Sale No: 741
Lot No: 256
Cat No: 1a
Italian States: Romagna, 1859, ½b black on straw, diagonal bisect (Scott 1a), in a pair with a full ½b, large margins except barely shaved at lower left, tied by light diamond grid cancel on reverse of a small folded letter sent mailed locally in Bologna, front bares a Bologna c.d.s., 1 Dec 1859 and the reverse a lightly struck "P.L." in circle distribution marking, Very Fine, an exceptional example of this rare bisect, signed Em. Diena, Sorani, Sismondo, and one other, with 2006 Sismondo and 2002 Briefmarken Prüfstelle certificates. Sassone 1; €32,500 ($36,430). Scott $16,250 Suggested Bid $1,000-1,500 (Image)
Scott $16,250 Suggested Bid $1,00
Opening US$ 800.00
Sold...US$ 800.00
Closed..Jul-15-2020, 12:45:57 EST
Sold For 800