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Miscellaneous continued...

MISCELLANEOUS continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1101   imageAUSTRALIA FIRST DAY COVERS 2014-2017 - Nice lot of 115 different FDC's in black stockpages, all clean, cacheted and unaddressed as received from the new issue service, VF (Image1)

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Estimate 200 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1102   GREAT BRITAIN MYSTERY CARTON - From a dealer stock, a small shipping carton full of material in stockbooks or on stock pages album pages, thousands of stamps with much mint NH included, an ideal sorting project

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Estimate 350 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1103 og   GERMAN OCCUPATIONS - Mint collection of German Occupation stamps including AMG, issued under French Occupation, Baden, Rhine Palatinate, Wurttemberg and Berlin, all housed on stockpages in a folder, a list of countries and highlights is included, F-VF and 90% NH, Scott value is US$570.00

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Estimate 175 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1104 og   imageFRANCE & COLONIES MINT COLLECTION - Organized mint collection of France ($893.00 noting #117, 129, 294, 304, 414, 624, B18, B48-B53, B86-B89A, B136-B146, B147-B148, etc) and French Colonies ($159.95 #24, 38, 39 and J10), a good lot,F-VF and 60% NH, Scott value is US$1050.00 (Image1) (Image2) (All Scans)


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Estimate 450 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1105   TUVALU AND DEPENDENCIES - Collection 1979 - 1994 on pages, almost ann mint with over a hundred different including some souvenir sheets and SPECIMEN overprints, , VF NH or LH

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Catalog 190 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1106 og   imageSOUTH AMERICAN ASSORTMENT - All different and neatly organized on stockpages with Chile ($37), Ecuador ($212 noting #C26-C38 and CO9-CO12), Venezuela with ($227 with #70, 140-155 and 227), F-VF LH (Image1) (Image2) (All Scans)


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Catalog 476 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1107   MALTA COLLECTION ON PAGES - From 1885 to 1980 in clear mounts on printed pages, mostly mint noting #184-187, 246-261, etc., about 175 different mint stamps in all, F-VF H or NH, a useful starter lot with almost 300 different mint stamps

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Estimate 75 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1108 og   CIGAR BOX FULL OF BRITISH COLONIES - An old cigar box filled with 1250+ different stamps of past & present British Commonwealth countries, great variety, all F-VF mint and about 40% NH, Scott value is US$1375.00+

Estimate 350 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1109   imageCOOK ISLANDS MINT COLLECTION - Over 125 different mint souvenir sheets from 1970s to early 1990s, loaded with high values, all nicely organized in corners on album pages, VF NH (Image1)

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Estimate 200 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1110 69 to 1989, VF NH 19 JERSEY MINT COLLECTION - A nice collection in black mounts on illustrated album pages, includes a few forerunners, almost complete from the first definitive series of 1969 to about 1989, VF NH

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Catalog 320 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1111 og O   BRITISH COMMONWEALTH - WEST INDIES - From Antigua to the Virgin Islands here's a stockbook of mint and used stamps from across the Caribbean, in fact over 500 items to kickstart your collection, F-VF

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Catalog 460 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1112   imageMONTSERRAT FIRST DAY COVERS 1966 - 1997 - A fabulous collection of cacheted and unaddressed FDC's, all in VF condition and mounted with corners on album pages in three thick binders, we estimate well over 150 different with an excellent degree of completion for the period, all in VF condition (Image1)

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Estimate 250 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1113   CANADA OFFICIAL STAMPS ON COVER - A nice group of five official envelopes from the 1950s all franked with official stamps (four "G" and one "OHMS"), good variety of stamps and envelope types, F-VF, seldom seen

Estimate 50 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1114 og   imageBRITISH COLONIES LOT 1950'S TO 1980'S - An all-mint lot with hundreds of stamps housed in a thick blue stockbook, strength in Caribbean area but also useful Africa, mostly different and occasionally with blocks present; neatly arranged by country with total Scott value of US$3,240.00, some of the more valuable countries are Barbados ($450), Bermuda ($180), Caymans ($175), Dominica ($310), Falklands ($355), Montserrat ($215), F-VF, a wonderful opportunity to begin building a British Colonies collection. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (All Scans)

image image

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Estimate 750 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1115   BRAZIL PRESENTATION BOOKLET 1945 - Scott #628-632 imperforates (see Scott footnote) in presentation booklet, signed and approved in Rio by the director of mail and telegraf, not often seen F-VF

Estimate 150 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1116 og   imageADEN & STATES COLLECTION - Clean mint collection 1937 to 1965 on album pages with Aden ($351.50, noting #16-27a, 31, 36-46 and 48-61A); Kathiri State of Seiyun ($135.15, #1-11 & 20-27); Qu'aiti State of Shihr & Mukalla( $115.30, #1-11 & 20-27) and Qu'aiti State in Hadramaut ($117.50, #29-40 and 41-52), nice lot F-VF, some NH. Scott value is US$719.00 (Image1) (Image2) (All Scans)


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Estimate 250 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1117   MYSTERY BOX OF COMMONWEALTH - A good sized shipping carton full of stamps and covers, housed in stockbooks, selection cards, glassine envelopes, etc., thousands of items with strength in Great Britain, Channel Island, Dominions,, smaller colonies, etc., hours of sorting pleasure in this one

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Estimate 500 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1118 og O   imageEUROPEAN - STAMPS AND POSTAL HISTORY - A collection of 96 individually written up pages from 17 European countries and states being stamps, covers, and more both mint and used commemorating various events such as exhibitions etc. One of the rarer items is the sheet issued by Inmates of a Displaced Persons Camp (only 2k printed) F-VF (Image1) (Image2) (All Scans)


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Estimate 450 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1119   1997 YEAR OF THE OX THEMATIC PACK WHOLESALE - Ten Post Office sealed packs with the Canada souvenir sheet (Scott #1630ai), China #2747-2748and Hong Kong #783c perf 13½ souvenir sheet, VF NH (Unitrade Pack #74), catalogue value is $250.00

Estimate 75 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1120   CAPE OF GOOD HOPE TRIANGLES - A useful group of these with 1p (7), 4p (4), 6p 5) and 1sh (4), some cut in or otherwise faulty, several fine with good range of shades and printings, minimum catalogue value is US$5,300.00 (Scott #1/15)

Estimate 750 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM

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