248 |
"EFO" Collection, 100s of mostly mint singles and multiples neatly arranged in stock sheets, ranging from late 19th/ 21st
century issues and including the range of misperfs, over/ under inkling, color shifts, some offsets, double paper, printer's waste, print varieties, gutter snipes, ink smears, etc. along with some errors and better varieties as 948 wide horizontal
pre-printing paperfold, 1058a NH (2), 1059Ad NH (2), 1509a (4 pairs in a block of 8), 1520b (3 including one with partial line), 1625a pairs (2) and strip of four, 1687 perfs shifted up, 1735a block NH, 1804 imperf printer's waste block, 1856c NH
(7), 1891a NH (2), 2112a strip of four NH, 2280c NH (5 including one miscut), 2607c NH (2), 2609a NH (7), 2915Ah pair, miscut pair, strip of five, 4854a strip of three (2), etc., a Fine assortment of these popular issues, ex-Gatsby. Shipping charges
apply - weight 6.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)
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Estimate $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $6,500.00
Will close during Public Auction |