Australia continued...
LotNo. |
Catalogue # |
Lot Description |
1000 |
1134 |
Scott 1134 $10 Adelaide Botanical Gardens. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1134S5) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1134] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$14.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1001 |
1134 |
Scott 1134 $10 Adelaide Botanical Gardens. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1134S7) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1134] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$11.25
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1002 |
1134 |
Scott 1134 $10 Adelaide Botanical Gardens. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1134S8) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1134] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$11.25
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1003 |
1134 |
Scott 1134 $10 Adelaide Botanical Gardens. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1134S9) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1134] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$11.25
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1004 |
1135 |
Scott 1135 $20 View of the Artist's House and Garden in Mills Plains. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1135S2) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$22.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1005 |
1135 |
Scott 1135 $20 View of the Artist's House and Garden in Mills Plains. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1135S3) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$22.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1006 |
1135 |
Scott 1135 $20 View of the Artist's House and Garden in Mills Plains. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1135S4) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1135] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$22.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1007 |
1141a-e |
1989 Scott 1141a-e 39c Immigrant Ship in Port, 39c Pioneer's Hut, 39c Squatter's Homestead, 39c Shepherds and 39c Explorers Colonial Australia Pastoral Era Se-tenant Singles each on different cards 1989
Illustrated Parramatta NSW 2150 First Day of Issue. Set of five Offici ( Inv #: AUS1141C04) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1141a-e] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$20.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1008 |
1141a-e |
1989 Scott 1141a-e 39c Immigrant Ship in Port, 39c Pioneer's Hut, 39c Squatter's Homestead, 39c Shepherds and 39c Explorers Conlonial Australia Pastoral Era Se-tenant Se-tenant Strip of Five 1989 Illustrated
Parramatta NSW 2150 First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. LEGA ( Inv #: AUS1141W01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1141a-e] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1009 |
1142-1145 |
1989 Scott 1142-1145 39c Moncrieff and Rene the Stage, 85c Chauvel and Rafferty Talking Films, $1 Stewart and Williamson the Stage and $1.10 Lyell and Lonford Silent Films Stars of Stage and Screen 1989
Illustrated GPO Sydney 2000 First Day of Issue. Set of four Official AP ( Inv #: AUS1142C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1142-1145] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$16.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1010 |
1146-1149 |
1989 Scott 1146-1149 41c Impression for Golden Summer by Sir Arthur Streeton, 41c All On a Summer’s Day by Charles Conder, 41c Petit Dejeuner by Frederick McCubbin and 41c Impression by Tom Roberts Paintings by
Australian Artists 1989 Illustrated Heidelberg Vic 3084 First Day ( Inv #: AUS1146C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1146-1149] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$16.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1011 |
1156b |
1989 Scott 1156b 41c Cable Car Melbourne Pane of ten Complete Stampshow '89 Booklet. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1156bSa)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1156b] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$24.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1012 |
1159-1161 |
Scott 1159-1161 36c, 41c and 80c Illuminations 1989 Christmas. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1159S1) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1159-1161] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.25
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1013 |
1159-1161 |
Scott 1159-1161 36c, 41c and 80c Illuminations 1989 Christmas. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1159S2) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1159-1161] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.25
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1014 |
1159-1161 |
Scott 1159-1161 36c, 41c and 80c Illuminations 1989 Christmas. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1159S3) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1159-1161] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.25
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1015 |
1166-1169 |
1990 Scott 1166-1169 41c Greater Glider, 65c Spotted-Tailed Quoll, 70c Mountain Pygmy Possum and 80c Brush-Tailed Rock Wallaby Fauna of the High Country 1990 Cooma NSW 2630 Illustrated First Day of Issue.
Set of four Prepaid Official AP cards in oringinal wrap. Unaddressed ( Inv #: AUS1166C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1166-1169] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1016 |
1166-1169 |
1990 Scott 1166-1169 41c Greater Glider, 65c Spotted-Tailed Quoll, 70c Mountain Pygmy Possum and 80c Brush-Tailed Rock Wallaby Fauna of the High Country 1990 Cooma NSW 2630 Illustrated First Day of Issue.
Set of four Prepaid Official AP cards in oringinal wrap. Unaddressed ( Inv #: AUS1166C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1166-1169] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1017 |
1166-1169 |
1990 Scott 1166-1169 41c Greater Glider, 65c Spotted-Tailed Quoll, 70c Mountain Pygmy Possum and 80c Brush-Tailed Rock Wallaby Fauna of the High Country 1990 Cooma NSW 2630 Illustrated First Day of Issue.
Official AP cachet. LEGAL SIZE. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1166W01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1166-1169] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1018 |
1170-1173 |
1990 Scott 1170-1173 41c Quit Smoking, 41c Don't Drink and Drive, 41c Eat Right and 41c Medical Check-up Community Health 1990 Perth WA 6000 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Set of four Prepaid Official AP
cards in oringinal wrap. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1170C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1170-1173] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1019 |
1170-1173 |
1990 Scott 1170-1173 41c Quit Smoking, 41c Don't Drink and Drive, 41c Eat Right and 41c Medical Check-up Community Health 1990 Perth WA 6000 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Set of four Prepaid Official AP
cards in oringinal wrap. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1170C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1170-1173] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1020 |
1174-1178 |
1990 Scott 1174-1178 41c, 41c, 65c, $1.00 $1.10 Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) 1990 GPO Canberra ACT 2601 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Set of five Prepaid Official AP cards in oringinal wrap.
Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1174C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1174-1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1021 |
1174-1178 |
1990 Scott 1174-1178 41c, 41c, 65c, $1.00 $1.10 Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) 1990 GPO Canberra ACT 2601 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Set of five Prepaid Official AP cards in oringinal wrap.
Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1174C02) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1174-1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1022 |
1174-1178 |
1990 Scott 1174-1178 41c, 41c, 65c, $1.00 $1.10 Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) 1990 GPO Canberra ACT 2601 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. LEGAL SIZE. Unaddressed. ( Inv #:
AUS1174W01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1174-1178] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1023 |
1180a-1180f |
1990 Scott 1180a-1180f 41c New South Wales, 41c South Australia, 41c Tasmania, 41c Victoria and 41c Queensland Penny Black 150th Anniversary Se-tenant Singles 1990 Queen Victoria Building NSW 2000 Illustrated
First Day of Issue. Set of six Prepaid Official AP cards in oringina ( Inv #: AUS1180C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1180a-1180f] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1024 |
1184a-1184e |
1990 Scott 1184a-1184e 41c Land Boom, 41c Building Boom, 41c Investment Boom, 41c Retail Boom and 41c Factory Boom Colonial Australia Se-tenant Singles 1990 Melbourne Vic 3000 Illustrated First Day of Issue.
Set of five Prepaid Official AP cards in oringinal wrap. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1184C01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1184a-1184e] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1025 |
1213s |
1989 Australiasian 1213s 41c Frill Necked Lizard Frama No Post Code Vending Machine Stamp 1989 Sydney NSW 2000 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Set of nine different Post Offices Official AP cachets in original
wrapper. LEGAL SIZE. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1213aB01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1213s] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1026 |
1235 |
1992 Scott 1235 45c Parma Wallaby, 45c Ghost Bat, 45c Long-Tailed Dunnart, 45c Little Pygmy Possum, 45c Dusky Hopping Mouse and Squirrel Glider Threatened Species Se-tenant Block of six 1992 GPO Sydney NSW 2000
Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. LEGAL ( Inv #: AUS1235W01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1235] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1027 |
1252a |
1992 Scott 1252a 45c Young Endeavor, 45c Britannia, $1.05 Akarana and $1.20 John Louis Sailing Ships 1992 Australia Day Se-tenant Souvenir Sheet 1992 Sydney NSW 2000 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP
cachet. LEGAL SIZE. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1252aW01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1252a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1028 |
1260a |
1992 Scott 1260a 45c Helix Nebula, $1.05 The Pleiades and $1.20 Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997 Souvenir Sheet 1992 Siding Spring Coonabarabran NSW 2357 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. LEGAL SIZE.
Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1260aW01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1260a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1029 |
1273s |
1990 Australiasian 1273s 43c Koala Frama No Post Code Vending Machine Stamp 1990 Ringwood Vic 3134 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Set of nine different Post Offices Official AP cachets. LEGAL SIZE.
Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1273sB01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1273s] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1030 |
1279a |
1994 Scott 1279a 45c Kangaroos and Koalas Se-tenant Block of six 1994 Kingscote KI SA 5223 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. MONARCH SIZE. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1279aW01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1279a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1031 |
1297-1300 |
1992 Scott 1297-1300 45c Warden's Courthouse Coolgardie, 45c Post Office Kalgoorlie, $1.05 York Hotel Kalgoorlie and $1.20 Town Hall Kalgoorlie Buildings in Western Australia Goldfield Towns 1992 Coolgardie WA
6429 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. LEGAL S ( Inv #: AUS1297W01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1297-1300] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.00
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1032 |
1303 |
1992 Scott 1303 40c Children Dressed as Mary and Joseph 1992 Christmas Booklet Pane of 20. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1303aC1)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1303] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1033 |
1303 |
1992 Scott 1303 40c Children Dressed as Mary and Joseph 1992 Christmas Booklet Pane of 20. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1303aC2)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1303] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1034 |
1347a |
1993 Scott 1347a 45c Ornithocheirus, 45c Lellynasaura, 45c Allosaurus, 45c Timimus, 75c Muttaburrasurus and 45c Minmi Dinosaurs Souvenir Sheet 1993 Illustrated Brisbane QLD 4000 Stamp Collecting Month. First
Day. Official AP cachet. MONARCH SIZE. Unaddressed. ( Inv #: AUS1347aW01) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1347a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$12.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1035 |
1354 |
Scott 1354 40c Goodwill 1993 Christmas Booklet Pane of 20. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1354C1) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1354] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1036 |
1354 |
Scott 1354 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c, 40c AND 40c Goodwill 1993 Christmas Booklet Pane of twenty. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1354C2) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1354] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$10.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1037 |
1365-1366 |
1994 Scott 1365-1366 45c Vigilance and 45c Education Royal Life Saving Society Pair Booklet Pane of 5 each. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1366bC1) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1365-1366] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$28.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1038 |
1365-1366 |
1994 Scott 1365-1366 45c Vigilance and 45c Education Royal Life Saving Society Pair Booklet Pane of 5 each. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1366bC2) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1365-1366] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$28.50
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |
1039 |
1365-1366 |
1994 Scott 1365-1366 45c Vigilance and 45c Education Royal Life Saving Society Pair Booklet Pane of 5 each. Mint never hinged. ( Inv #: AUS1366bS1) (Image)
Get Market Data for [Australia 1365-1366] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Selling for...$14.25
Closing..Mar-31, 11:59 PM |