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British Commonwealth continued...

The Rhodesias continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5692 imageRHODESIA - 1892-93 1d, 6d deep blue, 1s, 2s and both 2s6d, SG 1 & SG 3/7, fine mint. (6 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £170-190

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5693 imageRHODESIA - 1892-95 complete set, perf 14,14½ (SG 18/26), and 1895 perf 12½ set (SG 27/28), plus some additional shades to 4s, good to fine used. (18 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £140-160

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5694 imageRHODESIA - 1896-97 ARMS a mint range with 1896-97 perf 14 'with dot' 1d, 6d & 8d, 'no dot' ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d and 6d, 1897 perf 13½-16 1d, 6d and 8d. (11 stamps).

(Image 1)

Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5695 imageRHODESIA - 1896-97 Die II set (missing 1d, both 4d shades), SG 41/50, fine used. Cat £180+ (9 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £35-45

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5696 imageRHODESIA - 1898 (20 Apr) env to Berlin with ½d & 2d strip 3 (SG 66, 68) tied Umtali cds's.

(Image 1)

Est. £20-30

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5697 imageRHODESIA - 1905 5s violet Victoria Falls perf 14½ to 15 with 'SPECIMEN' overprint, SG 99as, mint, fresh & scarce.

(Image 1)

Est. £60-70

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5698 imageRHODESIA - 1905 Victoria Falls set, SG 94/99, fine mint, fresh & attractive. Cat £350.

(Image 1)

Est. £175-200

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5699 imageRHODESIA - 1910-13 2½d ultramarine perf 15, SG 172, very fine used. Cat £42.

(Image 1)

Est. £18-22

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5700 imageRHODESIA - 1913-19 Admiral single working plates, perf 14 ½d (5), 1d (6), 1½d (3) and 2½d, perf 15 ½d (3), 1d (3, one with Royal certificate), and 1½d (2), all used, stc £231 (22 stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2)


Est. £45-60

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5701 imageRHODESIA - POSTAGE DUES 1965-1970 complete very fine used collection on a stock card, all different, includes 1965 set incl both 1d, 1966 set & 1970-73 set. Lovely. (16 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £60-70

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5815 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 - 1937 USED SELECTION includes 1924-29 'Admiral' set to 2s6d with shades of many values (SG 1/13) and 1931-37 range with values to 1s, cat £300+.

(Image 1)

Est. £60-75

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5816 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1935-41 2d green & chocolate, perf.14 Victoria Falls, block of four with pre-printing paper creases leaving brown lines through margin at top left, lines through 'VICTORIA' of right-hand stamps, SG 35a, very fine mint.

(Image 1)

Est. £120-160

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5817 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1937 definitives set, SG 40/52, very fine mint. Cat £85 (13 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £20-25

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5818 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - NEIGHBOUR STAMPS 'USED IN'. A group of very fine used stamps on pieces cancelled by 'Bulawayo' cds's during 1949 - 1953, includes NORTHERN RHODESIA 1953 vals to 4½d (x3) & 9d (x2), NYASALAND 1953-54 10s & 20s etc. Unusual 'foreign' stamps used in Southern Rhodesia (18 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £35-45

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5842 imageTONGA - 1891 1d carmine and 2d violet, SG 7/8, fine used. (2 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £70-80

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5843 imageTONGA - 1891 4d on 1d carmine, 'NO STOP' variety, SG 5a, fine used.

(Image 1)

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Est. £75-80

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5844 imageTONGA - 1892 1d rose, bisected diagonally, SG 10b, forming a strip of three with two normal stamps, tied to a piece by 8 DEC 93 NUKUALOFA TONGA spoon cancel, very fine and attractive.

(Image 1)

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Est. £120-150

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5845 imageTONGA - 1893 surcharged set, SG 15/20, mint (2½d, 7½d and 2½d without gum), cat £169.

(Image 1)

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Est. £25-35

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5846 imageTONGA - 1894 'Surcharge' group includes set plus extra varieties such as ½d on 4d chestnut 'SURCHARCE' error in pair with normal SG 21+21a, ½d on 1s brown 'SURCHARCE' error SG 22a, 2½d on 8d mauve with no stop after 'SURCHARGE' error SG 23a, etc. Cat £190 (8 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £60-80

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5847 imageTONGA - 1895 ½d on 2½d vermillion BU joined VARIETY, SG 29a, mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £70-85

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5848 imageTONGA - 1895 7½d yellow, SG 35, block of four forming TWO GUTTER PAIRS, very fine mint, only the two top stamps hinged, attractive piece for display. (4 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £160-180

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5849 imageTONGA - 1897 10d black and lake, both 'O's small variety, SG 49b, slightly de-centered to the top, otherwise fine mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £90-120

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5850 imageTONGA - 1897 2d sepia and bistre, King George type I, wmk sideways, SG 40a, never hinged mint BLOCK OF SIX (3 x 2), two stamps (one with small thin) showing the smaller '2' variety, SG 40b. Cat. £200.

(Image 1)

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Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5851 imageTONGA - 1902 (10 Mar) envelope registered to Springfield, Massachusetts 'Care of Adams Express Co.' bearing 10d black and lake (SG 49) tied Nukualofa cds, arrival datestamp on reverse. Lovely.

(Image 1) (Image 2)


Get Market Data for [Tonga 49) tied Nukualofa cds] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £120-140

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5852 imageTONGA - 1928 (24 May) 3d registered stationery envelope with additional 2d value, addressed to France with large oval 'Registered at Vavau Tonga', Apia (Samoa) transit and arrival datestamps on reverse.

(Image 1)

Est. £30-40

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.

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