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Literature & Supplies continued...

General Works on Philately continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
7761   imageGroup Of Six United States Pre-Cancel Catalogs, included: The Precancel Stamps Society's Town and Type Catalog United States and Territories Fifth Edition, Precancel Stamp Society Catalog Of United States Bureau Precancels Third Edition (2) Precancel Stamp Society Incorporated Third Edition, The Precancel Stamp Society's Town and Type Catalog of the United States and Territories Second Edition, and one Precancel Catalog from 1989; from the years 1976, 1989 & 1990. Shipping charges apply - weight 11 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $100
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7762 L alexander chu kwang imageAlexander, Donald R., Chu Kwang Tower Issues of Taiwan, 1988, 92 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7763 L allen & silverstone imageAllen, Jon L. & Paul H. Silverstone, Stamp Collector's Guide to Europe, 1974, 309 pages, paperback; a look back at what was. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.4 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7764 L aps congress book 1993 imageAmerican Philatelic Society, 59th American Philatelic Congress Book, 1993, 185 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $9
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7765 L austria 100 years imageAustrian Post- and Telegraph Administration, 100 Jahre Osterreichische Briefmarke (2nd ed.), 1950, 100 pages + 20 plates, hardcover (slight damage to cloth). Shipping charges apply - weight 1.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $9
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7766 L bazilevich russian posts imageBazilevich, K.V., The Russian Posts in the XIX Century, 1987, 159 pages, hardcover with dustjacket. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.2 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $9
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7767 L bendig national revenue stamps imageBendig, A.W., National Revenue Stamps of China, 1957, 16 pages, photocopy in folder. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7768 L bishop roman letter postmarks imageBishop, John Gordon, The Roman Letter Postmarks of Japan, 1979, 114 pages, paperback; ISJP Monograph 7. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7769 L bleeker japanese occupation issu imageBleeker, Tom R., Japanese Occupation Issues of the Dutch East Indies (1942-1945), Cockrill Series Booklet #27; pb, 1982, 60 pp.; handbook illustrating single and combination overprints, with areas of use. (Image) (Image2)


Suggested Bid $10
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7770 L BNAPS Yearbook 1966 imageYear Book of the British North America Philatelic Society, 1966, 63 pages, soft bound. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7771 L boyle airmail operations imageBoyle, Airmail Operations During World War II, indispensable resource for the Aerophilatelist collecting the 1939-1945 period; superb maps and rate tables seek to untangle an otherwise confusing postal landscape, Very Fine. Shipping charges apply - weight 5 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $100
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7772 L cane stamps of china imageCane, Leonard B., The Stamps of China with the Treaty Ports and Formosa, 1938, 64 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7773 L chang postal cancels 4 imageChang, Paul Ke-Shing, History of Postal Cancellation of China, Part IV, 1989, 641 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.2 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $11
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7774 L china basic library of 6 titles imageChina: Basic Library of 6 Titles, comprising catalogue correlations for Scott/Ma/Chan (China 1878-1949) and Scott/Yang (PRC including Liberated Areas), Williams Postal Savings Stamps of China and National Currency Stamps of China 1945-48; The Postage Stamps of China 1878-1914, and Chu China's Postal Service; worthwhile resources. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.2 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $8
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7775 L china republic catalogue 1956 imageThe Directorate General of Posts, Republic of China Postage Stamp Catalogue of the Republic of China 1878-1957, 1956, 376 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $5
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7776 L cockrill & haalebos imageCockrill, Philip & J. Haalebos, K.P.M.: Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij (1891-1941) with the Java-China-Japan-Line to 1970, 1982, 60 pages, paperback; Cockrill Series Booklet #38. (Image) Suggested Bid $5
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7777 L cockrill series #13-20 ethiopia imageCockrill Series #13-20, Ethiopia, 8 staple-bound booklets, 312 pp. in total; comprehensive coverage of the country's stamps and postal history; four volumes cover issues of 1894-1936, plus titles on postmarks and cancels to 1936, fiscals and Fournier forgeries, stationery & airmail flights to 1934, and Italian Occupation & WWII period (1936-43); generally clean, all sound; a tough-to-find resource. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.3 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $13
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7778 L collins thailand imageCollins, Peter, Thailand: The Waterlow Proof Sheets, 1917-1960, 64pp, paperback; detailed study of the definitives, commemoratives and Revenues of the period. (Image) Suggested Bid $8
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7779 L czechoslovakia comparison survey imageSociety for Czechoslovak Philately, Comparison Survey of Catalog Numbers of Czechoslovak Postage Stamps, 1997, 37 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7780 L davey parcel post stamps imageDavey, PN, The Parcel Post Stamps of China, 1989, 15 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7781 L davey parcel post stamps of china imageDavey, PN, The Parcel Post Stamps of China, 1989, 15 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7782 L desrousseaux imageDesrousseaux, J., Postes & Courriers Français en Extreme-Orient, 1984, 192 pages, photocopy in 3-ring binder. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.4 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7783 L doane-thompson catalog imageGilman, Kenneth L. (ed.), Doane-Thompson Catalog of U.S. County and Postmaster Postmarks, 1990, 238 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.2 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $7
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7784 L egypt: collection of reference titles imageEgypt: Collection of Reference Titles, comprising Zéhéri Classification des timbres d'égypte et variétés (92 pp., library bound, 1922) and 1960 Catalogue des Timbres Poste d'Égypte (320 pp., paperback; loose), ten different issues of L'Orient Philatelique (1936//2002), Robson Lowe's Kings of Egypt and Their Stamps 1860-1960, May-June and Sept.-Oct. 1994 Collectors Club Philatelist, plus copies of The Egypt Study Circle Quarterly Circular, The Dhow, and The Arab World Philatelist, along with numerous other photocopies of articles, etc.; useful compendium. Shipping charges apply - weight 9.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $9
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7785 L fuerst catalogue of the money order imageFuerst, Robert E., Catalogue of the Money Order Stamps of China (Pagoda Design), 1977, 34 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7786 L goldsmith & goodwyn imageGoldsmith, Michael & Charles W. Goodwyn, The Crown Colony of Wei Hai Wei, 1985, 41 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7787 L grossman stamp collectors handbook imageGrossman, Samuel, Stamp Collector's Handbook, 1957, 192 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7788 L harris et al ecuador imageHarris, Leo J., Percy Bargholtz, & Rodrigo Paez T., Ecuador: Historia Postal y Catalogo de Marcas Prefilatelicas, 1984, 98 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $6
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7789 L hellrigl & hepper nepal pb imageHellrigl, Wolfgang & Colin Hepper, The Native Postmarks of Nepal, 133 pp., paperback, 1978; published by the Nepal Philatelic Study Circle, identifies and illustrates 780 different postal markings from 1879 to 1976, an indispensable reference, now out of print; plus Hellrigl's Nepal Philatelic Bibliography. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $25
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7790 L horney imageHorney, Judge William R., A Check List of Manchuria Varieties, 1942, photocopied pages in 3-ring binder. Shipping charges apply - weight 2 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $6
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7791 L john united states commemorative 2 imageJohl, Max G., The United States Commemorative Stamps of the 20th Century, Vol. 2, 1947, 381 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $6
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7792 L kricheldorf imageKricheldorf, Hellmuth (ed.), Neues Handbuch Der Briefmarken Kunde: Macau 1884-1942, 1954, 96 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7793 L kriebel imageKriebel, William Victor, Correio Aereo: A History of the Development of Air Mail Service in Brazil, 1996, 205 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.2 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $6
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7794 L lane & maguire imageLane, E.N. & P. Maguire, Catalogue of the Local Issues of the Treaty Ports of China, 1985, 40 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7795 L livingston catalog of the shanghai imageLivingston, L. F., Catalog of the Shanghai Postal System, 1971, 54 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7796 L meadows indian convention states imageMeadows, A.J.M., The Indian Convention States Postal Stationery: Postcards & Envelopes, 18 pp., oblong comb-bound, 1982; excellent study of the various types with detailed charts listing all the varieties; out of print. (Image) Suggested Bid $12
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7797 L melville guide imageMelville, Fred J., Guide to Stamp Collecting, n.d., 62 pages, card covers. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7798 L moo hong kong treaty ports imageMoo Stamp Company, Moo's Hong Kong Treaty Ports, Firm Chops, Perfins and Postage Cancels Stamps Catalogue (1841-1938), 1986, 95 pages, paperback; price list of stamps for sale; some markings to pages. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $3
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7799 L national postal museum vatican imageNational Philatelic Museum, Vatican, 1954, 216 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.4 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $5
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM
7800 L ostlie, richard. postage stamps of siam: imageOstlie, Richard, The Postage Stamps of Siam: A Descriptive Catalog, 1994, 126 pages, paperback; revision of 1979 edition by Richard Frajola. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $16
Closing..Jan-26, 09:00 PM

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