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Literature & Supplies continued...

Catalogues continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
5921 L sakura 2005 imageSakura, Catalogue of Japanese Stamps 2005, 352 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $11

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5922 L sassone 2002 imageSassone, Specializzato, Vol. 1, 2002, 518 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $14

SOLD for $8.00
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5923 L sassone 2007 imageSassone, Catalogo Specializzato dei Francobolli d'Italia e dei Paesi Italiani 2007, 527 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $14

SOLD for $8.00
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5924 L scott classic 2011 imageScott 2011 Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps & Covers, 1240 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $6
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5925 L scott classic 2013 imageScott 2013 Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps & Covers, 1264 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.8 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $19

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5926 L scott classic 2014 imageScott 2014 Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps & Covers, 1284 pages, hardcover; corners scuffed, otherwise sound. Shipping charges apply - weight 7.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $10
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5927 L scott classic 2015 imageScott 2015 Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps & Covers, 1310 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 7.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $8
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5928 L scott classic 2016 imageScott 2016 Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps & Covers, 1310 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.8 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $17

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5929 L scott errors 2005 imageDatz, Stephen R., Scott 2005 Catalogue of Errors on U.S. Postage Stamps (13th ed.), 194 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 1 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $11

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5930 L scott errors 2014 imageDatz, Stephen R., Scott 2014 Catalogue of Errors on U.S. Postage Stamps (16th ed.), 220 pages, spiral-bound in hard cover. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.4 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $17

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5931 L scott specialized 1924 imageScott's Specialized Catalogue of United States Postage Stamps (2nd edition), 1924 (!), 112 pages, card covers. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $17

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5932 L scott specialized 2010 imageScott 2010 Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps & Covers, 1042 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.6 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $19

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5933 L scott specialized 2014 imageScott 2014 Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps & Covers, 1176 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 5 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $17

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5934 L scott specialized 2016 imageScott 2016 Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps & Covers, 1226 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $6
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5935 L scott specialized 2018 imageScott 2018 Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps & Covers, 1269 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.6 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $19

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5936 L scott standard 2014 imageScott 2014 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, Volumes 1-6, set complete, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 38 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $42

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5937 L scott standard 2014 vol 5 imageScott 2014 Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue, Volume 5 (N-Sam), 1574 pages, paperback; near-new condition. Shipping charges apply - weight 6.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5938 L sellinger inverted center imageSellinger, Martin, Inverted Center Stamps of the World Catalog, 1994-1995, 56 pages, paperback. (Image) Suggested Bid $10
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5939 L tan msb 1991 imageTan, Steven, Standard Catalogue of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei Stamps & Postal Stationery, 1991, 196 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $14

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5940 L unitrade 2007 image2007 Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, 591 pages, spiral-bound. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.8 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $14

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5941 L unitrade 2010 image2010 Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, 639 pages, spiral-bound. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $16

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5942 L unitrade 2013 image2013 Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps, 671 pages, spiral-bound. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $16

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5943 L USRPO Catalog vol 2 imageU.S.R.P.O Catalog, Volume 2, loose-leaf pages. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5944 L vlastos greece 1978 imageVlastos Catalogue of Stamps of Greece 1978, 380 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.8 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $8

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5945 L yang hong kong 2009 imageYang, N.C., 2009 Yang's Postage Stamp & Postal History Catalogue of Hong Kong, 195 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $8
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5946 L yang hong kong 2015 imageYang, N.C., Yang's Postage Stamp & Postal History Catalogue of Hong Kong (24th ed.), n.d. (2015), 242 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 1 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $14

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5947 L yang prc 1972 imageYang, N.C., Yang's Postage Stamp Catalogue of The People's Republic of China, 1972, 87 pages, library bound. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $8

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5948 L yvert france 2010 imageYvert & Tellier, Catalogue de Timbres de France, 2010, 857 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $11

SOLD for $11.00
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5949 L yvert france specialized 1 1975 imageYvert & Tellier, Catalogue Specialse: Timbres De France, vol. 1, 1975, 352 pages, hardcover with dustjacket. Shipping charges apply - weight 3.4 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $17

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5950 L yvert independent africa 2006 imageYvert & Tellier, Catalogue de Timbres des Pays Independents d'Afrique (with Cambodia & Laos), 2006, 1024 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.4 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $14

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5951 L yvert monaco 2010 imageYvert & Tellier, Catalogue de Timbres de Monaco et des TOM, 2010, 928 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $11

SOLD for $9.00
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5952 L zumstein switz liech 2002 imageZumstein, Katalog Schweiz/Liechtenstein/UNO Genf, 2002, 662 pages, paperback. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.4 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $8

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
General Works (Non-Philatelic)
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
5953 L   image2000-2018 Non-Philatelic Auction Catalogs, 70+ perfect bound auction catalogs with mostly coins, sports, autographs and space memorabilia; includes American Historical Auctions, Greg Manning Auctions, Regency Superior, Bowers & Ruddy Galleries, Charles Leski Auctions, Superior Galleries, Early American History Auctions, Swann, Spink, Matthew Bennett International, Sotheby (including 3 vol Barry Halper Collection of Baseball Memorabilia box set in wrapper), David Akers Numismatics Aurora, Doyle and Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins. Shipping charges apply - weight 109 lbs. Shipping charges apply - weight 109 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $6
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5954 L Colonial Coin 1933 imageColonial Coin & Stamp Company, Illustrated Catalogue of U.S. Gold, Silver, and Copper Coins, 1933, 31 pages, soft bound. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5955 L crossman imageCrossman, Carl L., The China Trade: Exporting Paintings, Furniture, Silver, and Other Objects, 1972, 275 pages, hardcover. Shipping charges apply - weight 3 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $22

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5956 L Denis Catalogue des monnaies émises imageDenis, Ch., Catalogue des monnaies émises sur le territoire de la russie (1914-1925), paperback, 121 pp.; cover damaged with signatures separated, but all present and accounted for. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.8 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5957 Gentleman's Magazine 1785 imageThe Gentleman's Magazine, Jan. & Feb. 1785, January and February 1785 partially bound pages from this British magazine; a bookmark in the February edition points to a Letter to the Editor expressing concern that aeronauts could fall from balloons and be seriously injured; incredibly, this appears less than two years after the Montgolfier brothers demonstrated the first practical hot air balloon and Rozier made the first tethered flight. (Image) Suggested Bid $24
SOLD for $15.00
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5958 L gogolinski imageGogolinski, Egon L., Germany Propaganda and Picture Postcards of the 'Third Reich' Volume 1, 1991, unpaginated, in 3-ring binder. Shipping charges apply - weight 1.2 lbs. (Image)
- Wholesale Value: 0
Suggested Bid $11

Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5959 L GPO Mint 1923 imageGovernment Printing Office, Annual Report of the Director of the Mint for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1923, 1923, 248 pages, soft bound, a bit worn. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM
5960 L Halperin, Rohan & Prendergast imageHalperin, Rohan & Prendergast (Heritage Auctions), The Collector's Handbook, 2009, 119 pages, soft bound, covers many types of collectibles including coins. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.5 lbs. (Image) Suggested Bid $2
Closing..Sep-22, 09:00 PM

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