Postal History by State continued...
LotNo. |
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Lot Description |
5041 |
[Nevada] Franktown, possibly unique violet five bar fancy cancel with a shield town cancel with foliates, addressed to Sacramento CA; light foxing left edge, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $400 . (Image)
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5042 |
[New Hampshire] Bradford, straight line with manuscript "June 28" and "free"on folded letter sheet addressed to Ripley ME, business letter, includes a second outer letter sheet with straight line
"Bradford NH" and manuscript "Paid 6" addressed to Warner NH, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $225 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $350-500
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5043 |
[New York] NEW - YORK SHIP NOV 17, red datestamp on 1834 cover datelined Birmingham and addressed to "Montreal U.C., care of Mssrs Baring Brothers, Liverpool", mans. "Caledonia via New-York at lower
left; mans. "1/7" British postage charge and "20" US postage charge; file fold through NY handstamp, a Fine cover. Suggested Bid $100 . (Image)
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5044 |
[New York] STEAMSHIP 10, black postmark on Oct 7 1865 folded letter from Havana Cuba addressed to Bangor Maine; miscellaneous writing on face of cover, a Fine cover. Suggested Bid $55 . (Image)
SOLD for $50.00
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5045 |
[New York] NEW-YORK JUN 5, red datestamp on 1837 folded letter to Marblehead, Mass datelined Montreaux (France), mans. "28" rate at upper right., a Very Fine cover. Suggested Bid $34 . (Image)
SOLD for $20.00
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5046 |
[New York] Ausable Forks, manuscript "Ausable Forks NY/April 7" & manuscript "5" rate on a 1847 folded letter sheet, reads in part "…The latest news from our army in Mexico is rather of a
gloomy cast. General Taylor is probably very much surrounded and communications cut off but in a very safe place at Monterey and they will find hard business with him even if they have a great difference in numbers, yet if he sustains the Rio Grande
under the present circumstances he will be entitled to wear immortal laurels. Scott's managing does not look like great general ship in withdrawing all the regular troops from Taylor leaving him merely volunteers…" Excellent content,
F.-V.F., ex Beane. Suggested Bid $225 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $350-500
SOLD for $130.00
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5047 |
[New York] College Point, six covers and one postal card, 1840-1903; 1) 1840 folded letter with black town marking; 2) 1840 green town marking and manuscript "18¾"; 3) 1843 green town marking
and matching PAID on folded letter; 4) 3¢ dull red perforated; 5) 3¢ rose; 6) 1885 postal card; 7) 2¢ 1902 on 1903 corner card, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $100 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $150-200
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5048 |
[New York] Hempstead, eleven covers and one entire, circa 1844-1901; includes four stampless covers (one with manuscript town marking), one with 3¢ dull red imperforate, two with 3¢ rose, one with
3¢ green, one with 2¢ small banknote, two with 2¢ Bureau; some small cover faults, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $100 .
Suggested Bid $150-200
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5049 |
[New York] Brooklyn, manuscript "Brooklyn/July 1" 1851 town cancel with matching first day "5" rate, datelined Newtonville Brooklyn 1851, not prepaid, addressed to Ledyard CT, F.-V.F. Suggested
Bid $150 . (Image) (Image2)
Suggested Bid $250-350
SOLD for $100.00
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5050 |
[New York] Stony Brook, bold dark blue July 20 stencil postmark with matching manuscript date and "10" rate on 1843 folded letter addressed to South Oyster Bay, L. I., incredible example of this desirable and
much sought after postmark; light horizontal file fold through rate mark, an Extremely Fine cover. Suggested Bid $800 . (Image)
SOLD for $475.00
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5051 |
[New York] Westchester County, over forty covers, includes Bedford Station, Bronx (manuscript town marking), East Chester (2), Mount Vernon, Scarborough (2), West Chester (3), White
Plains (2), Yonkers (31); one each East Chester and Westchester with stampless with manuscript town markings; some small cover faults, but a number of the Yonkers covers torn during opening, Fine. Suggested Bid $140
. (Image) (Image2)
Suggested Bid $200-300
SOLD for $120.00
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5052 |
[New York] Whitestone, ten covers and one entire, circa 1863 - 1887; includes one with 3¢ rose, one with 1¢ banknote, five with 3¢ green, two with 2¢ red brown and 1886 registered cover with two
official seals on the reverse; some cover faults, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $100 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $150-200
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5053 |
[Pennsylvania] PAID, large red handstamp inside of large box on 1850 folded letter addressed to Treas. Schl. Valley RR, Philadelphia, Paid marking has been attributed to Adams by owner; light file fold through marking
and trivial toning, a Fine cover. Suggested Bid $100 . (Image)
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5054 |
[Pennsylvania] Harrisburgh, straight line postmark with manuscript "May 25th" date and "On public service" with "12½" rate on printed circular addressed to Wilkes Barre; some splitting
along folds, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $140 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $200-300
SOLD for $80.00
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5055 |
[Pennsylvania] Sullivan, 1870, 3¢ green (147), tied by target cancel on small cover with straightline "SULLIVAN PA May 28 1873"; stamp with natural straight edge at right, cover with trivial edge
toning, a Very Fine usage. Suggested Bid $60 . (Image)
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5056 |
[Rhode Island] Providence, red straight line "Steam Boat" with manuscript "75" 1832 rate, addressed to Providence RI, date lined Amsterdam; small tear top center, otherwise F.-V.F. Suggested Bid
$100 . (Image) (Image2)
Suggested Bid $150-200
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5057 |
[Rhode Island] Newport, large oval handstamp, 53 x 44 mm, in black and manuscript "6" rate on 1822 folded letter addressed to Bristol RI; light file fold through postmark, otherwise Very Fine. Suggested
Bid $275 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $400-600
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5058 |
[Texas] Cameron, nice strike of dark red brown rimless datestamp with manuscript date and matching "10" on Jan 20 1850 folded letter addressed to Philadelphia Pa, Fresh and Extremely Fine, used as the tracing in
the American Stampless Cover Catalogue, an Extremely Fine cover. Suggested Bid $150 . (Image)
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5059 |
[Utah Territory] Argenta, manuscript town cancel "Argenta Utah (S R 6) /April 3d/1890", on a U311, addressed to The World New York City, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $140 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $200-300
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |
5060 |
[Vermont] Turned stampless cover, manuscript "Waterbury VT" with matching "Free" addressed to Boston MA, turned and sent to P.M. Waterbury VT, F.-V.F. Suggested Bid $100 . (Image)
Suggested Bid $150-200
Closing..Apr-08, 09:00 PM |