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United States continued...

Airmail continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3841 nh C13 imageAirmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin (Scott C13), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with rich color and crisp detail, Extremely Fine To Superb, with 2024 P.F. certificate graded XF-SUP 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $600.
Scott $250. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$325.00
Will close during Public Auction
3842 nh C14 imageAirmail, 1930, $1.30 Graf Zeppelin (Scott C14), top margin plate number 20087 single, o.g., never hinged, lovely positional with bright color and clean impression; sound and fresh, Very Fine, with 2016 P.F. certificate for block of four, this position 2.
Scott $575. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
3843 nh C14 imageAirmail, 1930, $1.30 Graf Zeppelin (Scott C14), o.g., never hinged, fresh and warm, wonderfully centered; small gum wrinkle at bottom center hardly detracts, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $575. (Image)

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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
3844 O C14 imageAirmail, 1930, $1.30 Graf Zeppelin (Scott C14), a beauty with meticulous centering and rich color; New York, NY duplex cancel, Superb, with 2022 P.F. certificate graded SUP 98.
SMQ SUP 98; $2,000.
Scott $360. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3845 nh C15 imageAirmail, 1930, $2.60 Graf Zeppelin (Scott C15), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with alluring color and attractive centering; vertical gum wrinkle at left, Very Fine regardless.
Scott $850. (Image)

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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$275.00
Will close during Public Auction
3846 nhbl C18 imageAirmail, 1933, 50¢ "Chicago" Zeppelin (Scott C18), bottom margin plate number 21172 block of 6, o.g., never hinged, lovely plate with rich color and solid centering throughout, Very Fine.
Scott $600. (Image)

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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
3847 nh C150a imageAirmail, 2012, $1.05 Amish Horse and Buggy, pair, die cutting omitted on front (Scott C150a), o.g., never hinged, from bottom of pane, bright with full margins, Very Fine.
Scott $500. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
Special Delivery
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3848 nh E1 imageSpecial Delivery, 1885, 10¢ blue (Scott E1), o.g., never hinged, bright and fresh on like-new paper, Fine to Very Fine, with 2021 P.F. certificate as bottom right plate number single (selvage removed but included).
Scott $1,300. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3849 nh E2 imageSpecial Delivery, 1888, 10¢ blue (Scott E2), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with cool color and clean lines, Fine to Very Fine, with 2023 P.S.A.G. certificate graded F-VF 75.
SMQ F-VF 75; $900.
Scott $1,150. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
3850 nhbl E2 imageSpecial Delivery, 1888, 10¢ blue (Scott E2), block of 4, very fresh and deep rich color, o.g., never hinged; a few tiny spots on blue stamp ink offset on left stamps and tiny gum disturbance spot on lower right stamp, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $4,600. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3851 nh E3 imageSpecial Delivery, 1893, 10¢ orange (Scott E3), o.g., never hinged, sound with deep, rich color, nearly Very Fine.
Scott $650. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
3852 nh E3 imageSpecial Delivery, 1893, 10¢ orange (Scott E3), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh in glowing color with superior centering, Extremely Fine, with 2021 P.S.A.G. certificate graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $1,350.
Scott $650. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3853 og E3 imageSpecial Delivery, 1893, 10¢ orange (Scott E3), o.g., barest trace of hinge at upper left corner, a gorgeous stamp, with clear detail in pristine color, Superb, only two stamps grade thus, with two 98Js higher, in PSE's Population Report, with 1990 P.F. and 2025 P.S.E. certificates, the latter graded SUP 98.
SMQ SUP 98; $1,250.
Scott $300. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3854 nhbl E3 imageSpecial Delivery, 1893, 10¢ orange (Scott E3), bottom margin block of 4 with partial imprint, fresh with gorgeous color and pristine gum, o.g., never hinged; tiny inclusion and a few blind perfs on lower right stamp, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $2,600. (Image)

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Estimate $800-1,200
Currently Opening at...$400.00
Will close during Public Auction
3855 nh E4 imageSpecial Delivery, 1894, 10¢ blue, unwatermarked (Scott E4), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh and sound with immense color depth and outstanding centering, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 1983 P.F. and 2025 P.S.E. certificates.
Scott $2,000. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $2,000-3,000
Currently Opening at...$1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3856 og E4 imageSpecial Delivery, 1894, 10¢ blue, unwatermarked (Scott E4), o.g., very lightly hinged at upper right, with intense color on pristine paper, well centered amid tight margins, Very Fine, with 2023 P.S.A.G. certificate graded VF 80.
SMQ VF 80; $850.
Scott $900. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3857 nhbl E4 imageSpecial Delivery, 1894, 10¢ blue, unwatermarked (Scott E4), block of 4, o.g., never hinged, overall Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $8,000. (Image)

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Estimate $2,500-3,500
Currently Opening at...$1,300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3858 nh E5 imageSpecial Delivery, 1895, 10¢ blue (Scott E5), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh with bold color on bright paper, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 2003 and 2024 P.S.E. certificates, each graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ VF-XF 85; $675.
Scott $475. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$225.00
Will close during Public Auction
3859 nh E6a imageSpecial Delivery, 1902, 10¢ blue (Scott E6a), o.g., never hinged, with attractive color and crisp detail; light natural gum wrinkle at bottom left, otherwise Extremely Fine, with 2005 P.S.E. certificate.
Scott $750. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
3860 nhbl E7 imageSpecial Delivery, 1908, 10¢ green (Scott E7), block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $560. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
Currently Opening at...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
3861 nh E8 imageSpecial Delivery, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott E8), o.g., never hinged, pristine jumbo with alluring color and clarity, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 2009 P.S.E. certificate graded VF-XF 85 J.
SMQ VF-XF 85J; $450.
Scott $250. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $250-350
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
3862 nh E9 imageSpecial Delivery, 1914, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott E9), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh and sound, Very Fine to Extremely Fine, with 1986 P.F. (plate number single, selvage removed) and 2025 P.S.A.G. certificates, the latter graded VF-XF 85.
SMQ VF-XF 85; $575.
Scott $425. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
3863 nh E9 imageSpecial Delivery, 1914, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott E9), o.g., never hinged, a profoundly pretty stamp to grace any collection, bright and sound with large, well-balanced margins, Extremely Fine, with 1982 P.F. and 2025 P.S.E. certificates, the latter graded XF 90.
SMQ XF 90; $800.
Scott $425. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3864 nh E10 imageSpecial Delivery, 1916, 10¢ pale ultramarine (Scott E10), o.g., never hinged, immaculate with cool color and large margins, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $750. (Image)

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Estimate $500-750
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
3865 nh E11 imageSpecial Delivery, 1917, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott E11), o.g., never hinged, a beauty with intense color on fresh paper, sound and mathematically centered, Extremely Fine To Superb, with 2025 P.F. certificate graded XF-SUP 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $300.
Scott $45. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $200-300
Currently Opening at...$110.00
Will close during Public Auction
U.S. Registry Exchange Labels
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3866 cover FX-HO1 imageRegistry Exchange Label, Honolulu, HI, handstamped name in magenta (Scott FX-HO1), with blue "4936" handstamp, label affixed over most of the bottom perfs of 13¢ 1902 issue (Scott 309) and tied by "Lihue, Hawaii Registered Sep 17, 1906" double-circle datestamp on cover to Yokohama Japan, magenta "116" and pencil "378/165" on front, violet "Honolulu, Hawaii Registered Sept 9, 1906" and "Yokohama Japan 21.09.06" double circle datestamps and "Lihue, Hawaii" straightline at bottom right on reverse, Japanese writing on both sides, with original 3-page letter written in Japanese indicating this originated from Lihue Plantation's Hanama'ulu Camp, which was a housing complex for plantation workers in Hanamaulu, Kauai, Hawaii, cover with small faults on back, still Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that 8 covers with this label are recorded.
Scott $2,000. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,500
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3867 cover FX-HO2 imageRegistry Exchange Label, Honolulu, HI, handstamped name in purple (Scott FX-HO2), with blue "18402" handstamp, 2¢ and 13¢ Washington (Scott 331 & 339) tied by "Waialua, H.Isls. Jan. 21, 1910" duplex cancel on cover to Yokohoma Japan, pencil "1653" at bottom center, purple "Honolulu, Hawaii Registered Jan. 21, 1918" and blue "Yokohoma Japan 5.2.10" double circle datestamps and Japanese "43.2.8" (8 Feb. 1910) transit cancel on reverse, Japanese writing on both sides, with letter written in Japanese, since these are to the same addressee, we can reasonably conclude that this originated from Lihue Plantation's Hanama'ulu Camp, which was a housing complex for plantation workers in Hanamaulu, Kauai, Hawaii, Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that two covers with this label are recorded. That will change after the auction.
Scott $3,000. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image image

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3868 cover FX-HO2 imageRegistry Exchange Label, Honolulu, HI, handstamped name in magenta (Scott FX-HO2), with blue "4410" handstamp, 3¢ and 10¢ 1902 issues (Scott 302 & 307) tied by "Waialua, H.Isls. Aug. 15, 1908" duplex cancel on cover to Yokohoma Japan, pencil "X66" at bottom center, magenta "Honolulu, Hawaii Registered Aug. 15, 1908" and purple "Yokohama Japan 28.8.08" double circle datestamps and Japanese transit cancel on reverse, Japanese writing on both sides, roughly opened with bottom backflap, with letter written in pencil in Japanese and two $100 international money orders with purple "Waialua, Hawaii M.O.B." double circle datestamp at left to Japan, since these are to the same addressee, we can reasonably conclude that this originated from Lihue Plantation's Hanama'ulu Camp, which was a housing complex for plantation workers in Hanamaulu, Kauai, Hawaii, Fine to Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that two covers with this label are recorded. That will change after the auction.
Scott $3,000. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3869 cover FX-HO2 imageRegistry Exchange Label, Honolulu, HI, handstamped name in magenta (Scott FX-HO2), with blue "2702" handstamp, 1¢ and 8¢ 1902 issues & pair of 2¢ Shield Type I issue (Scott 300, 306 & 319) tied by "Waialua, H.Isls. Jul. 23, 1907" duplex cancel on cover to Yokohoma Japan, blue "235" handstamp and pencil "296" in circle at center, purple "Honolulu, Hawaii Registered Jul. 23, 1907" and purple "Yokohama Japan 4.8.07" double circle datestamps and Japanese transit cancel on reverse, Japanese writing on both sides, opened at top and right, with letter written in Japanese on two 21 x 7 inch long pages, since these are to the same addressee, we can reasonably conclude that this originated from Lihue Plantation's Hanama'ulu Camp, which was a housing complex for plantation workers in Hanamaulu, Kauai, Hawaii, Fine to Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that two covers with this label are recorded. That will change after the auction.
Scott $3,000. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3870 cover FX-HO2 imageRegistry Exchange Label, Honolulu, HI, handstamped name in magenta (Scott FX-HO2), with blue "2662" handstamp, strip of 3 1¢ and two 5¢ 1902 issues (Scott 300 & 304) tied by "Waialua, H.Isls. Jan. 21, 1908" duplex cancel on cover to Tokyo Japan, pencil "2147" circled and crossed out at top center, purple "Honolulu, Hawaii Registered Jan. 21, 1908" and black "Tokio Japan 10.2.08" double circle datestamps and Japanese transit cancel on reverse, Japanese writing on both sides, opened at top and bottom with edge faults at bottom, with letter written in pencil in Japanese on two pages, since these are to the same addressee, we can reasonably conclude that this originated from Lihue Plantation's Hanama'ulu Camp, which was a housing complex for plantation workers in Hanamaulu, Kauai, Hawaii, Fine to Very Fine appearance, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that two covers with this label are recorded. That will change after the auction.
Scott $3,000. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3871 cover FX-HO2 imageRegistry Exchange Label, Honolulu, HI, handstamped name in magenta (Scott FX-HO2), with blue "21872" handstamp, 13¢ 1902 issue (Scott 309) tied by "Waialua, H.Isls. Feb. 5, 1909" duplex cancel on cover to Yokohoma Japan, pencil "980" at top center, violet "Honolulu, Hawaii Registered Feb. 5, 1909" and purple "Yokohama Japan ??9.09" double circle datestamps on reverse, Japanese writing on both sides, open on 2½ sides and edge faults at sides, since these are to the same addressee, we can reasonably conclude that this originated from Lihue Plantation's Hanama'ulu Camp, which was a housing complex for plantation workers in Hanamaulu, Kauai, Hawaii, Fine to Very Fine appearance, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that two covers with this label are recorded. That will change after the auction.
Scott $3,000. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3872 cover FX-SE1a imageRegistry Exchange Label, Seattle, WA, printed name with Gothic letter "R" (Scott FX-SE1a), with blue "535" handstamp, 10¢ 1902 & 1¢ and 2¢ Washington issues (Scott 307, 331, 332) tied by individual cork cancels, 2¢ affixed over magenta "Salt Lake City, Utah Registered Jun. 28, 1909" double circle datestamp, blue "43764" handstamp, on cover to Niigata ken Japan, Japanese writing at left, purple "Seattle Wash. Reg. Div. Jul. 21, 1909" and "Tokio Japan 23.7.09" transit and Japanese receiving backstamps, accompanied by one page letter in Japanese, Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that 21 covers with this label are recorded.
Scott $500. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image image

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Estimate $400-500
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
3873 cover FX-SE1a imageRegistry Exchange Label, Seattle, WA, printed name with Gothic letter "R" (Scott FX-SE1a), with "34390" handstamp and affixed over 13¢ 1902 issue (Scott 308) tied by small target cancel, purple "Nippon Sta. Seattle Wash. Registered Jan. 18, 1909" double circle datestamp on cover to Yokohama Japan with manuscript instructions in Japanese at left to forward to Yamagata, purple "Seattle Wash. Registered Jan. 18, 1909" and "Yokohama Japan 7.2.09" double circle backstamps, light staining at left edge, still Fine to Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that 21 covers with this label are recorded.
Scott $500. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $400-500
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
3874 cover FX-SF1b imageRegistry Exchange Label, San Francisco, CA, printed name in serif letters (Scott FX-SF1b), with "90930" handstamp and ties 5¢ and 10¢ Washington (Scott 335 & 338), stamps also tied by black cancels, on cover to Niigata Ken Japan, magenta "Bingham Canyon UT Registered Dec. 27, 1909" double circle datestamp, pencil "4303" crossed out, purple "San Francisco Cal. Registered P.D. Dec. 30, 1909" and Jan. 26 Japanese receiving cancel on reverse, Japanese writing on front and a remnant of a forwarding slip(?) at bottom right edge, accompanied by one statement sized letter in Japanese and an international money order for $100 with purple "Salt Lake City, Utah. M.O.B. Dec. 17, 1909" double circle datestamp at left to Japan, Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that 29 covers with this label are recorded.
Scott $400. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
3875 cover FX-SF1b imageRegistry Exchange Label, San Francisco, CA, printed name in serif letters (Scott FX-SF1b), with blue "44815" handstamp, 1¢ and two 5¢ 1902 issues & 2¢ Shield Type I issue (Scott 300, 304 & 319) tied by two strikes of "Stockton Utah Apr. 7, 1907" duplex cancel, purple "Registered Apr. 7, 1907 Stockton, Utah" 3-line handstamp, magenta "3955" handstamp and purple manuscript "195", on cover to Yokohama Japan with manuscript instructions in Japanese at left to forward to Niigata Japan, Yokohama purple transit backstamp, accompanied by what appears to be 3 different letters all in Japanese and a poor quality photograph of what appears to be a Japanese crew that worked the farm, Very Fine, The Scott US Specialized catalog notes that 29 covers with this label are recorded.
Scott $400. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3876 nh F1 imageRegistry, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine (Scott F1), o.g., never hinged, an exquisite example with mathematical centering, cool color, and clean detail, Extremely Fine To Superb, with 2015 P.S.E. certificate graded XF-SUP 95.
SMQ XF-SUP 95; $450.
Scott $160. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
Postage Due
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3877 og J29 imagePostage Due, 1894, 1¢ vermilion (Scott J29), o.g., hinged, sound and fresh with radiant color and clean detail, Fine to Very Fine, with 1998 P.F. and 2025 P.S.A.G. certificates.
Scott $2,400. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$550.00
Will close during Public Auction
3878 nh/ogbl J32 imagePostage Due, 1894, 2ยข deep claret (Scott J32), bottom margin plate block of 20 with plate number 159 and imprint, o.g., mostly never hinged, Fine to Very Fine, delightful and fresh.
Scott $3,817.
Estimate $750 - 1,000. (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
3879 nh J33 imagePostage Due, 1895, 3¢ deep claret (Scott J33), o.g., never hinged, sound with deep color, nearly Very Fine, with 2024 P.S.A.G. certificate.
Scott $575. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
3880 nh J35 imagePostage Due, 1894, 10¢ deep claret (Scott J35), o.g., never hinged, fresh with razor-sharp detail in bold color, Very Fine, with 2016 P.F. certificate graded VF 80.
SMQ VF 80; $750.
Scott $1,000. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction

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