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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 290
Symbol: **
Cat No: 16/61A
1938-63, King George VI, the first definitive and surcharged issues, Queen Elizabeth II, the first definitive of both issues, three complete sets of 13, 11 and 25, full OG, NH, mostly VF, SG #16/27, 36/46, 48/72, C.v. £390, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 100.00
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Aden Protectorate States (South Arabia) Kathiri State of Seiyun
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 291
Symbol: ** Bl
Kathiri State of Seiyun. 1966, Sultan Hussein and Scenes, surcharged in red or black with ''South Arabia'' and new denominations, 5f/5c-500f/10s, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, SG #42/54, C.v. £220++, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 292
Symbol: P Bl
Kathiri State of Seiyun. 1966, Sultan Hussein, trial black instead of blue bilingual surcharge 5fi on 5c brown, left sheet margin block of six (2x3), full OG, NH, VF, SG #55 P, Mi #55b, C.v.€900++, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 100.00
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Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 293
Symbol: ** Bl
Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut. 1966, Sultan Awadh and Scenes, bilingual surcharges in red or black ''South Arabia'' and new values, 5f/5c-500/10s, complete set in sheet margin blocks of four, SG #53/64, C.v. £160++, Est. $120-$150 (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
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Souvenir Sheets Collection
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 294
Symbol: **
Souvenir Sheets Collection. 1966-68, 70 perforated and imperforate souvenir sheets, representing issues of Kathiri State of Seiyun (13), Kathiri State in Hadhramaut (12), Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut(21) and Mahra State (24), nice topical issues, most produced in very limited quantity (especially imperf ones), perfect condition, full OG, NH, VF, Minkus (1989) C.v. almost $9,000, Est. $600-$800 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 295
Symbol: *
Cat No: 12/19
CLASSIC SELECTION: 1882-87, Queen Victoria, two shades of ½p, two of 2½p red brown and ultra, 4p blue plus engraved 1p carmine and 6p green, all with watermark Crown CA, full/part of OG, VLH or hinged, F/VF, C.v.$675, SG #21/23, 25, 27, 29, C.v. £550, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 100.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 296
Symbol: **
Cat No: 67-76
1932, Tercentenary issue, King George V, English Harbor, Government House, Sailing Ship, ½p-5s, complete set of ten, perfect centering, full original white gum, NH, VF, C.v. $650, SG #76-76, C.v. £225 as hinged, Est. $300-$350 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 297
Symbol: *
Cat No: 67-76
1932, King George V, Tercentenary issue, ½p-5s, complete set of ten, full OG, traces of hinges, mostly VF, C.v. $262, SG #81/90, C.v. £225, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 299
Symbol: *
Cat No: 98 var
1929, Kangaroo, 1s greenish blue, perforation 12, watermark Multiple Small Crown and A, horizontal bottom sheet margin gutter pair with John Ash imprint, light fold along the gutter, full OG, LH, VF, NPC certificate, SG #109 var, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 300
Symbol: ** Bl
Cat No: 200 var
1946, Peace issue, 2½p scarlet, bottom sheet margin imprint block of four, printed on paper without watermark, full OG, NH, VF and rare, reportedly only 4 imprint blocks exist, NPC certificate, this error is not listed in Scott or SG, Brusden-White Cat. #236a, C.v. A$1,750, Est. $600-$700 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
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New Guinea (New Britain)
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 301
Symbol: ** Bl
Cat No: 51
New Guinea (New Britain). 1915, black surcharge 1(p) over black G.R.I. 2p on German Marshall-Inseln stamp of 10pf carmine, block of four, full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, BPA certificate for block of six, C.v. $1,100, SG #63, C.v.£800, both catalogs for hinged singles, Est. $800- $900 (Image)
Opening US$ 400.00
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Norfolk Island
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 302
Symbol: **/*
Cat No: 1/338
Norfolk Island. COLLECTION ON PAGES: 1947-84, 130 mint stamps, representing 19 issues, including 9 long definitive sets, Birds, Butterflies, Sailing Ships and etc., nice and fresh condition, full OG, NH or VLH (#29-41), mostly VF, C.v. is over $300, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Papua New Guinea
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 303
Symbol: **
Cat No: 122-36
Papua New Guinea. 1952-58, Animals, Birds, Map, Scenes, ½p-£1, complete set of 15, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $160, SG #1/15, C.v.£100, Est. $100-$120 (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 304
Symbol: **
Papua New Guinea. 1961, Patrol Party, unissued stamp of 5s multicolored, full OG, NH, VF and rare, the stamp was unissued because Postal Authorities did not want that armed people would be shown on a postage stamp, only a few singles and a complete sheet of 60 (broken for singles and blocks at this time) survived, Est. $300-$350 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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Australian States South Australia
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 298
Symbol: ** Bl
Cat No: 99, a
South Australia. 1893, Queen Victoria, brown surcharge 2½d on 4p green, perforation 15, watermark Crown SA, bottom right corner margin block of 30 (6x5), left stamp of the second row with ''½'' nearer to ''2'' (position 7/7 of a complete sheet), full OG, NH, VF and rare multiple, NPC certificate, C.v. $2,020, SG #233, b, C.v. £1,870++, both catalogs for hinged singles, Est. $1,500-$2,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 750.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 305
Symbol: **
Cat No: 100/73
1938-54, King George VI, the first definitive issue, Landfall of Columbus set, and Queen Elizabeth II, the first definitive issue, complete sets of 20, 14 and 16, full OG, NH, mostly VF, SG #149/57, 158/60, 162/75a, 201/16, cheapest C.v. £357, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 100.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 306
Symbol: **
Cat No: 18-28
1938, King George VI and Crocodile, ½p- 10s, complete set of 11, full OG, NH, mostly VF, SG #18/28, C.v. £130, Est. $100-$120 (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 307
Symbol: **
Cat No: 143-62
1953-63, Queen Elizabeth II, Sailing Boat, Map, Arms, Scenes, ½p-£1, complete set of 20, including both type II of 3p and 1s3p stamps, full OG, NH, VF, SG #135/50, 140a and 145b, C.v. £138, Est. $80-$100 (Image)
Opening US$ 50.00
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British Antarctic Territory
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 308
Symbol: **
Cat No: 1-15, 16
1963-69, Queen Elizabeth II, Dog Sled, Airplanes, Ships, ½p-£1 and HMS Endurance £1 brownish black and red, complete set of 16, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $332, SG #1/16, £250, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 309
Symbol: ** Bl
Cat No: 1-15
1963, Queen Elizabeth II, Dog Sled, Airplanes, Ships, ½p-£1, complete set of 15, bottom left corner sheet margin blocks of four, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $689++, SG #1/15, C.v. £520 as singles, Est. $300-$350 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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British Guiana
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 310
Symbol: **
Cat No: 230-41, 253-67
1938-54, King George VI, Queen Elizabeth II, Birds, Map, Waterfall, Scenes, 1c-$3 and 1c-$5, two complete sets of 12 and 15 respectively, full OG, NH, mostly VF, SG #308/19, 331/45, C.v. £240, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 311
Symbol: *
Cat No: 13-39
1907-16, View of Brunei River, 1c-$25, complete set of 27, including 50c black on green and on blue green paper, full/large part of OG, several low values with brown gum as always exists, mostly VF, C.v. $1,302, SG #23/33, 34/48, 45a, 49-50, C.v. £1,295, Est. $600-$800 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 312
Symbol: **
Cat No: 176-87, 197-208, O94-104
1964-68, Birds, 1p-5k, three complete sets, two postage issues of 12, and one - official set of 11, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $205, Est. $100-$120 (Image)
Opening US$ 60.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 553
Symbol: **
Cat No: 264-74, 319-28, 346-56
1935-59, King George V, Elephants, Scenes, complete set of 11, in addition two definitive sets of 1954 and 1958-59, containing 10 and 11 stamps, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $336, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 611
Symbol: **
SELECTION OF BETTER ISSUES FROM KING GEORGE VI AND QUEEN ELIZABETH II PERIOD: 1938-60, 22 complete issues from Barbados (two sets of King George VI) to Tristan da Cunha (Queen Elizabeth II and Fishes, first set), including Cook Islands, Dominica (King and Queen issues), Gold Coast (both King George VI sets), Nyasaland (King the second set) and etc., full OG, generally NH (we check most of the stamps), F/VF or better, SG C.v. is about £1,850, Est. $600-$700 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 612
Symbol: SB
SMALL HOLDING OF STAMP BOOKLETS: 1949-70, 18 unexploded booklets and two booklet panes, representing countries from Ascension to Tristan da Cunha, including some valuable items, such as two of British Guiana #SB9e with stitches at left or right, Hong Kong #SB10-11, Kuwait #SB2, So. Rhodesia #SB5 and etc., nice and fresh overall, F/VF or better, SG C.v. well over £1,000, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 100.00
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Cook Islands
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 554
Symbol: P
Cat No: 61-66, 76-77
1920-27, Capt. Cook, Palm Tree, Scenes, imperforate plate or trial color proofs of ½p-1s, 2½p and 4p, last two with center in black, complete set of eight in horizontal pairs, printed on paper without watermark, no gum as produced, NH, VF and scarce, Est.$400-$500 (Image)
Opening US$ 200.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 555
Symbol: P Bl
Cat No: 85
1932, Captain James Cook, plate proof of 1p in lake and black (issued colors), imperforate block of four on wove paper without watermark, full OG, NH, VF, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 556
Symbol: P
Cat No: 160-63 imp
1965, Internal Self Government, Map, Flag and Scenes, imperforate proofs of 4p-1s in issued colors, complete set of four in vertical pairs, NH, VF and rare, SG #175/78, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 100.00
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Cook Islands - Penrhyn Islands
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 557
Symbol: **/*
Cat No: 23, var
1918, King George V, blue overprint on New Zealand 6p carmine, perforation 14x14½, bottom sheet margin horizontal strip of three, middle stamp without period after ''Island'' variety (position R.10/8), full OG, NH (error stamp) or LH, VF and scarce, only 197 such errors possible, SG #26a, ab, C.v. £460 as hinged singles, Est. $400-$500 (Image)
Opening US$ 250.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 558
Symbol: **
Cat No: 143-55, 164-66, 183-97
1938-60, King George VI, ¼pi-£1, complete set of 19; and dark blue Republic overprint on Queen Elizabeth II, 2m-£1, complete set of 15, full OG, NH, mostly VF, C.v. $444, SG #151/63, 188/202, C.v. £425, Est. $250-$300 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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Egypt (British Forces)
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 559
Symbol: P Bl
Cat No: M1
1932, Postal Seal, imperforate proof of 1pi red and deep blue (issued colors), complete unfolded sheet of 80 (4x20), $80-$100 is competitive price for a single proof, full OG (slightly toned strip at top mainly on margin), NH, VF and rare multiple, SG #A1, Est. $4,000-$5,000 (Image)
Opening US$ 2,000.00
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Falkland Islands
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 560
Symbol: **
Cat No: 107-20, 128-42
1952-60, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II, ½p-£1, two complete sets of 14 and 15, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $386, SG #172/85, 193/207, C.v. £370, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 100.00
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Falkland Islands - South Georgia
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 561
Symbol: **
Cat No: 1-16
1963-69, Queen Elizabeth II, Sea Animals and Birds, Scenes, ½p-£1, complete set of 16 including both £1 stamps, full OG, NH, VF, SG #1/16, C.v. £200, Est. $100-$120 (Image)
Opening US$ 50.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 562
Symbol: **/*
Cat No: 66
1906, black surcharge ''ONE PENNY'' on King Edward VII stamp of 3s carmine and green, bottom sheet margin block of four, full OG, NH (bottom stamps) or hinged, VF, BPA certificate, C.v. $240++, SG #70, £260 as hinged singles, Est. $250-$300 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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Gilbert Islands
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 563
Symbol: **
Cat No: 263 var
1976, Loading Copra, 25c multicolored, bottom sheet margin single with double black and red overprint ''The Gilbert Islands'' and horizontal bar at top, sideways watermark Crown Block CA, full OG, NH, VF and rare error, D. Brandon certificate, SG #10a, C.v. £650, Est. $500-$600 (Image)
Opening US$ 300.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 564
Symbol: **
Cat No: 266 var
1976, Weaving Coconut Screen, $1 multicolored, a single with double red overprint ''The Gilbert Islands'' and horizontal bar at bottom, inverted Multiple Crown CA Diagonal watermark, full OG, NH, VF and very rare, D. Brandon certificate, SG #22a, C.v. £750, Est. $600- $700 (Image)
Opening US$ 350.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 565
Symbol: **
Cat No: 68-76
1906-11, Seal of the Colony, ½p-5s, complete set of nine, printed on ordinary (½p-2½p) or chalky paper, watermark Multiple Crown CA, full OG, NH, VF and very difficult set in such quality, C.v. $186++, SG #77-80, 84-88, C.v. £178.50 as hinged, Est. $200-$250 (Image)
Opening US$ 120.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 566
Symbol: **
Cat No: 142 var
1943, King George VI, Seal of the Colony, 10s bright carmine and slate blue, the high value of the first set, narrow frame, perforation 14, full original white gum, NH, VF, SG #163b, C.v. £325, Est. $150-$200 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Hong Kong
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 567
Symbol: *
Cat No: 128
1919, King George V, 25c red lilac and dull violet, type II without short vertical stroke on the top character at left, watermark multiple Crown CA, large part of OG, VF, C.v. $250, SG #109, £300, Est. $150-$200 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 568
Symbol: **
Cat No: 154-66A, 155a-62a
1938-52, King George VI, 1c-$10, two complete sets of 23 and 6, perforation 14 and 14½x14, a beautiful unit, full OG ($5 lilac and red, $10 green and violet have usual patchy gum), NH, generally VF, C.v. $1,393, SG#140/62, 141a/53a, C.v. £1,180, Est. $750-$800 (Image)
Opening US$ 400.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 569
Symbol: **/*
Cat No: 37/167
CLASSIC GROUP: 1900-38, 26 mint stamps, representing Queen Victoria and King Edward VII 3 stamps with watermark Crown CA, Kings Edward VII and George V 10 stamps with watermark Multiple Crown CA and 13 values of King George V with watermark Multiple Script CA, all with full/large part of OG, some NH, F/VF, great for break up or stocking, C.v. $780, SG #56/126, F8, C.v. close to £700, Est. $250-$300 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 570
Symbol: **/*
COLLECTION ON VARIO PAGES IN A FOLDER: 1934-2014, 750 stamps, 68 souvenir sheets and 7 intact stamp booklets, starting with two stamps of Silver Jubilee, continues by King George VI short definitives and Centenary set, then Common Design types and well-completed selection up to 1997 with some issues of Special Region of China, back of the book and frame labels, full OG, NH from 1960, mostly VF, C.v. is over $3,600, Est. $750-$800 (Image)
Opening US$ 400.00
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British Offices in China
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 571
Symbol: **/*
Cat No: 19, var
British Offices in China. 1922-27, King George V, black overprint ''China'' on 4c carmine rose, watermark Multiple Script CA, block of six (3x2), middle stamp of the bottom row with broken lower character at right, full OG, NH (error and four other stamps) or LH, VF, SG #20, a, C.v. £435 as hinged singles, Est. $300-$350 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 572
Symbol: **
Cat No: 162-67
1937, King George VI, 1r-25r, set of six high values of the first issue, bright and post office fresh, full OG, NH, VF, SG #259/64, £585, Est. $350-400 (Image)
Opening US$ 200.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 573
Symbol: **
Cat No: 203-06
1948, First Anniversary of Independence, Mahatma Gandhi, 1½a-10r, complete set of four, perfect quality, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $557, SG #305/08, £425, Est. $300- $350 (Image)
Opening US$ 180.00
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Sale No: 103
Lot No: 574
Symbol: **
Cat No: 112/27
1948, King Faisal II, 3f-200f, perforated and imperforate souvenir sheets of six, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $200, SG MS297, C.v. £280, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 75.00
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Official stamps
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 575
Symbol: **
Cat No: O263-71
Official stamps. 1973, King Faisal II, black bilingual overprint ''Official'' on 15c and 25c of 1948-57; 10c and 15c of 1973, complete set of nine in horizontal pairs, showing slight differences in central part of overprints, full OG, NH, VF, C.v. $315++, Est. $150-$180 (Image)
Opening US$ 80.00
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Kenya and Uganda Ship Mail
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 576
Symbol: C
Cat No: 18/26
Ship Mail. 1934, cover posted on board of S.S. Barentsz (Dutch Royal Shipping Society) addressed to Pahiatua (New Zealand), franked by six King George V adhesives, Tandjong Priok (then Dutch East Indies) ''3.9.34'' transit marking, insignificant fold away of stamps, F/VF and scarce, Est. $250-$300 (Image)
Opening US$ 150.00
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Leeward Islands
Sale No: 103
Lot No: 577
Symbol: *
Cat No: 10a
1897, Queen Victoria clear double black overprint on 1p lilac and carmine, nice and fresh, full OG, previously hinged, VF and rare, C.v. $1,150, SG #10a, £1,000, Est. $400-$500 (Image)