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Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale - 810

British Commonwealth

Great Britain
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3001 O 1 image1840, Queen Victoria First Issue, 1d black (Scott 1), horizontal strip of 4, plate 5, BI-BL, tied on a small piece by red Maltese crosses, large margins on three sides, cut in at the bottom of the right three stamps, Fine to Very Fine. A very pretty example of this difficult multiple. Scott value for a strip of 3 is $2,100 (a block of 4 is $26,00!).
SG 2. (Image)

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Estimate $1,200-1,600
Currently Opening at...$600.00
Will close during Public Auction
3002 cover 1 image1840, Queen Victoria First Issue, 1d black (Scott 1), horizontal strip of 4, plate 2, PD-PG, tied by red Maltese crosses on a large part of a folded letter to Paisley; cut in at the top of PE & PG and at the bottom of PG; no other postal markings, about Fine.
SG 2. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $1,600-2,400
Currently Opening at...$800.00
Will close during Public Auction
3003 O 110 image1884, Queen Victoria, £1 brown lilac, Imperial Crowns watermark (Scott 110), position A-M/M-A, fresh and clean, without any of the usual creases or bends, with central Threadneedle St. P.O. postmark, nearly Very Fine.
SG 185.
Scott $3,500. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
Currently Opening at...$500.00
Will close during Public Auction
3004 nh/og 173-175 image1913, King George V "Seahorse", Waterlow printing, 2s6d-10sh (Scott 173-175), o.g., hinge remnants (2sh6d never hinged), Extremely Fine.
Scott $2,465. (Image)

Get Market Data for [Great Britain 173-175] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$450.00
Will close during Public Auction
3005 og O30 imageGovt. Parcels, 1883, Queen Victoria, 1s orange brown, plate 13 (Scott O30), part o.g.; creases, Very Fine, with 1995 B.P.A. certificate.
SG O64.
Scott $2,000. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$450.00
Will close during Public Auction
3006 og O42 imageGovt. Parcels, 1902, King Edward VII, 9d dull purple & ultramarine (Scott O42), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine, with 1982 R.P.S.L. certificate.
SG O77.
Scott $725. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
3007 og 25 image1906, Great Britain 1pi on 2d King Edward VII, 'LEVANT' overprint (Scott 25), o.g., small hinge remnant, Very Fine, with 1995 B.P.A. certificate.
Scott $1,750. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $500-750
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
Cape of Good Hope
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3008 og 15 image1863-64, Triangular, De La Rue printing, 1s bright emerald green (Scott 15), sheet margin pair, o.g., lightly hinged, Extremely Fine to Superb.
SG 21.
Scott $1,500. (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
Currently Opening at...$375.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3009 E O1 imageOfficials, 1869, "Service" overprint essay (Scott O1), wonderfully fresh and boldly colored 1867 4d rose Queen Victoria (#50, Scott $550), with strong "SERVICE" overprint applied, Very Fine, most uncommon; no 4d Official was issued, with 1960 B.P.A. as "overprinted 'Service'" and 1983 R.P.S.L. certificate as "Essay of Overprint 'SERVICE'". (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Get Market Data for [Ceylon O1] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
Falkland Islands
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3010 og 10y image1885, Queen Victoria, 4d pale gray black, wmk crown & CA, crown to right of 'CA' & reversed, o.g., hinged, Fine, with 2024 B.P.A. certificate.
SG 10y; £900 ($1,140). (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3011 nhbl 1532 footnote image2018, 50p Rock of Gibraltar, crypto-currency miniature sheet of four (Scott 1532 footnote), o.g., never hinged, Post Office fresh and sound, serial number 47808 (of 50,000 issued); unscanned, giving you the chance to earn 200QRG ("Corgi"?) crypto coins, Very Fine, the world's first crypto currency stamps. (Image)

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Estimate $500-750
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3012 nhbl L19 image1907-16, Sinn Féin Propaganda Label, "Hibernia with Harp and Wolfhound" (Hibernian L19), bottom margin horizontal block of 8, o.g., never hinged, fresh with bright color and clean paper, well-centered with all perforations rock-solid; light gum wrinkle across bottom stamps; gum crease down left-most column, Very Fine nonetheless, a most uncommon multiple.
Hibernian €320 as singles ($350). (Image)

Get Market Data for [Ireland L19] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $200-300
Currently Opening at...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3013 S N28//N41 image1918, ¼a//10r 'BRITISH/OCCUPATION overprint, 'SPECIMEN' perfins (Scott N28//N41), complete set of 13 per Gibbons listing (no 1½a on 5pa (Scott #N31)), o.g., hinge remnants; 6a and 1R values with thin at top, otherwise Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
SG 1s/14s; £950 ($1,200). (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
Nyasaland Protectorate
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3014 nhbl 67 image1938, King George VI, £1 purple & black on red (Scott 67), top right corner margin block of 10 with sheet number 129, o.g., never hinged, fresh, bright and well centered; previously rolled, so in need of pressure to flatten, Very Fine.
SG 143.
Scott $300 as hinged singles. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
Currently Opening at...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3015 S 67 image1906, Arms, 2s6d bluish gray (Scott 67), horizontal gutter strip of 8, glazed o.g., attractive piece with bright color and tall gutter between, each stamp with security punch in shield; positions B54-B57/D4-D7 penciled on reverse, Very Fine.
SG 85; £720+ ($910). (Image)

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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$180.00
Will close during Public Auction
South Africa
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3016 og 1-16 image1910-24, 2½d Parliament & ½d-£1 King George V definitives, complete (Scott 1-16), includes 1½d tete beche pair, o.g., lightly hinged or hinge remnant, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $1,321. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $500-750
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
St. Lucia
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3017 nh 213 var. image1966, 20th Anniversary of UNESCO, 25c "Culture", with "Statehood" overprint in black (Scott 213 var.), two examples of "Statehood—1st March 1967" overprint (positions 8 & 28) in full pane of 50, all stamps with gold bar overprint at top (each "spotty"); position 8 with text at top on top of gold, position 28 ag bottom of design; sheet folded horizontally between rows 6 and 7, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine. A scarce item; Scott notes its existence, the overprint in blue and in black (see footnote after #225).
SG 228 var. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Estimate $250-350
Currently Opening at...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction

British North America

British Columbia & Vancouver Island
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3018 ng BCD1 image1946, 50¢ "Mallards Rising" (Van Dam BCD1), unused without gum, attractively centered with clean impression; faint soiling at left, violet "B" handstamp on reverse, still Very Fine.
Van Dam C$2,500 ($1,860). (Image)

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Estimate $400-600
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3019 nh 212-225 image1933 Gilbert issue complete with perf 14 varieties & 8¢ brownish red color error (Scott 212-225), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $1,155. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

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Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) 212-225] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $500-750
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
3020 cover C3d imageAirmail, 1921, 35¢ "Halifax", first "1" of "1921" below "f" of "Halifax" (Scott C3d), tied on a small cover from St. John's to Niagara Falls, N.Y., Nov 26, 1921; marked "Via Halifax by Air"; apparently the cover sat in Halifax for more than two months before it was finally backstamped Feb 4, 1922 and sent on it's way; by this time the addressee was no long at Niagara Falls, so the cover was redirected to Chicago, the stamp again being canceled, this time "Niagara Falls, N.Y. Feb 7, 1922." The left end of the cover is trimmed at an angle, but the bottom is full length. A unique cover. (Image) (Image2)


Get Market Data for [Canada (Newfoundland) C3d] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census

Estimate $325-500
Currently Opening at...$170.00
Will close during Public Auction
3021 cover C5 imageAirmail, 1930, 50¢ on 36¢ Columbia Flight, One of only Two Known Covers Signed by Both Pilots and the Owner of the Airplane (Scott C5), position 3, tied by "St. John's N'Fld Sep 25, 1930" slogan machine cancel on cover addressed to the Savoy Hotel in London, England, and signed by the two pilots J.Errol Boyd & Harry P. Connor and the owner of the airplane, Charles Levine, "For Air Mail Columbia, Hr. Grace to London, Eng." typed at top left and blue manuscript "632" at left, manuscript "arr. Croydon 11 Oct. 1930" (Croydon airport in London) below stamp, "Harbour Grace Newf'd Oc. 9, 30" circular datestamp on reverse, Very Fine. Only 300 stamps were surcharged but only 100 were used including a mere 65 from St. John's. The flight was delayed in the Isles of Scilly due to a fuel shortage, ex-Jean-Claude Vasseur (author of Newfoundland Air Mails 1919/1939).
Scott $12,000. (Image)

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Estimate $6,000-8,000
Currently Opening at...$3,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3022 cover C5 imageAirmail, 1930, 50¢ on 36¢ Columbia Flight On Cover Signed by Both Pilots (Scott C5), position 4, tied by "Harbour Grace Newf'd Oc. 9, 30" circular datestamp with second strike alongside, on cover addressed to Lowestoft England and signed by "J.Errol Boyd, Capt. pilot" & "Harry P. Connor navigator "Columbia"", diamond shaped mark at bottom applied in London, Lowestoft receiving backstamp, minor edge wear at bottom not noted on either certificate, Very Fine. Only 300 stamps were surcharged but 100 were used including a paltry 35 from Harbor Grace. The flight was delayed in the Isles of Scilly due to a fuel shortage, with 1979 Nussbaum and 2022 Greene Foundation certificates.
Scott $15,000. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate $7,500-10,000
Currently Opening at...$3,750.00
Will close during Public Auction
Nova Scotia
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3023 og 10 image1860-63, 5¢ blue (Scott 10), o.g., hinged, exquisitely sharp in sumptuous color, with centering as pretty as they come; area of disturbed gum from hinge removal, Very Fine to Extremely Fine regardless, with 2020 P.F. certificate.
Scott $400. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $250-350
Currently Opening at...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
3024 O 9 image1857, Queen Victoria, 7½d green, imperforate (Scott 9), a gorgeous four-margined example with cancel mostly removed and a diagonal crease at top; skillfully regummed, Extremely Fine appearance, with 2024 P.F. certificate. A marvelous spacefiller.
Scott $3,000. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3025 O 12 image1859, Beaver, 3d red, perf. 11¾ (Scott 12), fresh and bright with a light target cancel, Fine.
Scott $1,400. (Image)

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Estimate $350-500
Currently Opening at...$250.00
Will close during Public Auction
3026 O 17 image1859, Prince Albert, 10¢ red lilac, study/stock array (Scott 17), 46 examples of this popular issue, neatly arranged on two Lighthouse album stock pages; organized by perforation varieties (11¾ and 12), with solid range of shades from bright red violet to violet to browns, plus a nice mix of cancels; fresh and sound appearing, generally Fine to Very Fine, fully imaged online.
Scott $6,440 as cheapest shade. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $2,000-3,000
Currently Opening at...$1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
3027 og 21a image1873, Large Queen, ½¢ black, perf. 11½ x 12 (Scott 21a), fresh and well centered, Very Fine.
Unitrade C$540 ($400).
Scott $350 for hinged. (Image)

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Estimate $200-300
Currently Opening at...$100.00
Will close during Public Auction
3028 ng 25 image1868, Large Queen, 3¢ red (Scott 25), uncommonly fresh with rich color, regummed, Fine.
Scott $1,900 without gum. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
3029 O 25a image1868, Large Queen, 3¢ red, watermarked (Scott 25a), fresh and exceptionally well centered with a light cancel and a strong watermark, Extremely Fine.
Scott $500. (Image)

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Estimate $300-400
Currently Opening at...$150.00
Will close during Public Auction
3030 og 30a image1873, Large Queen, 15¢ gray, perf. 11½ x 12 (Scott 30a), very well centered with a clear Hamilton "5" barred numeral cancel (Day & Smithies #1), Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $500. (Image)

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Estimate $250-325
Currently Opening at...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
3031 O 30iii image1868, Large Queen, 15¢ blue, "Pawnbroker" variety (Unitrade 30iii), position 10, attractive variety with crisp detail in alluring color, Fine, with 2014 C.P.E.S. certificate.
Scott 30 var.
Unitrade C$330 ($233). (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $75-100
Currently Opening at...$40.00
Will close during Public Auction
3032 O 33 image1868, Large Queen, 3¢ bright red, on laid paper (Scott 33), fresh color with a Montreal duplex handstamp, Jul 2, 1868, Fine.
Scott $2,000. (Image)

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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3033 og/O 34 image1882-97, Small Queen, 1¢ yellow//10¢ brown red study group (Scott 34//45), 93 different items all arranged on Lighthouse album stock pages, much identified as to perforation, paper and printing varieties; nice shades and a wide range of cancels (including fancies); mixed o.g., no gum and used, a useful and valuable group to the Canada specialist, generally Fine to Very Fine, fully imaged online.
Scott approximately $5,000. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
Currently Opening at...$750.00
Will close during Public Auction
3034 og 35viii image1870, Small Queen, 1¢ yellow, Strand of Hair variety (Scott 35 var.), three examples, each with a slightly different state of wear on the "strand" from strong to weak, Fine to Very Fine. A nice group for the specialist.
Unitrade 35viii.
Unitrade C$900 ($670). (Image)

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Estimate $325-500
Currently Opening at...$170.00
Will close during Public Auction
3035 og 38 image1876, Small Queen, 5¢ slate green (Scott 38), o.g., very lightly hinged, fresh and exceptionally well centered, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Unitrade C$1,000 ($740).
Scott $725. (Image)

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Estimate $250-325
Currently Opening at...$130.00
Will close during Public Auction
3036 og 39ii image1872, Small Queen, 6¢ yellow brown, major re-entry (Scott 39 var.), position 67, line through "CANADA POSTAGE", fresh, nicely centered and neatly canceled, Very Fine.
Unitrade 39ii.
Unitrade C$250 ($190). (Image)

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Estimate $120-160
Currently Opening at...$60.00
Will close during Public Auction
3037 og 40 image1877, Small Queen, 10¢ dull rose lilac (Scott 40), a most attractive mint single, full o.g., fresh and well centered, Very Fine.
Scott $1,250. (Image)

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Estimate $325-500
Currently Opening at...$170.00
Will close during Public Auction
3038 og 40a image1880, Small Queen, 10¢ magenta (Scott 40a), a gorgeous mint example, disturbed o.g., bright, fresh and beautifully centered with marvelous color, Extremely Fine.
Scott $1,225. (Image)

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Estimate $600-800
Currently Opening at...$300.00
Will close during Public Auction
3039 ogbl 43 image1888, Small Queen, 6¢ red brown (Scott 43), an exceptional mint block of 4, o.g., fresh and virtually perfectly centered with extraordinary color, Extremely Fine.
Unitrade C$1,200 as singles ($890).
Scott $900 as singles. (Image)

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Estimate $650-1,000
Currently Opening at...$325.00
Will close during Public Auction
3040 nh/ogbl 45a image1897, Small Queen, 10¢ dull rose (Scott 45a), right sheet margin block of 6, o.g., lightly hinged at the top, bottom stamps never hinged, fresh and bright, perfs just into the design at the left, Very Good to Fine.
Scott $7,050 as singles. (Image)

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Estimate $800-1,200
Currently Opening at...$400.00
Will close during Public Auction

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