl. 19, 87 Pl. 13, 88, 89, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 101, 103, 104. Occasional small fault, maltese cross, duplex grid and cds cancels. CV $9782.50 US. (Image)
Opening C$ 800.00
Sold...C$ 800.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:59:41 EST
Sold For 800
GB Mulready 1d envelope, 1841
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 496
Symbol: O
Cat No: 1841
GB 1841 Mulready envelope "A181", Worchester (JUL 18 184(1)) bs to Bengeworth with red maltese cross, back flap repaired and noted as such on reverse. Scott #U1 CV $525 (Image)
Opening C$ 95.00
Sold...C$ 95.00
Closed..Sep-30-2023, 16:54:10 EST
Sold For 95
Sale No: 28
Lot No: 494
Symbol: O
Cat No: O18
GB# O18 "IR OFFICIAL" on 1/, used, light wrinkle and weak perf corner. CV $1,900 (Image)