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LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
1468   imageBelgium, Brussels Sprouting Collection, 1849-2013, wide-ranging and extensive collection of mostly used on pages in three volumes, many issues present both mint and used, plenty of Back-of-the-Book issues including Semi-Postals, Airmails, Dues, Officials, Parcel Post, precancels, etc.; better sets and singles galore highlighted by nice group of used imperforate and perforated "Epaulettes", #39 used, 121 mint, B42-B45 used, B46-B47 mint, B125-B131 NH, B144-B150 used (2), B178 never hinged, B521-B522 mint, B561-B566 never hinged, J16 mint, Q374-Q377 never hinged, etc.; owner's Scott value exceeds $21,000, but generally Fine to Very Fine and fresh, see a sampling online. Shipping charges apply - weight 17.8 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (PDF2 for this Lot) (PDF3 for this Lot) (PDF4 for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $4,000-6,000
SOLD for $2,800.00
Will close during Public Auction
1469   imageBelgium, Monumental Parcel Post Cancellation Collection, 1879-1935, Five binders with at least 3,400 stamps meticulously researched and arranged in mounts on quadrille paper by a one J. Paul Cali. The sheer breadth of this project left me, well, breathless! What first struck me when examining this lot was the question of how many tens of thousands of stamps were needed on hand to be able to compile or even attempt such an undertaking. Volume 1 covers the various types of cancels - colored, hexagon, circular date, octagon. Volume 2 contains cancels of P.O. stations on R.R. lines and are arranged by route number taken from period train schedules. Volume 3 is devoted entirely to Brussels and alphabetized by station, whereas volume 4 covers Anvers, Bruges, Gent and Liège. The final volume, the largest of the lot, tackles non-route stations and other town cancels, from Aelbeke to Zulte. Also included are some modern-day waybills with stamps affixed and photocopied literature, maps and timetables from various sources. A superlative collection in every respect and a once-in-a-lifetime offering, Some condition issues but mostly Fine to Very Fine, Imaged in full and available online. Shipping charges apply - weight 27.6 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Video4 for this lot) (Video5 for this lot) (Video6 for this lot) (Video7 for this lot) (Video8 for this lot) (Image)

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Estimate $2,500-4,000
SOLD for $2,500.00
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1470   imageBelgium, Specialized Cancellation Collection, 1849-1920, Fascinating study collection of over 2,000 stamps housed in two binders, the first of which covers numeral cancels up until 1864. All in black mounts and arranged numerically by cancel, a sampling of the so-called "Depot Relais" cancels are also present. Volume 2 contains 49 pages of Parcel Post cancels organized by issue from 1895-1920, and 24 pages of CDS cancels, first arranged alphabetically, then by issue from 1869-1905. And if you think this lot is impressive, be sure to check out the other lot specifically on Belgian Parcel Post and even more specialized in its approach, Some condition issues but mostly Fine to Very Fine, Imaged in full and available online. Shipping charges apply - weight 4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Image)

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Estimate $1,500-2,500
SOLD for $1,500.00
Will close during Public Auction
1471   imageBelgium, Fantastic Full Sheet Collection, 1935-66, Large and quite scarce assemblage of around 300 full sheets with many additional blocks in seven mint sheet folders. Many complete sets and better stamps as well, such as the following in full sheets… #545-52, B166-68 (MNH)(2), B625-30, B631-37, B646, B647-52, B653-59, B663-68, B669-671, B678-83, B690-95, B696-98, B699-704, B705-11, B712-17, B718-23. A number of better souvenir sheets to boot, like B178 (MNH), B199 (MNH), B208 (MNH). A sweet addition to any Belgian collection, Fine to Very Fine, One folder viewable online as reference. Shipping charges apply - weight 8.4 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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Estimate $2,000-2,500
Will close during Public Auction
1472   imageBelgian Occup. of Eupen & Malmédy, Specialist Collection, 1881-1927, about 130 better envelopes, postcards, postal receipts, and postal cards in three Kobra binders; Germania with Belgium overprints to Malmedy, German postage used in Eupen, German franking on postcard with GB Postage Due, German postal card rejected with Belgian stamps with Eupen/Malmedy overprint; several Registered Belgian overprints with complete sets on cover; Mourning cover postmarked Malmedy; philatelic mixed franking German and Belgian; commercial mail from the period; nice condition and a compelling story, Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Video2 for this lot) (Video3 for this lot) (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $2,400.00
Will close during Public Auction
1473   imageBelgium, Very Useful Almost All MNH in Stockbook, 1915-1969, A 26-page manila stockbook absolutely filled to the gills with mint singles and blocks of various sizes, and almost everything spot-checked came up NH. Plenty of better sets & singles, such as #172-84 (NH), B256-63 (NH), B513a, B520 Block of four, B521, B541-43, B544-46, B560, B662a (2), C10a Pair with plate number, C12 and more, Generally Fine to Very Fine, Video flip of contents online. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $800.00
Will close during Public Auction
1474   imageBelgium, Cover Bonanza, 1836-1962, a useful and generally clean holding of over 190 covers, postal stationery items, picture post cards, etc., the majority from Belgium proper but a handful of Belgian Congo items as well; the earliest item noted was a stampless folded letter sheet from 1836, the latest a group of First Day Covers from 1962; in between we find First Issue usages, an 1898 Postage Due cover (with stamp tied), military postmarks, German Occupations from WWI and WWII, First and Commemorative Flight Covers, a Balloon cover, Official usage, Semi-Postals, Parcel Post receipts, First Day Covers and maximum cards, and more; numerous usages/services, with domestic and international destinations; condition varies, but plenty of saleable material, Fine to Very Fine, worth review in our office or online. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.2 lbs. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $1,000-1,500
SOLD for $750.00
Will close during Public Auction

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