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British Commonwealth continued...

Malta continued...
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
878 imageMALTA - 1948-53 5s black and green Self-Government, 'NT' joined, SG 247a, fine corner cds used.

(Image 1)

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Est. £100-110

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
879 imageMALTA - 1953-68 COLLECTION on Scott printed pages, mint or fine used and largely complete, (150+ stamps)

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Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
880 imageMALTA - 1965-70 4d Definitive issue, a lovely lower right corner cylinder number '1A' block of six, with silver 'KNIGHTS OF MALTA' omitted, SG 336a, never hinged mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £160-170

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
881 imageMALTA - 1965-70 8d British Rule, a vertical pair, showing gold centre omitted, SG 339a, never hinged mint.

(Image 1)

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Est. £50-55

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
240 imageMAURITIUS - 1913-22 50c dull purple and black, SG 200, fine mint

(Image 1)

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Est. £35-40

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
241 imageMAURITIUS - 1937 20c Coronation with 'Line through Sceptre' SG 251b, vf mint

(Image 1)

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Est. £35-40

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
242 imageMAURITIUS - 1938-49 KGVI 3c with sliced 'S' at right, SG 253a, NHM.

(Image 1)

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Est. £55-60

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
243 imageMAURITIUS - 1990 Sugar Cane set, SG 832/35, Blocks of 4, NHM (16 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £25-30

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
244 imageMAURITIUS - 2004 10r Anniv of IOC, SG 1105, IMPERF PROOF on CA Wmk paper, NHM

(Image 1)

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Est. £25-30

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
245 imageMAURITIUS - 2015 17r Island Games, SG 1274, IMPERF PROOF, Ex BDT Archive. NHM

(Image 1)

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Est. £25-50

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
882 imageMAURITIUS - 1858-62 (4d) green Britannia, imperf, SG 27, four clear margins, very fine used with lovely colour!

(Image 1)

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Est. £125-150

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
883 imageMAURITIUS - 1859 2d blue imperf 'Lapirot', worn impression, from Position 7, SG 39, used with three margins and target cancel, horizontal crease/tear.

(Image 1)

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Est. £140-150

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
884 imageMAURITIUS - 1860-63 1s buff IMPERF PLATE PROOF (as SG 52), four good margins, small pen mark, diagonal crease.

(Image 1)

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Est. £40-50

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
885 imageMAURITIUS - 1861-99 POSTAL STATIONERY COLLECTION written up on pages, with Postal Cards (21), Envelopes (16, including 1861 6d and 9d overprinted 'CANCELLED'), Registered Envelopes (3), Wrappers (4, including one overprinted 'SPECIMEN'), plus a few cut-outs. Some mixed condition, generally good. (44 items plus a few cut-outs)

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Get Market Data for [Mauritius Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £60-80

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
886 imageMAURITIUS - 1863-1970 OLD TIME USED COLLECTION on pages, incl. KGVI to 5r Birds to 10r etc, some mixed condition, mainly good. (120+ stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4) (Image 5) (Image 6) (Image 7) (Image 8) (Image 9)





Get Market Data for [Mauritius Collection] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Est. £80-90

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
887 imageMAURITIUS - 1863-72 2d blue IMPERFORATE PROOF on glazed surfaced card overprinted 'CANCELLED'

(Image 1)

Est. £75-85

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
888 imageMAURITIUS - 1891 50c on 8c milky blue postal stationery envelope, unused.

(Image 1)

Est. £18-25

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
889 imageMAURITIUS - 1895-98 Arms 'CA' watermark set, overprinted 'SPECIMEN', SG 127/132s, very fine mint. (6 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £90-100

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
890 imageMAURITIUS - 1938-49 3c reddish purple & scarlet SLICED 'S' AT RIGHT variety, SG 253a, very fine cds used, fresh, cat £85.

(Image 1)

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Est. £45-50

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
891 imageMAURITIUS - 1947 U.P.U. CONGRESS IN PARIS Delegates booklet, gold tooling on maroon binding, containing mint KGVI values to 2r.50 and 5r, plus Victory set. (13 stamps)

(Image 1) (Image 2)


Est. £60-70

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
892 imageMAURITIUS - 2001 ARCHIVE IMPERFORATE Trees complete set as SG 1053/56,  BDT International Security Printers Archive imperforate. Seldom seen never hinged mint. (4 imperfs)

(Image 1)

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Est. £100-125

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
893 imageMAURITIUS - 2002 ARCHIVE IMPERFORATE Republic Anniversary complete set as SG 1070/73,  BDT International Security Printers Archive imperforate. Seldom seen never hinged mint. (4 imperfs)

(Image 1)

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Est. £100-125

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
894 imageMAURITIUS - 2014 complete set of IMPERF PROOFS, SG 1268/71, never hinged mint on gummed paper, from the B.D.T Security Printers archive. (4 proofs)

(Image 1)

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Est. £70-80

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
895 imageMAURITIUS - ATTRACTIVE QUEEN VICTORIA USED COLLECTION 1863-99 incl. 1863-72 values to 1s with shades, 1878 surcharge values to 50c, 1895-99 Arms set and Jubilee 36c etc, some mixed condition though generally good. Cat. around £550. (51 stamps)

(Image 1)

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Est. £90-110

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.
896 imageMAURITIUS - QUEEN VICTORIA TO QUEEN ELISABETH RANGES in a stockbook, incl. 1858-62 (6d) vermilion with four margins mint, Arms types to 50c used, KGV types to 50c used, lightly duplicated KGVI ranges incl. 1938-49 to 1r, QEII ranges to 1990's etc (+/-300 stamps).

(Image 1) (Image 2) (Image 3) (Image 4)




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Est. £50-60

Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST.

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