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Worldwide A-Z continued...

Italian Colonies continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2761   imageItalian Colonies, Attractive All-Mint Collection, 1912-61, well filled never hinged and hinged stamp collection in stockbook, in which many better stamps such as (Michel no's): Tripoli 63-65*, 86-92*, 133-140** (no. 135 missing), 190- 195**, 235-244*, Italian Cyrenaica 109-110*, 103-108**, 127-136*, Cyrenaica 1-13*, Eritrea 41A**, 115-117*, 204-213*, 214- 220*, 233-242*, 243-252*, receipt stamps 2*, Italian Libya 1-6, 8-11, 13-15 (all MNH, Sassone cat. 3500 euro!), 37* (pair, vertically imperforated), parcel post 17*, 23*, Libya 24-33*, etc.; high catalogue value, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $950.00
Will close during Public Auction
Italian East Africa
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2762   imageItalian East Africa, Fresh Never Hinged Collection, 1938-42, on album pages including many better, such as (Sassone no's): 1-20**, Airmail 1-13**, Postage Dues 1-13**, Military Stamps 1(*) (without gum as issued), 2** (both with certificate), 2**/* in strip of 3 etc., fully imaged online, ex Jones. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.7 lbs.
Sassone €12,000+ ($12,960). (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
Italian States
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2763   imageItalian States, Eye-Catching Postal History Compilation, 1850s-60s, comprising 15 items (a 16th, with stamps on piece hinged in place, not counted) offering a range of frankings, postmarks, receivers and auxiliary markings, etc.; comprises Modena (3), Tuscany (2), Naples/Two Sicilies (3), Parma (3), Sardinia (2, third not counted), and Papal/Roman States (2); remarkably well-preserved, with all but a couple having stamps (generally three- or four-margined) tied by cancel; an appealing lot with great eye-appeal, Fine to Very Fine or better, fully imaged online. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5) (Image6)

image image image image

Estimate $1,500-2,000
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2764   imageItaly, An Extraordinary Mint High Quality Collection with Rarities, 1906-1947, An advanced mint collection neatly mounted on Scott pages and certainly one of the finest that we have ever had the pleasure to offer loaded with key sets and singles many of which normally would be an individual auction lot and often accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Regular Issues with 1909 15¢ slate black (Sorani certificate), Manzoni, Virgil, Dante Alighieri, Garibaldi, Fascisti, Football, Medal of Valor, Bellini, Child Welfare and other sets, plus a few varieties noted; Semi-Postals, including many B.L.P. overprints, with B5-6 (Sismondo certificates), Air Post complete with Trans-Atlantic Squadron, Zeppelin, complete showing of 20 different Balbo Triptychs, Football, etc., Pneumatic Post complete, Special Delivery complete including inverted and split surcharge varieties, Authorized Delivery, Postage Dues, with 1905 5L, Parcel Post First Issue set of six, 1914-22 complete, Austrian Occupation, Italian Social Republic with Verona and Brescia Printings, including 1944 5c-50L complete (better values signed Diena or Raybaudi), also Air Post, Special Delivery, Postage Dues, few rare items only listed in Sassone (including overprint varieties), many of the better items with Raybaudi or Chiavarello certificates (high catalogue value), plus Aosta and Torino locals, condition is generally L.H., H.R. or N.H., a few faults possible, mainly Fine to Very Fine and very high quality collection. The owner catalogued part of the collection by Scott mainly the "BLP" page at $15,360 and part by a 2011 Sassone at $129,000. Euros or $140,00. For a total of $155,000. plus some better high value locals were not counted in this figure at all, simply a great collection well worth serious consideration for resale or to add to an advanced collection. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (PDF3 for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $15,000-20,000

SOLD for $8,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
2765   imageItaly, Powerful Collection, 1862/1955, very well filled set of Scott Jr Int'l pages with additional blank pages inserted for some extras and the high values, pre-1920s with some issues present both mint and used, strong "back of the book" including parcel post, occupations, foreign offices, Aegean Islands, etc., not too many stamps missing and including 19th century high values (some unused), the popular mint sets of the 1920s/50s, better airmails, etc., a few "must mentions" would include 26-30 unused, 35-36 unused, 38-44 unused, 46-48 mint, 85 mint, 142A-D used (each tied on piece) with 1985 Diena certificate for the set plus an additional mint set with 142A signed Bloch, 165-70 mint, 174A-G used, assorted "B.L.P." overprints mint and used, C27, J2 unused (crease, APS cert), Q7-19 NH, etc., Aegean Islands 12-18 set tied on an unaddressed envelope by Rodi cancels (Raybaudi cert), 31-35 mint (most NH), C32-38 NH, Rhodes 29-37 mint (34-37 NH), some typical minor faults in earlier issues but overall F-VF, quite the collection which would benefit greatly from "new surroundings" in a premium album. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.6 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $10,000-15,000

SOLD for $6,750.00
Will close during Public Auction
2766   imageItaly, "La Dolce Vita" Pretty Sweet All-Mint Collection, 1861-1986, Two hingeless Lighthouse albums with a tantalizing mint collection, almost entirely never hinged with such better sets & singles as Neapolitan Provinces #23, 25, Italy 47 (with cert), 49, 81, 85 (with cert), 92, 114, 117-18 (signed), 119-22, 140-42, 142D, 165-69, 171-74, 201-10, 201a-02a, 248-56, 258-64, 268-79, 280-89, 290-305, 310-14, 324-28, 331-41, 345-48, 349-54, 359-66, 367-76, 377-86, 387-96, 400-09, 463-77, 495-506, 518, 538-39, B17-19, B30-33, C3-9, C10-11, c23-26, C27 (signed), C28-34, C35-39, C42-47, C48-49, C52-55, C62-65, C66-72, C73-78, C79-83, C84-88, C89-94, C95-99, C100-05, C127-28, E19-25, O8, Q37-48, Q55-60, QY1-4, QY8, QY10, Italian Social Republic J1-13, Q1-12, etc. The perfect collection for those who place equal value on both sides of a stamp, generally Fine to Very Fine, viewable via video flips, ex Sunset Island. Shipping charges apply - weight 11 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $4,000-6,000

SOLD for $3,750.00
Will close during Public Auction
2767   imageItaly, BLP (Busta Lettera Postale) Card Collection, 1921-23, a beautiful mint and used collection of 37 BLP cards in a homemade album with full annotation; these cards have various advertisements and were franked with Italian stamps with BLP overprint; also includes some loose stamps with BLP overprint (Sassone 12 (€5,000) and 26-28**/* (€11,000!)); fascinating collector's item, rarely offered in this quantity, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $3,500-5,000

SOLD for $4,000.00
Will close during Public Auction
2768   imageItaly, Mint Collection, 1859/1959, singles, short sets and sets in mounts on Scott Int'l pages, includes nice "back of the book" including Italian Social Republic, AMG, foreign offices, occupations, and some Aegean Islands, somewhat sparse in 19th century issues which includes some unused, strongest in the post-1930s issues and highly complete post-1940s with huge majority being NH, premium include 35 unused, 42-43, 81, 58-63, 78-81, 111-12, 115-22, 165-69, 193-200 NH, 239-67, 280-348, 349-54 NH, 355-76, 377-86 NH. 400-09 NH, 463-77 NH, highly complete and overwhelmingly NH 1946/59, C2 NH, C3-11, C20-22 NH, C23-26, C35-39 NH, C79-99, C100-05 NH, E26 NH, Offices in China Peking 12-15, 22-24, Tientsin 5-8, 15-17, Aegean Islands C22-25, Lero 17-26, etc., trivial bits of toning or mount glaze on some issues but generally fresh and F-VF, a really nice foundation collection; Scott $14,250+. Shipping charges apply - weight 1 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $3,000-4,000

SOLD for $2,100.00
Will close during Public Auction
2769   imageItaly, "The Italian Job" Attractive & Valuable Mint Collection, 1863-2003, Clean collection in three Lighthouse albums with pages up to 2006. Some used hinged on the first few pages, but otherwise entirely mint with all stamps in black mounts and appears complete for all major numbers from 1934 onward. Mint highlights include #92-93, 115-16, 117-18, 119-22, 165-70, 174A-74G, 201-10, 248-56, 268-79, 280-89, 290-305, 324-28, 331-41, 345-48, 349-54, 359-66, 367-76, 377-86, 477, 495-506, 538-39, 690b, B17-19, C1-11, C23-26, C27, C28-34, C42-47, C48-49, C62-65, C89-94, C95-99, D1-14, J65-78, Q7-19, Q37-60, etc, generally Fine to Very Fine, additional images online. Shipping charges apply - weight 22 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $3,000-4,000

SOLD for $1,800.00
Will close during Public Auction
2770   imageItaly, Well-Filled Mostly Mint Collection, 1861-1976, presented in a Marini album with most never hinged or hinged, with many better stamps such as (Michel no's): 61-66*, 95-96*, 97-98*, 163-165**, 201-204 *, 275-278*, 285-294*, 373-384**, 391-407*, 479-487**, 494-513*, 528-531**, 532-542**, I** (1961, 205 lira pink), etc., fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.1 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,200-1,800

Will close during Public Auction
2771   imageItaly, Bella Bounty of Better Mint and Used, approximately 30 singles, groups and sets arranged on 7 stockpage sides, all annotated with Scott number and catalogue value ($47.50 and up, some way up), all pre-WWII; numerous iconic issues such as Garibaldi, Manzoni (short set), Da Vinci, #B17-B19, and much more; light duplication, useful for the online or bourse dealer; take the time to view, Fine to Very Fine with much better, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs.
Scott $7,800. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,200-1,500

SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
2772   imageTrieste Zone A, Over-Complete Never Hinged Collection, 1947-54, in a deluxe Bolaffi album, including Back-of-the-Book and various extras, many signed stamps and certificates, etc., fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.9 lbs.
Sassone €40,000+ ($43,200). (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,300.00
Will close during Public Auction
2773   imageTrieste Zone A, Nearly Complete MNH Collection, 1947-54, With the exception of the first Parcel Post set, a complete collection in a hingeless Bolaffi album. Will you be the one filling in the last empty spots? Fine to Very Fine, viewable in full, ex Sunset Island. Shipping charges apply - weight 3 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $750-1,000

SOLD for $850.00
Will close during Public Auction
2774   imageItalian Occupation of the Aegean Islands, Complete Mint Collection, 1912-35, never hinged and hinged on Yvert album pages, including all top stamps such as (Sassone no's): General Issues 3-11*, 12-20*, 30-36*, 37-43**, 65-74*, 75 -79*, 80-90**, 91-98*, 118-125*, Airmail 14-20**, 22-27**, 28-29**, 34-37*, 38-46**, 56-59*, etc.; furthermore, all Islands complete including the Garibaldi sets, etc.; massive catalogue value, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.2 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $2,500-3,500

SOLD for $2,200.00
Will close during Public Auction
2775   imageItalian Occupation of Cephalonia and Ithaca, Incredible Specialized Collection, 1941, a folder full of album pages offering an incredible mainly never hinged and used specialized collection of this rarely offered and very scarce material; many stamps signed by Raubaudi or Diena, several stamps with certificate; includes overprint varieties, Aimails and other Back-of-the-Book, fully imaged online, ex Conti. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs.
Sassone €435,000+ ($469,800). (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $3,500-4,500

SOLD for $3,250.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2776   imageJapan Collection to 1955, many 100s on Scott Jr Int'l pages with 19th century mix of mint and used (some forgeries as usual) and 20th century nearly all mint and including additional blank pages for duplicates, high values and a myriad of 1930s/50s S/S including numerous parks and exhibition sheets, highly complete post-1930s with premium aplenty and including (mint unless otherwise noted) few dozen mostly used 1871/76 issues, 82-83, 91-107, 109-13, 141-43, 146-47 unused, 154 unused, 179-87, 198-201, 369-72, 385a, 435-36, 521c, 521B, C3-7, C9-42, etc., usual mixed condition in early issues including some regums/ unused, generally F-VF, inspection highly recommended. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $3,000-4,000

SOLD for $3,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
2777   imageJapan, "All-You-Can-Eat Sushi" Mouthwatering Mint Collection, 1901-92, On hingeless Lighthouse pages with some used early on, but entirely mint by 1923 and nearly complete from 1935 onwards with almost all stamps never hinged. Mint highlights include #148-51, 179-87, 222a, 227-29, 259a, 283a (with folder), 288a (with folder), 293a, 306a, 354-61, 378a, 385a, 388, 400a, 407-11, 421a, 422-23, 422a, 439-42, 437-38, 453a (with folder), 456, 463a (with folder), 473a, 479, 479a, 480-97, 504a (with folder), 505-08, 517, 517a, 519, 519a, 521c, 522 (sheetlet), 525-26, 545a (with folder), 551 (sheetlet), 564a (with folder), 572a (with folder), 575a, 576 (sheetlet), 580b, 594 (sheetlet), 609, 611a-11b, 636-36A, 958a, B11, C8 (hinged), C9-13, etc. More than enough to curb the heartiest of appetites, generally Fine to Very Fine, additional images online, ex Sunset Island. Shipping charges apply - weight 19 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $3,000-4,000

SOLD for $2,900.00
Will close during Public Auction
2778   imageJapan, Extensive Mint and Used Collection, 1871-1979, a very extensive, part-parallel collection, in five homemade albums plus an additional stockbook; features very powerful classics, 20th century with the expensive issues, Back-of-the-Book, etc., etc.; much good and saleable material present, with gigantic catalogue value, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 30.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Video4 for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $3,000-4,000

Will close during Public Auction
2779   imageJapan, Meiji to Modern Mint & Used Collection, 1871-2015, massive compendium in seven slipcased Specialty albums (volumes 1-6 1871-2015, volume 7 Prefectural Issues 1989-2008), with strong, generally used, duplication throughout; standard collection nicely filled (sparse to 1876, picking up with Kobans), with extra value in the hundreds of stockpages offering duplicates, multiples and more, with perforation and shade varieties noted, several perfins, etc.; among the better individual items we find used #1 (faulty) and 47, and mint #283a with folder, 288a with folder, 293a, 318a never hinged, 385a, 423, 453a, 457, 479, 517a, 519a, 564a, 575a, lottery sheets of #498, 522 (2), 551 and 576, plus numerous other miniature and souvenir sheets, booklets and booklet panes, etc.; used duplicates offer a myriad of cancels (bota, telegraph and a variety of postal, all unchecked for better); bonus material includes a nicely filled mint Ryukyus collection (no First Issue First Printings) and sound copies of Woodward's Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies and a 2018 Sakura catalogue; well worth review, as offers much mint face value and solid modern used—not often encountered; condition varies but plenty of clean, sound material for collector and dealer alike, Fine to Very Fine with better, first volume imaged in full online. Shipping charges apply - weight 79 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $2,500-3,500

SOLD for $1,600.00
Will close during Public Auction
2780   imageJapan, Mint 20th Century Retail Stock, 100s and 100s of mostly post-1930s mint sets and singles plus a smattering of S/S and later booklets sorted into glassines in a file box, includes some 1930s/50s Park sets mint, assorted 1940s Exhibition S/S mint, strongest in 1960s/80s NH sets and singles with some duplication, early issues some minor faults but generally fresh and F-VF. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.6 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $800.00
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2781   imageJapan, Mint Collection, 1875/1959, delightful collection of singles, short sets and sets in mounts on Scott Jr Int'l pages, strongest in post-1930 issues where most of the complete sets are and with a surprising number of NH, includes airmails but no S/S, highlights include 55-58, 61-62, 65, 85-90, 102-08, 109 NH, 113-14 unused (not figured in Scott value), 145, 167-70, 179-87, 190-93, 198-201, 285-93 NH, 308-11 NH, 369-70, 433-34 NH, 439-41 NH, 479 NH, 517-19 NH, 521 NH, 525-40 NH, C3-7, C9-21 NH, C25-42 NH, generally fresh and F-VF, a splendid collection and well worth a close look; Scott $7,250+. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,900.00
Will close during Public Auction
2782   imageJapan, Boy Scouts & Girl Guides Specialized Collection, 1921-2011, neatly presented in two Vostok Scouting albums stuffed to the gills, with over 100 covers or postal cards bearing Large Commemorative Datestamps for the Scouts; a couple late Taisho items and a few recent, but the vast majority of the holding falls between 1950 and 1976; note First Day Covers, items cancelled during Jamborees (some on different days), photo essays for 1970-72 stamps, numerous New Issue announcements (some with Large Commemorative Datestamp-cancelled stamp), 1962-63 New Issue announcements with Mihon singles affixed, three black-and-white photos from the 1962 Jamboree, a 1962 "Pre-Asian Jamboree Stamp Show" cover, even four Ryukyus Scout covers; some items with toning/spotting, but a wealth of fresh material for the Topical exhibitor or dealer, Fine to Very Fine with better throughout, fully imaged online, ex Fukui. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,200-1,800

SOLD for $600.00
Will close during Public Auction
2783   imageJapan, Abundant All-Mint Holding in Stockbook, 1923-79, One stockbook packed with mint in singles, blocks and full sheets, much of it in light duplication and from the looks of it, entirely never hinged. Highlights include #259a (2 complete booklets), 288a (4, three in folder), 407, 421a (2), 422 (3), 463a (in folder), 473a, 479 (3), 505-08, 517a, 519a, 522 (sheetlet), 545a, 572a (in folder), 575a, 584, 594 (sheetlet), 606 (sheetlet), 611a (complete booklet), 617 (sheetlet), B11, and others, Fine to Very Fine, viewable in its entirety online, ex Sunset Island. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image) (Image2)


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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,200-1,600

SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
2784   imageJapan, Neatly Organized Stock 1876-1963, a few 1000 used in two old time Elbe stockbooks, neatly organized by catalog number beginning with #58; potential for interesting town cancel study for someone so inclined; mild to moderate (and occasionally more) duplication noted; great opportunity to create town cancel study or make packets; includes Semi Postal and Air Post, Fine to Very Fine, ex Michael Rogers. Shipping charges apply - weight 12 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
2785   imageJapan, A Lovely High End 19th Century Mint + Offices in China Collection, 1872-1900, All mint with 9 certificates from Eichele, this is an exceptional collection of better singles& sets beginning with the 1872 issue Scott 5-6 mint ($485.), followed by 9-10, 12+14a mint ($360.), 32-33 mint ($185.), 36 mint ($175.), 40-50 mint ($2110.), 52-53 mint ($450.), 78-86 mint ($675.), Offices in China 1-18 mint ($239.), Mainly Fine to Very Fine with a few faults, A very worthwhile collection, Scott $5605. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $1,900.00
Will close during Public Auction
2786   imageJapanese Occupations, Varied and Valuable Collection, 1941-45, wonderful holding in two stockbooks and a large number of stockcards of covers, stamps, proofs, varieties, sheets and part-sheets of the different Japanese Occupation issues; much better and scarce material present (probably also some reference material present); sought-after material; a fantastic lot for the specialist, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 12.1 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $4,000-5,000

SOLD for $3,250.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2787   imageKorea, An All Mint Classic Collection, 1884-1901, An excellent all mint holding of key early sets including (All Scott numbers), 1-2, 6-9, 10-13, 18-31, condition is very nice, Fine to very Fine with few faults, Certainly rarely offered and well worth a look, Scott $1738. (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $400-600

SOLD for $500.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2788   imageLatvia, Specialized Collection, 1918-96, a beautiful, never hinged, hinged and used, collection including proofs, perforated and imperforate material, varieties, cancels, types and perforations, expensive issues, etc., all arranged in eight albums, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 42.3 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,800-2,200

Will close during Public Auction
2789   imageLatvia, Solid Stock Selection, 1920-2005, all but a handful of items mint with much never hinged, offered as singles, strips or blocks, part- or full sheets, etc., with much post-Soviet material already gathered into individual glassines as year sets, with additional sheetlets, booklets, etc., individually presented; inter-war period includes some errors (imperforate-between, double-perforated, etc.), 1938 souvenir sheets, Airmail Triangles, etc.; useful duplication throughout; a great lot for the busy dealer, Very Fine, fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $700.00
Will close during Public Auction
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2790   imageLiberia Collection, 1860/1989, mostly mint in a well-filled Scott album, mixed mint and used (often mint and used example of each) through the 1920s and generally mint (and much of the value) thereafter and including many NH, colorful topicals of the post-1960s including S/S, air mails and "back of the book", even the odd error or variety, largely F-VF, excellent foundation collection Shipping charges apply - weight 8.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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Estimate $2,500-3,500
Will close during Public Auction
2791   imageLiberia, Mammals complete, 2017 (Scott 3188-3190), ten complete sets of sheets of 50 ($430 per set), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $215,000. (Image)

Estimate $2,000-3,000
Will close during Public Auction
2792   imageLiberia, Virtually Complete Mostly Mint Collection, 1860-1968, An excellent collection in one Scott Specialty album, and except for those extremely scarce items, like the first set of registration stamps and some overprints & surcharges from the turn of the century, it appears otherwise complete, generally Fine to Very Fine, entirely viewable online. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction
2793   imageLiberia, Useful Mostly Mint Postal Stationery Array, ca. 1882-1917, over 100 items in total with light to useful duplication throughout, all but a handful mint (the used CTO); comprises entires, postal cards, message-reply cards (including one with "Shipping Master" blind embossed over indicia, the card with separations), letter cards and Registered entires (both small and large size); generally fresh, with owner's inventory included and viewable online, Fine to Very Fine or better. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

Estimate $400-600
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2794   imageLibya Collection, 1912/55, nearly all mint on Scott Jr Int'l pages with extra blank pages added in for the higher values and some duplicates, highly complete post-1930 and also includes French occupation issues for Fezzan and Ghadames, better include (mint unless otherwise noted) 11 (3), 12-15 (5L tiny thin), 16, 20-31, 30d, 31d, 62-64, 102-46, 153-67, B1-4 NH, B48-54, C8-13, C14-18, CE1-2 NH, E1-2 NH, E9-12, J1-9 mint and used, J10-11, J25-40, O1-8, etc., generally fresh and F-VF, plenty of value here. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $900.00
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2795   imageFezzan & Ghadames, Mint Partly Specialized Collection, 1943-51, a great single-album collection, mint or never hinged, including many expensive stamps from the 1943 French Occupation (including stamps signed and/or with certificate), both Airmails fresh never hinged and signed Brun; 1946 set never hinged in blocks of four plus the set in incredibly rare epreuves/proofsheets; 1949 set never hinged blocks of four, proofs and imperforates (!!); 1950 including imperforates, 1951 including imperforates and proofs, Airmails including imperforates; 1949 Ghadames set in never hinged imperforate pairs (2 high values with certificate), proofs etc., etc., fully imaged online, ex Jones. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.3 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,800-2,200

SOLD for $2,400.00
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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
2796   imageLiechtenstein, Mint Century Collection, 1912-2011, a luxe Schaubek album, in the main numbers complete, never hinged or hinged, including all good stamps such as (Michel no's): 1-3x**, 1-3y*, 45-52A*, 46-52B*, 53-60*, 63*, 65-70*, 71*, 72-74*, 78-81*, 82-89*, 90-93*, 94-107*, 108-113*, 114-115*, 116-118*, 119-121*, 122-124*, 126-139*, 140-142*, 148*, 149-150*, 304-305A*, 304-305B**, 309*, souvenir sheet 1* (Vaduz sheet), Officials 1-8*, 9-10*, 11-19*, Postage Due 13-20*, etc., fully imaged online. Shipping charges apply - weight 7.9 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $2,500-3,500

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2797   imageLiechtenstein, Pin Perfect Collection, 1912-96, Scott album with vitually complete mint collection in clear mounts with everything except #115 souvenir sheet; includes #1-3, 54-69, 74-80, 82-89, 94-107, 116-129, B1-B14, C1-C23, J1-J28, and O1-O29; tremendous catalog (and beauty), Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.8 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $2,500-3,500

SOLD for $1,400.00
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2798   imageLiechtenstein, Nearly Complete All-Mint Collection, 1912-2015, One Scott Specialty album with all stamps in black mounts and virtually complete from 1937 onwards. Highlights include #1-3, 54-69, 74-80, 82-89, 94-107, 111-13, 114, 116-30, 171, 238, 259-60, 264, 287-88, 356, B1-3, B7-10, B11-13, C1-6, C9-13, C14, C15-16, C24-33, O9-10, O11-20. With so few empty spots left, who's going to take the reins and finish this off? Scott 2017 CV nearly $9,000, Fine to Very Fine, video flips accessible online, ex-Freeman. Shipping charges apply - weight 7 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,200.00
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2799   imageLiechtenstein, "Ich steh' auf Licht" Glorious MNH Collection, 1912-86, One hingeless Lighthouse album with nearly all the goodies and complete from 1934 onwards. But what truly sets this one apart is that only one stamp (#O29) is identified by the owner as being previously hinged. MNH highlights include #1-3, 47a-49a (blocks), 74-80, 90-93, 94-107, 111-13, 114, 115 (yes, the Vaduz sheet), 116-31, 136-50, 151, 171, 238, 259-60, 247-58, 261-63, 264, 266-69, 274-76, 287-88, B1-3, B7-10, B11-13, B14, C1-6, C7-8, C9-13, C14, C15-16, O1-8, O9-10, O11-20. An absolutely stellar lineup, generally Fine to Very Fine, additional images online, ex Sunset Island. Shipping charges apply - weight 6 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,500-2,000

SOLD for $1,400.00
Will close during Public Auction
2800   imageLiechtenstein Collection, 1912/55, nearly all mint on Scott Jr Int'l pages with some extra blank pages or stock sheets for some duplicates and additional issues including high values, occasional duplication and good deal complete after 1930 including airmails and charity issues, note better as (mint unless otherwise indicated) 74-113, 114 mint and used, 130-31 NH, 171 NH, B1-13, C1-33, O1-10, O11-20 used, etc., generally fresh and F-VF. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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- Wholesale Value: 0
Estimate $1,000-1,500

SOLD for $750.00
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