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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
523   imageBrazil Postal History Exhibit Collection, 1820-81, approximately 48 stampless and 12 franked covers, mostly transatlantic to Portugal with majority mounted and annotated on pages and including numerous covers waiting for the mounting and describing treatment; primarily 1851/77 period to Portugal with the cover showing departure fee marking or proper fraanking, a "P(aquete) Transatlantico" backstamp and rate marking (incoming charge) applied on arrival in Portugal, plethora of different origin and arrival cancels, transit markings, manuscript notations, etc.; includes 1820 straightline "Ro.DE JANRo" cancel, 1822 disinfected cover from Para to Lisbon, assorted 1850s covers to Portugal carried by assorted British, French and German Packets including Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., #23 pair 1868 to Lisbon via French packet, #24 margin single 1866 single franking Rio to Lisbon, #54 pair and single 1874 cover Bahia to Lisbon, #62+65 1881 Rio to Lisbon, #66 single franking Rio to Lisbon, nice strike of Santos "Fish" cancel 1841 domestic use, etc.; usual mixed condition with most covers clear and well struck cancels and markings, F-VF, ex- Washburne. Shipping charges apply - weight 4 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,000
SOLD for $1,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
524   imageBrazil Collection, 1844-1954, neatly arranged on quadrille pages in a springback binder; includes #26-27 used, 37-38 used (2 each), 53-66 used, 68-78 used, 240 used, 446-449 mint, 465-474 mint, 496-498 mint, 502A mint, 507A mint, C53 mint, etc.; also includes an 1866-1939 collection balance on Minkus pages and a stock book of 19th/20th century issues (moderate duplication) which includes some additional issues of Chile and Colombia of the same period; usual mixed with majoriity F-VF, ex- Washburne. Shipping charges apply - weight 7.4 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $750-1,000
SOLD for $425.00
Will close during Public Auction

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