Bechuanaland continued...
Lot |
Symbol |
Catalog No. |
Descrip |
Opening |
2851 |
(8) |
1885-87 on Cape 1s green, with FORGED OVERPRINT, good 'used'. Cat. £190 as genuine. {F} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £14.40)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland (8)] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 18
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2852 |
3 |
1885-87 Stamp of Cape of Good Hope ovpt 'British Bechuanaland' - 4d Dull Blue Wmk Crown CC f.u. with small heavy h/r. (o/c E) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £38.40) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 3] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 48 SG c.v £90
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2853 |
8 |
1885-87 Stamp of Cape of Good Hope ovpt 'British Bechuanaland', Wmk Anchor - 1s Green, f.u with small h/r. (o/c SE) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £86.40) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 8] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 108 SG c.v £200
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2854 |
8 |
1886 QV: 1s green, wmk Anchor, perf 14. Good used with paper undulation around central area. {U} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £32.80) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 8] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 41 SG c.v £200
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2855 |
10 |
1888 QV: 1d lilac and black, wmk Orb, perf 14. Mint, large part o.g. {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £5.60)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 10] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 7 SG c.v £29
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2856 |
10 |
1888 QV: 1d lilac and black, wmk Orb, perf 14. Very lightly MM with faint hinge trace. {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £8.80)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 10] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 11 SG c.v £29
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2857 |
10 |
1888 QV 1d Lilac & Black, mint med heavy h/r. (Small pencil annotation on back) {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £8.00)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 10] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 10 SG c.v £29
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2858 |
10-18 |
1888 QV Revenue types of GB 1d, 2d, 3d & 1/- very fine & fresh superb colours l.m.m. 4d part gum tone marks on back. 6d creased. 2/- faults, 2/6d m.m. h/r. 5/- l.m.m with corner crease & faint tone marks. (9). {MH} [US1]
(Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £142.40) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 10-18] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 178 SG c.v £600
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2859 |
11a |
1888 QV 2d Pale Dull Lilac & Black, f.u. with small h/r. {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £17.60) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 11a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 22 SG c.v £42
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2860 |
16 |
1888 QV: 2s green and black, wmk Script 'VR', perf 14. Lightly MM with hinge trace and proofers mark on reverse. {MH} [US3] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £24.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 16] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 30 SG c.v £70
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2861 |
18 |
1888 QV GB Revenue type 5/- green & black good colour, fine m.m. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £60.80) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 18] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 76 SG c.v £140
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2862 |
23 |
1888 QV GB Revenue type 2d lilac & black surch 3d in red fine & fresh looking l.m.m. (could be u.m.) with light horiz only visible from the back. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 23] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 27 SG c.v £65
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2863 |
45 |
1888 QV issue overprinted 'protectorate' and surcharged - 6d on 6d Lilac & Black, f.u. with small h/r. (o/c W) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 45] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 27 SG c.v £55
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2864 |
45 |
1888 6d on 6d, light gum creases, h/r, fresh o.g. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £27.20)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 45] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 34 SG c.v £130
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2865 |
46s |
1888 QV GB Revenue type 1/- green & black ovpt Protectorate & further ovpt Specimen diagonally. Unused no gum with green faded. {S} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £28.80) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 46s] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 36 SG c.v £130
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2866 |
1888-1904 Small collection of 14 f.u. with small h/r issues - SG9, SG12-15, SG22-23, SG26, SG38-39,SG53, SG66 and SG68-69. (14) {CC} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £40.80)
Estimate £ 51 SG c.v £96
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2867 |
1888-91 QV issues - SG9 - ½d Vermilion superb u.m. and f.u. with small h/r, SG10 - 1d Lilac & Black f.u. paper residue on back, SG33 - 1d Lilac hand cancellation f.u. and SG34 - 2d Grey-Green & Carmine horiz pair good used. (5) {MX} [US2] (Start
Price / Minimum Bid) = £12.00)
Estimate £ 15 SG c.v £32
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2868 |
53 |
1889 QV GB ½d vermilion ovpt 4d fine & fresh looking m.m. with h/r. {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 53] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 27 SG c.v £50
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2869 |
53 |
1889 4d on ½d vermilion with some broken letters fine m.m. {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £32.00) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 53] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 40 SG c.v £50
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2870 |
54a |
1890 QV Stamp of GB ovpt 'Protectorate' 15mm long (Inverted) - ½d Vermilion super u.m. (NW corner perf toned on back) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £35.20) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 54a] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 44 SG c.v £85
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2871 |
31-32 |
1891 Stamps of Cape of Good Hope ovpt ' British Bechuanaland' reading upwards - 1d Carmine-Red and 2d Bistre, f.u. with small h/r. (2) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £11.20) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 31-32] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 14 SG c.v £28
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2872 |
33-37 |
1891-1904 QV Stamps of GB ovpt 'British Bechuanaland' set of 5 vals 1d to 1s, f.u. with small h/r. (5) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £17.60)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 33-37] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 22 SG c.v £42
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2873 |
56 & 58 |
1897 Stamps of Cape of Good Hope ovpt 'British Bechuanaland' lines of ovpt have different settings - SG56 - ½d Yellow-Green (13mm apart x 16mm long) and SG58 - ½d Yellow-Green (10½mm apart x 15mm long), f.u. with small h/r.
(2) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £40.80) (Image)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 56 & 58] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 51 SG c.v £96
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2874 |
59-65 |
1897 GB QV Jubilee ovpt set 4d with slight faults 6d h/r otherwise very fine & fresh looking. (7). {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £28.80)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 59-65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 36 SG c.v £75
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2875 |
59-65 |
1897-1902 QV Stamps of GB ovpt 'Bechuanaland Protectorate', vals ½d to 6d (Missing SG64 - 4d), f.u. with small h/r. (SG61 - 1d has 1 p/p at bottom) (6) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £20.00)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 59-65] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 25 SG c.v £48
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2876 |
70 |
1904-13 1s deep green and scarlet fresh mint {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £24.00)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 70] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 30 SG c.v £55
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2877 |
73-82 |
1913 GB wmk Simple Cypher ovpt set incls 2 shades of 1d, 2d Type I (Excls 2d Type II SG77). M.m. with some h/r. (10). {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £21.60)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 73-82] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 27 SG c.v £65
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2878 |
73-82 |
1913-20 KGV: definitive set of 9v, ½d to 1s, wmk Simple Cypher, MM. {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £20.00)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 73-82] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 25 SG c.v £65
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2879 |
1913-24 KGV Definitive issues of GB ovpt 'Bechuanaland Protectorate' Wmk Block Cypher, Vals SG91-94 - ½d to 3d, SG98 - 1s and SG72 - 1d Scarlet Wmk Crown f.u. (6) {U} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £25.60)
Estimate £ 32 SG c.v £61
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |
2880 |
86 |
1913-24 DLR 2s6d sepia, well centred, blunt NW corner perf, o/wise fine l.m.m. {MH} (Start Price / Minimum Bid) = £48.00)
Get Market Data for [British Bechuanaland 86] Visual Pricing Guide Sample Census |
Estimate £ 60 SG c.v £140
Closing..Apr-01, 12:00 PM EST. |