Italy, Colonies, States & Areas
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
5400 |
ITALIAN STATES - LOMBARDY VENETIA 1854-57 10 Cent. black on machine made paper, SG 6 (Sass 19), fine used with good even margins.(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 6 (Sass 19)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £50-60
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5401 |
ITALIAN STATES - LOMBARDY VENETIA 1863 15 s brown, SG 36 (Sass 37), centered left otherwise very fine used, signed Chiavarello.(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 36 (Sass 37)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £50-60
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5402 |
ITALIAN STATES - PAPAL STATES 1852-1861 COVERS & ENTIRE LETTERS bearing various stamps, includes 1852 (13 Jan) entire letter with 6b stamp & ''Direzione Gen. del Bollo Registro Ipoteche e Tasse Riunite' official cachets, 1854 cover front
with 5b pair, 1858 cover with 5b & 'Napoli Servizio / Estero per Marsiglia' boxed cachet, twelve covers each bearing 1b tied by single line date cancels - one for each month of the year etc. (20 items)(Image
1) (Image 2) (Image
3) (Image 4) (Image
5) (Image 6) (Image
7) (Image 8) (Image
9) (Image 10) 

Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5403 |
ITALIAN STATES - ROMAGNE 1861 (Jan 1st) Official stampless letter addressed to the mayor of Codigoro with clear COMACCHIO cross of Savoy cancel. Intriguing.(Image
Est. £45-50
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5404 |
ITALY - 1862 5c dull orange 'Minerva' THERIG ESSAY, embossed and inscribed 'Francobolo della Posta', mint large part OG with 4 large margins & light gum creasing / wrinkling. Fresh and attractive.(Image
Est. £150-180
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5405 |
ITALY - 1906 10c carmine block 4, each overprinted 'SAGGIO' (as Sassone 82), fine mint.(Image
Est. £60-80
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5406 |
ITALY - 1928 1.25L blue St. Francis, perf 13½, SG 195A (Sassone 196), very fine mint. Cat €600.(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 195A (Sassone 196)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £100-120
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5407 |
ITALY - 1949 BLOCKS OF 4 Volta's Discovery of the Electric Cell perf 14 set (Sassone 611/12, SG 737/38), fine mint (the lower stamps never hinged) BLOCKS of 4, Lovely. (2 blocks = 8 stamps)(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 737/38)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £80-100
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5408 |
ITALY - 1980-92 450L Bosa Castle (as Sassone 1521) variety 'PRINTED IN SLATE ONLY' & MIS-PERFORATED, Bolaffi 1626B, never hinged mint. Raybaudi photo certificate. Cat €4000.(Image
1) (Image 2)
Est. £170-250
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5409 |
ITALY - 1986-1992 COMPREHENSIVE NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION in hingeless Safe album, all different, COMPLETE for 1986 to 1991 issues, se-tennat where appropriate, includes 1987 20000L Definitive, 1990 Football & 1992 Columbus m/s's sets
etc. Lovely fresh condition. (approx 240 stamps & 12 M/S's)(Image
1) (Image 2) (Image
3) (Image 4) (Image
5) (Image 6) (Image
7) (Image 8) (Image
9) (Image 10) (Image
11) (Image 12) (Image
13) (Image 14) (Image
15) (Image 16) (Image
17) (Image 18) (Image

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Est. £75-85
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5410 |
ITALY - CONCESSIONAL PARCEL POST 1955-81 110L lilac-rose horizontal pair (Sassone 12, SG CP925), never hinged mint, fresh. (2 stamps)(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy CP925)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £60-70
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5411 |
ITALY - EXPRESS POST 1922 60c on 50c red, Sassone S6, strip 6 never hinged mint. Cat €1200.(Image
Est. £80-120
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5412 |
ITALY - POSTAGE DUE 1891 '30' on 2c ochre and carmine, Sassone 19 (SG D49, cat £1900) fine mint with Raybaudi photo certificate. Cat €1100.(Image
1) (Image 2)
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Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5413 |
ITALY - SOCIAL REPUBLIC 1944 Postage Due 5 Lire violet SG D54 (Sass. Segnatasse 57/I), with inverted overprint, as standard for the Brescia issue. Never hinged mint.(Image
Est. £150-170
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5414 |
ITALY - SPARRE ESSAY 1862 5c red on grey Savoy Arms imperforate, CEI S7i, block 15 never hinged mint.(Image
Est. £250-500
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5415 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - AEGEAN IS - SIMI 1921 - 2 15c grey and 20c orange with wmk, Sass 10/11, fine mint. (2 stamps)(Image
Est. £90-95
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5416 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - CALIMNO 1912-21 20c orange no wmk with local overprint, Sassone 9 (SG 9A), fine used. Cat €300.(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 9A)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £40-50
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5417 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - CONSTANTINOPLE 1908 1pi on 25c blue surcharge second local issue with '1 PIPSTRA' variety (Sassone 11d, SG 43a), mint, centred to right.(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 43a)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £80-90
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5418 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - DODECANESE ISLANDS SIMI. 1912-1921 collection of 9 mint stamps includes 1912 set (Sassone 1/7), 20c orange No Wmk (Sass 9) & 1921-22 15c grey, cat €550.(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £45-60
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5419 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - DODECANESE ISLANDS LEROS 1912-16 complete set, 1917 20c, plus 1919-22 15c and 20c, Sassone 1/11 or SG 3E/13E, very fine mint with some of the stamps never hinged. (11 stamps)(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 3E/13E] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £140-150
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5420 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - DODECANESE ISLANDS (EGEO) 1912 to 1930's FINE USED COLLECTION includes General Issues with 1929 pictorials (no imprint, perf 11) complete set to 5L, 1931 1.25L Eucharistic Congress, 1932 pictorials (with imprint, perf
14) complete set in blocks 4, and 1934 20c World Cup Football. Individual Islands with Italy 25c, 40c and 50c - each on piece tied by 1912 Rodi cancels, strong range of 1912-22 Stampalia overprints (21, all tied on piece); plus a few Rodi,
Castelrosso and Cos (100+ stamps)(Image
1) (Image 2) (Image
3) (Image 4) (Image
5) (Image 6) 

Get Market Data for [Italy Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5421 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - DODECANESE ISLANDS (EGEO) 1912-1923 'RODI' local overprints fine mint all different group, includes 1912 set, 1916 20c on 15c, 1922-23 set etc. Stc €500+ = £420+ (11 stamps)(Image
Est. £50-60
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5422 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - EGEO (DODECANESE ISLANDS) 1934 Football World Cup (Postage) complete set (Sass S.13, SG 128/32), very fine mint. (5 stamps)(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 128/32)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £220-250
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |
5423 |
ITALIAN COLONIES - ERITREA 1923 Fascist March on Rome complete set (Sass S. 13, SG 68/73), fine used. (6 stamps)(Image
Get Market Data for [Italy 68/73)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Est. £85-95
Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST. |