Wonderful 19th & 20th Century Unused Collection -- 1845-1934 Issues. Extensive and valuable collection of unused stamps mounted in a Scott hingeless album, begins with Postmasters' Provisionals No. 9X1e and 5c and 10c Providence reprints, 1847
Issue with 5c Orange Brown No. 1b (disturbed original gum) and 5c Reproduction, 1851 Issue with Nos. 7, 9 and 14-15, 1857 Issue including Nos. 18, 20, 22, 28 (with gum which at first glance appears original but we detect cleaned cancels), 29, 30, 31,
32, 36B, 37, 38 and 39, 1861 Issue largely complete less No. 67 (which is present as a used stamp), 1867-68 E and F grills complete less No. 95, 1869 Pictorial complete less No. 122, plus two 1c Re-Issues, 1870-88 Bank Notes largely complete
including 1c-6c grills, 1890 Small Bank Notes complete, Columbians complete to the $5.00 which has original gum, the other dollar values regummed or disturbed gum, 1894-98 Bureau Issues complete including original gum No. 263, Trans-Mississippi Issue
complete with original gum $1.00 and $2.00, 1902-03 Bureaus complete to the $5.00, Washington-Franklins are largely complete less a few high values, the rare coils and the Bluish papers above 2c, does include a number of pairs and line pairs and the
5c error in a block of nine (No. 505), Panama-Pacific Issue complete, 1922 and some later issues complete less the rarities, the condition is very mixed with faults to be expected throughout the 19th Century stamps, which also include the typical no
gum or regummed, but even in the 19th Century there are plenty with original gum (or disturbed gum), probably a few cleaned stamps present as well so viewing is advised, overall an extensive and valuable collection with a huge Scott Catalogue value,
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