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British Commonwealth continued...

British Occupied Italian Colonies continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5176 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - M.E.F. 1942 2½d ultramarine, ovptd Type 1 (regular lettering, upright oblong stops), variety 'sliced M', SG M3a, very fine used.

(Image 1)

Est. £140-150

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5177 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - M.E.F. 1942 Cairo overprinted 1d, 2d and 2½d, each with sliced 'M', SG M1/3a, fine mint. (3 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £170-180

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5178 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - M.E.F. 1942 Naiobi overprint, 2d orange with type M2a rough lettering and round stops, SG M7a, neat c.d.s. used.

(Image 1)

Est. £100-110

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5179 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - M.E.F. 1949 (June) commercial envelope to London, bearing 2d (damaged corner) and 5d tied by Benghazi Air Mail cds.

(Image 1) (Image 2)


Est. £55-65

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5180 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - MIDDLE EAST FORCES 1942 2d orange, SG M2, very fine mint block of four including Sliced 'M' variety, SG M2a, the variety never hinged.

(Image 1)

Est. £90-110

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5181 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - MIDDLE EAST FORCES 1942. 2d orange variety 'Sliced M' in pair with normal, SG M2/M2a, very fine mint (2 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £60-70

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5182 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - MIDDLE EASTERN FORCES 1943 5s red Geo VI ovptd 'MEF', showing the variety 'Positional T on Kings Head', Commonwealth Specialised 20a, very fine mint.

(Image 1)

Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5183 imageBRITISH OCCUPIED ITALIAN COLONIES - TRIPOLITANIA POSTAGE DUES 1948 4mal on 2d agate with 'No stop after M' within block 4, SG TD3b, never hinged mint. Cat £325.

(Image 1)

Est. £130-160

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
British Virgin Islands
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5184 imageBRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1867 1s black and rose-carmine on white paper, crimson frames, SG 18, with neat upright 'A13' cancel.

(Image 1)

Est. £60-65

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5185 imageBRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1935 1d blue and scarlet Silver Jubilee with 'Kite and vertical log' variety, SG 103k, fine mint. Cat £160.

(Image 1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5186 imageBRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS - 1935 1d deep blue & scarlet Silver Jubilee KITE AND HORIZONTAL LOG variety, SG 103l, fine mint.

(Image 1)

Est. £110-120

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5187 imageBRUNEI - 1907-10 'View on Brunei River' complete set, MCA Wmk, SG 23/33, fine used (11 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £250-275

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5188 imageBRUNEI - 1907-10 4c grey-black and reddish purple, SG 26a, very fine used. Cat £45.

(Image 1)

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Est. £22-26

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5189 imageBRUNEI - 1907-10 Huts set, SG 23/33, very fine mint. (11 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £140-150

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5190 imageBRUNEI - 1908-22 3c scarlet (type II), SG 38, very fine mint. Cat £130.

(Image 1)

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Est. £65-75

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5191 imageBRUNEI - 1922 25c deep dull purple Malaya-Borneo Exhibition with Broken 'N' variety, SG 57c, fine used, small part cds cancels leaving the variety clear.

(Image 1)

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Est. £90-100

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5192 imageBRUNEI - 1941 2c orange, 3c blue-green, 8c red and 15c ultramarine prepared for use but not issued, all used on individual pieces with 7 Apr 1942. See noted in SG about these stamps. Cancels not guaranteed (4).

(Image 1)

Est. £150-175

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5193 imageBRUNEI - 1947 5c orange Borneo River, wmk Script, variety '5c retouch', SG 82a, fine and fresh mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5195 imageBURMA - 1937 15r blue & olive (wmk inverted), SG 17, used, marks at top. Cat £300.

(Image 1)

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Est. £30-45

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5196 imageBURMA - 1937-47 COLLECTION incl. 1937 opts on India set to 1r used, 1937 Officials most values to 6a used, 1938-40 most values to 5r used, 1939 Officials to 2r used, 1945 'Mily Admin' opt set mint, 1948 10r Official mint, plus Japanese Occupation 1943-44 mint range, etc. (80+ stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)





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Est. £90-120

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5197 imageBURMA - OFFICIALS used collection incl. 1937 complete to 2r, 1939 most values to 10r, 1946 set to 8a, 1947 Interim set to 2r, stc £359 (40+ stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £70-80

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Canada & Provinces
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5201 imageCANADA - NEW BRUNSWICK - 1860-63 pictorials range incl 1c unused (3 shades), 2c orange and yellow-orange mint, deep orange used, 5c green (3), 10c red mint x2 and 17c black mint. Cat £600+ (12 stamps).

(Image 1)

Est. £50-70

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5202 imageCANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1897 400th Anniversary of Discovery complete set, SG 66/79, fine mint, the 10c thinned. Cat £325 (14 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5203 imageCANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1910 John Guy issue, with perf. 12 set (both 6c), SG 95/105, perf. 12x14 set of three, SG 106/108, and perf. 12x11 1c, SG 109, mainly very fine mint, a few incl. first 5c and 10c are never hinged. (16 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £350-370

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5204 imageCANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1928-29 Publicity issue De La Rue set, SG 164/178, mint lightly hinged. Cat £150.

(Image 1)

Est. £60-75

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.

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