Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
1786 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1841 (30 Aug) env from Chipping-Ongar to Chingford bearing 1d red-brown plate 11 ('black plate') with 4 margins tied by superb MC cancellation. The cover uncreased, cat £350. (Image
1) (Image 2)
Est. £90-110
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1787 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1841 1d red-brown 'KA' plate 8 'black plate' with 3 margins tied to clean uncreased 1841 (28 Oct) EL by black MC and red 'PxL' (paid late) handstamp. SG 7, cat £500. (Image
1) (Image 2)
Est. £40-60
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1788 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1841 1d red-brown 'NK' plate 2 ('black plate'), SG 7, used with 4 good to large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, neat MC cancellation. Cat £325. (Image
Est. £50-60
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1789 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1841 2d blue 'KJ', attractive with almost four margins (just touching upper right frame), tied to a piece by upright number 1 in Maltese cross. (Image
Est. £100-120
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1790 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1841 2d blue, a horizontal strip of three 'JA/JC', each with number '12' in Maltese cross cancel. part margin, still an attractive and scarce multiple. Cat. £1650. (Image
Est. £150-180
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1791 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1842 (25 May) EL from Greenock to London bearing 1d red-brown imperf (plate 19) tied by very fine GREENOCK Maltese Cross cancel with Greenock & London datestamps on reverse. The cover is without crease, cat £500. (Image 1) (Image
2) (Image 3)
Est. £75-100
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1792 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1846 (6 May) EL to Kendal bearing 1d red-brown & 2d blue imperfs each with 4 margins (2d + 1d late fee) tied by London numeral cancels, postal & arrival date stamps on reverse. Pretty. (Image
Est. £70-90
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1793 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1854 1d red-brown, small Crown perf. 16, watermark inverted, SG 17wi, very fine used with neat '761' cancel. (Image
Est. £100-120
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1794 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1855 4d carmine wmk Small Garter on slightly blued paper (SG 62a) THREE examples (incl pair) tied by light '1' cancels on pretty 1855 (31 Oct) wrapper from Glasgow to New York, a beautiful and extremely scarce
franking. The cover with one flap missing. Stamps cat £1350, single on cover £780 + £900 for the two extra = £1680? (Image
1) (Image 2)
Est. £150-180
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1795 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1862 - 1868 MAIL TO DENMARK. Group of 3 covers, 1862 stampless from Newcastle on Tyne via Belgium and Prussia, 1868 stamped at 4d rate, and 1874 at reduced 3d rate, all with transit and receiving marks. (Image 1) (Image
2) (Image 3)
Est. £40-50
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1796 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1862-64 9d bistre small corner letters, SG 86, used and well-centered with full perfs and lovely fresh colour, tied to piece. Cat £575. (Image
Est. £100-120
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1797 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1864 (12 Aug) EL from Dundee to Holland bearing 4d pale red 'small letters' (SG 82) pair, some creasing clear of the stamps (one example is cat £300 on cover) (Image
Est. £60-80
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1798 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1867-83 5s pale rose plate 1, SG 127, used with attractive cds, missing perf at top left side. Cat £675. (Image
Est. £40-50
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1799 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - 1880-83 2½d blue, plate 22, SG 157, used BLOCK OF FOUR. (Image
Est. £35-40
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1800 |
GB.QUEEN VICTORIA - POSTAL FISCAL 1864 6d lilac, Anchor Wmk, SG F14, fine mint, slight discoloration. Cat £250. (Image
Est. £50-75
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1801 |
GB.GEORGE V - 1912 1d scarlet wmk Crown & Simple Cypher (SG 341-345) group of 8 corner strips 3 / blocks 6 with 'B 12' controls includes different line cuts & perforating types, all never hinged mint (Image
Est. £60-100
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1802 |
GB.GEORGE V - 1912 DOWNEY HEAD PAPER TRIAL 1d Die 2 on white wove unwatermarked paper printed in carmine, Spec page 102 Paper Trial (a), very fine. (Image
Est. £70-80
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |
1803 |
GB.GEORGE V - 1912 DOWNEY HEAD PAPER TRIAL. 1d Die 2 imperforate on Austrian enamelled no watermark paper, printed in carmine, SG Spec page 102 (a), very fine. (Image
Est. £120-150
Closing..Feb-18, 11:30 AM EST. |