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Worldwide A-Z continued...

Belgium continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8801 nh B214-B220 image1938, Koekelberg Cathedral, complete set (Scott B214-B220), o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $40. (Image)
Suggested Bid $38
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8802 O B458a image1948 Anseele souvenir sheet (Scott B458a), Very Fine.
Michel Block 20.
Scott $90. (Image)
Suggested Bid $29
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8803 og B513a image1952 Koekelberg Basilica souvenir sheet (Scott B513a), o.g., very lightly hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Michel Block 24.
Scott $425. (Image)
Suggested Bid $170
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8804 nh B515-B520 image1952 Portraits complete (Scott B515-B520), set of 6, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Michel 941-946.
Scott $115. (Image)
Suggested Bid $45
SOLD for $23.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8805 nh B561-B566 image1954 Beguinage of Bruges complete (Scott B561-B566), set of 6, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Michel 995-1000.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $70
SOLD for $35.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8806 og B561-B566 image1954 Beguinage of Bruges complete (Scott B561-B566), o.g., lightly hinged, Very Fine.
Michel 995-1000.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $30
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8807 nh B605a image1957 Antarctic Expedition souvenir sheet (Scott B605a), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Michel Block 25.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $70
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8808 og B662a image1960, World Refugee Year, souvenir sheet (Scott B662a), o.g., very lightly hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $70. (Image)
Suggested Bid $22
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8809 nh 433-450 image1960, Tiahunacu Gods & Ornaments surcharges, complete set (Scott 433-450), set of 18, o.g., never hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $120. (Image) (Image2) (Image3)

image image

Suggested Bid $48
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
Bosnia & Herzegovina
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8810 P 78-79 image1912, 50h & 60h Franz Josef, large die proofs (Scott 78-79), on yellowish wove in issued colors; die sinkage measures approximately 56x79mm on paper 90x165mm; impressions bold and clean, the paper with light corner faults of no real consequence, still Very Fine.
Michel 77 P U-78 P U; €400 ($430). (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $150
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8811 O 98 image1888, Numeral and Rio de Janeiro, 1,000r dull blue (Scott 98), Fine.
Scott $110. (Image)
Suggested Bid $14
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8812   imageBrazil, Neatly Arranged Used Stock 1850-1982, 1,500 used ranging #23//2266 neatly arranged on black stock pages in a 3 ring binder; includes #25, 115, 171d, 266, B8, C17//C107, J11//J29, O3, O4, P12//P22a, and RA1//RA9; catalog $1,000, Fine to Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.7 lbs. (Video for this lot) (Image) Suggested Bid $50
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8813 nh C47a image1942, 5.40cr on 5400r New Constitution 5th Anniversary, black surcharge (Scott C47a), wmk 249 multiple 'CORREIO BRASIL', o.g., never hinged; toned spots, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $225. (Image)
Suggested Bid $45
SOLD for $35.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8814 og C55-C59 image1944, 20c-1.20cr surcharges, complete set (Scott C55-C59), o.g., very lightly hinged, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $24. (Image)
Suggested Bid $8
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8815 nh C77a var. image1949, 3.80 cr rose lilac Nabuco, unwatermarked, imperf. (Scott C77a var.), pair, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine, signed Sanabria backstamp. (Image) Suggested Bid $45
SOLD for $23.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8816 O 10 image1881, Crowned Lion, 25s black & violet (Scott 10), very faint cancel, Very Fine.
Michel 10.
Scott $75. (Image)
Suggested Bid $24
SOLD for $12.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8817 nh 243 image1931, 50L Second Balkan Games (Scott 243), o.g., never hinged, Fine.
Michel 248.
Scott $60. (Image)
Suggested Bid $17
SOLD for $10.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8818 nh 1029 var. imageBulgaria, 1958 Brussels Worlds Fair 1L imperforate (Scott 1029 var.), about 70 including marginal pairs, strips, also about 40 perfed and couple other imperfs, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $4,150. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)
Suggested Bid $100
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8819 nh 589-600 image1983, 2fr-75fr Wildlife, set (Scott 589-600), set of 12, o.g., never hinged, Extremely Fine.
Scott $288. (Image)
Suggested Bid $62
SOLD for $46.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8820 nh 611-615 image1984, Butterflies, complete set (Scott 611-615), se-tenant pairs, o.g., never hinged (35fr slightly disturbed o.g.), Extremely Fine.
Scott $315. (Image)
Suggested Bid $70
SOLD for $35.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8821 nhbl 356 image1962, 6d on 25F Reunification (Scott 356), full pane of 25, a lovely pane with full marginal markings, sharp color and crisp overprint, o.g., never hinged; gum lightly but evenly toned, still Very Fine, stamps catalogue $175 each, with no premium for dated corner block or other markings.
Scott $4,375. (Image)
Suggested Bid $96
SOLD for $50.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8822 nh 607-608 image1975, Tree Fungus, complete set (Scott 607-608), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $210. (Image)
Suggested Bid $46
SOLD for $46.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8823 nh C111-C116 image1969, Moon Landing overprints, complete set (Scott C111-C116), horizontal se-tenant pairs with inscription gutter between, see note after #C116 in Scott vol 2A., o.g., never hinged, Very Fine to Extremely Fine.
Scott $325. (Image)
Suggested Bid $74
SOLD for $92.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
Central African Republic
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8824 nh 81-85 & imperfs image1967, Mushrooms, perf'd & imperf. complete sets (Scott 81-85 & imperfs), o.g., never hinged, Very Fine.
Scott $302. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $78
SOLD for $78.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8825 O 5 image1854, Columbus, 10c deep blue (Scott 5), watermark e, Very Good to Fine.
Scott $275. (Image)
Suggested Bid $40
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
8826 O 3 image1878, Large Dragon on thin paper, 5ca orange (Scott 3), single, Fine, clipped perfs bottom and bottom right, small tears on left side small creases.
Chan 3.
Scott $600. (Image)
Suggested Bid $360
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8827 og 10 image1885, Small Dragon, 1ca green, perf 12½ (Scott 10), single, o.g., hinge remnants, Very Fine.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $110
SOLD for $64.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8828 O 10 image1885, Small Dragon, 1ca green, perf 12½ (Scott 10), single, Very Fine.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $75
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8829 O 11 image1885, Small Dragon, 3ca lilac, perf 12½ (Scott 11), single, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $140. (Image)
Suggested Bid $85
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8830 O 12 image1885, Small Dragon, 5ca greenish yellow, perf 12½ (Scott 12), single, Fine to Very Fine.
Scott $140. (Image)
Suggested Bid $85
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8831 og 13 image1888, Small Dragon, 1ca bright green, clean-cut perf 11½-12 (Scott 13), single, o.g., hinge remnants, Fine to Very Fine.
Chan 19.
Scott $7,585. (Image)
Suggested Bid $85
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8832 og 14 image1888, Small Dragon, 3ca mauve, clean-cut perf 11½-12 (Scott 14), single, o.g., hinge remnants, Very Fine.
Chan 20.
Scott $200. (Image)
Suggested Bid $125
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8833 O 14 image1888, Small Dragon, 3ca mauve, clean-cut perf 11½-12 (Scott 14), single, Fine to Very Fine.
Chan 20.
Scott $125. (Image)
Suggested Bid $75
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8834 O 15 image1888, Small Dragon, 5ca olive yellow, clean-cut perf 11½-12 (Scott 15), single, Very Fine.
Chan 21.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $105
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8835 og 19 image1894, Empress Dowager 60th Birthday, 1st printing, 4ca rose pink (Scott 19), single, o.g., hinge remnants, Very Fine, margin copy of rightside gutter.
Chan 25.
Scott $225. (Image)
Suggested Bid $150
SOLD for $80.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8836 O 19 image1894, Empress Dowager 60th Birthday, 1st printing, 4ca rose pink (Scott 19), single, Very Fine.
Chan 25.
Scott $250. (Image)
Suggested Bid $150
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8837 og 21 image1894, Empress Dowager 60th Birthday, 1st printing, 6ca brown (Scott 21), single, o.g., lightly hinged or hinge remnant, Fine to Very Fine.
Chan 27.
Scott $175. (Image)
Suggested Bid $105
SOLD for $64.00
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8838 O 22 image1894, Empress Dowager 60th Birthday, 1st printing, 9ca dull green (Scott 22), single, Fine to Very Fine.
Chan 28.
Scott $135. (Image)
Suggested Bid $85
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8839 O 23 image1894, Empress Dowager 60th Birthday, 1st printing, 12ca brown orange (Scott 23), single, Very Fine, Shanghai seal postmark.
Chan 29.
Scott $300. (Image)
Suggested Bid $180
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM
8840 og 24 image1894, Empress Dowager 60th Birthday, 1st printing, 24ca carmine (Scott 24), o.g., hinge remnants, Very Good.
Chan 30.
Scott $900. (Image)
Suggested Bid $270
Closing..Feb-02, 09:00 PM

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Lot 8809 (3)
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