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Lot Symbol Descrip Opening
2308 imageFINLAND, 1860-1974, o/*/** in Schaubek album with some better numbers f.i.: Mi. 34, 161, etc.. Overall nice quality and well-filled. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16)

image image

Est. EUR 100

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2309 imageFRANCE, 1849-1937, o/*/** single volume collection with several good numbers and sets in overall good quality including a.o.: Yv. 6B(cert), 9, 148/55, 182, 188A, 207/08, 257A, and Air 3/4 on cover!, 6d**, 14/15, Taxe 7/8, 23/24, 25/27, Bl. 1/3, sheet 25b etc. etc.. Beautiful lot with a very high cat. value! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30)

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Est. EUR 3,000

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2310 imageFRANCE, 1849-1970, o/*/**, nice collection in 2 Davo albums with a lot of better stamps f.i. Yv. 1, 2, 5, 6, 6b (attest Goebel), 18, 33, 148/55, 182, 188A**, 241/42, 257A, 261/62, Air 1/2, 6c, 6c reversed, 14/15, Bl.1/3, some Colis Postaux and precancels, 'Polar Bear'-block**, good Postage Due with 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 25/27 etc.. Many colour- and other varieties, etc.. High cat. value! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39) (Image40) (Image41) (Image42) (Image43) (Image44) (Image45) (Image46) (Image47) (Image48) (Image49) (Image50) (Image51) (Image52) (Image53) (Image54)

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Est. EUR 2,000

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2311 imageFRANCE, 1849-1980, o/*/** in 2 Behrens albums with a nice classic part (some mixed quality), further Yv. 148/54, Bl.2/3, 257A, Air 1/2, 14/15. good section Postage Due with 8/9, 26/27 etc. From 1949 onwards more often MNH. Very high cat. value. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20)

image image

Est. EUR 1,000

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2312 imageFRANCE, 1849-1988, o/*/** in 2 Davo albums with a lot of better stamps like Yv. 1/2, 169, 232, 252, 269, 348/51 on cover, and AIR 1/2, 14, 15 etc.. In the beginning mostly used, later MH/MNH, overall in nice quality and a high cat. value! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39) (Image40) (Image41) (Image42) (Image43) (Image44) (Image45) (Image46) (Image47) (Image48) (Image49) (Image50) (Image51) (Image52) (Image53) (Image54) (Image55) (Image56) (Image57) (Image58) (Image59)

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Est. EUR 500

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2313 imageFRANCE, 1900-1965, */** Stock in 3 albums containing several good pre-war singles and sets and in the period 1940-1965 several sets in small quantities and f.i. in blocks of 4. The lot is very well depicted on our website! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39) (Image40) (Image41) (Image42) (Image43) (Image44) (Image45) (Image46) (Image47) (Image48) (Image49) (Image50) (Image51) (Image52) (Image53) (Image54)

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Est. EUR 300

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2314 imageFRANCE, 1938-2007, unmounted mint, nearly complete collection with Airmail and booklets (incl. 1952/57) and all the better sets f.i.: Yv 388/94, A24/29 and A30/33 in 4 thick stockbooks. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30)

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Est. EUR 300

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2315 imageFRENCH COLONIES, 1859-1944, o/(*)/*/** collection in 2 stockbooks with several good numbers and sets, General Issues etc., including a.o.: Alexandrette Yv. 13/17, Dahomey 18/32, Guadeloupe 6/9, 40/44, 51, 53, Indochina 35/48, 49/62, Ivory Coast 1/13, CP1/2, 7, 11, Martinique 5, 18, 44/51, Mauritania 1/16, New Caledonia 2, 24/34, 59/64, Port Said 1/18, 19 (signed Brun), 36/45, 61/65, Tahiti 22 (signed Richter), Taxe 6 (signed Bolaffi), Taxe 21 (signed Richter) and several more. Nice collection with an enormous cat. value! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39) (Image40) (Image41) (Image42) (Image43) (Image44) (Image45) (Image46) (Image47) (Image48) (Image49) (Image50) (Image51) (Image52) (Image53) (Image54) (Image55) (Image56) (Image57) (Image58) (Image59) (Image60) (Image61) (Image62) (Image63) (Image64) (Image65) (Image66) (Image67) (Image68) (Image69) (Image70) (Image71) (Image72) (Image73) (Image74) (Image75)

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Est. EUR 1,500

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2316 imageSENEGAL, 1887- , o/* in 1 stockbook with better numbers and sets i.e. Yv. 1* (signed), 26/29, 30/46, Postage Due1/3, 4/11 and Senegambie and Niger 1/13. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14)

image image

Est. EUR 150

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2317 imageST. PIERRE & MIQUELON, o/* in 1 stockbook with better numbers and sets i.e. Yv. 5/7, 10 (signed), 30, 59/71, 118/28, some Postage Due etc.. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8)

image image

Est. EUR 150

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2318 imageOLD GERMAN STATES o/(*)/*/**, extensive collection in a little mixed condition, as to be expected, in 2 Lindner albums, often used as well as unused collected, with many colour or other varieties and with a lot of better numbers, f.i. Baden 1(*), 21(higher signed), Bavaria 1, 6, 12/13, Bremen 8(*), Lübeck 4 (Befund Brettl), Oldenburg 2(*), 8, 12, Saxony 2, 12/13, Schl.-Holstein 1/2, and a nice section Württemberg. Enormous catalogue value and a modest starting price! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39)

image image

Est. EUR 2,000

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2319 imageGERMAN EMPIRE, 1872-1944, o/*/** in Schaubek album in good quality with a nice section "Brustschilde", 1/8, 14/15, 27, 29/30, further 344/50, 378/84, all "Zeppelin" sets, 499/507, Bl. 1 and 2 (format reduced). Very high cat. value! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39) (Image40) (Image41) (Image42) (Image43) (Image44) (Image45) (Image46) (Image47) (Image48) (Image49) (Image50) (Image51) (Image52) (Image53) (Image54) (Image55) (Image56)

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Est. EUR 1,000

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2320 imageGERMAN EMPIRE, 1939-1945, specialized, extensive collection, used in Poland in 3 albums with covers, postal stationery and on piece including better cancellations and covers. Interesting lot for the specialist! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38) (Image39) (Image40) (Image41) (Image42) (Image43) (Image44) (Image45) (Image46) (Image47) (Image48) (Image49)

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Est. EUR 200

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2321 imageGERMANY, MEMEL AND FRENCH ZONE, 1920-1949, o/* on albumpages with some better like Baden Mi. 28/37 and 42/45 with cert. 'Schlegel', Württemberg 28/37 and a nice section Memel. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31)

image image

Est. EUR 100

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2322 imageGERMANY, MEMEL AND SAAR, selection of better stamps, mostly with signs f.i. Memel 40Iy, 40II (Erdwien), 79II (Petersen BPP), 139K. Saar 10yI, 16I, 144/50** (Ney), 161/67 (Scheller). Also some colonies and divers. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32)

image image

Est. EUR 500

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2323 imageGERMAN OCCUPATION WWII, 1941-1944, o/*/** collection in 1 Schaubek album with several good numbers and sets f.i. Mi. Kurland 1/3 (with several varieties), Macedonia 1/8, Pleskau B1 (signed Rummerskirchen)(fine), 10/11Kb, Zante 1/3 type I and II and several more. A lot with a high cat. value! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33) (Image34) (Image35) (Image36) (Image37) (Image38)

image image

Est. EUR 500

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2324 imageSOVIET OCCUPATION, 1945-1949, o/*/** in 1 Schaubek album with better numbers and sets, varieties and Blocks, Interesting lot! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27) (Image28) (Image29) (Image30) (Image31) (Image32) (Image33)

image image

Est. EUR 150

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2325 imageBERLIN, 1948-1982, o/** in album, period 1948-1958 mostly used, after 1958 used and MNH. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9)

image image

Est. EUR 200

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2326 imageBERLIN, 1948-1990, o/*/** in 1 Davo album with several better sets in the beginning. Also some nice DDR (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14)

image image

Est. EUR 100

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM
2327 imageBERLIN, 1948-1990 MNH single volume collection in an Kabe album with all the better sets i.e.: Mi. 1/20, 21/34 (signed Schlegel), 35/41, 42/60, 61/63, 64/67, 68/70, Bl.1, etc. etc.. Nice lot in overall good quality! (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6) (Image7) (Image8) (Image9) (Image10) (Image11) (Image12) (Image13) (Image14) (Image15) (Image16) (Image17) (Image18) (Image19) (Image20) (Image21) (Image22) (Image23) (Image24) (Image25) (Image26) (Image27)

image image

Est. EUR 500

Closing..Apr-11, 01:00 AM

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