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British North America continued...

CANADA COVERS continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1663   SCARCE FIRST DAY OVER - 10¢ Loyalist (#209) block of four tied by Ottawa first day postmarks to cacheted and unaddressed cover, VF and scarce thus

Estimate 100 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1664   imageSMALL QUEEN COVER TO BERMUDA - 5¢ Grey (#42) tied by clear Kentville, N.S. July 8, 1895 postmark to UNITED FIRE INSURANCE cover mailed to Somerset Bridge, Bermuda, light New York and Hamilton transit backstamps, flap tear, F-VF (Image1)

Estimate 100 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1665 30 imageBIRCH LAKE FLIGHT COVER - #CL18, (50¢) Dark Violet and Red tied by Nov. 1, 1926 blue Birch Lake postmarks to cover via Sioux Lookout to Kingston, Ont., VF (Image1)

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Estimate 400 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1666   imageADVERTISING COVERS 1898-1899 - Matching pair of James Robertson Co. Ltd., Saws, Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings all-over advertising covers, one in pale green and the other in yellow, franked with 3c and 2c purple Numerals and postmarked at Saint John OC 5 1898 and MY 2 1899 respectively, a desirable duo, VF+ (#76, 78) (Image1)

Estimate 125 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1667   imageTRANS-ATLANTIC COVER 1847 - Blue stampless folded letter endorsed 'per Royal Mail Steamer for Liverpool' from Devonport, England datelined Nov. 1, 1847, postmark on reverse along with London Nov. 2 transit both in red, on front Liverpool transit, sailing via Halifax and Boston, rated 1s/4 applied at Quebec, carried on the 1st voyage after the abrogation of the U.S. to Canada through mail agreement, VF (Image1)

Estimate 225 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1668   imageREGISTERED 1910 COVER TO DETROIT - King Edward VII postal envelope uprated with a strip of four of the 10¢ definitive (Scott #93) tied by light oval Windsor, Ontario registered postmarks in purple, Detroit June 10, 1910 receiver backstamp, VF, ex Brigham (Image1)

Estimate 350 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1669   image1849 MONEY LETTER TO GRIMSBY - Folded letter endorsed Money and rated '9', May 29, 1849 St. Catherines dispatch in red, F-VF, nicely written up on a page (Image1)

Estimate 150 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1670   EXCISE TAX FULL SHEET - 3/8¢ on ¼¢ Carmine plate A-2 upper right sheet of 100, F-VF NH

Catalog 150 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1671 og   SASKATCHEWAN REVENUE STAMPS - Van Dam #SL68-SL78, the complete set of eleven Law Stamps in matching mint sheet margin blocks of four, fresh and choice, VF NH, cat. $480.00+

Estimate 100 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1672 FCH2a SCARCE REVENUE ON ST. MAURICE PAPER CO. CHEQUE - 1915 An example of Van Dam catalogue #FCH2a, the rare rectangular embossed excise stamp on a complete cheque, serial #A298 (1 of only 12 reported numbers). VF

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Catalog 300 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1673 og FB16-FB17 $2 and $3 Blue unused, F-VF

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Catalog 165 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1674 og FCF4 $2.00 Brown, scarce, F-VF NH

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Catalog 71.5 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1675 og FX50 image1915 3/20¢ on 1/10¢ with Cent overprint in black, a mint block of nine, F-VF NH (Image1)

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Catalog 607.5 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1676 og FCD1-FCD4 1¢ to 10¢ Customs Duty set in blocks of four or six, 1¢ and 5¢ with plate imprint, 10¢ with light crease, 5¢ LH in margin only, otherwise VF NH

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Catalog 215 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1677 og FPC1a imagePlaying Card Stamp, a choice mint coil pair with outstanding centering, XF NH (Image1)

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Catalog 350 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1678 O FSC12 image$5 Black, a well centered used single, VF (Image1)

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Catalog 475 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1679 O FSC13 image10¢ Blue King George V law stamp used, single punch cancel and bright colour, F-VF (Image1)

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Catalog 1000 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1680 O FSC13 image10¢ Blue King George V Supreme Court Law Stamp, a lovely used single, VF (Image1)

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Catalog 1000 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1681 og FX29b, c image14¢ on 40¢ Mint block with a dramatic foldover error resulting in [art of the surcharge being on the gum side, F-VF LH (Image1)

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Estimate 200 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1682 O AL8 (Plate 2) image25¢ Yellow used, the background print is composed of six scroll blocks facing north east instead of south west as on the more common Plate 1, only five examples of this rarity have been reported, a desirable revenue rarity, VF (Image1)

Get Market Data for [Canada AL8 (Plate 2)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate 1000 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM

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