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Miscellaneous continued...

MISCELLANEOUS continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description Est or CV / bid in C$'s
1041 og   imageMALAYA & STATES MINT COLLECTION 1900 - 1963 - Valuable mint lot of Malaya & States in a red stockbook, we note Malay a($291.60, with #18, 22, 33b & J12); Johore ($318.65, #65, 67, 109, 127 & 158-168); Perak ($599.65, #4-5, 8, 23, 27, 30, 50, 52, 94, 127-137a & N11 and N18a) and Negri Sembilan ($373.85, #2-4, 5, 12, 36-37, 64-74 & N17a). Complete inventory list is provided. Overall condition is F-VF with about 55% NH. Scott Cat. value is US$3,450.00 (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (All Scans)

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Estimate 1200 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1042 og   image1970 CHRISTMAS CENTRE BLOCK S - Collection of 5¢ and 6¢ Centre blocks of four from the 1970 Christmas Issue, the normal untagged issue plus the scarce Winnipeg tagged set both mint and used for each (8 blocks in all), the used blocks all have first day Winnipeg postmarks, a lovely lot, VF (#522i, 522pi, 525i, 525pi) VF NH (Image1)

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Catalog 400 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1043   SOUTH AFRICA STARTER COLLECTION - Looking for a new country to collect - this mint and used collection is in clear mounts on printed pages, and runs from 1910 to 1999 and includes some back of the book issues also, we note mint #17-20, 74-80, B1-B4, B5-B8, B10-B11, C5-C6, etc., F-VF H, over 200 different in all

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Estimate 125 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1044 og   imageGREAT BRITAIN AND AREA PLUS GIBRALTAR - A large stockbook containing a clean collection of hundreds of stamps from earlies to 2005, stronger in the later period and loaded with $1 to $20 singles and sets. Includes Great Britain ($540), Guernsey ($336), Jersey ($392) Isle of Man ($255) and Gibraltar $397), all nice mint and about half NH, F-VF throughout, total Scott cat. value is US$1,920. (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (All Scans)

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Estimate 400 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1045 O   imagePACIFIC OCEAN USED COLLECTION - Used collection of various British Commonwealth countries in the Pacific, highlighting New Zealand ($876.35 noting #32, 36, 69, 76, 81, 118, 130-139, 146-147, 155, 182, 192 and 197-198); Samoa ($391.60, #14a, 12, 25b, 131, 144 & 176); Tonga ($371.15, #8, 10, 15, 47, 48 & 52) and many others. A detailed list is enclosed. Overall F-VF with Scott value of US$2,290.00 (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (All Scans)

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Estimate 800 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1046   CANADA FIRST FLIGHT COVERS - A selection of about 50 different covers, mainly late 1920s to early 1930s plus a few later, noted many interesting cachets and postmarks, F-VF

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Estimate 150 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1047   INSURANCE INDUSTRY RELATED CANADA COVERS - About 50 items from stampless era to 1930s, covers and postal cards, mainly insurance related including a few with private perfins, some advert covers, noted retail values to $75 each, some mixed condition but many are F-VF

Estimate 200 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1048 O   imageNETHERLANDS USED TO 1986 - Used Netherlands collection from 1852-1986 housed on black stock pages including back of book issues, we note #2, 3, 9, 20, 22, 53, 97 and B2. About 300 different in all with Scott value of US$1,000.00, F-VF (Image1) (Image2) (All Scans)


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Estimate 400 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1049 434a/2592 NEW ZEALAND SOUVENIR SHEETS - A comprehensive lot of Souvenir Sheets, more than 225 items make up this collection covering 1969 to 2015, VF NH, a good clean lot

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Estimate 450 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1050 og BK144 GREAT BRITAIN 1972 PRESTIGE BOOKLET - £1 Complete booklet of 42 stamps - The Story of Wedgwood, scarce, VF NH

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Estimate 50 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1051 og   GREAT BRITAIN MODERN MINT - Collection of over 50 Miniature Souvenir Sheets, Commemorative Strips and Blocks (some being Plate Blocks) from #834 to 2925a, VF NH

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Catalog 500 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1052 og   BRITISH EUROPE COLLECTION - A few hundred mint stamps in a Lighthouse stockbook, almost all different and including Cyprus ($338), Gibraltar ($128), Great Britain 1929 to 1994 ($362), Channel Islands ($535) and Isle of Man ($208), nice F-VF LH condition, total Scott cat. value US$1,571.00

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Estimate 350 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1053 og   imageSOUTH-WEST AFRICA MINT COLLECTION - A lovely mint collection from 1935 to 1990 housed on black stocksheets with about 300 different stamps, highlights include #249-260, 266-280, 314-328, 333-334, 343-358, 363-366 and 626-640, about 80% NH and all F-VF, Scott value is US$840.00 (Image1) (Image2) (All Scans)


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Estimate 325 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1054 O   imageNETHERLANDS COLONIES USED COLLECTION - Interesting collection in a 4-ring binder with slipcase, includes Netherlands New Guinea ($26.90), Netherlands Indies ($845.80, noting #7, 16, 16b, 18b, 19b, 24, 31-37a, 62, 87-98, 212, 219) and Surinam ($400.80, noting #132-138, 207, C23-C25), F-VF, Catalogue Value is US$1,273.50 (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (All Scans)

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Estimate 500 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1055 og O   MINT & USED BRITISH COLONIES - Mint & used collection Kuwait to Pakistan, highlighting Monserrat ($213.75, used #6, 8, 36 and 85-88) and Bahawalpur ($169.00 used #O2-O3, 06 and O14-O15). F-VF, an interesting lot with Cat value US$381.00 mint and US$864.00 Used

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Estimate 300 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1056 O   imageSOUTH AFRICA & STATES USED COLLECTION - Several hundred different from 1910 to 2001 with South Africa ($1871 noting #23-25, 26-29c, 37, 43, 53, 59, 63, 64, 71, 90-97, 241-253, B9-B11, C1-C4, C5-C6, etc); Bophuthatswana ($40); Transkei ($47) and Venda ($10) housed in a binder. A nice lot, F-VF, Scott value is US$1,970.00 (Image1) (Image2) (Image3) (All Scans)

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Estimate 700 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1057   GREAT BRITAIN CARTON FULL - A shipping carton full of stamps and FDCs, concentration of value is in the Elizabethan period, thousand of items with quite lot of mint, also some older material with covers, etc., completely unsorted

Estimate 350 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1058 O   imageITALY USED COLLECTION 1878-2007 - An extensive, organized collection of over a thousand different stamps well organized on black stock pages in a zippered binder, some highlights are Scott #37, 50, 55-56, 62, 66, 76-91, 106, 110, 114, 147, 177a, 196-2,00, 202a, 203, 230, 234, 352, 409, 413-418, B23, B30, C23, C40-C41, C81, C97, C104-C105, O5, E10, E12, J4, J13, J15, etc. The collection also includes some literature and the 1944 Italian Social Republic (Note #6-17), Scott value is US$3610.00, a valuable lot F-VF (Image1) (Image2) (All Scans)


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Estimate 1200 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1059 og   imageST-JEAN-BAPTISTE MONTREAL STAMPS - Sixty different 1930s - 1960s issues, all in nice mint blocks of four, some are se-tenant designs, a fascinating lot, the society produced these stamps mainly from 1934 to 1967 but also in 1924, 1984 and 1997, designs feature famous French-Canadian people, these stamps normally retail anywhere from $2 to $20 per stamp depending on scarcity, F-VF NH (240 stamps total) (Image1)

Estimate 150 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM
1060 og   CANADA WINNIPEG TAGGED STOCK - Canada #404p, 4¢ Cameo issue with the narrow Winnipeg Tagging at centre, a very nice stock of 25 matched sets of blank plate blocks (100 blocks in all), fresh F-VF NH mint condition, catalogue value is $750.00, this lot is from the famous Kasimir Bileski stock, this was the first type of tagging used for the 4¢ and had a very short life

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Estimate 100 C$

Currently Opening at...C$0.00
Closing..Mar-26, 02:30 PM

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