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United States continued...

1851 Issue continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3241 O 5A image1851, 1¢ blue, type Ib, Pos. 8R1E (Scott 5A), enormous sheet margin at top, ample to full margins other three sides, two strong strikes of 7-bar circular grid cancel, gorgeous deep blue color on radiant white paper, very faint diagonal crease only shows in fluid, still Very Fine to Extremely Fine, Positions 3-6R and 8-9R on the original printing plate which we call "Plate 1 Early" are classified as "Type Ib" and are distinguished by the complete design at top and nearly complete design at bottom. When first entered on the plate, these 6 positions featured the complete design at top and bottom, but small portions of the bottoms were ironed out when the entries were made below them. Positions 6R and 8R had less of the bottom erased than the other Type Ib positions, and for this reason they are more desirable examples of type Ib and have a catalog value nearly double their counterparts. For some reason, pos. 7R did not have its bottom portion ironed out, and is thus the only position with a complete design (classified as "Type I").
Scott $11,000. (Image)

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Estimate $5,000-7,500
Currently Opening at...$2,700.00
Will close during Public Auction
3242 O 6 image1851, 1¢ blue, type Ia (Scott 6), pos. 96R4 with huge sheet selvage at bottom and wide margin at left, full to just into at right and into at top, stunning shade all of the essential elements of Type Ia unobscured by small "N.Y. N.Y." (?) cancel, intense blue shade, couple very faint creases only visible in fluid, Fine to Very Fine appearance, Type Ia only comes from the bottom row of both panes of Plate 4., signed old time NYC dealer S.D. Harris.
Scott $9,250. (Image)

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Estimate $4,000-6,000
Currently Opening at...$2,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3243 O 6 image1851, 1¢ blue, type Ia (Scott 6), fresh-faced with bright color, clean impression, and light, face-free cancel; faults, Very Good, your opportunity to obtain this difficult stamp.
Scott $9,250. (Image)

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Estimate $2,500-3,500
Currently Opening at...$1,300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3244 O 7 image1851, 1¢ blue, type II, design complete at top (Scott 7 var.), position 10R1E, "T" Relief, fresh with bold color and clean detail, black circular grid cancel lightly struck and face-free; small corner crease and small diagonal crease at the top right, Fine to Very Fine. The only Type II position with the design complete at top on Plate 1, with 2025 Crowe certificate.
Scott $2,000. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
3245 O 7 image1851, 1¢ blue, type II (Scott 7), horizontal pair, attractive in bright color, the left stamp lightly cancelled at top above "AG" of "POSTAGE"; right stamp with small thin at lower right, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott $325. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
Currently Opening at...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
3246 O 8 image1851, 1¢ blue, type III (Scott 8), position 68R4, sound with rich color on fresh paper, town postmark relatively light, Extremely Fine, with 2011 P.S.A.G. certificate graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $4,750.
Scott $1,650. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $3,000-4,000
Currently Opening at...$2,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3247 O 8A image1851, 1¢ blue, type IIIa (Scott 8A), positions 89-90R4, "E" Relief, horizontal pair, clean-faced and clear-margined all around, with immense color depth and New York town cancels; right stamp with a small sealed rear at right center, Fine to Very Fine, with 2025 Crowe certificate.
Scott $2,300. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3248 O 8A image1851, 1¢ blue, type IIIa (Scott 8A), choice example with bright color and crisp detail, fresh and sound with New York Sept. 18 postmark, Extremely Fine To Superb, with 2021 P.S.A.G. certificate graded XF-SUP 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $4,500.
Scott $800. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $2,500-3,500
Currently Opening at...$1,600.00
Will close during Public Auction
3249 O 10A image1851, 3¢ orange brown, type II (Scott 10A), position 81R0, attractive and sound with rich color, clean detail, and blue San Francisco postmark (erroneously "New York" on certificate), Extremely Fine, with 2024 P.S.A.G. certificate graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $375.
Scott $155. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$350.00
Will close during Public Auction
3250 O 11A image1852, 3¢ dull red, type II (Scott 11A), left margin straddle-pane single with centerline at left, fresh with margins clear to gargantuan, with near-complete San Francisco 20 Feb postmark in black, Extremely Fine To Superb, with 2024 P.S.A.G. certificate graded XF-SUP 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $250. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $150-200
Currently Opening at...$120.00
Will close during Public Auction
3251 P 13TC1ae image1855, 10¢ black, type I, trial color large die proof on India paper (Scott 13TC1ae), cut to shape, with crisp, bold color and detail; small creases, Fine, with 2000 P.F. certificate.
Scott $5,000. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3252 P 13P1 image1855, 10¢ green, type I, large die proof on India paper (Scott 13P1), crisp and bright with margins close but clear all around, capturing engraver's guide lines at top left, Fine due only to close margins.
Scott $5,000. (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3253 O 13 image1855, 10¢ green, type I (Scott 13), wide bottom sheet margin single with full margins at sides, ample at top with tiny nick clear of design, deep rich color, light circular datestamp, Very Fine, These stamps are only found on the bottom row of the plate (20 positions). Yet both mint and used examples in the marketplace usually appear with a larger than normal margin at the bottom, but not the full selvage.
Scott $750. (Image)

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Estimate $500-750
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
3254 O 13 image1855, 10¢ green, type I (Scott 13), a very scarce horizontal strip of 4 (pos. 97R1-100R1; pos. 100R1 with double transfer), large margin at bottom and right, close to into left and top, light circular datestamp cancels, Fine and very scarce because Type I stamps are only found on the bottom row of of both panes of Plate 1.
Scott $3,575 as strip of 3 & dbl trans. (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3255 O 14,15,16 image1855, 10¢ green, types II, III & IV (Scott 14,15,16), vertical strip of 3 (pos. 34L1/44L1/55L1) with the top stamp type II, the middle stamp type III and the bottom stamp type IV (recut at bottom), large margin at bottom and full margins other 3 sides, light circular datestamp cancels, few light creases only visible in fluid, attractive Very Fine appearance.
Scott $2,400. (Image)

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Estimate $800-1,200
Currently Opening at...$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
3256 O 15,16 image1855, 10¢ green, types III & IV (Scott 15,16), horizontal block of 6 (pos. 53-55L1/63-65L1) with the left block of 4 Type III and the right vertical pair Type IV, close to ample margins on 3½ sides, just into at top right, rich color, lightened pen cancels, Fine appearance.
Scott $4,390 as 2 combo & 1 #14 pairs. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3257 O 16 image1855, 10¢ green, type IV (Scott 16), eye-catching with bright color and complimentary red Mobile postmark; faint stain in right "X", Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $1,885. (Image)

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Estimate $800-1,200
Currently Opening at...$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
3258 O 17 image1851, 12¢ gray black (Scott 17), an exceptional used example; bright and fresh with ample, perfectly balanced margins and a blue Richmond, Va. town cancel, Extremely Fine.
Scott $275. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $250-325
Currently Opening at...$140.00
Will close during Public Auction
1857 Issue
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3259 og 18 image1861, 1¢ blue, type I (Scott 18), slightly disturbed o.g., sound with rich color and clear detail, on fresh paper with attractive centering, nearly Very Fine, with 1997 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott $2,100. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3260 O 18 image1861, 1¢ blue, type I (Scott 18), positions 33-34L12, horizontal pair, with strong color and detail, wonderfully centered with "prison bars" fancy cancel lightly struck, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 2024 P.F. certificate graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ VF-XF 85; $1,800 as singles.
Scott $1,100. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3261 Z 19 image1857, 1¢ blue, type Ia (Scott 19), fresh example with exceptional color and detail, tied on original envelope corner by blue Cincinnati postmark of Dec. 12 (1857 penned below); stamp with an unpunched perforation at the bottom and scissors-clipped perforations at top, still an exceedingly rare item, Very Good, with 2008 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott $10,000 for Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $2,000-3,000
Currently Opening at...$1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3262 O 19 image1857, 1¢ blue, type Ia (Scott 19), exceptional color depth on pristine paper, sound with pen cancel, Fine.
Scott $4,750. (Image)

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Estimate $2,000-3,000
Currently Opening at...$1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3263 O 19b image1857, 1¢ blue, type Ic, "E" relief (Scott 19b), pos. 89L4, deep rich color, circular datestamp cancel, Fine for the issue, Type Ic comes from 10 positions on Plate 4 (one of which is a "swing position" that began as Type Ic and transformed to Type IIIa as the plate wore); typically one example of Scott 19b appears annually at public auction., signed, identified and plated by Ashbrook.
Scott $3,750. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3264 og 20 Pl2 image1857, 1¢ blue, type II (Scott 20), plate 2, a beauty with solid color and impression, wonderfully centered on bright paper with a light, essentially face-free cancel, Extremely Fine, only four stamps grade higher in PSE's Population Report, ex Eugene Grace, with 1993 P.F. and 2008 P.S.E. certificates, the latter graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $850.
Scott $850. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3265 O 20 Pl2 image1857, 1¢ blue, type II (Scott 20), plate 2, Post Office fresh with solid color on bright white paper and Philadelphia postmark; rebacked, otherwise Very Fine, an attractive stamp.
Scott $275. (Image)

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Estimate $150-200
Currently Opening at...$80.00
Will close during Public Auction
3266 O 20 var image1857, 1¢ blue, type II, Cracked Plate Reconstruction (Scott 20 var), plate 2, nearly complete reconstruction of the major plate 2 plate crack consisting of pos. 2L2 (light blue cancel), 13L2 (on piece), 23L2 & 33L2 (circular datestamps), selected examples with plate crack clearly visible, pos. 23L2 with central thin, Fine to Very Fine for this, a very important lot for the 1¢ 1851-57 issue specialist.
Scott $5,000. (Image)

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Estimate $2,000-3,000
Currently Opening at...$1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3267 O 20 var. 02L2 image1857, 1¢ blue, type II, Major Cracked Plate (Scott 20 var), plate 2, pos. 2L2 with major cracked plate at right clearly visible all the way down to the perfs at the bottom right, deep rich color on bright fresh paper, light circular datestamp, Very Good centering but an Extremely Fine example of the cracked plate, the visibility of which is not consistent for all pos. 2L2's, this is an extremely rare position on Scott 20 with maybe 15-20 known; our internet search found a mere seven.
Scott $1,400. (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3268 O 20 var. 12L2 image1857, 1¢ blue, type II, Major Cracked Plate (Scott 20 var), plate 2, pos. 12L2 with major cracked plate at left clearly visible all the way down to the bottom of the stamp, lovely deep shade, light circular datestamp, Fine.
Scott $1,400. (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3269 O 20 Pl4pr1-2 image1857, 1¢ blue, type II (Scott 20 var.), plate 4, positions 1-2R4, horizontal pair, pretty duo with intense color and sharp detail, cancels light and unobtrusive; right stamp with a short perforation at bottom, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 2024 P.F. certificate graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ VF-XF 85; $900 as plate 2 or 12 singles.
Scott $2,750. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $2,000-3,000
Currently Opening at...$1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3270 O 20 Pl4pr7 image1857, 1¢ blue, type II (Scott 20 var.), plate 4, position 7R4, wonderfully fresh with intense color and unobtrusive town postmark, nearly Very Fine, with 2006 P.S.E. and 2016 P.F. certificates.
Scott $1,250. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3271 O 21 image1857, 1¢ blue, type III (Scott 21), sound and bright with intense color and essentially face-free cancel; vertical perforations shifted to right, a Fine to Very Fine misperforation.
Scott $1,350. (Image)

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Estimate $500-750
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
3272 O 22 image1857, 1¢ blue, type IIIa (Scott 22), fresh with alluring color and centering, plus lightly struck town postmark, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 2025 P.S.A.G. certificate graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ VF-XF 85; $900.
Scott $500. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
3273 og 23 image1857, 1¢ blue, type IV (Scott 23), disturbed o.g., with sharp detail in strong color; repaired at top left, reperforated at left, and with a thin spot, Fine appearance, with 2021 Crowe certificate.
Scott $10,000. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3274 O 23 image1857, 1¢ blue, type IV (Scott 23), Post Office fresh and sound with alluring color on bright paper, the cancel face-free, Fine to Very Fine, with 2003 A.P.S. and 2024 P.S.A.G. certificates, the latter graded F-VF 75.
SMQ F-VF 75; $650.
Scott $575. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
3275 O 23 image1857, 1¢ blue, type IV (Scott 23), a stunning, choice example of this difficult stamp, with bold color on bright paper, New York postmark unobtrusive, Extremely Fine To Superb, a Top of the Pop; only four stamps reach this highest grade in PSE's Population Report, with 2000 and 2025 P.F. certificates, the latter graded XF-SUP 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $8,000.
Scott $575. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Estimate $5,000-7,500
Currently Opening at...$2,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3276 O 23 var. image1857, 1¢ blue, type IV, triple transfer, one inverted (Scott 23 var.), position 81L1L, with bold, rich color on fresh paper, clean 1857 Chicago postmark; couple small perforation faults, Fine to Very Fine, with 2021 P.S.A.G. certificate.
Scott $2,500. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $650-1,000
Currently Opening at...$325.00
Will close during Public Auction
3277 nh 24 image1857, 1¢ blue, type V (Scott 24), o.g., never hinged, pristine example with immense color depth, clean detail, and attractive centering; couple spots of foxing on gum, still Very Fine, with photocopy of 1996 P.F. certificate for block of 12, this position 5.
Scott $140 for hinged. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $250-350
Currently Opening at...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
3278 og 24 image1857, 1¢ blue, type V (Scott 24), o.g., lightly hinged, Post Office fresh with intense color and exceptional centering, Extremely Fine, with 2002 and 2019 P.F. certificates, the latter graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $550.
Scott $140. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
3279 og 25 image1857, 3¢ rose, type I (Scott 25), o.g., very lightly hinged, Post Office fresh with rich color and superior centering, sound and appealing, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 2021 and 2022 P.F. certificates, the latter graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ VF-XF 85; $5,000.
Scott $3,000. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $3,500-5,000
Currently Opening at...$1,800.00
Will close during Public Auction
3280 O 25 image1857, 3¢ rose, type I (Scott 25), sound with strong color and clean detail, all in superior centering with a New-York Mar. 10 postmark, Extremely Fine To Superb, only three stamps grade thus, with a single 98 higher, in PSE's Population Report, with 2024 P.S.A.G. certificate graded XF-SUP 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $2,500.
Scott $190. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction

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