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Worldwide A-Z continued...

LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7641 nh/og   image1948-49, Vienna Issues, Group of 25, including imperf pairs of #20 & E1-E1C, and deluxe sheetlets of one of #20, 47 (perf & imperf) and E1-E1C. all Very Fine, o.g. (a few of the others are without gum). Also includes a few mint/used Japanese Occupation of Dutch Indies. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Suggested Bid $320
Currently Opening at...$160.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7642 nh 118a image1949, Liberation of Djakarta overprint, Airmail souvenir sheet, imperf (Scott 118a), a choice mint example, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $250. (Image)
Suggested Bid $96
Currently Opening at...$48.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7643 O 19e image1862, Victor Emmanuel II, 20c deep dark blue (Scott 19e), uncommonly fresh and well centered with a neat "Torino, 26 Ott, 69" c.d.s. cancel, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Sassone 2f; €9,000 ($9,720).
Scott $4,500.

Suggested Bid $800
Currently Opening at...$400.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7644 og 42 image1878, 2c on Official 2L lake (Scott 42), o.g., hinged; small thin, Fine.
Sassone 34.
Scott $550. (Image)
Suggested Bid $34
Currently Opening at...$17.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7645 og 48 image1879, Humbert I, 25c blue (Scott 48), o.g., hinged; UR corner perf crease, Fine to Very Fine.
Sassone 40.
Scott $800. (Image)
Suggested Bid $50
Currently Opening at...$25.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7646 og 52 image1889, 5c dark green (Scott 52), o.g., lightly hinged; corner creases UL, Very Good.
Scott $775. (Image)
Suggested Bid $21
Currently Opening at...$11.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7647 og 81 image1891, 25c ultramarine (Scott 81), o.g., small hinge remnants, Very Good.
Scott $250. (Image)
Suggested Bid $27
Currently Opening at...$14.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7648 og 85 image1901, 50c violet, King Victor Emmanuel III (Scott 85), o.g., hinged, Very Good.
Scott $850. (Image)
Suggested Bid $18
Currently Opening at...$9.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7649 og 117-118 image1910, Plebiscite of 1860 50th Anniversary, complete set (Scott 117-118), o.g., hinged; 15c short perfs, Fine.
Scott $350. (Image)
Suggested Bid $23
Currently Opening at...$12.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7650 ng 117-118 image1910, 1860 Plebiscite 50th Anniversary, complete set (Scott 117-118), unused without gum, Very Good to Fine.
Scott $350. (Image)
Suggested Bid $38
Currently Opening at...$19.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7651 nh 143-146 image1923, Propagation of the Faith, complete set (Scott 143-146), o.g., never hinged, Fine.
Scott $58. (Image)
Suggested Bid $21
Currently Opening at...$11.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7652 nh 346-348 image1935, International Aeronautical Salon, high values (Scott 346-348), set of 3, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $710. (Image)
Suggested Bid $180
Currently Opening at...$90.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7653 og 506 image1948, 100L blue black, Risorgimento Centenary (Scott 506), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $55. (Image)
Suggested Bid $6
Currently Opening at...$3.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7654 O 518 image1949, Roman Republic Centenary (Scott 518), Very Fine.
Scott $100. (Image)
Suggested Bid $11
Currently Opening at...$6.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7655 O C7 imageAirmail, 1927, 1.20L brown (Scott C7), Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $120. (Image)
Suggested Bid $29
Currently Opening at...$15.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7656 O C9 imageAirmail, 1926, 5L gray green (Scott C9), Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $105. (Image)
Suggested Bid $25
Currently Opening at...$13.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7657 O C20-C22 imageAirmail, 1930, Ferrucci Issue, complete (Scott C20-C22), set of 3, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $168. (Image)
Suggested Bid $40
Currently Opening at...$20.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7658 O C65 image1934, 10L+5L brown black Soccer (Scott C65), Very Fine.
Scott $650. (Image)
Suggested Bid $70
Currently Opening at...$35.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7659 O E17 image1932, 2.50L deep orange March on Rome (Scott E17), Fine.
Scott $160. (Image)
Suggested Bid $18
Currently Opening at...$9.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7660 nh J1a imagePostage Due, 1863, 10c yellow orange (Scott J1a), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $3,000. (Image)
Suggested Bid $2,900
Currently Opening at...$1,450.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7661 og J27 imagePostage Due, 1890-91, 30c on 2c buff & magenta (Scott J27), o.g., average centering but remarkably fresh and very lightly hinged, Fine for this.
Sassone 19; €1,200 ($1,300).
Scott $2,000. (Image)
Suggested Bid $195
Currently Opening at...$98.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7662 O O7 imageOfficials, 1875, 5L lake (Scott O7), Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $225. (Image)
Suggested Bid $54
Currently Opening at...$27.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7663 og Q2 image1884, 20c blue (Scott Q2), o.g., hinge remnants, Fine.
Scott $260. (Image)
Suggested Bid $27
Currently Opening at...$14.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7664 O 11 image1874-78, 2L vermilion (Scott 11), lightly canceled, Fine to Very Fine. Quite rare used.
Scott $1,100. (Image)
Suggested Bid $195
Currently Opening at...$98.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7665 og Q11 image1944, 10L rose lilac (Scott Q11), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $160. (Image)
Suggested Bid $18
Currently Opening at...$9.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7666 nhbl 133 image1914, Tazawa, 5s violet (Scott 133), large ("old") die, block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Very Good to Fine.
J.S.C.A. 148.
Scott $70. (Image)
Suggested Bid $19
Currently Opening at...$10.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7667 og 163-166 image1921, Postal Services Anniversary complete (Scott 163-166), o.g., hinge remnants, Extremely Fine.
J.S.C.A. C28-31.
Scott $330. (Image)
Suggested Bid $92
Currently Opening at...$46.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7668 og 435 image1949, Occupational Series, 100y Blast Furnace (Scott 435), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine.
J.S.C.A. 322.
Scott $600. (Image)
Suggested Bid $170
Currently Opening at...$86.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7669 nh 85-86 image1948, 5w-10w Olympic Games, complete (Scott 85-86), set of 2, pairs, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $540. (Image)
Suggested Bid $130
Currently Opening at...$66.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7670 nhbl 96 image1949, 15w purple Census (Scott 96), block of 4, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $290. (Image)
Suggested Bid $70
Currently Opening at...$35.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7671 og C17 image1941, 50c on 1c green First Flight overprint (Scott C17), o.g., lightly hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $3,250. (Image)
Suggested Bid $1,200
Currently Opening at...$600.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7672 og 16 image1912, 15 slate 'LIBIA' overprint (Scott 16), tropicalized o.g., Fine.
Scott $275. (Image)
Suggested Bid $36
Currently Opening at...$18.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7673 Obl 166-167 image1955, 500m-£1 Arms (Scott 166-167), blocks of 4, Very Fine.
Scott $120. (Image)
Suggested Bid $29
Currently Opening at...$15.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7674 og 2 image1912, Prince Johann II, 10h rose, chalky paper (Scott 2), o.g., lightly hinged, Very Fine.
Michel 2 x. Zumstein 2x.
Scott $85. (Image)
Suggested Bid $9
Currently Opening at...$5.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7675 og 3 image1912, Prince Johann II, 25h dark blue, chalky paper (Scott 3), o.g., hinged; tiny thin, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Michel 3 x. Zumstein 3x.
Scott $85. (Image)
Suggested Bid $2
Currently Opening at...$1.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7676 nh 238 image1949, 5th Philatelic Exhibition souvenir sheet of 3 (Scott 238), o.g., never hinged, Superb.
Michel Block 5. Zumstein 23.
Scott $110. (Image)
Suggested Bid $43
Currently Opening at...$22.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7677 nh 247-258 image1951, Agricultural Work, 5rp to 1fr complete (Scott 247-258), set of 12, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Michel 289-300. Zumstein 236-247.
Scott $110. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $34
Currently Opening at...$17.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7678 nh 264 image1952, 5fr Vaduz Castle (Scott 264), o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Michel 309. Zumstein 253.
Scott $140. (Image)
Suggested Bid $56
Currently Opening at...$28.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7679 nh 272-277 image1951, United Europe, complete set (Scott 272-277), set of 6, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $56
Currently Opening at...$28.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM
7680 nh 287-288 image1955, Prince and Princess complete (Scott 287-288), set of 2, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Michel 332-333. Zumstein 276-277.
Scott $140. (Image)
Suggested Bid $56
Currently Opening at...$28.00
Closing..Mar-09, 09:00 PM

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