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Back to Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions Sale: 122
The Dr. James Milgram Collection of Steamboats and
   Steamboat Collections (4)
   Steamboat Lettersheets & Broadsides (20)
   Steamboat Markings - Admiral to Assumption (Milgra (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Atlantic to Bloomer (Milgram (35)
   Steamboat Markings - Bluff City to Carrie (Milgram (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Catahoula to City of Helena ( (35)
   Steamboat Markings - City of Ironton to Cote Joyeu (33)
   Steamboat Markings - Countess to D.R. Carroll (Mil (35)
   Steamboat Markings - Drew to Emilie (Milgram #365A (37)
   Steamboat Markings - Emily to Fashion (Milgram #40 (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Fish Hawk to Gen'l Taylor (Mi (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Gen. Worth to Granite State ( (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Great Republic to Henry Ames (35)
   Steamboat Markings - Henry Clay to James Hewitt (M (36)
   Steamboat Markings - James Montgomery to John Sylv (34)
   Steamboat Markings - John T. More to Lady Pike (Mi (34)
   Steamboat Markings - La Fourche to Louisiana (Milg (37)
   Steamboat Markings - Louisville to Maryland (Milgr (37)
   Steamboat Markings - Mary Powell to Mollie Able (M (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Monarch to Nantucket (Milgram (29)
   Steamboat Markings - Natchez to Nina Simmes (Milgr (37)
   Steamboat Markings - Norseman to Paul Pry (Milgram (34)
   Steamboat Markings - Pauline Carroll to Phillip Pe (37)
   Steamboat Markings - Piota to Rainbow (Milgram #11 (32)
   Steamboat Markings - Rapides to Rosa (Milgram #115 (37)
   Steamboat Markings - Rose Franks to Sidney (Milgra (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Silver Moon to Storm (Milgram (37)
   Steamboat Markings - St. Paul to Traveller (Milgra (36)
   Steamboat Markings - Trenton to W.F. Osgood (Milgr (37)
   Steamboat Markings - West Wind to W.W. Farmer (Mil (12)
   Transatlantic Sailing Ships and Steamships Collect (4)
   Transatlantic Ships - Acadia to British Empire (Mi (30)
   Transatlantic Ships - British Queen to Cuba (Milgr (36)
   Transatlantic Ships - Culgoa to London (Milgram #3 (36)
   Transatlantic Ships - Manchester to Saale (Milgram (36)
   Transatlantic Ships - San Francisco to Yosemite (M (23)

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