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Sandafayre Ltd. Sale - 7371


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5033 imageALGERIA - EPREUVES DE LUXE 1970 - 1985 small collection includes all three 1971-72 Air Mails (8 items).

(Image 1) (Image 2)


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Est. £30-40

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5200 imageCAMEROON - 1969 'Moon Landing' overprints on the World Leaders Air Post set overprints as se-tenant gutter pairs, Yvert 151/154C, stamps never hinged mint. Cat €400.

(Image 1)

Est. £80-100

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5239 imageCOMORES - 2011 NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION 'Fauna, Flora & Minerals' complete set of mini-sheets (Yvert Blocks 293/317, cat €470), complete set of se-tenant sheetlets (Yvert 2125/2249, cat €470 as single stamps) and most single stamp sheetlets (between Yvert 2125-2249, cat €410+ as single stamps). Excellent condition, cat €1,350+ = £1,150+ (approx 160 M/S's & sheetlets)

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Est. £120-140

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5293 imageETHIOPIA - 1943 Obelisk overprints complete set, SG 334/338 (Scott 258/262) never hinged mint (5 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £180-200

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5294 imageETHIOPIA - 1951 55th Anniversary of the Battle of Adowa set on First Day Cover (Scott 314/9) tied by Addis Ababa cds cancels, one showing erroneous date (2.3.50).

(Image 1)

Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5322 imageGABON - 1959-1986 VERY FINE MINT COLLECTION in album, some are never hinged, all different. Includes Air Post issues, gold foils, imperfs etc. Lovely fresh condition. (350+ stamps & 15+ M/S's)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14)





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Est. £100-110

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5323 imageGABON - 1968-1973 IMPERF PAIRS NEVER HINGED MINT COLLECTION on stock pages, all different, very fine & fresh condition. (92 stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




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Est. £90-100

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5482 imageLIBYA - CYRENAICA 1952 (Jan) surcharged set, Sassone S.4, very fine used. Cat €650 (4 stamps)

(Image 1)

Est. £70-90

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5483 imageLIBYA - POSTAGE DUES 1951 - 1964 of beautiful quality Never Hinged Mint stamps presented on a stock card we see 1951 (24 Dec) Independent Kingdom postage dues of Cyrenaica overprinted 'Libya' complete set of seven values Sassone S. 2. also 1951 (24 Dec) issued for Tripolitania postage dues of Cyrenaica surcharged set of five vals Sass S. 6. and 1952 set of four Sass S. 75. with 1964 set of four Sass S. 75. all NHM. Wonderful Post Office fresh. (20 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £270-300

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5489 imageMADAGASCAR - 1963-1973 EPREUVES DE LUXE Air Post issues all different collection on stock pages, includes 1963 Birds set, 1967 500f Flight Anniv etc. Very fine & fresh. (20 items)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10)





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Est. £40-50

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5616 imageNIGER - 1961-67 Epreuves de Luxe inc Airs good to very fine (11 epreuves)

(Image 1)

Est. £40-50

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5617 imageNIGER - 1963 - 1968 IMPRIMERIE DE LUXE collection of 22 items, note 1964-65 Native Villages set, 1965 Human Progress set, 1966 Arts Festival set, 1966 Cement Works set, etc. A few with slight toning.

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




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Est. £70-90

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5618 imageNIGER - 1963 Niger Traditional Costumes, Yvert 128/32, set of Epreuves Deluxe (5)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Est. £25-35

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5751 imageSENEGAL - 1965-1972 EPREUVES DE LUXE / IMPERF SOUVENIR SHEETS All different collection on stock pages, very fine & fresh condition. (37 items)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10)





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Est. £40-50

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5770 imageSOMALIA - 1960 Independence overprinted set, SG 353/5, very fine used BLOCKS OF FOUR on pieces, cat £440 (3 blocks)

(Image 1)

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Est. £120-140

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.


Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5101 imageAZERBAIJAN - 1919-22 COLLECTION on pages with values from the National and Soviet Republic, as well as some sets and values from the Transcaucasian Federation. Fine or very fine, mint or used. Light duplication. (80+ stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8)





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Est. £170-200

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5198 imageCAMBODIA - 1951 - 1953 NEVER HINGED MINT stamps in an official presentation folder includes the 1951-52 definitives complete set, 1952 surcharged set (24 stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2)


Est. £75-90

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5199 imageCAMBODIA - 1951 - 1953 NEVER HINGED MINT stamps in an official presentation folder includes the 1951-52 definitives complete set, 1952 surcharged set (24 stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2)


Est. £75-90

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5457 imageJAPAN - 1926 (Sep) Osaka - Dairen First Flight special postcard bearing 1½s stamp tied by violet KEIJO (Seoul) aircraft cachet, plus red boxed cachet alongside. Fine condition, attractive.

(Image 1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.

British Commonwealth

Aden & States
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5026 imageADEN - 1937-1963 FINE MINT COLLECTION on pages, all different, includes 1937 Dhows set to 8a, 1939-58 set to 2r, 1948 Wedding set, 1951 surcharges set to 5s on 5r, 1953-63 set with shades incl all three 20s (SG 72a is NHM), KATHIRI 1942 set, 1948 Wedding set NHM, QU'AITI 1942-46 set, 1949 Wedding set, 1955-63 most vals to 10s etc. Lovely fresh condition, stc £800. (140+ stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9) (Image 10) (Image 11) (Image 12) (Image 13) (Image 14)





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Est. £160-180

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5027 imageADEN - QU'AITI STATE 1951 surcharges complete set, SG 20/27, superb cds used, fresh. (8 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £45-50

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
5814 imageSOUTH ARABIAN FED. - QU'AITI STATE IN HADHRAMAUT 1966 10f on 15c bronze green with Churchill overprint inverted, never hinged mint. Cat £90.

(Image 1)

Est. £20-30

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5028 imageAITUTAKI - 1972-1992 COLLECTION on stock pages, fine mint (some never hinged) but mostly very fine used stamps and mini-sheets. Lovely fresh condition. (200+ stamps & 10+ M/S's)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6)





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Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5029 imageAJMAN - 1960 ESSAYS FOR AJMAN. British P.A's in Eastern Arabia 5np on 1d ultramarine, 10np on 1½d green, 15np on 2½d carmine & 20np on 3d lilac values additionally overprinted 'AJMAN', the complete set of essays, each stamp in matching block of 36, never hinged mint. (4 blocks of 36 = 144 essays)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




Est. £500-600

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.
Antigua & Barbuda
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
5034 imageANTIGUA & BARBUDA - 1872 1d lake perf 12½, SG 13, mint with large OG. Cat £200.

(Image 1)

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Est. £60-80

Closing..Apr-08, 11:30 AM EST.

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