Canada & Provinces continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Descrip |
Opening |
601 |
CANADA - NEWFOUNDLAND - 1941-44 24c deep blue Bell Island, upper marginal imperf block of four with security punch holes, mint with large part gum, usual light archival creasing.(Image
Est. £75-85
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
602 |
CANADA - 1852-57 3d red Beaver, SG 5, fine used with nice '21' four-ring Numeral cancel, four good to large margins showing parts of two adjoining stamps, fresh & attractive, cat £250.(Image 1)
Est. £100-110
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
603 |
CANADA - 1859 10c brown 'Prince Albert', SG 36, Scott 17b, unused & without gum, APS Photo Certificate.(Image
Est. £225-250
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
604 |
CANADA - 1897-98 6c brown Maple Leaves, SG 147, a very well centered fine mint example.(Image
Est. £50-55
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
605 |
CANADA - 1911-22 1c (2 shades), 2c pane of six, and 3c Admiral booklet panes 4 + 2 labels, fine mint. Cat £180 (4 items)(Image
Est. £60-70
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
606 |
CANADA - 1911-22 ADMIRAL DEFINITIVES mint range of 46 stamps cat £2741, includes the set with additional shades to 20c (3) and 50c (2), some incl. examples of 10c, 20c and 50c re never hinged, Coil stamps perf. 12
x imperf set with both 1c shades, imperf x perf. 8 both 1c, 2c and 3c, perf 8 x imperf 1c and 2c, 1915 War Tax overprinted set, 1916 2c + 1c rose-red incl. imperf x perf. 8, perf 12 x 8, scarce die II, 2c + 1c brown incl. rare die I, coil both dies,
generally good to fine.(Image
Est. £550-700
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
607 |
CANADA - 1911-22 ADMIRAL PROOFS 3c enlarged and reversed design, imperforate proofs in vermilion, red, black, blue and in green, plus strips of three in vermilion and deep blue each with 3rd stamp partically
obscured at right (11 proofs)(Image
Est. £180-220
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
608 |
CANADA - 1912 (January) 25c red booklet with pink cover, SG SB3, very fine. Cat £100.(Image
Est. £40-50
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
609 |
CANADA - 1912 25c red on pink booklet with 'Notice' handstamp, SG SB3a, very fine. Cat £110.(Image
Est. £45-55
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
610 |
CANADA - 1912-21 1c blue-green, perf. 12 x imperf coil strip 4, SG 217, never hinged mint. Cat £112 as hinged.(Image
Est. £45-50
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
611 |
CANADA - 1912-21 1c blue-green coil stamp, imperf x perf. 8, horizontal pair showing fine horizontal lines on each, SG 220a, fine mint. Cat £150.(Image
Est. £50-60
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
612 |
CANADA - 1913-16 25c green booklet with pale green cover, SG SB4a, very fine. Cat £160.(Image
Est. £65-80
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
613 |
CANADA - 1917 - 1935 FINE MINT COMPREHENSIVE COLLECTION with all the commemorative issues apart from the 1935 Jubilee set, also the 1928-29, 1930-31, 1932-33 definitives, and the 1935 coil stamps and most booklet
panes. Stc £2334 (160+ stamps)(Image 1)
2) (Image 3) (Image

Est. £750-900
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
614 |
CANADA - 1921 'The James Goldie Co. Limited, Guelph, Ontario' printed parcel tag affixed to a larger piece and bearing 2c, 10c & 50c Admirals tied by roller cancels. An interesting and very scarce item.(Image 1)
Est. £50-60
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
615 |
CANADA - 1922-31 3c carmine, imperf lower right corner block 4, SG 261, showing marginal lathework, never hinged mint.(Image
Est. £50-60
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
616 |
CANADA - 1922-31 3c carmine imperf block 12 from the bottom of the sheet showing marginal lathework and plate number 'T - 7 - OTTAWA 0 No. A 126 944 BG', fine mint. Cat C$750.(Image
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
617 |
CANADA - 1922-31 3c carmine imperf block 4, SG 261, fine used. Cat £110.(Image
Est. £40-50
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
618 |
CANADA - 1922-31 8c blue Admiral, SG 252, block 8 with plate number at top 'T-7 - OTTAWA - No -A-21 934 A H', the stamps never hinged mint.(Image
Est. £100-120
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
619 |
CANADA - 1922-31 8c blue Admiral, SG 252, strip 4 with plate number 'L.B.C. - OTTAWA - No -A-1 985 A' at top, fine mint (2 stamps never hinged)(Image
Est. £30-40
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
620 |
CANADA - 1922-31 ADMIRAL DEFINITIVES collection of 36 mint stamps cat £729 includes the basic set SG 246/255, 1c & 3c booklet panes 4 + 2 labels, coil stamps imperf x perf. 8 set plus 3c die II, perf. 12 x imperf
2c, imperf 1c and 3c blocks 4 (3c is never hinged) and 1926 both 2c on 3c types.(Image
Est. £150-200
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
621 |
CANADA - 1922-31 ADMIRAL DEFINITIVES collection of 45 fine used stamps cat £678 includes the basic stamps plus some shades, dies and papers to 10c, coil stamps imperf x perf. 8 incl. 3c die II, imperf horizontally
vertical pairs of 1c and 2c, imperf 1c pair, 2c and 3c blocks of four, perf. 12 x imperf 2c and perf. 12 x 8 3c, and 1926 both 2c on 3c types.(Image
Est. £120-150
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
622 |
CANADA - 1925 3c carmine (Die II) imperf x perf 8, SG 258b, mint COIL STRIP FOUR, the centre pair never hinged.(Image
Est. £200-250
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
623 |
CANADA - 1926 2c on 3c carmine, overprint double, SG 265a, fine unused without gum. Cat £250.(Image
Est. £25-35
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
624 |
CANADA - 1927 20c carmine Historical issue imperf vertically pair, SG 273, never hinged mint. Cat £140 as hinged.(Image
Est. £55-65
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |
625 |
CANADA - 1929 COIL STAMPS ON COVER (July) Official Air Mail cover Windsor to Toronto, bearing Admiral 1c green perf. 12 x imperf, and 2c green imperf horizontally vertical pair; and 1930 Official Air cover
Medicine Hat to Winnipeg bearing 3c brown perf 12 x imperf and 1c imperf horizontally vertical pair. (2 covers)(Image
Est. £40-45
Closing..Apr-15, 11:30 AM EST. |