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British Commonwealth continued...

The Rhodesias continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
1095 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 - 1954 USED COLLECTION, CAT £450+ includes the 1924-29 set to 8d & 1s, 1931-37 set (3d missing) to 2s & 5s with different perfs incl 1s (2), 1935 Jubilee set, 1935-41 Falls set incl both 2d, 1937 Coronation set, 1937 definitive set, 1940 Jubilee set etc (80+ stamps)

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Est. £75-100

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1096 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1924 CANCELLATION ERRORS 2 x 1d bright rose stamps, SG 2, one with '1917' year date, the other with '-9 AUG 98' date. Interesting! (2 stamps).

(Image 1)

Est. £40-50

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1097 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1931 1s black and greenish blue, perf 11½, Geo V, SG 23a, very fine mint.

(Image 1)

Est. £100-120

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1098 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1931-37 1s black and greenish blue, perf 14, SG 23b, fine mint. Cat £225.

(Image 1)

Est. £110-130

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1099 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1943 'BULAWAOY ITW' relief 'skeleton' cds postmark with inverted date, cancelling a pair 1940 ½d Golden Jubilee stamps. Scarce.

(Image 1)

Est. £15-20

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1100 imageSOUTHERN RHODESIA - 1953 - 1964 MINT & USED COMPLETE COLLECTION with basic completion for BOTH mint and used, SG 71-105, additional items include minor constant varieties. Cat £470+ (160+ stamps   & 3 covers)

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Est. £120-160

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
372 imageTONGA - 1895 2½d rose, SG 33c, corner block of 5, unused, backing paper.

(Image 1)

Get Market Data for [Tonga 33c] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £40-50

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
373 imageTONGA - 1897 2½d black & blue wmk sideways NO FRACTION BAR, SG 43ba, mint

(Image 1)

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Est. £60-70

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
374 imageTONGA - 1899 Wedding 1d, 3mm, SG 54b, vf mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £40-44

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
375 imageTONGA - 1920 2d agate & slate Die I, SG 57, vf mint block of four.

(Image 1)

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Est. £45-50

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
376 imageTONGA - 1938 Anniversary set perf. 'SPECIMEN' SG 71/73s, toned gum. (3)

(Image 1)

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Est. £35-40

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
377 imageTONGA - 1942-49 2s6d deep purple Parrot, SG 81, vfm (two NHM) BLOCK of 4

(Image 1)

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Est. £40-50

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
378 imageTONGA - circa 1950 formula Air Mail Letter Card sheet, fine unused.

(Image 1)

Est. £35-40

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
379 imageTONGA - OFFICIALS 1967 1p on 5s opt, SG O21, NHM full IMPRINT BLOCK of 6

(Image 1)

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Est. £25-30

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1116 imageTONGA - 1892 2d olive King George (SG 11) block 4 with missing perf. pins both horizontally and vertically, fine mint. Cat £168+.

(Image 1)

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Est. £55-65

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1117 imageTONGA - 1895 (25 Nov) registered printed 'British Consulate, Tonga' cover (address cut out) to England, bearing 1895 1d olive-green BISECTED DIAGONALLY marginal example (SG 32a) and 1d & 5d stamps (SG 32 & 34) tied by 'Nukualofa' cds's, with oval 'Registered at Tonga' & 'London Registered' cancels alongside and two transit cds's on reverse. Very rare, with RPSL photo-certificate.

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3)



Get Market Data for [Tonga 32a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £125-150

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1118 imageTONGA - 1895 1d on 2½d vermillion BU joined VARIETY, SG 30a, mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £150-175

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1119 imageTONGA - 1897 1s black and brown, 'No hyphen before TAHA' variety, SG 50a, mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £70-90

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1120 imageTONGA - 1924 (April) neat envelope registered Nukualofa to USA, bearing single 10d Queen, oval registered name stamp, arrival mark on reverse.

(Image 1)

Est. £45-55

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1121 imageTONGA - 1942-49 2½ bright ultramarine recut '2½d', SG 77a, fine used. Cat £50.

(Image 1)

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Est. £20-25

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1122 imageTONGA - OFFICIALS 1893 (Feb) set, SG O1/5, very fine used. (5 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £350-360

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
Trinidad & Tobago
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
383 imageTOBAGO - 1879 FISCALS 1d to 1s, SG 1/4, very fine used.

(Image 1)

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Est. £130-150

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1124 imageTOBAGO - 1879 6d orange, watermark inverted, SG 3w, fine mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £90-100

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1125 imageTOBAGO - 1883 2½d on 6d stone, SG 13, mint with large part gum.

(Image 1)

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Est. £60-65

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
1126 imageTOBAGO - 1896 ½d on 4d lilac and carmine Fiscal, SG 33, fresh mint, usual toned gum.

(Image 1)

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Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.

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