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United States continued...
LotNo. Catalogue # Lot Description
15240 1213a image1962 Scott 1213a 5c Washington Booklet Pane of 5 Mis-cut With Zip Slogan Label Plate 27563 Number. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: USA1213aS11) (Image)

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Selling for...$50.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15241 1213a image1962 Scott 1213a 5c Washington Booklet Pane of five with Add Zip To Your Mail Always Ise Zip Code label showing Plate 27678. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: USA1213aS29) (Image)

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Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15242 1213a image1962 Scott 1213a 5c Washington Booklet Pane of five with Add Zip To Your Mail Always Ise Zip Code label showing Plate 27672. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: USA1213aS30) (Image)

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Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15243 1213a image1962 Scott 1213a 5c Washington Booklet Pane of five with Add Zip To Your Mail Always Ise Zip Code label showing Plate 27671. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: USA1213aS31) (Image)

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Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15244 BK115 image1962 Scott BK115 5c Washington Four Panes of five with Add Zip To Your Mail Always Use Zip Code label Complete booklet. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: USA1213aS33) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15245 1213a image1962 Scott 1213a 5c Washington Booklet Pane of 5 Mis-cut With Zip Slogan Label Plate 27546 Number. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: USA1213aS4) (Image)

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Selling for...$60.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15246 1213a image1962 Scott 1213a 5c Washington Booklet Pane of 5 Mis-cut With Zip Slogan Label Plate 27546 Number. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: USA1213aS8) (Image)

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Selling for...$60.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15247 1213b, 1213c and 1229a image1966 Scott 1213b, 1213c and 1229a 5c Washington Prominent Americans tagged, 5c Washington Prominent Americans tagged coil and 5c Washington Prominent Americans tagged booklet single combo 1963 Dayton, Ohio. First Day. Art Craft cachet Mellone 1213b-6. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1213bC01) (Image)

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Selling for...$60.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15248 1214 image1961 Scott 1214 8c John J. Pershing 1961 New York, N.Y, A.S.D.A. National Postage Stamp Show Station First Day of Issue. First Day Ceremony Program. OVERSIZE 5 x 8 inches. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1214L01) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15249 1230 image1963 Scott 1230 5c Carolina Charter 1963 Edenton, N.C. First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1230C01) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15250 1230 image1963 Scott 1230 5c Carolina Charter 1963 Edenton, N.C. First Day of Issue to Bahnstrasse, Germany. Marg cachet Mellone # 21. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1230C02) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15251 1231 image1963 Scott 1231 5c Food For Peace with German related Issues 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue. Unknown Folder Mellone #26. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1231C01) (Image)

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Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15252 1231 image1963 Scott 1231 5c Food For Peace 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1231C02) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15253 1233, 1143, 902 image1963 Scott 1233, 1143, 902 5c Emancipation Proclamation with 4c Lincoln Credo and 3c Emancipation Proclamation 1963 Chicago, Ill. First Day of Issue. Unknown designer card Mellone 1233-48. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1233C01) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15254 1233, 1143, 902 image1963 Scott 1233, 1143, 902 5c Emancipation Proclamation with 3c 13th Amendment and 4c Lincoln Credo 1963 Chicago, Ill. First Day of Issue. Unknown Folder Mellone #48. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1233C02) (Image)

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Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15255 1234 image1963 Scott 1234 5c Alliance For Progress 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to New Castle, Indiana. Averst Laboratories variety Artcraft cachet Mellone #3 with enclosure. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1234C01) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15256 1235 image1963 Scott 1235 5c Cordell Hull 1963 Carthage, Tenn. First Day of Issue to Chehalis, Wash. Art Craft Ayerst Laboratories variety Mellone 1235-3 with contents. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1235C01) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15257 1236, 930, 1152 image1963 Scott 1236, 930, 1152 5c Eleanor Roosevelt with 1c Roosevelt Memorial and 4c American Woman 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue. First Roosevelt Foundation Folder Mellone #27. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1236C04) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15258 1236 image1963 Scott 1236 5c Eleanor Roosevelt 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to New Gardens, N.Y. and Forwarded to Jamaica, N.Y. First Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation cachet Mellone 34. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address with edge wear. ( Inv #: USA1236W01) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15259 1236 image1963 Scott 1236 5c Eleanor Roosevelt 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to Lexington, Kentucky. Art Craft cachet Mellone #3 American Mutual Liability Insurance Co. variety. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1236W02) (Image)

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Selling for...$13.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15260 1236 image1963 Scott 1236 5c Eleanor Roosevelt 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to Syosset, N.Y. First Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation cachet with enclosure. Mellone #34. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Addresswith some edge wear. ( Inv #: USA1236W03) (Image)

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Selling for...$18.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15261 1236 image1963 Scott 1236 5c Eleanor Roosevelt 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to Denver, Colo. First Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation cachet Mellone #34. Small crease at top left. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1236W04) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15262 1239 image1963 Scott 1239 5c Red Cross (3) 1963 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue to Switzerland. Artcraft cachet Mellone #3. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1239C02) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15263 1240a image1963 Scott 1240a 5c Christmas Tree tagged 1963 Dayton, Ohio. First Day. Art Craft cachet Mellone 1240a-3. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1240aC01) (Image)

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Selling for...$35.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15264 1242 image1964 Scott 1242 5c Sam Houston 1964 Houston, Tex. First Day of Issue to Chehalis, Wash. Art Craft Ayerst Laboratories variety cachet Mellone 1242-3 with contents. Typewritten Address with some edge wear. ( Inv #: USA1242C01) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15265 1242 image1964 Scott 1242 5c Sam Houston 1964 Houston, Tex. First Day of Issue. Mahdeen Masonic cachet Mellone 25. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1242C07) (Image)

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Selling for...$18.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15266 1242 image1964 Scott 1242 5c Sam Houston 1964 Houston, Tex. First Day of Issue. Unlisted Sam Houston Postcard. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1242C09) (Image)

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Selling for...$16.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15267 1242 image1964 Scott 1242 5c Sam Houston 1964 Houston, Tex. First Day of Issue. Unlisted Sam Houston Postcard. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1242C10) (Image)

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Selling for...$16.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15268 1242 image1964 Scott 1242 5c Sam Houston 1964 Houston, Tex. First Day of Issue. Unlisted Sam Houston Postcard. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1242C11) (Image)

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Selling for...$16.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15269 1242, 776, 938 image1964 Scott 1242, 776, 938 5c Sam Houston with 3c Alamo and 3c Texas 1964 Houston, Tex. First Day of Issue. Unknown Folder Mellone #49. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1242C16) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15270 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c C.M. Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue. First Great Falls Advertising Club cachet Mellone 1243-1 with insert. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1243C02) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15271 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Charles M. Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue to Waterville, Minnesota. Artcraft Ayers Laboratories variety cachet. Mellone #3. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1243C03) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15272 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue to New York, N.Y. Unknown cachet unlisted in Mellone. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1243C05) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15273 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue. First Montana Territorial Commission cachet Mellone #24. Unaddressed.. ( Inv #: USA1243C06) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15274 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c C.M. Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1243C07) (Image)

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Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15275 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Charles Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day. Stamp Ceremonial Program. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1243C08) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15276 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Charles Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day. Stamp Ceremonial Program. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1243C09) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15277 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue to Polson, Mont. First Tribune-Leader cachet Mellone 1243-28 with contents. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1243W01) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15278 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue to Polson, Mont. First Tribune-Leader cachet Mellone 1243-28 with contents. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. ( Inv #: USA1243W02) (Image)

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Selling for...$15.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM
15279 1243 image1964 Scott 1243 5c Russell 1964 Great Falls, Mont. First Day of Issue. First Tribune-Leader cachet Mellone 1243-28 with contents. LEGAL SIZE. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: USA1243W03) (Image)

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Selling for...$17.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM

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