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Worldwide A-Z continued...

Netherlands continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9641 nh C13-C14 imageAirmail, 1951, 15g-25g Gull complete (Scott C13-C14), set of 2, o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 580-581. NVPH 12-13.
Scott $450. (Image)
Suggested Bid $270
Currently Opening at...$135.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9642 nh 275-278 image1946, 1k-5k King Haakon VII, complete set (Scott 275-278), set of 4, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $90. (Image)
Suggested Bid $23
Currently Opening at...$12.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9643 nhbl 340-342 image1955, Norway Philatelic Exhibition overprint, complete set (Scott 340-342), set of 3, blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $175. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $45
Currently Opening at...$23.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9644 nh B1-B3 image1930, North Cape Issue, complete set (Scott B1-B3), set of 3, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $210. (Image)
Suggested Bid $64
Currently Opening at...$32.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9645 Z 1 image1860, 10k blue & rose Coat of Arms (Scott 1), Fine.
Scott $300. (Image)
Suggested Bid $180
Currently Opening at...$110.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9646 og 251 image1928, 1st National Philatelic Exhibition, souvenir sheet (Scott 251), o.g., lightly hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $250. (Image)
Suggested Bid $120
Currently Opening at...$60.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9647 nh 12 image1862, King Luiz, 5r brown, type I (Scott 12), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine, with undated I.S.P.P. certificate.
Scott $225. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $170
Currently Opening at...$86.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9648 O 49 image1873, King Luiz, 240r pale violet (Scott 49); toned spots, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $1,700. (Image)
Suggested Bid $78
Currently Opening at...$39.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9649 og 586a image1940, Portuguese Legion souvenir sheet (Scott 586a), o.g., hinge remnant, Very Fine.
Scott $575. (Image)
Suggested Bid $185
Currently Opening at...$94.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9650 nh 594a image1940, Portuguese Independence souvenir sheet (Scott 594a), o.g., never hinged (gum creases), Very Fine.
Scott $450. (Image)
Suggested Bid $120
Currently Opening at...$60.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9651 og 602a image1940, Stamp Centenary souvenir sheet (Scott 602a), slightly disturbed o.g. (gum bends), Very Fine.
Scott $115. (Image)
Suggested Bid $36
Currently Opening at...$18.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9652 nh 615-631 image1943, Caravel, 5c-50e complete (Scott 615-631), set of 17, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $1,500. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $390
Currently Opening at...$195.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9653 nh 650-657 image1945, President Carmona complete (Scott 650-657), set of 8, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $325. (Image)
Suggested Bid $84
Currently Opening at...$42.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9654 nh 657a image1945, President Carmona souvenir sheet (Scott 657a), o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $500. (Image)
Suggested Bid $160
Currently Opening at...$80.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9655 nh 667a image1946, Castles souvenir sheet (Scott 667a), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $70
Currently Opening at...$35.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9656 nh 682a image1946, Traditional Regional Clothing (2nd Issue) souvenir sheet (Scott 682a), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $260. (Image)
Suggested Bid $84
Currently Opening at...$42.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9657 nh 694-701 image1949, Historical Figures complete (Scott 694-701), set of 8, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $102. (Image)
Suggested Bid $26
Currently Opening at...$13.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9658 nh 747-748 image1952, N.A.T.O. complete (Scott 747-748), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Afinsa 749-750; €350 ($380).
Scott $298. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $54
Currently Opening at...$27.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9659 nhbl 813-815 image1955, Telegraph Centenary complete (Scott 813-815), blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $213. (Image)
Suggested Bid $54
Currently Opening at...$27.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9660 og 196-206 image1906, Bucarest General Exposition with 'S.E.' overprint, complete (Scott 196-206), set of 11, see note after #206 in Scott., o.g., lightly hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 197-207.
Scott $450. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $270
Currently Opening at...$135.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
San Marino
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9661 nh 411 image1958, Panoramic View, souvenir sheet (Scott 411), o.g., never hinged (gum creases), Very Fine.
Scott $900. (Image)
Suggested Bid $235
Currently Opening at...$120.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
Saudi Arabia
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9662 nh 645-647 image1974, U.P.U. Centenary, complete (Scott 645-647), set of 3, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $165. (Image)
Suggested Bid $43
Currently Opening at...$22.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9663 nh 862-863 image1983, Coronation, souvenir sheets (Scott 862-863), set of 2, see note after #863., o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $300. (Image)
Suggested Bid $78
Currently Opening at...$39.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9664 nh CB1-CB10 imageAirmail Semi-Postal, 1934, Birthday of King Victor Emmanuel III, complete (Scott CB1-CB10), set of 10, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $375. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $280
Currently Opening at...$140.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9665 og Q38-Q41 imageParcel Post, 1926-31, Italy 10L-20L 'SOMALIA/ITALIANA' overprint, complete (Scott Q38-Q41), set of 4, o.g., lightly hinged, Fine.
Scott $200. (Image)
Suggested Bid $60
Currently Opening at...$30.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9666 nh CB18 imageAirmail, 1951, 25p+10c Franco's Visit to the Canary Islands, second printing (with control number) (Scott CB18), o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Edifil 1090.
Scott $350. (Image)
Suggested Bid $92
Currently Opening at...$46.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9667 nh 251-262 image1936 Swedish Postal Service Tercentenary, coils only (Scott 251-262), set of 12, o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 227-238 A-B. Facit 246-257.
Scott $293. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $78
Currently Opening at...$39.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9668 O LX1-LX2 image1856-62 (1sk) black-(3o) bistre brown City Postage (Scott LX1-LX2), Very Fine.
Scott $1,100. (Image)
Suggested Bid $400
Currently Opening at...$200.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
9669 O 19 image1854, Sitting Helvetia ("Strubel"), 40rp yellow green, emerald silk threads, second Munich printing (Scott 19), Very Fine.
Michel 17 I b. Zumstein 26A.
Scott $375. (Image)
Suggested Bid $100
Currently Opening at...$50.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9670 O 30 image1855, Sitting Helvetia ("Strubel"), 1fr lavender, black silk threads (Scott 30); crease & tiny bottom nargin tear, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 18 II A ys. Zumstein 27C.
Scott $1,000. (Image)
Suggested Bid $150
Currently Opening at...$76.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9671 O 31 image1856-57, Sitting Helvetia ("Strubel"), 1fr lavender, yellow silk threads (Scott 31); small thin, Fine.
Michel 18 II A yn. Zumstein 27D.
Scott $1,000. (Image)
Suggested Bid $150
Currently Opening at...$76.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9672 O 35 image1858-62, Sitting Helvetia ("Strubel"), 2rp gray, green silk threads on thick paper (Scott 35), Very Fine.
Michel 19. Zumstein 21G.
Scott $575. (Image)
Suggested Bid $200
Currently Opening at...$100.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9673 ng 48 image1862-63, Sitting Helvetia, 1fr bronze (Scott 48), regummed, Fine.
Michel 27. Zumstein 35.
Scott $1,550. (Image)
Suggested Bid $150
Currently Opening at...$76.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9674 O 67 image1881, Sitting Helvetia on granite paper, 50c deep violet (Scott 67), Fine.
Michel 43. Zumstein 51.
Scott $625. (Image)
Suggested Bid $150
Currently Opening at...$76.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9675 nh 206 image1928, Rütli re-engraved, 5fr blue (Scott 206), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Michel 227. Zumstein 178.
Scott $475. (Image)
Suggested Bid $130
Currently Opening at...$66.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9676 nh 209 image1931, Mythen, 3fr orange brown (Scott 209), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Michel 226. Zumstein 177.
Scott $200. (Image)
Suggested Bid $52
Currently Opening at...$26.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9677 nh 210-215 image1932, Disarmament Conference complete (Scott 210-215), set of 6, o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 250-255. Zumstein 185-190.
Scott $213. (Image)
Suggested Bid $64
Currently Opening at...$32.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9678 nh 219-225 image1934, Landscapes, 3c-30c complete (Scott 219-225), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $124. (Image)
Suggested Bid $48
Currently Opening at...$24.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9679 nh 293-305 image1945, PAX, 5c-10fr complete (Scott 293-305), without the 5c semi-postal, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Michel 447-459. Zumstein 262-274.
Scott $525. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $170
Currently Opening at...$86.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM
9680 nh B2-B3 image1915, Pro Juventute complete (Scott B2-B3), set of 2, o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Michel 128-129. Zumstein 2-3.
Scott $187. (Image)
Suggested Bid $52
Currently Opening at...$26.00
Closing..Mar-23, 09:00 PM

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