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Airmail Postal History continued...

Graf Zeppelin Flights continued...
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
281 cover 64 X image1930 (May 15), South America Flight (Sieger 64 X), cover with eleven Panama Airmail stamps, all tied by "Panama May 15, 1930" duplexes; endorsed via Havana and Friedrichshafen; Havana, Cuba (5.18) backstamp, Very Fine and rare. (Image)

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Estimate $800-1,200
Will close during Public Auction
282 cover 64 X image1930 (May 15), South America Flight (Sieger 64 X), cover with 25c deep blue Panama Airmail (#C9) top margin block of 8 with plate number F-8957, all tied by "Panama May 15, 1930" duplexes; endorsed via Havana and Friedrichshafen, with Havana, Cuba (5.18) backstamp, Very Fine and rare 1930 South American Zeppelin Flight cover from Panama, Very Fine and rare. (Image)

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Estimate $800-1,200
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283 cover 64 X image1930 (May 5), South American Flight (Sieger 64 X), large flight cover bearing 15¢ Airmail (#C1; 10: two blocks of four plus vertical pair) and horizontal pair of 25¢ Airmail (#C3), all tied by target cancels and "Cristobal C.Z., May 15, 1930" c.d.s. duplex; red Zeppelin "Mit Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin Befordert" oval cachet; reverse with Havana (6.16) and Seville (6.4) transits and Friedrichshaven (6.6) receiver, Very Fine and choice. (Image)

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Estimate $1,000-1,300
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284 cover 88 C image1930 Baltic Sea Flight, Postcard signed by Max Pruss (Sieger 88 C), self addressed in pencil to Friedrichshafen with Germany 1m Eagle (Scott No. C32) tied by "Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin 24.9.1930" circular datestamp, with green Zeppelin flown handstamp cachet and Helsinki same day cancel, on postcard with sepia image of Count von Zeppelin with facsimile signature in sepia
1930 Baltic Sea Flight, postcard signed by Max Pruss, Extremely Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $110-160
SOLD for $60.00
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285 cover 100 Ac var. image1930 (Nov 16), Chemnitz Flight, Friedrichshafen - Chemnitz (Sieger 100 Ac var.), orange card franked with a 1m Eagle (C31) tied by a Nov 2 onboard cancel, that being the originally scheduled date of this flight, which, due to poor weather, had to be pushed back by two weeks; with additional frankings of Liechtenstein (canceled Vaduz, Oct 16), Austria (Bregen, Oct 30), and Switzerland (Romanshorn, Oct 31; each possibly handback cancels), the dates indicating they were also intended for the original Nov 2 flight; red flight cachet and Nov 16 Chemnitz receiver on the front, Very Fine and rare. Sieger only lists this flight with a Nov 2 Friedrichshafen c.d.s., not the onboard datestamp. And it's likely that the addition of the three other countries' stamp is unique.
Michel 154 d.
Michel €1,000+ ($1,080). (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $300-400
SOLD for $160.00
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286 cover 207 Ab image1933, Italy Flight (Sieger 207 Ab), On-Board strike on unusual Air Mail envelope to Rome, backstamp with pictorial cancel on reverse, Fine to Very Fine.
Sieger €175 ($190). (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $100-130
SOLD for $70.00
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Hindenburg Flights
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
287 cover 0276 image1934 (27 Sep), Short Swiss Flight (Sieger 0276, Michel 405), 6pf Hindenburg postal card featuring the Zeppelin over the Bodensee, uprated with an additional 45pf postage, with two onboard cancels; prepared by and addressed to Sieger, Very Fine. Very scarce; only about 300 pieces of mail were carried.
Sieger O276; €300 ($320).
Michel €420 ($450). (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $120-160
SOLD for $80.00
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288 406 image1936 (May 14) 1st North America Flight, US Post Office Department Form 5-11654 Return Receipt form; it confirms that a parcel was sent from Bell Harbor Long Island and received by family in Budapest Hungary; New York Registry markings and the Hindenburg flight cancel confirms the transmission; wonderful postal history from the 1st North American return flight, Fine to Very Fine.
Sieger 406. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $80-110
SOLD for $40.00
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289 cover 406 A image1936 (May 6) 1st North American Flight (Sieger 406A), lovely commercial mail addressed to Sao Paulo Brazil; bold backstamp; Si €250, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $60-80
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290 cover 406 A image1936 (May 6) 1st North American Flight (Sieger 406A), postcard sent from Berlin and addressed to MA; Missent auxiliary marking difficult to decipher, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $80-110
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291 cover 406 C image1936 (May 6) 1st North American Flight (Sieger 406C), homemade Airmail postcard mailed from the Foreign Office in Frankfurt to an addressee in MA; using a US 3¢ stamp the card was forwarded to a new address in Wiesbaden Germany; curious, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $60-80
SOLD for $50.00
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292 cover 406 C/D image1936 (May 6) 1st North American Flight (Sieger 406C/D), commercial mail sent on first Hindenburg crossing of the year; has both the "c" and "d" flight cachets; unusual, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $60-80
SOLD for $30.00
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293 cover 406 C/D image1936 (May 6) 1st North American Flight (Sieger 406C/D), four envelopes and a picture postcard from the First North American Flight all underpaid; auxiliary markings relay the shortpay as no Postage Due stamps were used; three are commercial covers, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4) (Image5)

image image image image

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Estimate $110-160
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294 cover 406 D image1936 (May 5), First North America Flight, from Austria to Panama (Sieger 406 D), Registered postcard addressed to Remedios, Panama, franked by Austria 5g, 25g and 80g (pair and single) Aviators (#C13, C19, C22) tied by three Vienna commemorative cancel strikes, with Vienna Registry label at lower left and Vienna 5.6 bridge and May 23 Remedios receiver on front alongside red flight cachet; reverse with two New York Registry transits (5.9) and boxed violet "Agencia Postal/Tranito/JUN 27 1936/R/Panama" return postmark, Very Fine and colorful. Only Panama destination reported on this flight. (Image)

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Estimate $250-325
SOLD for $120.00
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295 cover 406 D image1936 (May 6) 1st North American Flight (Sieger 406D), envelope that entered the mail stream at the railway station at Frankfurt was sent to New York and then across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii; returned as unclaimed, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $80-110
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296 cover 406 Sweden image1936 (May 6) 1st North America Flight (Sieger 406), Registered cover from Stockholm with scarce Zeppelin etiquette label addressed to New York; no flight cachet but correctly records arrival in America with New York Registry postmark on the reverse, Fine to Very Fine. (Image)

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Estimate $110-160
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297 cover 409 K image1936 (May 6), First North America Flight (Sieger 409 K), postcard with rubber-stamped Switzerland address, franked with 15¢ Airmail (#C10), 3¢ Goethals (#117), 2¢ Goethals (#106) and 1¢ Gorgas (#105); all tied by Cristobal rollers; violet flight cachet on front, Frankfurt (5.14) transit backstamp, Fine to Very Fine. Unique reported copy with only Canal Zone franking. (Image)

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Estimate $800-1,200
SOLD for $550.00
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298 cover 428 image1936 (Aug 5) 6th North American Flight (Sieger 428), intriging commercial overweight envelope from Berlin to MA (Postage Due 2¢) from the Military Attache in the US Embassy to a military officer in the United States; US postage on reverse confirms shortfall paid, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $80-110
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299 cover 438 A image1936 8th North America Flight, USA franking (Sieger 438 A), 10¢ Monroe Perf 11x10 (Scott No. 642) vertical block of six with "Wilton N.Y. Aug. 19, 1936" duplex cancel on small registered cover to Frankfurt Germany, black registry and violet "Air Mail" and "retour" handstamps, red label "Mail via Airship Hindenburg" at top left, returned to sender with 13 backstamps including "Flug- und Luffschiffhafen Rhein-Main" double circle datestamp, three different Frankfurt receiving, German purple two-line cancel New York registry ovals (4 strikes/3 different dates) two strikes of the Wilton NY cancel and two strikes of East Rutherford receiving, Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $110-160
SOLD for $60.00
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300 cover 441 image1936 (Oct. 5) 10th North American Flight (Sieger 441), other mail (Si 441B) carried on 10th crossing having missed the sail date for the 9th; interesting auxiliary marking on reverse, Fine to Very Fine. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $110-160
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301 cover 450 image1937 1st South America Flight (Sieger 450), two cards with German stamps tied by two strikes of "Deutsche Luftpost Europa-Sudamerika Luftschiff Hindenburg 24.3.1937" Type VIII double circle datestamp, one cover with five different stamps and printed cachet at top left, other with six different stamps to Rio de Janeiro and backstamped "Correio Aero Districto Federal 20 Mar. 1937" double circle datestamp and privately applied Sieger red handstamp, Extremely Fine. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image image

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Estimate $110-160
SOLD for $60.00
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Zeppelin Collateral Material
LotNo. Symbol CatNo. Lot Description
302 clock imageJoyful Land Wall Clock, Encased in a burl wood-like case, the Joyful Land plays 18 superior quality melodies with 6 of them being Hymns; clock is equipped with a light sensor that prevents it from playing at night or in a dark room and is battery quartz operated; moving airship and balloon will lighten any room; appears new. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.8 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $130-200
SOLD for $70.00
Will close during Public Auction
303 desk items pen imageGermany, Zeppelin Silver Ballpoint Pen, wonderfully weighty silver ballpoint pen with the Zeppelin organization emblem on the top and the word "ZEPPELIN" wrapped around the midsection; currently has a fine tip blue ink that glides beautifully. (Image)

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Estimate $60-80
SOLD for $30.00
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304 dinnerware cocktail shaker henckels imageJ A Henckels "Zeppelin" Cocktail Shaker, 1928 Art Deco shaker (12¼ inches tall) shaped like a Zeppelin; includes a cocktail shaker, flask and stopper, strainer, corkscrew, funnel, four shot cups and four spoons produced by J.A. Henckels in Solingen: silver-plated brass, each piece impressed MADE IN GERMANY. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

image image image

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Estimate $1,300-2,000
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305 dinnerware cocktail shaker 1990s imageModern "Zeppelin" Cocktail Shaker, made of a combination of stainless steel and silver plate, giving it a sleek silver finish that adds to its elegance the set includes three pieces, with a strainer for easy pouring; this original Restoration Hardware model, called the Zephyr, was manufactured in the 1990s. Shipping charges apply - weight 2.6 lbs. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $110-160
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306 eckener 1947 return receipt image1947 (May 9), Return Receipt from Dr. Hugo Eckener to Otto Seibel, addressed to Seibel in St. Louis, for Registered Article #121668, with Akron, Ohio delivery postmark; "Return Receipt" side signed by Eckener with handstamped "GOODYEAR AIRCRAFT" and "May 9 - 1947" date of delivery (penciled Agent's name unclear); a remarkable item from the Zeppelin Commander to the noted collector; minor corner damage of no consequence. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $80-110
SOLD for $60.00
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307 ephemera imageUnited States Magazine Covers, Scientific American matted cover showing German military parsevals passing the Cologne cathedral, color matted cover from Scientific American showing airplane attacking a Zeppelin, matted Aviation magazine cover of airship Italia commanded by Gen Umberto Nobile, reproduction of a 1935 Air-Ship Day poster as part of Michigan football, and 1883 woodcut of Tissandier aerostat; attractive. Shipping charges apply - weight 5 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $80-110
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308 ephemera prints imageGroup of 23 Zeppelin-related Prints, oversized (16" x 11") lithographic prints of mostly photographs in a soft enclosure; also a print that shows a pair of British B E 2 military aircraft about to attact a U-type Zeppelin in 1917, housed in a 13" x 11" frame; extraordinary images. Shipping charges apply - weight 4.6 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $110-160
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309 Great Britain 1917 imageGreat Britain, 1917, Military Pass "C" for two Airship sheds, a bearer pass, about 2¾" x 4", admitting one Lt. Cmdr. J.M. Fraser, R.N.V.R., to the Vickers Ltd. Airship Sheds at Cavendish Dock and on Walney Island; issued and signed by Fraser on Apr 17, 1917, Very Fine and rare. (Image)

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Estimate $80-120
Will close during Public Auction
310 harmonicas imageGermany, Start Your Own Band, pair of antique harmonicas for the musically inclined; Graf Zeppelin harmonica (like most, missing the little propeller) created by C A Seydel in Sohne Germany; the second, barely 1.5" in length, has the name and image of the Shenandoah and still plays! (Image)

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Estimate $80-110
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311 literature imageBox Filled with Zeppelin Ephemera, few hundred items related to airships; period magazines and advertising, numerous photographs of Zeppelins as well as American and British airships in flight, newspaper clippings, a stunning color transparency of a stained glass window, engraved images matted, and much more; who knows what's in store? Shipping charges apply - weight 32 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $110-160
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312 literature imageHistory and Breadth of Aviation, 32 general aviation books with several coffee table sized; excellent selection including Taking Flight (Richard Hallion), Polar Aviation (C V Glines), The Eagle Aloft (Tom Crouch), and Man With Wings (Ed Jablonski); Janes World Aircraft 1919 and Janes Airships 1909-1910 are very useful; upgrade your bookshelf today. Shipping charges apply - weight 80 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $110-160
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313 literature imageZeppelins and Airships for Youth, 50 books for the school aged reader; When Monsters Roamed the Sky, Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, Through the Air to the North Pole, and Tailspin Tommy are typical titles; some are from collections including the Every Boy Mystery Series, and the Airship Boys (Due North, Adrift, and Ocean Flyer); majority are hardcover chapter books; includes the card game Around the World with the Graf Zeppelin. Shipping charges apply - weight 55 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $160-225
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314 literature imageBetter Airship-Related Titles, two 1st Ed copies of The Aerial Age by Walter Wellman (1911), Aerial Navigation of Today by Charles Turner (1910), My Airships by A Santos-Dumont (1904) as well as a 1973 paperback reprint, Dirigible Balloons (soft cover in French) by Gaston Tissandier (1885), The Aeromobiles (soft cover in French) by Robert Goldschmidt (1911), two copies of Story of the Airship by Hugh Allen (1931), two copies with one autographed What About the Airship by C E Rosendahl (1938), My Airship Flights 1915-1930 by George Meager (1970), ZRS-4 Ring Laying by Goodyear-Zeppelin (1929), Graf Zeppelin autographed by Gordon Vaeth (1958), Zeppelin and the United States of America by Hans Knausel (1981), The British Rigid Airship 1908-1931 by Robin Higham (1975), 1st Ed The House of Goodyear by Hugh Allen (1936), and The Rigid Airship by E H Lewitt (1925); also includes 10 editions of The National Geographic Magazine between 1918 and 1930, and a dozen British technical reports (in excellent condition). Shipping charges apply - weight 34.4 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $325-450
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315 literature dollfus imageDollfus & Bouche. History of Aviation, masterpiece with tipped illustrations and engraved drawings written in French; written at a time when aviation was exploding, in 30 short years the Wrights had conquered the air, Europeans began having Air Meets, airships were created, aviation played a role in the Great War, pilots flew around the world, Byrd attained the North and South Poles, Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic, and the Graf Zeppelin and DO-X took to the skies; check online for stunning images from this ultimate coffee table book; scuff marks, and slight tape repair. Shipping charges apply - weight 11.4 lbs. (PDF for this Lot) (Image)

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Estimate $110-160
Will close during Public Auction
316 literature fischer imageFischer, Ludwig. Count Zeppelin: His Life-His Work, sumptuous coffee table sized love letter to Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin; The boards are black with gold lettering and a 4" disc with the image of the Count; subtitled as a Memorial to the German People this lovely volume traces the origin of the hot air balloon, the Count's early work, and finishes with Dr Hugo Eckener and the Graf Zeppelin tracing the globe; well illustrated including several in full color; a marvelous book if you read German. Shipping charges apply - weight 5.6 lbs. (Image) (Image2) (Image3) (Image4)

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Estimate $110-160
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317 oil bottle imageUnited States, Tydol Zeppelin Sample Oil Bottle, early cork stopped miniature glass oil filled advertising sample bottle from the Tidol (Tide Water Oil Co.), as found in its original advertising container (side states that the Co.'s Veedol brand oil inside the sample bottle is the exact oil that was used and drained from the tanks of the Graf Zeppelin airship on October 15, 1928; cardboard canister is toned. (Image)

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Estimate $110-160
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318 ornament imageModern "Zeppelin" Christmas Ornament, two piece Christmas ornament made of a combination of stainless steel and silver plate, by Restoration Hardware and manufactured in India in the 1990s. Shipping charges apply - weight 0.6 lbs. (Image) (Image2)


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Estimate $60-80
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319 ornaments imageZeppelin Christmas Ornaments, eight miniature airship holiday ornaments made from ceramic or metal to decorate the Christmas tree with an aviation theme; upgrade your tree to the best in town. Shipping charges apply - weight 2 lbs. (Image)

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Estimate $80-110
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320 photo imageZeppelin Company, New ZR-3 First Trial Flight at the Zeppelin Plant, 5½" x 9" vintage sepia photographic print in neutral mat ready to be framed; an unusual image of the future USS Los Angeles while aloft in Friedrichshafen, Germany; photograph marked Clements #4E; impressive; slight corner crease. (Image)

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Estimate $80-120
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